Podcast: Neptune


We’ve reached Neptune, the final planet in our tour through the solar system – but don’t worry! The tour’s not over, but after this week we’ll be all out of planets. Neptune has a controversial story about its discovery, some of the strongest winds in the solar system and some weird moons.
Click here to download the episode

Neptune – Show notes and transcript

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Book Review: Endless Universe


A child wakes with boundless energy, runs and jumps through a day of fun and excitement. Then they fall, exhausted, to sleep, dreaming of another day. Authors Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok in their book Endless Universe – Beyond the Big Bang see our universe as having similar cycles. And, just as with the child, energy plays a staring role for their universe as it goes through its motions.

Humans have an historical record on Earth of a few thousand years. Geologists posit Earth’s history back for over 4 billion years, which many also consider the age of our solar system. Looking far away in the night sky, cosmologists age our universe to nearly 14 billion years. And, indications are the universe has been as active as a little child waking from a good nap. Yet, where we think we know the start and end conditions of human life and also of the solar system, we have no evidence of the start or end of the universe.

The book Endless Universe doesn’t let a lack of evidence slow down its story. The authors’ premise has our universe as a complete entity that cycles through states. In their book, they begin with a review of much of the grand cosmology we’ve already pinned together. Inflationary periods, mass appearing out of nothing and dominating dark energy all get an appearance. But the authors don’t stay on the easy show-and-tell path. For, they include in the book tales of string theory and particle dynamics, recent ideas that are still making their meaning felt. The authors’ intent is to show how they can bring all these ideas into one theory. They envisage a universe that does so and to emphasize their originality, they coin a new phrase, the ekpyrotic universe.

In the book, they describe why this vision of our universe is so special and so unique. They put bubbles on brane’s surfaces to act as small spring like strings that increase and decrease their energy content as the universe, and its partner universe, approach and withdraw from each other. Also, the shape of these universes change through this motion, again to account for changing energy levels. Novel and imaginative as this is, the authors consider this the best representation for today’s cosmological history and include many descriptions and anecdotes to convince the reader.

As should be apparent, this book discusses our universe. But, it also describes the authors’ lifetime journeys through science, their relationship and many conferences and meetings to which they attended. With this, the authors lose the reader’s focus. Reading about the complexities of string theory and the pleasures of taking a train to chat about physics make this book disjointed. Further, the writing style and choice of words doesn’t suit the complexity of the subject. For example, saying ‘a brane world spring gets boosted by gravity’ unsuccessfully blends common with very uncommon. The result is an image of an ekpyrotic universe but not an image that readily fits into common concepts.

Therefore, yes this book provides a description of an endless universe that encompasses more than the big bang inflationary model as the title says. But, no, this book includes enough extraneous and uncommon material as to make the reading stilted. For those wanting to know more about the authors personally as well as their ekpyrotic model, this book suffices. Otherwise, the reader may find they have to work hard for not so great a reward.

A child’s boundless energy and ceaseless curiosity wonderfully prepares them for maturity as adults and scientists. Our universe has its own bounds of energy, together with many other characteristics. Paul Steinhardt and Neil Turok in their book Endless Universe – Beyond the Big Bang present their ideas on how these come together. With it, we again see the wonderful benefits from our species curiosity.

Read more reviews, or purchase a copy online from Amazon.com.

What’s Up this Week: November 19 – November 25, 2007


Monday, November 19 – Even if you only use binoculars tonight, you can’t miss the beautiful C-shape of Sinus Iridium as it comes into view on the lunar surface. As we have learned, the mountains that ring it are called the Juras, and the crater punctuating them is named Bianchini. Do you remember what the bright tips of the opening into the “Bay of Rainbows” are called? That’s right: Promontorium LaPlace to the northeast and Promontorium Heraclides to the southwest. Now take a good look at Heraclides… Just south of here is where Luna 17 landed, leaving the Lunokhod rover to explore!

