Galaxy Clusters Have Different Supernova Yields

Clusters of galaxies as seen by XMM-Newton. Image credit: ESA. Click to enlarge
Galaxy clusters are the largest objects in the Universe. Each cluster can contain hundreds or even thousands of galaxies held together by gravity. These clusters are filled with hot gas, emitting a tremendous amount of X-ray radiation. ESA’s XMM-Newton observatory recently watched two galaxy clusters enabling astronomers to learn that these clusters have higher quantities of Type 1a supernovae – exploding white dwarf stars – than our own galaxy.

Deep observations of two X-ray bright clusters of galaxies with ESA’s XMM-Newton satellite allowed a group of international astronomers to measure their chemical composition with an unprecedented accuracy. Knowing the chemical composition of galaxy clusters is of crucial importance to understanding the origin of chemical elements in the Universe.

Clusters, or conglomerates, of galaxies are the largest objects in the Universe. By looking at them through optical telescopes it is possible to see hundreds or even thousands of galaxies occupying a volume a few million light years across. However, such telescopes only reveal the tip of the iceberg. In fact most of the atoms in galaxy clusters are in the form of hot gas emitting X-ray radiation, with the mass of the hot gas five times larger than the mass in the cluster’s galaxies themselves.

Most of the chemical elements produced in the stars of galaxy clusters – expelled into the surrounding space by supernova explosions and by stellar winds – become part of the hot X-ray emitting gas. Astronomers divide supernovae into two basic types: ‘core collapse’ and ‘Type Ia’ supernovae. The ‘core collapse’ supernovae originate when a star at the end of its life collapses into a neutron star or a black hole. These supernovae produce lots of oxygen, neon and magnesium. The Type Ia supernovae explode when a white dwarf star consuming matter from a companion star becomes too massive and completely disintegrates. This type produces lots of iron and nickel.

Respectively in November 2002 and August 2003, and for one and a half day each time, XMM-Newton’s made deep observations of the two galaxy clusters called ‘Sersic 159-03’ and ‘2A 0335+096’. Thanks to these data the astronomers could determine the abundances of nine chemical elements in the clusters ‘plasma’ ??bf? a gas containing charged particles such as ions and electrons.

These elements include oxygen, iron, neon, magnesium, silicon, argon, calcium, nickel, and – detected for the first time ever in a galaxy cluster – chromium. “Comparing the abundances of the detected elements to the yields of supernovae calculated theoretically, we found that about 30 percent of the supernovae in these clusters were exploding white dwarfs (‘Type Ia’) and the rest were collapsing stars at the end of their lives (‘core collapse’),” said Norbert Werner, from the SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (Utrecht, Netherlands) and one of the lead authors of these results.

“This number is in between the value found for our own Galaxy (where Type Ia supernovae represent about 13 percent of the supernovae ‘population’) and the current frequency of supernovae events as determined by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search project (according to which about 42 percent of all observed supernovae are Type Ia),” he continued.

The astronomers also found that all supernova models predict much less calcium than what is observed in clusters and that the observed nickel abundance cannot be reproduced by these models. These discrepancies indicate that that the details of supernova enrichment is not yet clearly understood. Since clusters of galaxies are believed to be fair samples of the Universe, their X-ray spectroscopy can help to improve the supernova models.

The spatial distribution of elements across a cluster also holds information about the history of clusters themselves. The distribution of elements in 2A 0335+096 indicates an ongoing merger. The distribution of oxygen and iron across Sersic 159-03 indicates that while most of the enrichment by the core collapse supernovae happened long time ago, Type Ia supernovae still continue to enrich the hot gas by heavy elements especially in the core of the cluster.

Original Source: ESA Portal

Iapetus’ Darker Side

Saturn’s moon Iapetus. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI. Click to enlarge
This Cassini image shows the darker side of Saturn’s moon Iapetus. Scientists aren’t sure why, but Iapetus’ leading hemisphere is much darker than its trailing hemisphere. At the top of the image, it’s possible to see a large impact basin 400 km (250 miles) wide. Cassini took this photograph on April 4, 2006, at a distance of approximately 1.4 million kilometers (900,000 miles) from Iapetus.

A distant glimpse of Iapetus reveals details within the dark terrain of Cassini Regio, including an impact basin at top that is roughly 400 kilometers (250 miles) wide.

Researchers remain unsure about the mechanism that has darkened the leading hemisphere.

This view looks toward the southern hemisphere on the leading side of Iapetus (1,468 kilometers, or 912 miles across). North is up.

