Carnival of Space #34


The 34th Carnival of Space has been posted to Rainer Gerhards’ Spaceflight blog. There are not one, but two lists of the top space photos in 2007. Enjoy galactic death rays, gravity suits for children, and scramjet research.

And if you’re interested in looking back, here’s an archive to all the past carnivals of space. If you’ve got a space-related blog, you should really join the carnival. Just email an entry to [email protected], and the next host will link to it. It will help get awareness out there about your writing, help you meet others in the space community – and community is what blogging is all about. And if you really want to help out, let me know if you can be a host, and I’ll schedule you into the calendar.

Supernova Generates Enough Dust for 10,000 Earths


My kids find it fascinating that the gold in the ring on my finger was formed in an instant when a massive star detonated in a supernova explosion. But it’s not just the heavier elements that get produced in a supernova, there’s also dust. Lots and lots of dust that can eventually collect together into new planets. And according to NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, a typical supernova remnant called Cassiopeia A contains enough dust for 10,000 Earths.

This discovery helps solve one of the outstanding mysteries in astronomy: where did all the dust from the early Universe come from? After the Big Bang, the Universe was only made of hydrogen and helium, and a few trace heavier elements. The first stars formed from this primordial material, and then exploded as supernovae, producing the first heavier elements and the dust needed to make terrestrial planets.

Astronomers always thought that supernovae were prime contributors, recycling material in generation after generation, but they weren’t sure – until now.

Another source of this dust seems to be highly energetic black holes, called quasars, which might be firing out high speed jets and dust to seed solar systems.

The Spitzer observations of Cassiopeia A, located about 11,000 light-years away, showed that the warm and cold dust ejected during the supernovae explosion adds up to about 3% the mass of the Sun.

Their observations show that the dust contains proto-silicates, silicon dioxide, iron oxide, pyroxene, carbon, aluminium oxide and other compounds. You could fashion 10,000 planets with the mass of the Earth with that much material.

Although Cassiopeia A is nearby, and not one of those first stars, it wasn’t working with the same raw primordial materials. But the research shows that exploding massive stars do a fine job of turning raw hydrogen and helium into the dust needed to form planets like Earth.

Original Source: Spitzer News Release

ET Would Know There’s Life on Earth


It seems impossible to believe, but astronomers are now making plans to reach for the brass ring of planet hunting: to find Earth-sized worlds orbiting other stars, and then to analyze them to see if there’s life. But you’ve got to know what you’re looking for. That’s why astronomers are considering what the Earth might look like from afar. What clues would our planet give to distant astronomers that there’s life here?

The number of discovered planets is up to 240 now and growing. In fact, the planetary discoveries are coming so fast and furious that many universities don’t even bother releasing press releases any more.

But these are all hostile worlds; larger than our own gas giants, and many orbit tightly to their parent star. We’re not going to find life on these “hot jupiters”. No, it’s going to be the Earth-sized planets, orbiting within the habitable zone of their star, where water can still be a liquid on the surface of the planet. These planets are going to have active weather systems, oceans and land masses.

Even with a telescope with many times the power of the Hubble Space Telescope, an Earth-sized world would appear as a single pixel in a vast empty space. You wouldn’t get any kind of detailed resolution.

Can a single pixel tell you anything about that world? Researchers say, “yes”. In a new paper published in the online edition of the Astrophysical Journal, they say that observers looking at the Earth from afar would be able to judge our rotation rate, the probability of oceans, weather, and even if the planet has life.

If distant astronomers were watching Earth, they’d see the brightness change over time as clouds rotated in and out of view. If they could also measure its rotation period, they’d know whether a certain part of the planet was in view, and start to deduce if there are oceans or land masses pointed towards them.

The researchers have created a computer model for the brightness of Earth over time, showing that the global cloud cover is surprisingly constant. There are usually clouds over the rain forests, and arid regions are clear.

Astronomers watching Earth would start to recognize the patterns, and be able to deduce an active weather system here. Compare this to the other planets in the Solar System:

“Venus is always covered in clouds. The brightness never changes,” said Eric Ford, a UF assistant professor of astronomy, and one of 5 authors on the paper. “Mars has virtually no clouds. Earth, on the other hand, has a lot of variation.”

To recognize these kinds of characteristics on another world will require a telescope with roughly twice the size of Hubble. And observatories like this are in the works.

