Building a Moon Base: Part 3 – Structural Design


Building the first Moon base will be the biggest challenge mankind has ever embarked on. We can already speculate about the hazards, natural and manmade, associated with a human presence on the lunar surface. In response, we already have some habitat structures in mind – ranging from inflatable structures to underground burrows inside ancient lava vents. Now it is about time we seriously start designing our first habitat structure, protecting us from micrometeorites, sustaining terrestrial pressures and using locally mined materials where we can…

In Part 1 of this “Building a Moon Base” series, we looked at some of the more obvious hazards associated with building a base on another planet. In Part 2, we explored some of the current design concepts for the first manned habitat on the Moon. The designs ranged from inflatable structures, habitats that could be constructed in Earth orbit and floated to the lunar surface, to bases hollowed out of ancient lava tubes under the surface. All concepts have their advantages, but the primary function must be to maintain air pressure and reduce the risk of catastrophic damage should the worst happen. This third installment of the series deals with the basic design of a possible lunar base which optimizes space, makes maximum use of locally mined materials and provides protection from the constant threat of micrometeorites…

“Building a Moon Base” is based on research by Haym Benaroya and Leonhard Bernold (“Engineering of lunar bases“)

The key factors influencing structural designs of habitats on the Moon are:

  • One-sixth terrestrial gravity.
  • High internal air pressure (to maintain human-breathable atmosphere).
  • Radiation shielding (from the Sun and other cosmic rays).
  • Micrometeorite shielding.
  • Hard vacuum effects on building materials (i.e. out gassing).
  • Lunar dust contamination.
  • Severe temperature gradients.

In addition to addressing these issues, the lunar structures must be easy to maintain, inexpensive, easy to construct and compatible with other lunar habitats/modules/vehicles. To achieve inexpensive construction, as much local material must be used as possible. The raw material for inexpensive construction could be the plentiful quantities of regolith readily accessible on the lunar surface.

As it turns out, lunar regolith has many useful properties for construction on the Moon. To complement lunar concrete (as introduced earlier in Part 2), basic building structures may be formed from cast regolith. Cast regolith would be very similar to terrestrial cast basalt. Created by melting regolith in a mold and allowing it to cool slowly would allow a crystalline structure to form, resulting in highly compressive and moderately tensile building components. The high vacuum on the Moon would greatly improve the manufacturing process of the material. We also have experience here on Earth in how to create cast basalt, so this isn’t a new and untested method. Basic habitat shapes could be manufactured with little preparation of the raw materials. Elements like beams, columns, slabs, shells, arch segments, blocks and cylinders could be fabricated, each element having ten times the compressive and tensile strength of concrete.

There are many advantages to using cast regolith. Primarily, it is very tough and resistant to erosion by lunar dust. It could be the ideal material to pave lunar rocket launch sites and construct debris shields surrounding landing pads. It could also make ideal shielding against micrometeorites and radiation.

OK, now we have basic building supplies, from local material, requiring minimum preparation. It is not too hard to imagine that the process of fabrication cast regolith could be automated. Prior to a human even setting foot on the Moon, a basic, pressurized habitat shell could be created, waiting for occupation.
The Gemini orbiter. Cosy (credit: NASA)
But how big should the habitat be? This is a very tough question to answer, but the upshot is that if any lunar habitat will be occupied for long periods, it will have to be comfortable. In fact, there are NASA guidelines stating that, for missions of longer than four months, the minimum volume required by each individual should be at least 20m3 (from NASA Man Systems Integration
Standards, NASA STD3000, in case you were wondering). Compare the needs of long-term habitation on the Moon with the short-term Gemini missions in the mid-1960’s (pictured). The habitable volume per crewmember in Gemini was a cosy 0.57m3… fortunately these early forays into space were short. Despite NASA regulations, the recommended volume per crewmember is 120m3, approximately the same as the living space on the International Space Station. A similar space will be required inside future habitats on the Moon for crew wellbeing and mission success.