Now turn your eyes or binoculars just west of bright Aldebaran and have a look at the Hyades Star Cluster. While Aldebaran appears to be part of this large, V-shaped group, it is not an actual member. The Hyades cluster is one of the nearest galactic clusters, and it is roughly 130 light-years away in the center. This moving group of stars is drifting slowly away towards Orion, and in another 50 million years it will require a telescope to view!

Tuesday, November 20 – Today celebrates another significant astronomer’s birth – Edwin Hubble. Born 1889, Hubble became the first American astronomer to identify Cepheid variables in M31 – which in turn established the extragalactic nature of the spiral nebulae. Continuing with the work of Carl Wirtz, and using Vesto Slipher’s redshifts, Hubble then could calculate the velocity-distance relation for galaxies. This has become known as “Hubble’s Law” and demonstrates the expansion of our Universe.

Tonight we’re going to ignore the Moon and head just a little more than a fistwidth west of the westernmost bright star in Cassiopeia to have a look at Delta Cephei (RA 22 29 10.27 Dec +58 24 54.7). This is the most famous of all variable stars and the granddaddy of all Cepheids. Discovered in 1784 by John Goodricke, its changes in magnitude are not due to a revolving companion – but rather the pulsations of the star itself.

Ranging over almost a full magnitude in 5 days, 8 hours and 48 minutes precisely, Delta’s changes can easily be followed by comparing it to nearby Zeta and Epsilon. When it is its dimmest, it will brighten rapidly in a period of about 36 hours – yet take 4 days to slowly dim again. Take time out of your busy night to watch Delta change and change again. It’s only 1000 light-years away, and doesn’t even require a telescope! (But even binoculars will show its optical companion…)

Wednesday, November 21 – Tonight the gibbous Moon will dominate the sky. If you haven’t had a chance to log some features like Copernicus, Gassendi, Tycho and Plato – be sure to pick them up before the glare overpowers them. While you’re there, be sure to look for “the Man in the Moon!”

Now, let’s continue our stellar studies with the central-most star in the lazy “W” of Cassiopeia – Gamma…

At the beginning of the 20th century, the light from Gamma appeared to be steady, but in the mid-1930s it took an unexpected rise in brightness. In less than 2 years it jumped by a magnitude! Then, just as unexpectedly, it dropped back down again in roughly the same amount of time. A performance it repeated some 40 years later!

Gamma Cassiopeiae isn’t quite a giant and is still fairly young on the evolutionary scale. Spectral studies show violent changes and variations in the star’s structure. After its first recorded episode, it ejected a shell of gas which expanded Gamma’s size by over 200% – yet it doesn’t appear to be a candidate for a nova event.

The best estimate now is that Gamma is around 100 light-years away and approaching us a very slow rate. If conditions are good, you might be able to telescopically pick up its disparate 11th magnitude visual companion, discovered by Burnham in 1888. It shares the same proper motion – but doesn’t orbit this unusual variable star. For those who like a challenge, visit Gamma again on a dark night! Its shell left two bright (and difficult!) nebulae, IC 59 and IC 63, to which we will return at the end of the month.

Thursday, November 22 – As our observing year draws to a close, let’s take another look at a feature you might have missed – Wargentin. Located in the southwest quadrant on the terminator just south of the larger crater Schickard, we return again because Wargentin is one of the Moon’s most well-known curiosities. Able to be captured in binoculars, but best seen through a telescope at high power, really take a look at what was once a normal small crater! Unlike most craters, Wargentin’s walls were solid – able to contain the lava which eventually filled it to a height of 84 meters above the lunar surface.

While at first you might not notice, compare it to nearby Nasmyth and Phocylides. While both of these craters go below the surface, they also contain interior strikes – Wargentin has none! Except for a gentle, unnamed rille across its elevated surface, Wargentin is smooth.

While we still have about a month until it reaches opposition, the “Red Planet” is always worthy of a little attention. While Mars isn’t at its closest right now, this will be the only time this year that we can view it in the evening. Catch it now – before the Moon catches up with it in the days ahead!