The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on April 4, 2006, at a distance of approximately 1.4 million kilometers (900,000 miles) from Iapetus. The image scale is 9 kilometers (6 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Twin Supernovae in NGC 3190

Spiral galaxy NGC 3190. Image credit: ESO. Click to enlarge
Supernovae are rare enough, but astronomers discovered two going off in galaxy NGC 3190 at the same time. NGC 3190 is a large spiral galaxy that we see nearly edge on. Its shape has been warped through interactions between other nearby galaxies, and it has an active galactic nucleus. Astronomers uncovered one supernova in the southeastern part in March 2002, and then another team uncovered a second supernova on the other side two months later. This photograph of NGC 3190 was taken by ESO’s Very Large Telescope.

his beautiful edge-on spiral galaxy with tightly wound arms and a warped shape that makes it resemble a gigantic potato crisp lies in the constellation Leo (‘the Lion’) and is approximately 70 million light years away. It is the dominant member of a small group of galaxies known as Hickson 44, named after the Canadian astronomer, Paul Hickson. In addition to NGC 3190, Hickson 44 consists of one elliptical and two spiral galaxies. These are, however, slightly out of the field of view and therefore not visible here.

In 1982, Hickson published a catalogue of over 400 galaxies found in compact, physically-related groups of typically 4 to 5 galaxies per group (see the image of Robert’s Quartet in ESO PR Photo 34/05 as another example). Such compact groups allow astronomers to study how galaxies dynamically affect each other, and help them test current ideas on how galaxies form. One idea is that compact groups of galaxies, such as Hickson 44, merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy, such as NGC 1316 (see ESO PR 17/00).

Indeed, signs of tidal interactions are visible in the twisted dust lane of NGC 3190. This distortion initially misled astronomers into assigning a separate name for the southwestern side, NGC 3189, although NGC 3190 is the favoured designation.

NGC 3190 has an ‘Active Galactic Nucleus’, and as such, the bright, compact nucleus is thought to host a supermassive black hole.

In March 2002, a new supernova (SN 2002bo) was found in between the ‘V’ of the dust lanes in the southeastern part of NGC 3190. It was discovered independently by the Brazilian and Japanese amateur astronomers, Paulo Cacella and Yoji Hirose. SN 2002bo was caught almost two weeks before reaching its maximum brightness, allowing astronomers to study its evolution. It has been the subject of intense monitoring by a world-wide network of telescopes. The conclusion was that SN 2002bo is a rather unusual Type Ia supernova. The image presented here was taken in March 2003, i.e. about a year after the maximum of the supernova which is 50 times fainter on the image than a year before.

While observing SN 2002bo in May 2002, a group of Italian astronomers discovered another supernova, SN 2002cv, on the other side of NGC 3190. Two supernovae of this type appearing nearly simultaneously in the same galaxy is a rare event, as normally astronomers expect only one such event per century in a galaxy. SN 2002cv was best visible at infrared wavelengths as it was superimposed on the dust lane of NGC 3190, and therefore hidden by a large quantity of dust. In fact, this supernova holds the record for the most obscured Type Ia event.

The image was obtained with a total exposure time of 14 minutes only. Yet, with the amazing power of the Very Large Telescope, it reveals a large zoo of galaxies of varying morphologies. How many can you find?

Original Source: ESO News Release

Comet is Bright With X-Rays

NASA’s Swift captured this image of 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 as it bypassed the Ring Nebula. Image credit: NASA. Click to enlarge
Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 is visible in the night sky with even a small backyard telescope, and it will make its closest approach to Earth next week (don’t worry, it’s still really far away). One of the features of this comet, however, is that it’s unusually bright in the X-ray spectrum. Three X-ray observatories will observe the comet in the coming weeks to determine what it’s made of, and maybe even the composition of the solar wind that causes its tail.

Scientists using NASA’s Swift satellite have detected X-rays from a comet that is now passing the Earth and rapidly disintegrating on what could be its final orbit around the sun.

Swift’s observations provide a rare opportunity to investigate several ongoing mysteries about comets and our solar system, and hundreds of scientists have tuned in to the event.

The comet, called 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3, is visible with even a small, backyard telescope. Peak brightness is expected next week, when it comes within 7.3 million miles of Earth, or about 30 times the distance to the Moon. There is no threat to Earth, however.

This is the brightest comet ever detected in X-rays. The comet is so close that astronomers are hoping to determine not only the composition of the comet but also of the solar wind. Scientists think that atomic particles that comprise the solar wind interact with comet material to produce X-rays, a theory that Swift might prove true.

Three world-class X-ray observatories now in orbit—NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the European-led XMM-Newton, and the Japanese-led Suzaku—will observe the comet in the coming weeks. Like a scout, Swift has provided information to these larger facilities about what to look for. This type of observation can only take place in the X-ray waveband.

“The Schwassmann-Wachmann comet is a comet like no other,” said Scott Porter of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., part of the Swift observation team. “During its 1996 passage it broke apart. Now we are tracking about three dozen fragments. The X-rays being produced provide information never before revealed.”

The situation is reminiscent of the Deep Impact probe, which penetrated comet Tempel 1 about a year ago. This time, nature itself has broken the comet. Because Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 is much closer to both the Earth and the sun than Tempel 1 was, it currently appears about 20 times brighter in X-rays. Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 passes Earth about every five years. Scientists could not anticipate how bright it would become in X-rays this time around.