Original Source: University of Florida News Release

ISS Astronaut Dan Tani’s Mother Killed


Our condolences to space station astronaut Dan Tani, whose mother was killed on Wednesday in a car/train accident. Tani has been on board the ISS since October, and in all likelihood would have returned back to earth on Wednesday if space shuttle Atlantis had been able to launch as originally scheduled on Dec. 6. However, the shuttle has been grounded because of malfunctioning engine cutoff sensors in the external fuel tank. As it stands now, the earliest Tani could return home would be late January.

The Chicago Tribune reported that 90-year old Rose Tani was stopped at a railroad track behind a school bus carrying students from her son’s alma mater in Lombard, Illinois. The gates at the track were lowered, but Mrs. Tani honked her car’s horn and then drove around the bus and past the crossing gates when a freight train struck her car.

NASA officials called Tani over a secured connection to tell him the news, and then offered any help he might need. “He would get whatever personal, psychological and spiritual counseling he would need,” NASA spokesman Jim Rostohar told the Tribune. “He can talk it out through a private phone line.”

While the ISS is equipped with a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to be used in an emergency as a rescue vehicle for the crew, the death of a family member does not fall under the conditions that the escape vehicle would be used. “Before anyone launches, they understand that unfortunate things could happen and that’s unfortunately part of the difficulties, hardships and risks of space flight,” said Rostohar.

Tani is the youngest of four children and his father passed away when Tani was young. A minister at a church in Lombard told the Tribune that Tani and his mother were “incredibly close.” During a spacewalk in November, Tani sent a greeting to his mother. “I know my mom’s watching on the Internet in Chicago, so hi Mom!” he said. “It’s always fun to have your folks watching you at work.”

Original News Source: Chicago Tribune

Galaxy Has 1,000 Times Our Rate of Star Formation


Here in the Milky Way, new stars are formed at a rate of roughly 4 per year; that’s considered pretty normal for spiral galaxy like ours. But researchers have found a galaxy that’s absolutely bursting with new star formation. Instead of our leisurely 4 stars per year, this distant galaxy is generating more than 4,000 new stars a year.

The galaxy, known at GOODS 850-5, is located about 12 billion light-years from Earth. This means that astronomers are seeing the light coming from it at a point when the Universe was only 1.5 billion years old.

All of the star formation in this galaxy was obscured by thick layers of dust, emitted by all the stellar nurseries. This means they’re hidden by visible-light telescopes.

By using the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory’s Submillimeter Array (SMA) on Mauna Kea in Hawaii, the researchers were able to peer right through the obscuring dust to calculate the rate of star formation.

The irony is that the dust from all that star formation was obscuring the, uh, star formation. Here’s Wei-Hao Wang, one of the astronomers who worked on the research:

“This evidence for prolific star formation is hidden by the dust from visible-light telescopes,” Wang explained. The dust, in turn, was formed from heavy elements that had to be built up in the cores of earlier stars. This indicates, Wang said, that significant numbers of stars already had formed, then spewed those heavy elements into interstellar space through supernova explosions and stellar winds.

This discovery has come as a bit of a surprise, since astronomers used to think that the most actively star forming galaxies would be smaller and less obscured. Now they’re starting to realize that it’s actually the big dusty galaxies that form the most stars. We just couldn’t see it.

For a galaxy to be experiencing this much star formation, it must have gone through many rounds of mergers with other galaxies. And this is also surprising, considering it’s only 1.5 billion years old in the image.

Original Source: NRAO News Release

Astrosphere for December 19th, 2007


For your photo today, it’s another image of Mars nearing its closest point to the Earth. This one was captured by Efrain Morales Riviera in the forum.

Astronomy in the UK is in deep trouble. The Science & Technology Facilities Council has had their budget slashed by £80 million. Find out more and help out here.

Centauri Dreams has more details about the Tunguska research I reported on today. And so does Bad Astronomy.

Here’s a great idea: a space exploration reality show, with a group of potential explorers cooped up together on a mock spaceship here on Earth. Okay, maybe it’s a terrible idea.

Maybe off-world children will wear gravity suits in the future to simulate living on Earth.

On an administrative note, Pamela and I will be attending the American Astronomical Society meeting in Austin, TX in January. If you’re going drop me a note. We’re going to try and organize some kind of meetup for Astronomy Cast.

Several people mentioned this great interview with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson in the Washington Post.

Astronomers Track Flares on a Distant Star


Spotting flares on the surface of the Sun is easy. It’s right there, blazing in our skies. But watching flares erupt on the surface of a distant star, located 150 light-years away… now that’s a challenge. And yet, a team of European astronomers announce just such a discovery this week.

This accomplishment was made by a team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope and ESA’s XMM-Newton X-ray satellite.