The basic, but optimal shape for a lunar habitat module linked with other modules (image courtesy of Florian Ruess)

From these guidelines, habitat designers can work on how best to create this living volume. Obviously, floor space, habitat height and functionality will need to be optimized, plus space for equipment, life support and storage will need to be factored in. In a basic habitat design by F. Ruess, J. Schänzlin and H. Benaroya from a publication entitled “Structural design of a lunar habitat” (Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2006), a semi-circular, “hangar” shape is considered (pictured).

The shape of a load-bearing arch is a close ally for structural engineers, and arches are expected to be a major component for habitat design as structural stresses can be evenly distributed. Of course, architectural decisions such as the stability of the underlying material and slope angle would have to be made whilst building the habitat foundations, but this design is expected to address many of the issues associated with lunar construction.
Three key loading conditions. Including forces from internal pressure, floor weight and mass of regolith (credit: Haym Benaroyaa, Leonhard Bernold)
The biggest stress on the “hangar” design will come from internal pressure acting outward, and not from gravity acting downward. As the habitat interior will need to be held at terrestrial pressures, the pressure gradient from interior to the vacuum of the exterior would exert a massive strain on the construction. This is where the arch of the hangar becomes essential, there are no corners, and therefore no weak spots can degrade integrity.

Many more factors are considered, involving some complex stress and strain calculations, but the above description gives a taste as to what structural engineers must consider. By constructing a rigid habitat from cast regolith, the building blocks for a stable construction can be built. For added protection from solar radiation and micrometeorites, these arched habitats could be built side-by-side, interconnecting. Once a series of chambers have been built, loose regolith could be laid on top. The thickness of the cast regolith will also be optimized so the density of the fabricated material can provide extra protection. Perhaps large slabs of cast regolith could be layered on top.

Once the basic habitat modules are constructed, the layout of the settlement can begin. Lunar “city planning” will be another complex task and many module configurations must be considered. Five main module configurations are highlighted: Linear, Courtyard, Radial, Branching and Cluster.

The infrastructure of the future lunar settlement depends on many factors, however, and will be continued in the next instalment.

“Building a Base Moon” is based on research by Haym Benaroya and Leonhard Bernold (“Engineering of lunar bases“)

Article based on published work by Haym Benaroya and Leonhard Bernold: “Engineering of lunar bases”

Valles Marineris, the Deepest Chasm in the Solar System


The photographs coming back from the Martian orbiters sure help you appreciate the very different terrain on the Red Planet. And here’s an example of one of the extreme places on Mars: the Valles Marineris the deepest, longest valley in the Solar System. The image was captured by ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft and reveals a region of the valley called Candor Chasma.

Take a look at a photograph of Mars, and it’s easy to spot Valles Marineris. It’s a 3,000 km-long (1,800 mile) gash carved in the side of the Red Planet. Planetary geologists think it formed around the same time as the nearby Tharsis Bulge – the volcanic region that houses Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the Solar System.

It’s likely a rift valley, similar to the East African Rift Valley here on Earth. As the giant volcanoes formed, the Valles Marineris opened up as a crack in the ground. Flowing carbon dioxide could have weathered it further, eroding it and forcing the walls to cave in.

As I mentioned above, this is just a tiny portion of the whole rift. The canyon walls tower 8,500 metres (28,000 feet) above the floor below.

And if there was one place in the whole Solar System that I could travel to and see with my own eyes, it would be right here. So come on NASA, hurry up with that mission to Mars already.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Bubble Experiment Fails to Find Dark Matter


Astronomers have no idea what dark matter is, but they have a few guesses. Since they can’t see the stuff directly, they’re trying to chip away at what it can’t be, peeling away theory after theory. Eventually, there should be a few theories that have withstood the most experiments, and best model what astronomers see out in the Universe. Physicists at Fermilab have made one of those steps forward, constraining the characteristics of dark matter, and overturning a recent discovery… by not seeing anything unusual.

We can’t see dark matter, but we know it’s out there. Galaxies should spin themselves apart but they don’t thanks to being inside a halo of dark matter. Amazing images from the Hubble Space Telescope show dark matter’s gravitational distortion on the light from distant galaxies. Oh, it’s out there all right.

So what is it?

Astronomers have two theories. One is that their ideas about gravity are wrong. By modifying our understanding of how gravity works over large distances, you can remove the need for dark matter entirely.

