What Does it Take to Destroy a Gas Giant?


To destroy a terrestrial planet, you need the Death Star. But what will you do if you want to take out a gas giant? No mere superlaser is going to get the job done. But if you can get the gas giant close enough to its parent star, you should just be able to make it evaporate. How close? According to researchers from University College London, get a planet twice as close as Mercury to its parent star and it’s a goner (in a few billion years).

But whoa you say, haven’t astronomers found planets orbiting well within this distance? They certainly have. In fact, HD 209458b is 70% the mass of Jupiter and orbits its parent star about 12% the orbital distance of Mercury. And it’s evaporating as we speak.

Okay fine, it doesn’t destroy a planet in such a spectacular fashion as blasting it with a superlaser, but you can rest assured, its fate is sealed. Queue the maniacal laughter…

The research was carried out by Tommi Koskinen from University College London, and published in this week’s edition of the journal Nature.

According to Koskinen and his colleage, Professor Alan Aylward, they used some sophisticated new modeling tools to get at their calculations. They used 3D-modeling techniques to see the whole heating process as the planet gets closer to the parent star. Their model includes the powerful supersonic cooling winds that have been detected on other planets.

Within 0.15 astronomical units of the star is the point of no return for a gas planet. Within this radius and molecular hydrogen in its atmosphere becomes unstable and temperature regulating processes become overwhelmed. The planet’s atmosphere then begins to heat up uncontrollably.

Temperatures on the planet will rise from 3,000 degrees Celsius to more than 20,000 degrees. At this point its atmosphere begins boiling off into space.

It’s not a quick process. Planets at this distance will start losing material very slowly, and will probably still survive for billions of years.

You’ll have to be a very patient evil space emperor to destroy gas giants this way.

Original Source: UCL News Release

Supercomputers Pitch in to Search for Missing Matter


I know, I know, you’re probably getting sick of hearing this. Astronomers have no idea what 95% of the Universe is; 70% is dark energy, and 25% is dark matter, leaving a mere 5% normal matter. But it gets worse. Astronomers can only actually account for about 60% of that regular matter (hydrogen, helium and heavier elements) – almost half of the regular matter is missing too!

I’ll repeat that, just so it’s clear. Of the 5% of the Universe that we can even understand, almost half of it is missing too.

Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder have used a powerful supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputing Center to try and figure out where this missing mass could be hiding, and they think they’ve got a good place to look.

They built up a simulation of a huge chunk of Universe, 1.5 billion light-years on a side. Within this simulated Universe, they saw that much of the gas in the Universe forms into a tangled web of filaments that stretch for hundreds of million of light-years. In between these filaments are vast spherical voids without any matter.

The simulation works by modeling how material came together through gravity after the Big Bang. The simulation predicts that this missing material is hiding within gas clouds called the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium.

If their predictions are correct, the next generation of telescopes should be able to detect this missing mass in these hidden filaments. Some of these telescopes include the 10-metre South Pole Telescope in Antarctica and the 25-metre Cornell-Caltech Atacama Telescope (CCAT).

The South Pole Telescope will look at how the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is heated up as it passes through clouds of this gas. CCAT will be able to look back to periods just after the Big Bang, and see how the first large scale structures started to come together.

At least then, we’ll probably know where all that 5% of regular mass is. Dark matter and dark energy? Still a mystery.

Original Source: CU-Boulder News Release

Shuttle Launch Postponed


A problem with space shuttle Atlantis’ fuel sensors has prompted a scrub of today’s scheduled launch of the STS-122 mission to the International Space Station. During fueling of the shuttle’s external tank, two of four engine cutoff sensors failed. Engineers are working on fixing the problem and NASA will try to launch again tomorrow, Friday, December 7 at 4:09 pm EST.

Sensors located in the hydrogen portion of the tank “failed wet” during fuel loading this morning. That means the sensors could falsely indicate the tank still contains hydrogen in the last stages of the shuttle’s climb to space when it actually is empty. The engines would continue to run, and without fuel, the engines could ignite and explode.

Problems with the engine cutoff sensors have occurred before during tanking, including the first shuttle mission after the Columbia accident, STS-114 with space shuttle Discovery. The failed sensors caused a one-day delay in the launch and after the flight the problem was traced to a faulty connection in electrical cables. NASA hopes that in emptying the tank and then refueling tomorrow the sensors will reset correctly, as was the case with the STS-114 launch.

This shuttle mission, STS-122, will bring the Columbus science module to the ISS. Columbus is the European Space Agency’s cornerstone contribution to the space station. Two ESA astronauts, Hans Schlegel from Germany, and Leopold Eyharts from France, are part of the shuttle crew, and Eyharts will remain on board the station to lead the activation of the new lab. The other astronauts for the mission are Commander Stephen Frick, pilot Alan Poindexter and mission specialists Rex Walheim, Stanley Love, and Leland Melvin.