“The Swift observations are amazing,” said Greg Brown of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., who led the proposal for Swift observation time. “Because we are viewing the comet in X-rays, we can see many unique features. The combined results of data from several premier orbiting observatories will be spectacular.”

Swift is primarily a gamma-ray burst detector. The satellite also has X-ray and ultraviolet/optical telescopes. Because of its burst-hunting ability to turn rapidly, Swift has been able to track the progress of the fast-moving Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 comet. Swift is the first observatory to simultaneously observe the comet in both ultraviolet light and X-rays. This cross comparison is crucial for testing theories about comets.

Swift and the other three X-ray observatories plan to combine forces to observe Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 closely. Through a technique called spectroscopy, scientists hope to determine the chemical structure of the comet. Already Swift has detected oxygen and hints of carbon. These elements are from the solar wind, not the comet.

Scientists think that X-rays are produced through a process called charge exchange, in which highly (and positively) charged particles from the sun that lack electrons steal electrons from chemicals in the comet. Typical comet material includes water, methane and carbon dioxide. Charge exchange is analogous to the tiny spark seen in static electricity, only at a far greater energy.

By comparing the ratio of X-ray energies emitted, scientists can determine the content of the solar wind and infer the content of the comet material. Swift, Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku each provide complementary capabilities to nail down this tricky measurement. The combination of these observations will provide a time evolution of the X-ray emission of the comet as it navigates through our solar system.

Porter and his colleagues at Goddard and Lawrence Livermore tested the charge exchange theory in an earthbound laboratory in 2003. That experiment, at Livermore’s EBIT-I electron beam ion trap, produced a complex spectrograph of intensity versus X-ray energy for a variety of expected elements in the solar wind and comet. “We are anxious to compare nature’s laboratory to the one we created,” Porter said.

The German-led ROSAT mission, now decommissioned, was the first to detect X-rays from a comet, from Hyakutake in 1996. This was a great surprise. It took about five years before scientists had a suitable explanation for X-ray emission. Now, ten years after Hyakutake, scientists could settle the mystery.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Biggest 3-D Map of the Universe

A schematic view of the new SDSS three-dimensional map. Image credit: Hogg/SDSS-II collaboration. Click to enlarge
Astronomers from UC Berkeley have created the most comprehensive three-dimensional map of the Universe ever published. Amazingly, this map is merely a slice containing 1/10th of the northern hemisphere. It contains 600,000 galaxies and extends out 5.6 billion light-years into space. This map allows astronomers to study evidence for dark energy – the mysterious force accelerating the expansion of the Universe.

A team of astronomers led by Nikhil Padmanabhan and David Schlegel has published the largest three-dimensional map of the universe ever constructed, a wedge-shaped slice of the cosmos that spans a tenth of the northern sky, encompasses 600,000 uniquely luminous red galaxies, and extends 5.6 billion light-years deep into space, equivalent to 40 percent of the way back in time to the Big Bang.

Schlegel is a Divisional Fellow in the Physics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Padmanabhan will join the Lab’s Physics Division as a Chamberlain Fellow and Hubble Fellow in September; presently he is at Princeton University. They and their coauthors are members of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and have previously produced smaller 3-D maps by using the SDSS telescope in New Mexico to painstakingly collect the spectra of individual galaxies and calculate their distances by measuring their redshifts.

“What’s new about this map is that it’s the largest ever,” says Padmanabhan, “and it doesn’t depend on individual spectra.”

The principal motive for creating large-scale 3-D maps is to understand how matter is distributed in the universe, says Padmanabhan. “The brightest galaxies are like lighthouses – where the light is, is where the matter is.”

Schlegel says that “because this map covers much larger distances than previous maps, it allows us to measure structures as big as a billion light-years across.”

The variations in galactic distribution that constitute visible large-scale structures are directly descended from variations in the temperature of the cosmic microwave background, reflecting oscillations in the dense early universe that have been measured to great accuracy by balloon-borne experiments and the WMAP satellite.

The result is a natural “ruler” formed by the regular variations (sometimes called “baryon oscillations,” with baryons as shorthand for ordinary matter), which repeat at intervals of some 450 million light-years.

“Unfortunately it’s an inconveniently sized ruler,” says Schlegel. “We had to sample a huge volume of the universe just to fit the ruler inside.”

Says Padmanabhan, “Although the universe is 13.7 billion years old, that really isn’t a whole lot of time when you’re measuring with a ruler that’s marked only every 450 million light-years.”

The distribution of galaxies reveals many things, but one of the most important is a measure of the mysterious dark energy that accounts for some three-fourths of the universe’s density. (Dark matter accounts for roughly another 20 percent, while less than 5 percent is ordinary matter of the kind that makes visible galaxies.)

“Dark energy is just the term we use for our observation that the expansion of the universe is accelerating,” Padmanabhan remarks. “By looking at where density variations were at the time of the cosmic microwave background” – only about 300,000 years after the Big Bang – “and seeing how they evolve into a map that covers the last 5.6 billion years, we can see if our estimates of dark energy are correct.”