Friday, November 23 – Tonight in 1885, the very first photograph of a meteor shower was taken. Also, the weather satellite TIROS II was launched on this day in 1960. Carried to orbit by a three-stage Delta rocket, the “Television Infrared Observation Satellite” was about the size of a barrel, testing experimental television techniques and infrared equipment. Operating for 376 days, Tiros II sent back thousands of pictures of Earth’s cloud cover and was successful in its experiments to control the orientation of the satellite spin and its infrared sensors. Oddly enough, a similar mission – Meteosat 1 – also became the first satellite put into orbit by the European Space Agency, in 1977 on this day. Where is all this leading? Why not try observing satellites on your own! Thanks to wonderful on-line tools from NASA you can be alerted by e-mail whenever a bright satellite makes a pass for your specific area. It’s fun!

Now, let’s explore tonight’s lunar feature – Galileo. It is a challenge for binoculars to spot this feature, but telescopes of any size capable of higher power will find it easily on the terminator in the west-northwest section of the Moon. Set in the smooth sands of Oceanus Procellarum, Galileo is a very tiny, eye-shaped crater and has a soft rille that accompanies it. It was named for the very man who first viewed and contemplated the Moon through a telescope. No matter what lunar resource you choose to follow, all agree that giving such an insignificant crater a great name like Galileo is unthinkable! For those of you familiar with some of the outstanding lunar features, read any good account of Galileo’s life and just look at how many spectacular craters were named for people he supported! We cannot change the names of lunar cartography, but we can remember Galileo’s many accomplishments each time we view this crater

Saturday, November 24 – Tonight it is Full “Frost Moon” and there is little doubt about how its name came to be! For those of you interested in viewing lunar features tonight, libration could be favorable to study a collection of shallow, dark craters known as Mare Australe. Located on the southeastern limb, this large binocular and telescopic object is well-worth looking for because it’s a challenge that isn’t always visible.

Ready to aim for a bullseye? Then head for the bright, reddish star Aldebaran. Set your eyes, scopes or binoculars there and let’s look into the “eye” of the Bull.

Known to the Arabs as Al Dabaran, or “the Follower,” Alpha Tauri took its name for the fact that it appears to follow the Pleiades across the sky. In Latin it was Stella Dominatrix, yet the old English knew it as Oculus Tauri, or very literally the “eye of Taurus.” No matter which source of ancient astronomy lore we explore, there are references to Aldeberan.

As the 13th brightest star in the sky, it almost appears from Earth to be a member of the V-shaped Hyades star cluster, but its association is merely coincidental, since it is about twice as close to us as the cluster. In reality, Aldeberan is on the small end as far as K5 stars go, and like many other orange giants could possibly be a variable. Aldeberan is also known to have five close companions, but they are faint and very difficult to observe with backyard equipment. At a distance of approximately 68 light-years, Alpha is only about 40 times larger than our own Sun and approximately 125 times brighter. To get a grasp on that size, think of it as being about the same size as the area Earth’s orbit! Because of its position along the ecliptic, Aldeberan is one of the very few stars of first magnitude that can be occulted by the Moon.

Sunday, November 25 – While Cassiopeia is in prime position for most northern observers, let’s return tonight for some additional studies. Starting with Delta, let’s hop to the northeast corner of our “flattened W” and identify 520 light-year distant Epsilon. For larger telescopes only, it will be a challenge to find this 12″ diameter, magnitude 13.5 planetary nebula I.1747 in the same field as magnitude 3.3 Epsilon!

Using both Delta and Epsilon as our “guide stars” let’s draw an imaginary line between the pair extending from southwest to northeast and continue the same distance until you stop at visible Iota. Now go to the eyepiece…

As a quadruple system, Iota will require a telescope and a night of steady seeing to split its three visible components. Approximately 160 light-years away, this challenging system will show little or no color to smaller telescopes, but to large aperture, the primary may appear slightly yellow and the companion stars a faint blue. At high magnification, the 8.2 magnitude “C” star will easily break away from the 4.5 primary, 7.2″ to the east-southeast. But look closely at that primary: hugging in very close (2.3″) to the west-southwest and looking like a bump on its side is the B star!