The other possibility are “weakly interacting massive particles”. These are actual particles, made of “something”, but we can’t see them or detect them in any way except through their pull of gravity.

Particle physicists have been searching for dark matter particles using powerful atom smashers, just like they discovered all the sub-atomic particles they’ve found so far.

A new experiment at the US Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced this week that they’ve made some headway in this search. According to theories, when dark matter particles interact with regular matter, it’s different from the way regular matter interacts. The Fermilab experiment has ruled out one of the last possible ways that the theories have predicted this should happen.

Their experiment, called COUPP, uses a glass jar filled with a litre of iodotrifluoromethane (a fire-extinguishing liquid known as CF3I. As particles strike the CF3I, it causes tiny bubbles to form in the liquid. The scientists can detect these bubbles as they reach a millimetre in size. By watching the interactions, researchers should be able to know if they’re coming from regular matter or dark matter.

So far, their results contradict another search called the Dark Matter experiment (DAMA) in Italy, who claimed to see dark matter interactions. The results for the DAMA experiment predicted that COUPP should have found hundreds of dark matter interactions, but they didn’t see any.

This research appears in the February 15th issue of the journal Science.

Original Source: Fermilab News Release

Hubble Finds Dozens of Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies


One of the breakthroughs in modern astronomy is the use of gravitational lenses, where a closer galaxy or star focuses the light from a more distant object. The more astronomers look, the more they find these helpful objects, allowing them to peer at objects much further away. The number of known gravitationally-lensed galaxies jumped up today, when astronomers announced another 67 new lenses.

These 67 lenses were part of the COSMOS project; a detailed survey of small region of the sky about the same as 9 times the area of the Moon. Both Earth and space-based telescopes are working together to provide a survey of the sky which is very deep. And one of the key instruments in the project is the Hubble Space Telescope.

One of the big surprises of this survey is just how many lenses turned up in such a small area of the sky. Based on this discovery rate, researchers think that there could be 500,000 similar gravitationally-lenses galaxies out there.

At least 4 of the lenses are Einstein rings. This is a situation where the foreground and background galaxy are lined up so perfectly, the distorted distant galaxy forms a ring around the closer one.

In order to find the lenses, astronomers had to sift through a collection of 2 million candidate galaxies. Then the researchers had to look through each COSMOS image by eye and identify any potentially strong gravitational lenses. Finally, they checked both the foreground and background galaxy to make sure that they’re really two separate objects separated by billions of light years, and not just a strangely shaped galaxy.

Now that the researchers have so many gravitational lenses, they can do some really interesting things. For example, they’ll be able to study the dark matter distribution around the galactic lenses. And they’ll also be able to start accumulating a census of galaxy masses to see if they match predictions.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

Cassini Uncovers Invisible Rings at Saturn


Even in the smallest telescopes, Saturn’s bright rings pop into view. But those might be just the tip of the iceberg. During a recent flyby of the planet, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft noticed empty patches where the constant rain of high-energy electrons slowed down. Perhaps there are partial rings there, invisible to the spacecraft’s cameras. And where are these rings coming from?

When NASA’s Cassini spacecraft nears Saturn, its bombarded by a flurry of high energy electrons. But researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research noticed that during the spacecraft’s journey, there were two times when it wasn’t being hit with so many particles. In their research article, published in the latest issue of the journal Icarus, they propose that there are invisible rings, generated by two of Saturn’s smallest moons: Methone and Anthe.

The gap in the rain of electrons occurred just as Cassini was passing through the orbits of Methone and Anthe. The drop in intensity lasted while the spacecraft covered a swath as wide as 1,000 to 3,000 km (600 to 1,900 miles) across. This is too wide for the tiny moons themselves, but arcs of ejected material could explain it.

“These observations tell us that even Saturn’s smallest moons could be a source of dust in the Saturnian system,” said Elias Roussos, the paper’s lead author from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany.

So, even the smallest moons around Saturn are feeding dust into the ring system. This released material may develop into partial ring arcs because of the gravitational “tug of war” between the planet’s larger moons, like Mimas. A situation like this has been found with Saturn’s G-ring.

Where’s all this material coming from? The researchers think that the constant rain of micrometeoroids on the surface of the tiny moons dislodges the icy material. Since they’re so small and have very little gravity, it doesn’t take much for the material to escape into space.