The new map shows that the large-scale structures are indeed distributed the way current ideas about the accelerating expansion of the universe would suggest. The map’s assumed distribution of dark matter, which although invisible is affected by gravity just like ordinary matter, also conforms to current understanding.

What made the big new 3-D map possible were the Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s wide-field telescope, which covers a three-degree field of view (the full moon is about half a degree), plus the choice of a particular kind of galactic “lighthouse,” or distance marker: luminous red galaxies.

“These are dead, red galaxies, some of the oldest in the universe – in which all the fast-burning stars have long ago burned out and only old red stars are left,” says Schlegel. “Not only are these the reddest galaxies, they’re also the brightest, visible at great distances.”

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey astronomers worked with colleagues on the Australian Two-Degree Field team to average the color and redshift of a sample of 10,000 red luminous galaxies, relating galaxy color to distance. They then applied these measurements to 600,000 such galaxies to plot their map.

Padmanabhan concedes that “there’s statistical uncertainty in applying a brightness-distance relation derived from 10,000 red luminous galaxies to all 600,000 without measuring them individually. The game we play is, we have so many that the averages still give us very useful information about their distribution. And without having to measure their spectra, we can look much deeper into space.”

Schlegel agrees that the researchers are far from achieving the precision they want. “But we have shown that such measurements are possible, and we have established the starting point for a standard ruler of the evolving universe.”

He says “the next step is to design a precision experiment, perhaps based on modifications to the SDSS telescope. We are working with engineers here at Berkeley Lab to redesign the telescope to do what we want to do.”

“The Clustering of Luminous Red Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging Data,” by Nikhil Padmanabhan, David J. Schlegel, Uros Seljak, Alexey Makarov, Neta A. Bahcall, Michael R. Blanton, Jonathan Brinkmann, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Douglas P. Finkbeiner, James E. Gunn, David W. Hogg, ??bf?eljko Ivezić, Gillian R. Knapp, Jon Loveday, Robert H. Lupton, Robert C. Nichol, Donald P. Schneider, Michael A. Strauss, Max Tegmark, and Donald G. York, will appear in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and is now available online at

SDSS is managed by the Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participating Institutions, which are the American Museum of Natural History, Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, University of Basel, Cambridge University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Chicago, Drexel University, Fermilab, the Institute for Advanced Study, the Japan Participation Group, Johns Hopkins University, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, the Korean Scientist Group, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (LAMOST), Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), New Mexico State University, Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Portsmouth, Princeton University, the United States Naval Observatory, and the University of Washington.

SDSS funding is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Japanese Monbukagakusho, the Max Planck Society, and the Higher Education Funding Council for England. Visit the SDSS web site at

Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located in Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research and is managed by the University of California. Visit our website at

Original Source: Berkeley Lab

What’s Up This Week – May 15 – May 21, 2006

M63: “The Sunflower Galaxy”. Image credit: N.A. Sharp/NOAO/AURA/NSF. Click to enlarge
Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! It may be raining all over the world, but when the skies do clear there will be plenty to explore as we take a look at bright star systems, distant galaxies, globular clusters and astronomy history. So turn your eyes to the skies, because….

Here’s what’s up!

Monday, May 15, 2006 – While we have a short time before the Moon rises, let’s head towards the stars and revisit the fourth brightest in the sky – Arcturus.

Located some 37 light-years away, the “Watcher of the Bear” was one of the very first stars to be seen during daylight in 1635. It achieved public fame when light from Arcturus activated a photoelectric cell which actuated a relay to turn on floodlights to open Chicago’s “Century of Progress” Exposition in 1933. This nearby star was chosen for the honor because the light reaching Earth that night was thought to have left Arcturus during Chicago’s 1893 Exposition. Here’s to guessing you couldn’t see Arcturus once the lights were on….

But keep your lights off and your eyes on the skies as we explore four celestial “neighbors” of Arcturus. About a fist width east, you’ll see four stars arranged roughly north/south. The northernmost is 4.6 magnitude Xi – a very pretty double with yellow primary and disparate orange secondary. The next star south is 4.7 magnitude Omicron, followed by 4.9 magnitude Pi to the southwest. Pi is a double with a closely matched magnitude companion trailing it to the east. Keep heading south for Zeta – also close to being a matched set. But, beware… It takes at least a larger scope and high magnification to split this pair!

Tuesday, May 16 – With plenty of time before the Moon rises, let’s revisit a galaxy very similar to our own Milky Way – NGC 2903. Located less than two degrees south of Lambda Leonis, this magnificent 9.0 magnitude barred spiral can be spotted with binoculars from a dark location, and is easily seen in a small scope.

While NGC 2903’s size and central bar closely resemble our own galaxy’s structure, the Hubble Space Telescope crossed the 25 million light-year gap and found evidence of young globular clusters in its galactic halo – unlike our own old structures. This widespread star forming region is believed to be attributed to the gravity of the central bar. Small telescopes will show the bar as a lateral concentration across the central structure, while larger apertures will reveal spiral arms and condensed regions of innumerable stars.