The astronomers were watching the star BO Microscopii, nicknamed “Speedy Mic” because of its rapid rotation. The star is slightly smaller than the Sun, and located about 10 million times as far away.

According to the press release, imaging the surface is crazy hard:

Trying to see spots on its surface is as challenging as trying to directly obtain a photograph of the footsteps of Neil Armstrong on the Moon, and be able to see details in it. This is impossible to achieve even with the best telescopes: to obtain an image with such amount of details, you would need a telescope with a 400 km wide mirror!

So how did they do it? They used a technique called “Doppler imaging”, which measures slight changes in the star’s light as it rotates. These changes can be mapped into spots and flares on the star’s surface as it turns.

Over the course of 142 separate observations, the team identified several flares. One flare lasted 4 hours long, and would have generated about a hundred times as much energy as the flares we see on the Sun.

Since BO Microscopii is much younger than the Sun, only 30 million years young, it can give us valuable clues about our star’s early history. Perhaps the early Sun was this active, and then settled down in later life.

Original Source: ESO News Release

Cancer Rates Rise and Fall with Cosmic Rays

Showers of high energy particles occur when energetic cosmic rays strike the top of the Earth's atmosphere. Illustration Credit: Simon Swordy (U. Chicago), NASA.

Cancer is a mysterious and complicated disease, with many different types and causes. Researchers are still trying to track down all of the environmental effects that can lead to the disease, as anything from what someone eats to where they live determines the probability of developing cancer. A paper published in 2007 in the International Journal of Astrobiology looked at data for cancer deaths from around the world for the past 140 years, and found a strong correlation between rises in cancer deaths and the variation over time in the amount of galactic cosmic rays we encounter here on Earth.

In a paper titled, Correlation of a 140-year global time signature in cancer mortality birth cohorts with galactic cosmic ray variation by Dr. David A. Juckett from the Barros Research Institute at Michigan State University, he showed that the amount of deaths due to cancer on a global scale was higher when the background cosmic rays originating from outside the Solar System were more numerous.

The study looked at available cancer death data from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand for the past 100-140 years. These data were compared with the amount of variations in galactic cosmic rays during the same period, taken from analysis of ice core samples from Greenland and Antarctica.

Dr. Juckett showed that as the amount of cosmic ray activity increased, the number of people who died from cancer was also higher. There are two peaks in cosmic ray activity during this point, around 1800 and 1900, and a low point around 1860. The total deaths due to cancer were highest, though, around 1830 and 1930, and lowest in the 1890’s.

There is a 28-year lag between the increased presence of cosmic rays and the increase in cancer deaths. It’s not so simple as a person being exposed to cosmic rays and then developing cancer immediately afterwards. What is called the “grandmother effect” comes into play; the cosmic rays actually damage the germ cells of one’s parent while that parent is still in the grandmother’s womb.

“The grandmother would have to be exposed to radiation – which she is all the time – while she is pregnant with the mother of the affected individual. What this is basically implying is that, during a sensitive time in pregnancy, the constant background radiation may cause a chemical change in just the right cell and DNA stretch to lead to future cancer. The background radiation is causing very low level damage all the time to random cells in the body, but anything significant happening to germ cells would lead to a whole organism eventually carrying that damage (or predisposition),” said Dr. Juckett.

So, the parent is exposed to cosmic rays while the fetus is still developing, and this damage then emerges as cancer in child, but is not passed down further.

Galactic cosmic rays consist of high-energy radiation, and are composed primarily of high-energy protons and atomic nuclei. Their origin in not fully understood, but are thought to possibly come from supernovae, active galactic nuclei, quasars and/or gamma ray bursts.

There are several factors that may contribute to the flux of cosmic rays, and they may produce showers of secondary particles that penetrate and impact the Earth’s atmosphere and sometimes reach the surface.

In the study, the researchers found the trend between cosmic ray increase and cancer death increase was a global effect, but there are places on the Earth where the magnetosphere blocks more of the cosmic rays than others. At about 10°N of the equator, fewer cosmic rays get through than elsewhere on the Earth because of the way the Earth’s magnetosphere blocks energetic particles.

People in more northern and southern latitudes are exposed to more of this radiation, thus the rates of cancer death were higher in these regions than near the equator. On average, the oscillation in cancer deaths was between 10-15% during the period of the study.

Any good scientist will tell you that correlation does not necessarily mean causation; the increase in cosmic rays matches well the increase in cancer deaths over this time period, but there could yet be other reasons for this increase.