Dropping back to the lowest of powers, place Iota to the southwest edge of the eyepiece. It’s time to study two incredibly interesting stars that should appear in the same field of view to the northeast. When both of these stars are at their maximum, they are easily the brightest of stars in the field. Their names are SU (southernmost) and RZ (northernmost) Cassiopeiae and both are unique! SU is a pulsing Cepheid variable located about 1000 light-years away and will show a distinctive red coloration. RZ is a rapidly eclipsing binary that can change from magnitude 6.4 to magnitude 7.8 in less than two hours. Wow!

Astrosphere for November 16th, 2007


Today’s photo is the Moon. Sure, I’ve shown lots of pictures of the Moon, but this one’s lunertic’s first astrophoto, and I thought I could help encourage this wonderful hobby. Take more, let’s see them.

Space Prizes has some interesting links to the recent 2009 Space Settlement Calendar Art Contest. How come nobody told me about this?

Nancy Houser at A Mars Odyssey has a great two part article about the first African American astronaut: Guion Bluford. Here’s part 1 and part 2.

Astronomy Picture of the Day has an image of the Orion Nebula, with a streak through the middle that turned out to be fuel dumped out of a recent rocket launch.

Jeff Foust at Space Politics gives a run down of NASA’s Administrator’s time in front of a Senate committee. It sounds like an uncomfortable place to be. Keith Cowing from NASA Watch has an opinion on the matter too.

Director of the Planetary Society, Louis Friedman, puts the most recent shuttle mission into perspective. The astronauts had a dangerous job of fixing the station’s solar wings, so why wasn’t there more press about it?

Pamela Gay translates some astro-gibberish into a really interesting scientific result.

The Angry Astronomer got a great post about the power of Big Sky Surveys.

NASA Tests New Parachutes for Ares Spacecraft


This has been an exciting week for NASA’s Constellation program — the missions that will bring humans back to the Moon. Earlier in the week, NASA announced plans for testing abort systems and inflatable Moon habitats.

But on Thursday, November 15 actual tests were conducted for some of the genuine hardware that will be used for the Ares launch vehicles.

Near Yuma, Arizona, engineers tested the parachutes that will bring boosters from the first stage of the massive Ares rockets back to Earth.

Certainly, parachutes and rocket booster recovery is nothing new for NASA. But this new parachute is a whopper. Spanning 150 feet across and weighing 2,000 pounds makes this the largest chute of its kind ever tested for parachutes that will carry some of the heaviest payloads ever delivered.

And the new parachute worked perfectly — if not patriotically — with its red, white and blue striped canopy. Made of Kevlar, which is stronger and lighter than the nylon chutes used for the space shuttle’s solid rocket booster recovery, these bigger and stronger parachutes can still fit into the same size canister used for the shuttle boosters but yet be lighter.

Although the Ares boosters will actually come down in the Atlantic Ocean, the tests were conducted in the desert near the U.S. Army’s Yuma Proving Ground. Additionally, the tests used only a 42,000 pound weighted tub as opposed to the 200,000 pound weight of the actual boosters. But the drop tests from 16,000 ft. from a C-17 airplane simulated the peak loads at parachute opening and measured the drag area to validate the design.

The parachute system will allow the Ares I and Ares V boosters to be recovered and then refurbished and reused for future flights. Ares I will launch the Orion vehicle, which will carry humans to the moon, while the larger Ares V will be used for the Cargo Launch Vehicle.

The boosters are scheduled to be flight tested in 2009.

Keep those tests coming!

Original News Source: NASA Press Release

How to Keep a Venus Rover Cool


In comparison to a mission to Venus, missions to Mars or the Moon are a cakewalk. With temperatures exceeding 450ºC (840ºF) and pressures over 92 times that of the surface of the Earth, landing a rover on the surface of Venus is quite a feat. This, however, is exactly what a research and development team at the NASA John Glenn Research Center hopes to accomplish.

Venus has been explored by a number of different missions, but there is a lot of science yet to be done on the planet.