Want to try something new? How about the exquisite 9.6 magnitude globular cluster – NGC 5634. Found about halfway between Iota and Mu Virginis and almost due south of Phi, what makes it special is its environs. The little globular shows half its size in smaller scopes, but shares the field but that half with an 8th and a 12th magnitude star. This gives it the appearance of a trinary star system!

Wednesday, May 17 – Today in 1835, J. Norman Lockyer was born. While the name might not be widely recognized, Lockyer was the first to note previously unknown absorption lines in the Sun’s spectrum while making visual studies in 1868. Little he knew that he had correctly identified the electromagnetic signature of the second most abundant element in the universe – helium – an element not discovered on Earth until 1891! Also known as the “Father of Archeoastronomy,” Sir Lockyer was one of the first to note the astronomical nature of ancient structures such as Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids.

If you would like to see a helium rich star, look no further tonight than Alpha Virginis – Spica.

Also on this day in 1882, a sun-grazing comet was discovered on photographs of the solar corona taken during a total solar eclipse – but the mysterious comet has not been seen since.

Thursday, May 18 – Before the Moon rises tonight, let’s locate Iota Centauri – another “bright star and galaxy” view. NGC 5102 is a 9.7 magnitude lenticular galaxy which displays a brilliant core. The core region is about all you will see with a 2.9 magnitude star so nearby! A challenge? You bet…

On this day in 1910, Comet Halley transited the Sun, but could not be detected visually. Since the beginning of astronomical observation, transits, eclipses and occultations have provided some very accurate determinations of size. Since Comet Halley could not be spotted against the solar surface, we learned almost a century ago that a cometary nucleus had to be smaller than 100 kilometers in diameter.

Would you like to get a grasp on that concept? Wait until the Moon rises tonight and revisit the most prominent crater of all – Copernicus. In a study done by Shoemaker, this ancient crater was proven to be formed by a gigantic impact. Feature after feature so closely resembles geological impact craters on Earth, that we can say with complete certainty this crater was formed by a large meteoritic body. And just how large is crater Copernicus? Oh, about the size of a certain famous comet’s nucleus – 100 kilometers…

Now let’s head for Omega Centauri. At magnitude 3.7, NGC 5139 is one of the few studies in the night sky receiving a Greek letter despite being decidedly “unstarlike!”

Recorded by Ptolemy as a star, given the designation “Omega” by Bayer, and first noted as non-stellar by Edmond Halley in 1677, J.L.E. Dreyer went on to add three exclamation marks (!!!) to his abbreviated description after including it as entry 5139 in the 1888 New General Catalogue. As the largest globular cluster in our own galaxy, this 5 million solar mass “star of stars” contains more matter than Sagittarius A – the supermassive black hole on which the Milky Way pivots. Omega’s mass is greater than some dwarf galaxies. Of the more than thirty galaxies associated with our Local Group, only the Great Andromeda possesses a globular (G1) brighter than Omega!

Friday, May 19 – Tonight let’s begin by locating the constellation Canes Venatici as we pick out the “Sunflower Galaxy” – M63. Located about a fist width southwest of M51, you can sometimes spot it by scanning the area midway between Alkaid and Cor Caroli.

Originally discovered in 1779 by M?chain, bright M63 is located about 37 million light-years away and believed to be part of a group of galaxies including M51. To binoculars, M63 appears as a faint misty oval, but larger scopes will reveal the galaxy’s spiral arms as a grainy background – brightening considerably towards the center. The most interesting feature of M63 is its arm structure. Most typical spiral galaxies contain two or three distinct arms, yet this structure is multiple – showing short spiral arcs reminding many observers of a “celestial flower.” Studies of M63 reveal that the galactic material at the edges of these arms is moving much faster than normal. Given the amount of visible matter, this additional rotational velocity indicates the presence of significant amounts of dark matter in its overall structure.

If you’re in the mood for a challenge, why not try faint globular cluster – NGC 5466. Located in Bootes, NGC 5466 gives a splendid view in larger scopes. – showing a “pin-cushiony” distribution of its fainter stars. Small instruments might be able to pick this one up on a dark night. The cluster is 52 million light-years away – a value very similar to that of M53 and neighboring globular cluster NGC 5053. To locate NGC 5466, start at M3, about halfway between Arcturus and Cor Caroli. Head due east about five degrees past a lone 6th magnitude star.

Saturday, May 20 – Early evening dark means a good time to look for “the Owl and the Edge-On.”

Start with Beta Ursae Majoris – southwestern star of the Big Dipper. About a finger-width between it and Phecda to the southeast, you’ll catch the 10.1 magnitude Edge-On galaxy first seen by Pierre M?chain on February 19, 1781. Although it was later verified by Charles Messier, it didn’t formally enter the Messier catalog until 1953 when Owen Gingerich entered it. Despite being faint, M108 contrasts well on a good dark night sky and larger scopes will make out irregular patches of detail.

