Astrosphere for February 12, 2008


Your image for the day isn’t actually a photograph. It’s a mixed-media art piece by Moya called “proto planet”. It was made using glossy cardboard paper, various types of spray paint and stencils.

Centauri Dreams notes the ongoing discoveries coming out of the 45-year old Arecibo Observatory.

Astroprof helps clear up one of the eternal questions. How do astronomers choose colours when they prepare images of the night sky?

The imaging team leader for Cassini, Carolyn Porco, is consulting on the new Star Trek movie. Let’s hope that helps them get the science right.

Starts with a Bang teaches you how to build a home in space.

Oh, and Happy Darwin Day.

Young Stars in a Blanket of Gas and Dust


It’s time for another pretty picture. This time you’re looking at an image of the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud, captured by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. It’s one of the closest star-forming regions to the Earth, located a mere 407 light-years away.

The nebula is mostly a large cloud of molecular hydrogen. This is the main material that all stars form from. Some gravitational event caused a cloud of this hydrogen to collapse down, condensing into vast regions of star formation.

According to recent X-ray and infrared studies, there are more than 300 newly forming stars in the central nursery. And their average age is only 300,000 years old; much younger than our own Sun’s billions of years.

The colours look nice, but that’s not what you’d actually see if you could travel to “Rho Oph”. Its colours were chosen by astronomers to clearly highlight the various temperatures and evolutionary stages of the various stars. The young stars are surrounded by disks of gas and dust, and show up as red in the image.

The extended white nebula in the centre right of the image is glowing bright in infrared radiation because of the dust there has been heated by bright young stars. The rest of the stars forming are concentrated into the filament of cold, dense gas that shows up as a dark cloud in the lower centre and left side of the image.

Original Source: Spitzer News Release

Hubble Finds One of the Earliest, Brightest Galaxies in the Universe


By boosting the abilities of Hubble with a gravitational lens telescope provided by nature, astronomers have been able to peer back to the earliest times in the Universe; to see a galaxy just 700 million years after the Big Bang.

The newly forming galaxy (well, it was newly forming 13 billion years ago) is called A1689-zD1, and appears to be undergoing furious levels of star formation. Just a few hundred million years before this, the Universe was in the dark ages, when the Universe’s hydrogen cooled and formed thick clouds of hydrogen. This hydrogen acted like a fog, obscuring everywhere.

Although it’s tremendously powerful, the Hubble Space Telescope wasn’t strong enough to image the galaxy. It took the additional gravity of the nearby Abel 1689 cluster to act as a natural lens and magnify the light coming from A1689-zD1. With this technique, astronomers were able to increase its brightness by a factor of 10.

The hope is that this galaxy will give astronomers valuable insights into the formative years of galaxy birth and evolution. One of these questions is: what ended the dark ages?

“This galaxy presumably is one of the many galaxies that helped end the dark ages,” said astronomer Larry Bradley of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md., and leader of the study. “Astronomers are fairly certain that high-energy objects such as quasars did not provide enough energy to end the dark ages of the universe. But many young star- forming galaxies may have produced enough energy to end it.”

The studies show that this galaxy is probably a good example of what most galaxies looked like in the early Universe. It’s just a fraction of the mass of the Milky Way, but it has high rates of star formation. Much of this star formation is happening in very tiny regions compared to the size of the final galaxy.

Obviously, with Hubble straining at its limits to see this galaxy at all, it can’t make out individual stars, only knots of the brightest ones. But future telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, is ideally suited to take a much deeper look at it. It would also make a good target for the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, which will become the most powerful radio telescope in the world when it’s completed in 2012.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

Podcast: Stellar Populations


After the Big Bang, all we had was hydrogen, a little bit of helium, and a few other trace elements. Today, we’ve a whole periodic table of elements to enjoy, from oxygen we breathe to the aluminum cans we drink from to the uranium that powers some people’s homes. How did we get from plain old hydrogen to our current diversity? It came from stars; in fact, successive generations of stars.