Strangely, these theorized rings are invisible. Meteoroids are thought to be generating the faint rings at Janus, Epimetheus and Pallene; but they’re visible to Cassini. The spacecraft can’t see these newly discovered rings with its cameras. Perhaps the two different classes of moons are releasing differently-sized grains of dust.

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Astrosphere for February 19, 2008


It might not look like it, but this photograph is mind-bendingly cool. The bright streak is the path of the International Space Station, and the dimmer one is the US military satellite that’s going to crash back to Earth – both seen passing through the heart of Orion. Good job Autoclub!

Centauri Dreams talks about using the Sun’s gravity as a natural telescope lens. Problem is, you have to get out to 550 AU to make it work.

The Space Review has a great article about people preparing for space tourism. So far, 93% have passed the physical tests.

In the future, solar power will rule!

APOD has a great picture of a recent spacewalk outside Columbus.

NY Times is reporting that NASA thinks it can fix a serious flaw in its Ares rocket design.

Astropixie wants to be Stephen Colbert’s astrophysicist.

And finally, one of the best posts of read in a long time. Phil perfectly explains why science isn’t faith.

Space Program At Risk, Panel Says


A panel of 50 space experts met recently to discuss NASA’s current direction with its Vision for Space Exploration. While the conference, “Examining the Vision: Balancing Science and Exploration” was seemingly billed as forum for discussing alternatives to the moon/Mars vision, attendees endorsed NASA’s current direction and then concluded what anyone with an eye on NASA already knew: NASA isn’t receiving adequate funds in line with the grand goal of sending humans to Mars.

The panel of scientists, engineers, and former astronauts and NASA administrators concluded that NASA is on the right path with its objectives of going to the moon as a stepping stone to reach Mars, but those goals are in danger because of chronic underfunding to the US space program.

“The nation’s space program is in peril,” said Stanford Professor Scott Hubbard, former director of NASA’s Ames Research Center, and an organizer of the conference. “You simply cannot continue doing more with less and meet these goals. That is a fact. This workshop achieved a consensus that NASA’s resources have not been commensurate with its mandated missions of exploration and science.”

The panel did say, however, that NASA should focus more on sending humans to Mars instead of building large bases on the moon. But also, former astronaut Kathryn Thornton said before the meeting, she felt the best way to get to Mars was going there directly. But the meeting changed her mind, she said, and she now believes there are benefits to using the moon as a way station, such as scientific research and testing rocket hardware and infrastructure.

Alternatives such as going to asteroids was discussed, but not endorsed by the panel. Also of interest is that the panel said science is not the major motivation for human spaceflight.

But the panel concluded that any human ventures out of low earth orbit should be international in nature. “The next administration should make the human spaceflight goal an international venture focused on Mars–both to bring in more public support and to sustain the program politically,” said Louis Friedman, Executive Director of The Planetary Society.

In particular the attendees agreed to the following statements:

  • It is time to go beyond LEO with people as explorers. The purpose of sustained human exploration is to go to Mars and beyond. The significance of the Moon and other intermediate destinations is to serve as steppingstones on the path to that goal.
  •  Bringing together scientists, astronauts, engineers, policy analysts, and industry executives in a single conversation created an environment where insights across traditional boundaries occurred.
  •  Human space exploration is undertaken to serve national and international interests. It provides important opportunities to advance science, but science is not the primary motivation.
  • Sustained human exploration requires enhanced international collaboration and offers the United States an opportunity for global leadership.
  •  NASA has not received the budget increases to support the mandated human exploration program as well as other vital parts of the NASA portfolio, including space science, aeronautics, technology requirements, and especially Earth observations, given the urgency of global climate change.

The panel gathered privately on Feb. 12-13, 2008 to discuss space policy options facing the new US administration that will take office in January 2009, and may offer more recommendations in the future.

Original News Sources: New Scientist, Planetary Society Press Release

World Needs to Aim for Near-Zero Carbon Emissions


If we really want to combat climate change, how much carbon can we reasonably generate? How much will still push temperatures up? The current presidential candidates are all calling for serious carbon reductions over the next 40 years, but according to researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science, it’s not enough. To really stabilize our planet’s climate, we need to get away from carbon forever.