Less than a finger-width further southeast, you’ll spot M97 – the Owl Nebula. But let’s ask a tough question: Which came first, the Owl or the Edge-On? According to Owen Gingerich’s research, the Owl (M97) was discovered by Pierre M?chain three days earlier than the Edge-On – and what an accomplishment that was! Many observers cite M97 as one of the most difficult of the Messier studies to detect – especially through the kind of contrast-robbing skies found near larger cities. Pollution!

The “Owl” gets its name for the vague gray-greenness of its light, and the two curious voids visible through larger scopes. These voids are thought to be the result of looking at a globe of nebulosity whose lowest-density poles lie at an oblique angle to our line of sight. The material making up M97 and the light causing it to glow are associated with a high surface temperature central star in the last stages of life. At the center of M97 is a faint 16th magnitude dying star.

Sunday, May 21 – Are you ready for something new? Then let’s start by locating the two northernmost stars of the Big Dipper – Dubhe and Megrez. Now imagine that these two bright stars are the base of a pyramid. Use lowest power and center at the apex of this pyramid to the north. There you will see a fine, mid-sized spiral galaxy – NGC 4125. Average scopes will see a stellar nucleus in the 9.8 magnitude structure, along with an expansive core region and faint spiral extensions. A “Missed-Messier” perhaps? You bet!

Something old? Return to Omega Centauri and the 7.0 magnitude, almost incomprehensibly structured galaxy NGC 5128. It’s otherwise known as radio-source Centaurus A! NGC 5128 is easily found halfway between Omega and Iota Centauri.

And now for Moon rise…

In 1961, United States President John F. Kennedy launched the country on a journey to the Moon as he made one of his most famous speeches to Congress: “I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind or more important for the long-range exploration of space…”

While the Apollo 11 landing site is hidden behind the terminator tonight, it is still possible to see another: that of Apollo 15. Locate previous northern study crater Plato and look due south past the isolated Spitzbergen Mountains to comparably-sized Archimedes. Spend a few moments enjoying Archimedes’ well-etched terraced walls and textured bright floor. Then look east look for the twin punctuations of Aristillus and the more northern Autolycus. South of Aristillus note the heart-shape of Paulus Putredinus. There you will see Mons Hadley very well highlighted and alone on its northeastern bank. Power up to see that the Mons Hadley area includes a cove known as the Hadley Delta, and there on that plain just north of the brilliant mountain peak is where Apollo 15 touched down.

Be aware that Uranus is also very nearby and will be occulted by the Moon! Check IOTA for specifics in your area.

May all your journeys be at light speed… ~Tammy Plotner with Jeff Barbour.

Astrophoto: The Large Magellanic Cloud by John Gleason

The Large Magellanic Cloud by John Gleason
In August 1519, a Portuguese admiral with five tall ships and a crew of 270 men departed from Spain on the first attempt to circle the earth by taking a route predominantly through the southern hemisphere. The admiral, named Ferdinand Magellan, didn’t return to Spain having died on the voyage during a battle in the Philippines and only one ship returned with eighteen tattered men three years later. The voyage was a milestone in human history by discovering the full scope of the Earth’s size, the need for an international date line and the two Clouds of Magellan, the largest one pictured here.

The Magellanic Clouds were actually known previously by the indigenous people living in the southern hemisphere. A Persian astronomer made the first written reference almost 600 years prior to Magellan?s discovery, but it was Magellan who made their existence part of western knowledge and thus they were named after him. The clouds are actually two out of thirteen dwarf satellite galaxies that orbit the Milky Way. The total number circling our island universe will probably grow since two new ones have recently been reported and additional ones are already suspected.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is the more massive and closer of the two named after the explorer and the second closest galaxy to our own. Located about 180,000 light years distant in southern constellation of Dorado, the Large Magellanic Cloud is estimated to span over 15,000 light years and contains about 60 globular clusters, 400 planetary nebulae, 700 open clusters, and several hundred thousand giant and supergiant stars. It is speculated that this satellite galaxy may have formerly been a larger spiral that ventured too close and was partially devoured by the Milky Way.

This spectacular portrait of the Large Magellanic Cloud is a mosaic of six separate images taken through a hydrogen-alpha narrow band filter. The filter rejects white light that is visible to the naked eye and only allows the very dark red radiation emitted by hydrogen gas, a primary component of nebulae, to pass onto the CCD.detector. The area of this image covers is several times the diameter of the full moon. The Large Magellanic Cloud is the glowing elongated object extending from the eleven o’clock position towards the center. Around it are dozens of nebulae, the most prominent of which is called the Tarantula, located to the upper right of the galaxy in this picture. This is also the vicinity where the closest supernova in 300 years was discovered in 1987- SN1987A.

Veteran astrophotographer John Gleason produced this picture earlier this year from the Sky Shed Observatory in Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia. John used a four-inch Takahashi FSQ astrograph and an 11 mega-pixel astronomical camera to record the twenty cumulative hours of exposures required to produce this striking deep space image.