STS-122 is expected to be an 11 day mission. It is the 121st shuttle flight and the 24th mission to the ISS.

Original News Source: NASA TV

Atmosphere of an Extrasolar Planet Measured


Good timing. Just as Nick was mentioning how astronomers might be able to detect vegetation on extrasolar planets, we get this discovery: a ground based observatory has measured the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet for the first time. That holy grail of detecting the atmosphere on an Earth-sized world is getting closer and closer.

In a new journal article published in an upcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters, astronomer Seth Redfield and colleagues report on their discovery.

The planet they’re studying orbits star HD189733, located about 63 light-years away in the constellation Vulpecula. It was originally discovered back in 2004. Unfortunately, this planet isn’t anything like the Earth; it’s actually about 20% more massive than Jupiter, and orbits its parent star 10 times closer than Mercury. Needless to say, it’s a hot world.

From our perspective here on Earth, HD189733b passes in front of its star on each orbit. As the planet “transits” across the star, it dims the light slightly. Furthermore, sunlight passing through its atmosphere can be measured distinctly from the star itself. The planet blocks about 2.5% of the star’s total light, and the atmosphere blocks an additional 0.3%.

And this was the technique that Redfield and his team used to measure the atmosphere. “Take a spectrum of the star when the planet is in front of the star,” explains Redfield. “Then take a spectrum of the star when it’s not. Then you divide the two and get the planet’s atmospheric transmission spectrum. Each time the planet passes in front of the star the planet blocks some of the star’s light. If the planet has no atmosphere, it will block the same amount of light at all wavelengths. However, if the planet has an atmosphere, gasses in its atmosphere will absorb some additional light.”

The atmosphere of an extrasolar planet has only been measured once before, using Hubble’s Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). Unfortunately, this instrument broke shortly after the previous detection. Without the help of Hubble, Redfield and his team needed to come up with another solution, so they switched to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope.

In the end, they made hundreds of observations spread out over a year taken under various conditions. They were able to remove the contamination of the Earth’s atmosphere from their observations, and come up with a good analysis of the planet’s atmosphere.

This is great, but it’s just a start. The real prize will come with astronomers are able to spot Earth-sized planets orbiting other stars, and measure their atmospheres. If they find large quantities of oxygen in the atmosphere, that’s a good candidate for life.

Original Source: McDonald Observatory News Release

NASA is Building its Biggest Lightning Protection System


We’ve already learned that NASA is planning to build one of the world’s largest roller coasters to help astronauts escape a disaster. Now they’ve released details about how they’re going to protect the next generation spacecraft from lightning strikes. They’ll need it. This is Florida after all, one of the most active regions for lightning in the United States.

When the space shuttle finally retires in 2010, NASA will be nearly ready to start launching the next generation Ares I launch vehicle. A single lightning strike could scramble spacecraft electronics, or injure the crew, so NASA is working on their defense system.

And for Ares, they’re going to big. In fact, when you look at the Ares I launch pad in a few years, the lightning protection system will dominate the skyline.

The lightning protection system, now under construction at Kennedy Space Center’s launch pad 39B consists of three towers – each of which will be 181 metres (594 feet) tall. Cables will then be strung between the steel/fibreglass towers, encasing the smaller Ares I booster in a cage of protection.

Similar, smaller systems have been used for other missions in the past. For the Apollo launchers, the protection system was built into the launch structure. Obviously this was less than ideal, since lightning strikes could still damage the rocket and electronics.

For the space shuttle, there’s a lightning mast atop the launch pad’s service structure. The system diverts lightning strikes down two wires, keeping the current away from the shuttle.

By building these towers completely apart from the launch pad, NASA hopes to minimize delays to the launch schedule.

Construction for the towers began in November, and should be complete by 2010. This will actually be a little after the first Ares I-X rocket blasts off, in April 2009.

Original Source: NASA News Release

‘Tis the Season to Explore the North Pole on the Moon


Mention the North Pole this time of year and perhaps what comes to mind are visions of snowy, candy cane-lined streets leading to a candle-lit workshop. But how about sun-drenched regolith dotted with craters cast in permanent shadows? Those are the types of images revealed in a new detailed map of the north pole — on the moon.

A mosaic created from data obtained by the SMART-1 spacecraft shows detailed features of the geography and illumination of the lunar north pole. These maps can be used by future explorers as an aid for traveling and traversing on the moon.

The lunar poles are of interest for science and the upcoming exploration of the moon mainly because of their exposure to sunlight. There are areas that are continually bathed in sunlight, but within craters in the same region are dark areas that rarely receive any light, and therefore could contain water ice. Both these aspects would be important for potential lunar base sites.