Dr. Juckett cautions, “Of course, other explanations could be hypothesized. Standard epidemiological approaches would partition individual cases by risk factors (e.g., smoking, environment pollution, diet, age-at-menarche, family history, etc.). Only when there is no correlation to these would other hypotheses, like cosmic rays be entertained. Unfortunately, to look at the 100-yr data for long-term trends, this kind of information is generally not available. The one thing that seems certain is that the common oscillations in the US, UK, CA, NZ, and AU data suggest a global environmental signal of some kind. This does limit things a bit (e.g., solar radiation effects, cosmic ray effects, global pollution).”

The effects that cosmic rays and other types of radiation have on human beings are important to study, as we venture outside the protective magnetic field of the Earth into space. The researchers said that “this effect has profound implications for evolution, long-distance space travel and the colonization of planets with high background radiation.” Long journeys in space would expose astronauts to this same type of radiation for long periods of time, so taking precautions to protect them makes good sense.

What can one do to protect themselves from this type of radiation here on Earth?

“I cannot of think of anything one can do to protect themselves from their inherited propensities. However, cancer is a multi-step process. It still requires other random ‘mutations’ to occur during life. Healthy living is still called for. In other words, reducing exposure to toxins, radiation, and injury. Eventually, the biochemical fingerprints of possible inherited changes may be deciphered and then testing could be possible,” said Dr. Juckett.

There is no cause for alarm, though; cosmic rays are only about 20-30% of the background radiation we are exposed to every day, and are a minimal cause of cancer in comparison to other environmental effects such as smoking.

Original Source: International Journal of Astrobiology

When the Solar System Went from Dust to Mountains


Astronomers are slowly piecing together the earliest phases of our Solar System’s history. At some point, tiny particles of dust clung together forming larger and larger boulders and eventually even mountain-sized chunks of rock. Researchers from UC Davis have pegged the date that this occurred to 4.568 billion years ago, give or take a few million years.

The evolution of the Solar System is believed to have gone through several distinct stages. The first stage occurred when tiny particles of interstellar dust linked up, created boulders, and leading up to the mountain-sized rocks.

In the second stage, these mountains collected into about 20 Mars-sized objects. In the third and final stage, these mini-planets smashed into one another, eventually leading to the large planets we have today. The dates of the second and third stages are fairly well known, but the timing of the first stage has largely been a mystery.

To get an idea of when that first stage took place, researchers from UC Davis analyzed a particular kind of meteorite, called carbonaceous chondrites. These represent some of the oldest material in the Solar System.

They found that the meteorites have very stable ratios of certain elements, which can allow them to be dated. Since the rocks never got large enough to heat up from radioactive decay, they’re cosmic sediments from the early Solar System.

The UC Davis researchers estimated the timing of their formation to 4.568 billion years ago, ranging from 910,000 years earlier or 1.17 million years later.

“We’ve captured a moment in history when this material got packed together,” said Qing-zhu Yin, assistant professor of geology.

The work is published in the Dec. 20 issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Original Source: UC Davis News Release

Bigger Risks from Smaller Asteroids?


When astronomers first made the connection between asteroid impacts and extinction events on Earth, it was kind of frightening. There are hundreds of thousands of those things out there zipping around! But dedicated asteroid hunters have located many of the largest planet smashers, and new programs are in the works to find the rest. But now it seems that even the smaller asteroids could be more destructive than previously believed.

Almost 100 years ago, something detonated in the atmosphere above Tunguska, Siberia, flatting the forest. Had it struck a populated area, the results would have been disastrous.

But now researchers have simulated the kind of spacerock that caused the Tunguska explosion. And here’s the bad news: it was probably a much smaller object than previously believed.

“The asteroid that caused the extensive damage was much smaller than we had thought,” says Sandia principal investigator Mark Boslough of the impact that occurred June 30, 1908. “That such a small object can do this kind of destruction suggests that smaller asteroids are something to consider. Their smaller size indicates such collisions are not as improbable as we had believed.”

Since smaller asteroids are more likely to hit the Earth than larger objects, we might want to get a little more concerned about the risks.

A new supercomputer simulation recreated the kind of fireball that could have caused the Tunguska explosion. They took into account how winds travel along the topography of the ground, and the health of the forest to see how easily the trees would be blown down.

What was originally believed to be a 10-20 megaton explosion was probably only 3-5 megatons. So it took a much smaller object to create the devastation in Tunguska.

The researchers didn’t actually suggest a new size for the object, estimating that sounds complicated. “It depends on the speed and whether it’s porous or nonpourous, icy or waterless, and other material characteristics.”

Original Source: Sandia News Release