Hubble View of a Supernova Remnant

This Hubble Space Telescope photograph contains a supernova remnant located in the Small Magellanic Cloud – it’s bluish haze at the centre of the photo. The remnant is known as E0102, and it’s about 50 light-years away from the edge of a massive star forming region called N 76. The light from the supernova itself would have reached us about 2,000 years ago.
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Help Look for Space Dust

If you’ve got keen eyes, a computer connection, and a little spare time, you could help discover particles of interstellar dust. Poring over the samples returned by NASA’s Stardust probe is a big job, so the scientists have opened up the task to volunteers through the Internet. Using a virtual microscope, volunteers can download images and search for the telltale track of a interstellar dust particles that were captured in aerogel. Discoverers will get a chance to name the particles they discover.
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Book Review: Astronomy: Eyewitness Companions

There’s nothing like spending a warm summer’s evening sitting in pitch black while letting your eyes soar to the vaults of the heavens. A few twinkling hot shot stars steal the show, then more subtle but equally charming fine points of light gradually fill in the blank spots. Eventually, with eyes fully adapted to the dark, the heavens are ablaze with a panorama of elegance and variety. Accumulating years of people’s effort brings sense and order to this menagerie. Ian Ridpath with his book Astronomy makes a wonderful little guide for observers looking for a little sense, and it may turn a summer fling with the stars into a longer affair.
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Crashing Into the Moon… On Purpose

It might sound hard to believe, but dozens of spacecraft have crashed themselves onto the surface of the Moon. All in the name of science. The first was the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2, which smashed into the lunar surface in 1959. Well, an upcoming mission is all set to do it again. NASA’s Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) will launch in 2008 together with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Its booster rocket will smash into the Moon first, carving out a large crater, and then the smaller Shepherding spacecraft will smash into the same spot, analyzing the debris cloud before it’s destroyed too.
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Strange Difference Between Gamma Ray Bursts and Quasars

Look at a quasar and a gamma ray burst – two of the most luminous objects in the Universe – and you’re 4 times more likely to see intervening galaxies in front of the burst. This conclusion was reached by astronomers from UC Santa Cruz, who studied more than 50,000 quasars, and a handful of gamma ray bursts. There shouldn’t be a connection between the quasar or burst in the background, and the number of galaxies in the foreground… but there is, and right now that relationship is a complete mystery.
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Electrical Dust Storms Could Make Life on Mars Impossible

New research is suggesting that planet-wide dust storms on Mars could create a snow of corrosive chemicals toxic to life. These Martian storms generate a significant amount of static electricity, and could be capable of splitting carbon dioxide and water molecules apart. The elements could then reform into hydrogen peroxide molecules, and fall to the ground as a snow that would destroy organic molecules associated with life. This toxic chemical might be concentrated in the top layers of Martian soil, preventing life from surviving.
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No, Mars Won’t Look as Big as the Moon in August

Have you gotten a copy of the email yet? If you haven’t, you probably will. Forwarded from a friend, forwarded again and again until the original source is lost in the murky cloud of the Internet, it encourages you to get set for the experience of a lifetime. When MARS WILL LOOK AS LARGE AS THE FULL MOON!!!!! Is this going to happen? No. But there’s a strange gem of truth at the heart of this misunderstanding/hoax. I’ll give you the history and then everything you need to explain what’s going on to your excited but misinformed email forwarding friends.
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Saturn’s Ring Spokes are Back

Nope, that’s not an error in the photograph. The ghostly white stripe in Saturn’s rings was captured by Cassini on July 23, 2006. This is the first time that Cassini has seen spokes in Saturn’s rings in nearly a year, and the first time from the sunlit side of the rings. Some scientists think the spokes might be caused by meteoroid impacts onto the rings. Others suggest they’re created by an instability in Saturn’s magnetic field.
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