“Solar illumination makes these areas ideal for robotic outposts or lunar bases making use of solar power, ” said the European Space Agency’s Bernard Foing, who is Project Scientist for the SMART-1 Spacecraft.

Any water ice on the moon would be useful for the inhabitants of a lunar base.

The SMART-1 north pole map covers an area of about 800 by 600 km and shows the geographical locations of several craters. Of special interest is Peary Crater, the largest impact crater that is close to the lunar north pole. At this latitude the interior of the crater receives little sunlight, but SMART-1 was able to observe it during phases when the crater floor was sufficiently illuminated for imaging.

Also imaged was Crater Plaskett, located on the northern far side of the moon, about 200 kilometers from the north pole. Because of the location of this crater it receives sunlight at a low angle and it has been suggested as a lunar base that could be used for a possible analog to simulate conditions of a manned mission to Mars.

Foing also said that the discovery of water ice on the moon could help us understand Earth’s history as well. “If the layers of ice come from the volatiles deposited by comets or water-rich asteroids, we could better understand how, and how much, water and organic material was delivered to Earth over its history,” he said.

Using electric propulsion navigation, SMART-1 reached lunar orbit in November of 2004 and performed a year and a half of scienctific observations. The mission ended with a controlled impact on the moon’s surface in September of 2006.

The polar mosaics were presented and discussed at the 9th International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) lunar conference in October 2007.

SMART-1 science investigations include studies of the chemical composition of the Moon, of geophysical processes such as volcanism, tectonics, cratering, and erosion, and high resolution studies in preparation for future steps of lunar exploration.

Original News Source: ESA Press Release

White Dwarfs Rocket Away When They’re Born


When stars like our Sun run out of fuel, they flare briefly as a red giant, and then settle down as a white dwarf. No longer fusing elements together, they slowly cool down over billions of years, radiating their heat away into the Universe. But just as they enter this final stage of life, white dwarf stars might get a powerful kick, pushing them through space, and out of the stellar clusters where they’ve spent their entire lives.

This discovery was made by a team of astronomers from the University of British Columbia. They were performing a detailed survey of the globular cluster NGC 6397; one of the closest clusters in the Milky Way.

They were categorizing the stars by mass, and then determining their position in the cluster. They expected that high mass stars should sink down to the middle, and the low mass stars should be flung out to the outer reaches of the cluster. And this is exactly what they saw for the stars.

But for some reason, the white dwarf stars were pushed to the outskirts of the cluster. Even though they had started out as regular stars, when they made the transition to white dwarf, they were hurried out of the cluster.

So what process could give these white dwarfs the boot?

Using computer simulations, UBC astronomers Harvey Richer and his colleagues calculated that when a white dwarf is born, they eject large quantities of mass. If this mass is ejected in only one direction in space, it acts like a natural rocket engine.

“Newly-minted white dwarfs should be near the center, but they are not,” says Richer. “Our idea is that when these white dwarfs were born, they were given a small kick of 7,000 to 11,000 miles an hour (three to five kilometers a second), which rocketed them to the outer reaches of the cluster.”

Original Source: UBC News Release

Could We Detect Plants on other Planets?


We’ve already found over 250 extrasolar planets, and more are continuing to be discovered fairly often. With all of these new planets popping up, the obvious question must be asked: how do we go about detecting whether or not they contain life? Though we can’t yet see features on the surface with even the most powerful of telescopes – and probably won’t be able to do so for a very long time – an analysis of the light coming from the planet may reveal if it is covered with life in the form of plants.

Dr. Luc Arnold of the CNRS Observatoire de Haute-Provence in France suggests that a spectral analysis of the light reflected off of a planet could determine whether or not it is covered with vegetation.

Earth’s plant-covered surface absorbs certain frequencies of light, and reflects others. Our vegetation has a very specific spectrum because it absorbs a lot of visible light around 700 nanometers, or the color we see as red. This is called the Vegetation Red Edge (VRE).

By looking at the sunlight that is reflected off of the Earth – Earthshine – the composition of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere can be determined. The Earth’s light can be analyzed when it is reflected off of the Moon, or from spacecraft distant enough from the Earth to see it as a small disk.

Knowing the composition of the Sun’s light, and adjusting for the elements and minerals in the atmosphere and on the surface, there is still between 0-10% of the photons near the red end of the visible spectrum that are missing. The factor needed to explain this photon absorption is the presence of plants, which use the light for photosynthesis

This same method could potentially be used to detect the presence of vegetation on extrasolar planets, proposes Dr. Arnold in a paper titled, Earthshine Observation of Vegetation and Implication for Life Detection on Other Planets published in the October 30th, 2007 edition of the journal Space Science Review.