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Get Ready for the February 20/21, 2008 Total Lunar Eclipse…


A total eclipse of the Moon occurs during the night of Wednesday, February 20/21, 2008. But where will the action be? For viewers in South America and most of North American the entire event will be visible on the evening of February 20. For Western Europe, Africa, and western Asia, your opportunity to view the action will happen on the morning of February 21. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon’s appearance can range from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray. What can we expect this time?

Making predictions about a total lunar eclipse’s appearance is based on understanding what makes it happen. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the Sun’s light. We see the Earth’s shadow creep across the surface of the Moon. This shadow is made up of two cone-shaped parts, one nested inside the other. Earth’s outer shadow – the penumbra – is a zone where our world blocks some (but not all) of the Sun’s rays. The inner shadow cone – or umbra – is the region where all light is blocked. Logically it would seem like we’d see a lunar eclipse each time the Sun and Moon are at opposition… But why don’t we see one every lunar cycle?

The Moon’s orbital path around our Earth is tilted at about 5 degree angle to Earth’s orbit around the Sun. In other words, most of the time the Moon is just a little over, or a little under the plane of Earth’s orbit. Just like clockwork, our Earth is also orbiting the Sun and Earth’s shadow cones are located on exactly in the same plane. All we have to do is wait for them to intersect! How often does that occur? If we were to take a look at a 5,000 year span, we’d see there are 7,718 eclipse occurrences – both total and partial – with an average of one to two per year… or as many as 3! Watching this year’s February 20/21 eclipse is important because it will be the last totality event until December, 2010.

Now that we understand what makes it happen, let’s take a look at the reasons why a lunar eclipse can appear as so many colors. While every lunar eclipse appearance is different, the physics that govern them is the same. If our Earth didn’t have an atmosphere to bend the sunlight back towards the Moon, it would always become invisible during the umbral, or total phase of an eclipse. Suspended in our atmosphere is dust – one of the major reasons for eclipse coloration. The less dust, the lighter the colors. Heavy dust in our atmosphere causes not only spectacular sunrises and sunsets, but deep eclipses as well. As you enjoy the eclipse, think of what is really causing the incredible colors and subtle tones you’ll see… The combined effect of all the simultaneous sunrises and sunsets on Earth projected onto the Moon!

Lunar eclipses are particularly fun because they don’t require any special equipment to observe. However, if you use a pair of binoculars you can magnify the view and see the shadows race across the Moon’s surface. This eclipse will also a very good time for amateur astronomers to make great scientific observations as well! For visual observers, using the Danjon Brightness Scale for lunar eclipses, amateurs can categorize the Moon’s color and brightness during totality. It’s easy! Just remember these values:

  • L = 0 Very dark eclipse, where the Moon is almost invisible, especially at mid-totality.
  • L = 1 Dark Eclipse, gray or brownish in coloration and details on the surface are hard to see.
  • L = 2 Deep red or rust-colored eclipse with a very dark central shadow, while the outer edge of umbra is relatively bright.
  • L = 3 Brick-red colors and the umbral shadow usually has a bright or yellow rim.
  • L = 4 Very bright copper-red or orange eclipse where the umbral shadow has a bluish, very bright rim.

If you have a telescope, you can do even more! By watching major craters, you can measure the exact time when each crater enters and leaves the umbral shadow and the timings can be used to estimate the enlargement of Earth’s atmosphere due to airborne dust and volcanic ash. These results can then be submitted to Dr. Richard Keen.

For now? It’s time to get ready… Because even more surprises are in store for this eclipse!

“Listening” for Gravitational Waves to Track Down Black Holes


Gravitational waves are predicted by Einstein’s 1916 general theory of relativity, but they are notoriously hard to detect and it’s taken many decades to come close to observing them. Now, with the help of a supercomputer named SUGAR (Syracuse University Gravitational and Relativity Cluster), two years of data collected by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) will be analyzed to find gravitational waves. Once detected, it is hoped that the location of some of the Universes most powerful collisions and explosions will be found, perhaps even hearing the distant ringing of celestial black holes…

Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light and propagate throughout the cosmos. Like ripples on the surface of a universe-sized pond, they travel away from their point of origin and should be detected as they traverse through the fabric of space-time, passing though our cosmic neighborhood. Gravitational waves are generated by massive stellar events such as supernovae (when giant stars run out of fuel and explode) or collisions between Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs) like black holes or neutron stars. Theoretically they should be generated by any sufficiently massive body in the Universe oscillating, propagating or colliding.