“Understanding the atmosphere, climate, geology, and history of Venus could shed considerable light on our understanding of our own home planet. Yet the surface of Venus is the most hostile operating environment of any of the solid-surface planets in the solar system,” wrote Dr. Geoffrey Landis of the NASA John Glenn Research Center.

The extreme conditions on Venus make traditional rover technology impossible: the heat and pressure combined wreak havoc on any electronic components, and the atmosphere of Venus, mostly composed of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, is highly corrosive on metal parts. And if this weren’t enough, the thick atmosphere makes the light conditions on the surface like a rainy day on Earth, which limits the potential of solar energy.

To solve the problem of putting electronics on the surface, the team will split the mission into two: a rover that will have limited electronic components in pressurized chamber cooled to under 300ºC (570ºF), and an airplane that will fly in the middle atmosphere of the planet, where the temperature is more moderate and the pressure not as great. The airplane will contain most of the more sensitive electrical components like computers, and will assist in relaying all the information back to Earth.

The Russian Venera lander to last the longest on the surface of Venus operated for a mere two hours before being crushed, but the rover for this mission will be designed to last more than 50 days.

Extreme conditions call for extreme technology; the team analyzed the possibility of using a number of different sources of energy, from solar to nuclear to microwave beaming. Solar power just can’t provide the energy necessary to run the rover and cool everything down, and microwave beaming energy from the airplane – which would collect solar energy – isn’t feasible because of how new the technology is.

This leaves nuclear power, something that has been used in past missions such as Galileo, Voyager, the current Cassini probe. To power the rover with nuclear energy, though, there is a twist: the heat produced by bricks of Plutonium will power a Stirling engine, an engine that uses the pressure difference between two chambers to produce mechanical energy with very high efficiency. This mechanical energy can be used to power the wheels directly, or transferred to electrical energy for the electrical and cooling systems, and the technology is being adapted to work on Venus.

“We’ve been working on Stirling technology for many years. The project reported was a project to design a Stirling specifically for Venus – which makes for a very different design in some ways; notably in that the heat rejection temperature is extremely hot – but we are building from existing technology, not developing it from scratch,” wrote Dr. Landis

The airplane would study the atmospheric conditions and Venus’ electric field, while the rover would place seismic stations and study surface conditions. A camera is almost definite on the airplane, and while it would be difficult to put a camera on the rover, it is not entirely out of the question.

When can you expect to see images of the surface, or hear more about the sulfuric acid clouds that envelop the planet?

“It’s a mission concept study so far, not a funded mission, so it’s not actually scheduled to take place. However, there’s a lot of interest in flying it in the 2015-2020 time frame,” said Dr. Landis.

Source: Acta Astronautica

Prototype Heat Shield for Orion


I know what you’re thinking, and no, that’s not a UFO in a secret government laboratory. It’s not a prop for an upcoming science fiction movie, and it’s not the world’s largest Frisbee. It’s a prototype heat shield, developed by Boeing for NASA’s Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle.

When Orion returns from space, it needs to decelerate from orbital velocity to be able to land safely. Just like the space shuttle, the capsule will point this heat ablating surface into the atmosphere, and let it get super hot. The heat shield can rise to extremely high temperatures, while the astronauts stay nice and safe.

The lunar protective system will need to be much more capable that the shuttle’s system, since capsules will be returning directly to the Earth after flying from the Moon. In some cases, Orion’s thermal protection will face 5 times as much heat as vehicles returning from the International Space Station. That’s hot.

It was the catastrophic failure of Columbia’s heat shield that doomed it when it was re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Needless to say, NASA wants to get this right.

The contract for the new Thermal Protection System was awarded to Boeing Advanced Systems about a year ago. Last month, a NASA Ames technical and quality inspection team completed an acceptance review of the shield.

The shield is made from Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA). That’s a mouthful, but it uses a special trick to keep the capsule cool. As the heat shield heats up during reentry, the PICA material “ablates”. It chars, melts and then sublimates to create a cool boundary layer that protects the spacecraft.