Do you have photos you’d like to share? Post them to the Universe Today astrophotography forum or email them, and we might feature one in Universe Today.

Written by R. Jay GaBany

Podcast: We’re Safe From Gamma Ray Bursts

Artist impression of a gamma ray burst exploding near the Earth. Image credit: NASA. Click to enlarge.
We live in a dangerous Universe. Our tiny home planet is at risk from many extraterrestrial threats: asteroid strikes, solar flares, rogue black holes, supernovae. Now add gamma ray bursts to the list – those most powerful explosions in the Universe. Even 10 seconds of radiation from one of these events would be a deadly setback to life on Earth. Before you start looking for another planet to live on, Dr. Andrew Levan from the University of Hertforshire is here to explain the probilities of a nearby explosion. It looks like the odds are in our favour.

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Fraser Cain: Now, I want to learn how safe I am from gamma ray bursts, but first can you give the explainer on what these explosions are?

Dr. Andrew Levan: Gamma ray bursts were really a mystery for much of the last 30 years. They were first discovered in 1967 by satellites which were launched to search for evidence of nuclear tests going on in space. So in the 1960s there was worry on both sides – the Russians and the Americans – we’re worried that the opposing side might be testing nuclear weapons somewhere in space. And so there was a test ban treaty that banned this and then various satellites were launched to be able to detect the signature of these tests. And these tests would have given a signature that would have been a bursts of gamma rays. And so the satellites were launched to search for this. They never actually saw any gamma rays from nuclear tests, but what they did find were these very bright explosions that were happening nowhere in the Solar System. Not associated with anything that was happening that was obvious; not really the Moon or any of the planets or anything like that. And so these were the first discovered gamma ray bursts.

For most the next 20 or 30 years, that was really all that we knew about them; these strange unexplained flashes of high energy radiation. This is light with wavelengths much shorter than X-rays that medical images use. And they were very difficult because of that to pinpoint them. So we really didn’t know where they were, whether they were anywhere near us or whether they were a long way away. And then in the late 1990s, finally we succeeded in pinpointing their origin by optical emissions, by normal light, and that showed that they were incredibly bright explosions which happen in the distant Universe, so you’re talking about looking right back to only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang – 95% of the way back through the age of the Universe.

And so, that was sort of the first breakthrough. And then over the next few years, it was realized that these gamma ray bursts were actually caused by the collapse of a very massive star. So when you’re talking very massive, you’re actually talking about 20-30 times as heavy as the Sun. And what happens with these stars is that they burn, or fuse, hydrogen into heavier elements at their cores. And eventually that process stops, they fall into themselves, form a black hole, and it’s that process which creates a gamma ray burst.

Fraser: That sounds very similar to the process of a supernova explosion. So, what’s the difference?

Dr. Levan: Well indeed, many gamma ray bursts are supernova explosions. So they are just a subset of supernova. Supernova happen when stars more massive that 8 times the mass of the Sun run out of nuclear fuel and collapse, but most of the time they form a neutron star rather than a black hole. Now a neutron star is just slightly less extreme an object, but it’s still very extreme. And so it is more or less the mass of the Sun, but collapsed into a region only 10 miles across. But what happens there is that you actually get a lot less energy out. And so when you have these very massive stars that become gamma ray bursts, the energy from these gamma rays is launched in a jet. So it’s like a hosepipe being pointed straight at you, and it goes basically out the poles of the star at either end. It illuminates the sky as a very bright source. But it only illuminates perhaps a few percent of the sky. And that is where the gamma rays are emitted, and that’s what makes a gamma ray burst. And only a few types of supernova are those which create both the black holes and the necessary conditions to create a jet are those that create the gamma ray burst. And then the gamma ray bursts are much much brighter than the normal supernovae that we see.

Fraser: And being nearby these is a pretty dangerous place to be. How risky is it, and how far out is the sphere of destruction?

Dr. Levan: People talk about supernovae and they talk about gamma ray bursts as being dangerous to the Earth. For a supernova, it really has to be very close; it has to be within about 10 parsecs of us (or 30 light-years). There really aren’t very many stars in that. Now with gamma ray bursts is so much more luminous that it could be 30 or 40,000 light years away from us. So that’s halfway across the galaxy. If one went off in the centre of the galaxy and it hit the Earth, then that would be an incredibly dangerous thing for us. Because what would happen is the high energy radiation would hit us would ionize the high atmosphere and create lots of new, quite nasty, nitrogen oxides which would create acid rain. It would destroy the ozone layer, and at the same time, it would shower the side of the Earth facing it with an incredibly high dose of ultraviolet radiation.

Fraser: If one of these goes off in your galaxy, that’s a huge setback for life. I can’t imagine much that could withstand that, apart from the microbial life underground.

Dr. Levan: Yes, absolutely, it really does. The impact for us is that you would have the rather paradoxical situation that the nitrogen oxides that were created in the atmosphere could actually block the optical light, so you’d have global cooling. You’d have problems with plants photosynthesizing and stuff like that. But at the same time because you have the ozone layer being destroyed, you’d have a high flux of ultraviolet light that would really be damaging to any life that encountered it. And so it would drastically affect the process of evolution. Whether it would be possible for us to evolve sufficiently to live through that is very unlikely.