The Northern leg of the LIGO Interferometer near Richland, Washington (Credit: LIGO)
LIGO, a very ambitious $365 million (National Science Foundation funded) joint project between MIT and Caltech founded by Kip Thorne, Ronald Drever and Rainer Weiss, began taking data in 2005. LIGO uses a laser interferometer to detect the passage of gravitational waves. As a wave passes through local space-time, the laser should be slightly distorted, allowing the interferometer to detect a space-time fluctuation. After two years of taking data from LIGO, the search for the gravitational wave signatures can begin. But how can LIGO detect waves being generated by black holes? This is where SUGAR comes in.

Syracuse University assistant professor Duncan Brown, with colleagues in the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) project (a collaboration with Caltech and Cornell University), is assembling SUGAR in the aim to simulate two black holes colliding. This is such a complex situation that a network of 80 computers, containing 320 CPUs with 640 Gigabytes of RAM is required to compute the collision and the creation of gravitational waves (as a comparison, the laptop I’m typing on has one CPU with two Gigabytes of RAM…). Brown also has 96 Terabytes of hard disk space on which to store the LIGO data SUGAR will be analyzing. This will be a massive resource for the SXS team, but it will be needed to calculate Einstein’s relativity equations.

Looking for gravitational waves is like listening to the universe. Different kinds of events produce different wave patterns. We want to try to extract a wave pattern — a special sound — that matches our model from all of the noise in the LIGO data.” – Duncan Brown

By combining the observational capabilities of LIGO and the computing power of SUGAR (characterizing the signature of black hole gravitational waves), perhaps direct evidence of gravitational waves may be found; making the first direct observations of black holes possible by “listening” to the gravitational waves they produce.

Source: Science Daily

Columbus Module Attached to ISS after Eight Hour Spacewalk


The ESA Columbus module is now attached to the Harmony module on the International Space Station after a successful spacewalk by Space Shuttle Atlantis crew members Stan Love and Rex Walheim. Although Columbus installation was postponed for a day, today’s (Monday) spacewalk was completed in 7-hours and 58-minutes, concluding at 5:11pm EST.

The European Columbus space laboratory has been successfully attached to the Harmony module on the International Space Station. Although the mission took longer than expected, almost eight hours, the spacewalk appears to be a resounding success. Sunday’s planned effort to unpack and attach the module had to be postponed due to an undisclosed medical problem with German astronaut Hans Schlegel. Americans Stan Love and Rex Walheim took over today, probably much to the frustration of Schlegel who had to watch events from inside the station. The medical problem is said not to be serious.

Walheim: “Welcome to spacewalking, buddy.”
Love: “It’s awesome.”
– Communication between the two astronauts as Stan Love embarked on his first ever EVA on Monday.

It’s not all bad news for Schlegel, he is expected to assist in a spacewalk on Wednesday to continue the installation.

An animation still of the Columbus being unpacked from the shuttle (Credit: BBC)
In today’s successful docking of Columbus, the first task was to prepare the Power Data Grapple Fixture on the module so the ISS could capture it with its robotic arm. The arm was operated today by astronaut Leland Melvin, former wide receiver in the US National Football League, and the 12.8 ton module steered to its new home as an extension of the space station. In addition to this, the astronauts prepared for the removal of the Nitrogen Tank Assembly (NTA), a component in the station’s thermal control system. The next spacewalk on Wednesday will install a new assembly after removing the old one. This task had to be carried out as the existing NTA was running low of nitrogen.

Source: BBC

Astrospies on Nova, February 12th, 2008

If you’re going to be anywhere near a TV on Tuesday, February 12th, you might be interested in watching the upcoming episode of Nova called Astrospies. Here’s what it’s about:

Amid the countdowns, launches, splashdowns, and parades that heralded the race to the moon, both the United States and the Soviet Union ran quiet campaigns to launch military astronauts on spying missions. Highly classified for decades, these top-secret missions might easily have triggered a shooting war in orbit. In “Astrospies,” NOVA travels to Russia for exclusive access to cosmonauts and their restricted space facility and obtains candid first-time interviews with American astronauts in the Air Force-run military space program.