In a recent article, published in latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters, climate scientists used a detailed Earth system model to simulate what might happen to the Earth’s climate at various levels of carbon emissions.

What’s the most carbon you can generate and not warm the planet?

“Most scientific and policy discussions about avoiding climate change have centered on what emissions would be needed to stabilize greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,” said Ken Caldeira. “But stabilizing greenhouse gases does not equate to a stable climate. We studied what emissions would be needed to stabilize climate in the foreseeable future.”

They ran various scenarios through the climate model, each time reducing the amount of carbon emissions. Even at the lowest levels, there was an increment of warming. In other words, until humans generate next to zero carbon emissions, there will be increased warming. There’s no amount that the planet can absorb on a regular basis.

Once the carbon emissions in the simulation hit zero, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere finally started to drop, getting absorbed into various carbon sinks such as the oceans and land vegetation. Even so, global temperatures remained high for at least 500 years after the end of carbon emissions.

The big worry are the climate tipping points. These are temperatures that might cause runaway processes that can’t be stopped, such as the melting of the Arctic sea ice. If the world hits some point of severe climate instability, people might need to cut their carbon emissions to the absolute minimum.

And according to this research, that’s essentially zero.

Although eliminating carbon dioxide emissions seems like a radical idea, the researchers see it as a reasonable goal.

“It is just not that hard to solve the technological challenges. We can develop and deploy wind turbines, electric cars, and so on, and live well without damaging the environment. The future can be better than the present, but we have to take steps to start kicking the CO2 habit now, so we won’t need to go cold turkey later.”

Original Source: CIS News Release

Listening to the Universe from the Far Side of the Moon


Perhaps one of the best reasons to return to the Moon will be the boon to astronomy. Without an atmosphere, an observatory the Moon won’t have to peer through an obscuring atmosphere, but people will still be able to walk over and fix it – and even upgrade it – into the future. It’s the best of both worlds. It’s no surprise then, that engineers are working on plans for lunar observatories. When the next wave of astronauts return to the Moon, they’ll be bringing their ‘scopes.

NASA recently selected a series of 19 proposals for lunar observatories, including one suggested by a team from MIT. This observatory would help astronomers study the “Dark Ages” of the Universe, when the first stars and galaxies, and even dark matter formed.

During the first billion years after the Big Bang, there were no stars and galaxies, only opaque hot gas. When the first stars could finally form, their radiation helped ionize this gas and make it transparent. You could finally see in the Universe. It was also in this time that the mysterious dark matter formed from the soup of elementary particles, serving as a gravitational structure for matter to clump around.

The MIT proposal is called the Lunar Array for Radio Cosmology, and it’s headed by Jacqueline Hewitt, a professor of physics and director of MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science.

It would consist of hundreds of telescope modules spread over a 2 square km area designed to pick up very-low-frequency radio emissions. Automated vehicles would crawl across the lunar surface deploying the telescopes.

The time of the Dark Ages is impossible to view from Earth because of interference from our high atmosphere as well as the background radio emissions coming from all directions. But the far side of the Moon is shielded from the Earth’s radio barrage. There it would have a clear, quiet view of the most distant Universe.

There’s another advantage with building a long-wavelength radio telescope on the complicated surface of the Moon; it’s much easier than building a fragile mirror for an optical telescope. The low wavelength radio waves don’t require a high degree of accuracy, so it will be a good test for working on surface of the Moon. Even if some of the individual modules aren’t working, or clogged with lunar dust, the full observatory will still be able to collect data.

The telescope would also be used to study coronal mass ejections coming from the Sun, and accurately measure the space weather passing through the Earth-Moon system. This is what the astronauts will use to check their local weather.

MIT will be working on a one-year study to develop a further plan for the array. If it’s actually chosen for development down the road, construction would begin after 2025 at a cost of more than $1 billion.

Original Source: MIT News Release

Podcast: Lagrange Points


Gravity is always pulling you down, but there are places in the solar system where gravity balances out. These are called Lagrange points and space agencies use them as stable places to put spacecraft. Nature is on to them and has already been using them for billions of years.

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