Boeing will continue working on the heat shield, to meet Orion’s TPS preliminary design review in early 2008.

Original Source: Boeing News Release

Chandra Sees Star Formation in NGC 281


Here’s a short little post about the star forming nebula NGC 281, captured by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory. This photograph is actually a composite of several wavelengths, imaged by ground and space-based observatories.

The optical data (red, orange and yellow) shows the clouds of gas and dust, and the dark lanes of obscuring dust where stars may be forming. The Chandra X-Ray data is in purple, and reveals more than 300 individual X-ray sources – most of them are associated with the central star forming region.

There’s another group of X-ray sources on the other side of the molecular cloud. Based on the elements in the region, astronomers think that a supernova went off in the region recently.

But really, it’s a pretty picture.

Original Source: Chandra News Release

Astrosphere for November 15th, 2007


Back to the astrosphere. Today’s image is M42, captured by Mike Salway. He thinks it’s the best one he’s ever taken of this complex object.

First, I’d like to announce the Carnival of Space #29. This week it’s held at Riding with Robots on the High Frontier. A big thanks to Bill Dunford for hosting it this week. If you’d like to participate in the Carnival of Space, you can email an entry to [email protected]. And we’d love to have you as a host. It’s a great way to meet other people in the space blogging community and raise awareness to your blog.

We just did an episode of Astronomy Cast about Uranus, and Astronomy.com’s blog notes it’s William Herschel’s birthday. I wish I could claim that was our plan all along.

Alan Boyle lists the winners of the Science Journalism Awards.

Astronomy Picture of the Day has an image of M13, the great globular cluster in Hercules. This is one of my favourite objects in the night sky, and it’s something I always show to people in my telescope.

I don’t have an easy way to categorize this, but I wanted to draw your attention to the wonderful USA Today’s Tech_Space blog, written by Angela Gunn.

Daily Galaxy has a list of 5 things you didn’t know satellites were watching.

Personal Spaceflight reports that there’s a new space tourism company in town.

Phil Plait gives that recent Earth-rise image taken by Kaguya some context. Now you know the craters the spacecraft is flying over.

Radical New Steering Thruster Tested


With the shuttle and station in the news these days, it’s easy to forget there’s a whole other space program in the works: Constellation. Over the next decade, we’ll go back to the Moon – this time to stay. Although it’s inspired by the Apollo program, each piece of hardware is being updated with the latest technology. This week a radical new type of engine was tested at Northrop Grumman; an engine that could help steer spacecraft in space.

Northrop Grumman, one of the contractors on the NASA Constellation Program, announced this week that they’ve tested a new rocket called the TR408.

First a little history. The original Apollo program used thrusters powered by fuels that could be stored at room temperature, but they weren’t very powerful. Furthermore, they were made with toxic chemicals that could be a risk to astronauts and workers.

The new TR408 engine is a hybrid, which can run on almost any state of oxygen and methane. It could be all gas, for example, stored at room temperature. Or it could be all liquid, similar to the liquid oxygen/hydrogen that powers the space shuttle.

The engine was tested for more that 50 separate tests, and was able to generate a steady-state specific impulse of 340 seconds. Just to give you some context, the Apollo thrusters generated a specific impulse of 290 seconds. The shuttle’s liquid hydrogen/oxygen engine gets about 450 seconds.

Although the TR408 doesn’t match up to the efficiency of liquid hydrogen/oxygen, it looks like it’ll be a great compromise for the unique requirements of space travel.

There are more advantages. The TR408 is a very simple design, consisting of only two propellant valves, and no other moving parts. Less moving parts, means less things that can break. They should also be relatively inexpensive to build.

Northrup Grumman was awarded the contract to develop the engine for NASA 16 months ago, and they’re pleased with the progress so far.

Although this engine is designed for low thrust tasks, like steering a spacecraft, more powerful versions are in the works. NASA engineers recently tested a methane/liquid oxygen rocket for 103 seconds, and XCOR Aerospace is working on a version that was tested in a vacuum chamber.

Original Source: Northrop Grumman News Release