And here’s a little preview:

Check it out, I’ll be watching.

Astronomers Use Light Echos to Measure the Distance to a Star

The nebula around RS Pup. Image credit: ESO


Because stars are just points of light in the sky, it’s very difficult to know how far away they are. Astronomers use several techniques to measure distance, but they’ve got a new one now. By measuring echos of light bouncing off a distant nebula, researchers have fine-tuned their accuracy to an amazing level of precision.

Astronomers used ESO’s New Technology Telescope at La Silla to perform detailed observations of a star called RS Pup. It’s a member of a group of pulsating stars known as Cepheid variables. RS Pup changes in brightness by a factor of 5 every 41.4 days. It’s 10 times more massive than the Sun, 200 times larger and puts out 15,000 times more light.

You can look through these books and instructional materials from for more information about stars.

Because Cepheids pulse at a rate in proportion with their size, astronomers can measure how far they are by how often they pulsate.

But this only tells you how far they are relative to one another. So astronomers use a different technique called parallax to measure distance as well. If you want more info on this, check an episode of Astronomy Cast where we measure different techniques to measure distance in the Universe.

Now astronomers have come up with a second technique to measure distance to a star like RS Pup; to confirm that the Cepheid variable technique is correct.

They did this by watching how light moves through the nebula of material shed by RS Pup in the past. Since light is going 300,000 km/s, it takes time to pass by various blobs of gas and dust in the nebula.

The researchers calculated the light curve from an event on the star, and then watched as that same curve passed different parts of the nebula. It was then a relatively straightforward calculation to determine how far away RS Pup is.

To really appreciate what’s happening, check out the video, where you can see pulses of light move through the nebula. I’ll warn you, it’s a 3.4 MB download.

According to their calculations, the star is 6,500 light-years away, give or take about 90 light years. It’s the most accurate distance to a Cepheid ever captured, with a 1% level of precision.

Original Source: ESO News Release

Lightweight Disk Could Harbour Planets


Astronomers are looking for planets around other stars, but they’re also looking for the conditions where planets might be forming right now. Inside the disks of material that surround newly forming planets, they could be planets clearing paths through all the gas and dust. A team of Japanese astronomers have found the most lightweight stellar disk ever seen – a place where Earth-sized planets could be forming.

Using the powerful Subaru telescope, located atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, a team of astronomers from several Japanese universities have resolved a lightweight disk of material around a nearby, and relatively tiny star called FN Tau. It’s probably only 100,000 years old, and contains a mere 1/10th the mass of our own Sun.

Imaging the circumstellar disks around newly forming stars is difficult because they can be so dim. It’s harder still when the star itself is lightweight, and the disk is light too. All the disks seen to date have been around Sunlike stars. Until now, the lightest disk was still 7 times more massive than FN Tau.

In FN Tau, the astronomers report that we’re looking at the disk nearly face-on. Its radius is approximately 260 astronomical units (each AU is the distance from the Earth to the Sun). And as disks go, it’s relatively featureless, without any anomalies, rings, spirals, etc. But are there planets lurking in the disk?

Astronomers want to know what kinds of planets could form out of a disk like this. With a lightweight disk to total amount of gravity is much lower. This would make a thicker disk as you get further away from the star. Instead of the Jupiter-like planets turned up in extrasolar planet surveys so far, this environment might actually give a better chance of turning up Earth-mass planets instead.

According to their calculations, this disk should be able to form planets lighter than the Earth within 30 astronomical units of the parent star. The researchers are hoping to make followup observations with a newly commission instrument attached to the Subaru telescope. The HiCIAO will be able to resolve the detailed structure of disks and analyze the size and composition of the dust.

And these observations might help researchers know if FN Tau is a candidate for planetary formation.

Original Source: Subaru Telescope News Release