“The point is that if, in the spectrum of an Earthlike planet, we find a spectral signature –probably different than the VRE – that cannot be explained as a mineral signature, nor an atmospheric signature, then the proposition that this feature is a possible signature of life becomes relevant. Especially if a variation in the strength of the signal is correlated with planet’s rotation period, suggesting that the spectral feature is on planet’s surface,” Dr. Arnold said.

The VRE on Earth is calculated by taking out “noise factors” such as the composition of the atmosphere, whether there are a lot of clouds, and whether the part of the Earth reflecting the light is covered by desert, ocean, or forest. All of these things absorb light in different parts of the spectrum. These same details must be sorted out for other planets to ensure that the absence of photons in a certain part of the spectrum is indeed due to plants absorbing the light.

To be able to rule out other factors in the spectrum of the planet, the resolution has to be better than is currently possible. ESA’s Darwin and NASA’s Terrestrial Planet Finder, both missions being designed to specifically look for new terrestrial planets and better study already-discovered ones, are expected to launch in the next 10 years or so. They will not be able to resolve the spectrum of extrasolar planets well enough to use this method for finding vegetation, but the second-generation of planet-finding telescopes will likely have this ability.

The question remains as to whether plants on distant worlds will use chlorophyll as their means of photosynthesizing light. Will the light they absorb be red, or a different color? Will the light they reflect be green or something completely bizarre, like magenta or bright blue? If they do use chlorophyll, their spectrum will be similar to that of our own planet. If not, their spectral signature may be rather different than that of Earth’s vegetation.

Dr. Arnold says a different VRE might still be rather interesting: “What would we say to us such a strange and different VRE ? It will reveal missing photons, i.e. photons form the star absorbed and ‘used’ (their energy) in an unknown or unidentified chemical process, that’s all we would learn. Here again, other information about the atmosphere composition (water vapor, oxygen, ozone, etc.) and temperature would help to make coherent proposals. At least it would feed an very exciting debate!”

Source: Space Science Review

Ultracool Dwarf Star has an Extreme Personality


The most common kinds of star in the Universe are M-dwarf stars. They’re normally cool (a mere 2,400 Kelvin), small (typically 8-10% the mass of the Sun) and quiet – really pretty boring for stars. But astronomers have found one that’s going against the grain. It has a strong magnetic field; greater even than our own Sun’s. And it has a huge hot spot that spans half of its surface.

Although the science about the star, TVLM513-46546, is pretty interesting, just think about the fact that researchers were actually able to detect it at all. Astronomers are able to measure a tiny star’s magnetic field, and locate a hot spot on its surface from 35 light-years away. Amazing stuff.

Okay, onto the discovery. It was made by combining data from several different observatories in different wavelengths: radio data from the Very Large Array, spectra from the Gemini North 8-metre telescope, ultraviolet from Swift, and X-rays from Chandra.

Over the course of their observations, the researchers learned that the star has steady radio emissions, but these are punctuated by minute-long firework displays coming from collisions of magnetic fields in the corona of the star. As the magnetic field lines connect and reconnect, enormous amounts of energy are released. These releases match soft X-ray emissions and X-ray flares.

Perhaps the most interesting is this enormous hot spot. The researchers were able to measure that half of the star is much brighter, and turns every two days with the rotation of the star. This is a total mystery to the researchers. “We still do not know why only half of the star is lit up in hydrogen and if this situation remains unchanged over days, weeks, years, or centuries,” remarked Edo Berger, a Carnegie-Princeton postdoctoral fellow.

The magnetic activity could mean that there’s unusual activity beneath the star’s surface. Or maybe there’s an undiscovered companion object interacting with the star. Nothing’s been seen so far, but it could be there.

The researchers are planning to study other examples of these ultracool M-dwarf stars and see if this is a common for many of them, or this star is just an anomaly.

Original Source: Gemini News Release

Astrosphere for December 5th, 2007


For your astrophoto of the day, please enjoy this great image of the Horsehead Nebula captured by Phil22. I wonder what kind of holiday creature it might look like?

What’s your favourite Cassini image for 2007? I know, how could you possibly choose from all those images. Still, now’s your chance to vote.

Dilbert is working to build a lunar rocket. Here’s Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so far. Thanks to Transterrestrial Musings for catching this one.

Have you heard rumours that the Chinese faked their moon photographs from Chang’e-1? Emily Lakdawalla from the Planetary Society is pretty sure they didn’t fake it, and has found examples of Photoshop mistakes that were made trying to build the large image.

Here’s a link to a fascinating essay by sci-fi writer Charles Stross about how we’ll probably never colonize space. 🙁