Fraser: Do scientists think that’s responsible for some extinction events in the past?

Dr. Levan: There’s been a lot of discussion about this. Obviously the most talked about extinction is that of the dinosaurs and a lot of people now believe that it was probably an asteroid hit from outside the Earth or something like that. There certainly was an extinction event about 400 million years ago which people have talked about perhaps being due to a gamma ray burst. Obviously it’s very uncertain when you look back and you’re trying to look through the fossil record, but certainly gamma ray bursts have been talked about because of the fact that they’re less common than supernova, they can affect you over such a big volume the Earth that people have talked about past extinctions being due to gamma ray bursts.

Fraser: Okay, now I’ve been promised some good news. Lay it on me.

Dr. Levan: What we’ve done is study a lot of these bursts, about 40 of them. Now these are gamma ray bursts that you can relax, they’re so far away that they’re actually difficult to see with even the biggest telescopes in the world. But what we can study from them is the type of galaxy in which they happen. And so the Milky Way, which is our galaxy, is called a grand design spiral. It’s a great big, very massive galaxy. Now when you look at the types of galaxies these tend to occur in, you find that they’re always in these small, messy, very irregular galaxies which have a very low mass, which are very unlike the Milky Way. And the reason for this is that the Milky Way has lots of what we call metals. Now when astronomers talk about metals, we don’t really mean things like aluminum or iron, or things like that. We really mean anything heavier than hydrogen or helium. And so in order to have life, you have to have carbon and oxygen and things like that which are very rare in the little galaxies that have gamma ray bursts going off. And so what you realize when you look at it is that little galaxies are vital to creating gamma ray bursts because what you need basically is very massive stars that form black holes, and it’s much easier to do that in these little galaxies that have very few metals. And what that essentially means is that although we’ve had that in the past, gamma ray bursts just don’t happen in galaxies like our own.

Fraser: I know that some recent research shows us some star forming regions in nearby satellite galaxies to the Milky Way that are building up stars that are 50-80 times the mass of the Sun, so are those good candidates or is there something about the heavier elements?

Dr. Levan: Yes, so there’s something very specific about the heavier elements. When you have heavier elements in a star, it actually effects the evolution of the star very fundamentally. And so what happens is that these heavy elements have what we call stellar winds; quite strong stellar winds. And what this means is that they push off all of the material that’s outside them. So although they start their lives as very massive stars, by the time they end their life, they’ve actually lost much of that mass that they’re no longer massive enough to form black holes. And so they actually form these neutron stars as normal supernovae. So there’s very little doubt that these massive stars that you see and the massive star forming regions that you see are going to form supernovae, because they’re much further away, they’re no threat to us. And because of their stellar winds, they will lose so much of their mass that they can’t make black holes and so they can’t make gamma ray bursts.

Fraser: Since all of the gamma ray bursts have been seen across the Universe, is it almost like a function of age – as you look further away, you’re looking back in time. We used to have gamma ray bursts, but they just don’t happen anymore.

Dr. Levan: Yes, very much so. Obviously, as stars evolve, you make your first generation of stars. All of the metals, all of the atoms that you see around you, in your body, in the building, and everything like that, are made from supernova explosions in the past. They enrich everything around them, and then there’s another generation of stars that are made from that, and so on. And so when you look back into the Universe, there were less of these metals around, and less of these heavy elements, and so the early Universe is a much more promising place to look for gamma ray bursts than the Universe as we see it now where only gamma ray bursts occur in little galaxies where there hasn’t been so much star formation for so long as there has been in the Milky Way.

Podcast: We’re Safe From Gamma Ray Bursts

We live in a dangerous Universe. Our tiny home planet is at risk from many extraterrestrial threats: asteroid strikes, solar flares, rogue black holes, supernovae. Now add gamma ray bursts to the list – those most powerful explosions in the Universe. Even 10 seconds of radiation from one of these events would be a deadly setback to life on Earth. Before you start looking for another planet to live on, Dr. Andrew Levan from the University of Hertforshire is here to explain the probabilities of a nearby explosion. It looks like the odds are in our favour.
Continue reading “Podcast: We’re Safe From Gamma Ray Bursts”

Titan and Epimetheus

Epimetheus and Titan against Saturn’s rings. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI Click to enlarge
This Cassini photograph shows Saturn’s rings and two of its moons: Titan and Epimetheus. Saturn’s A and F rings are visible in this photograph, and the darker region is the 325 km (200 mile) -wide Encke gap. This image was taken on April 28, 2006 when Cassini was approximately 667,000 kilometers (415,000 miles) from Epimetheus and three times that distance to Titan.

The Cassini spacecraft delivers this stunning vista showing small, battered Epimetheus and smog-enshrouded Titan, with Saturn’s A and F rings stretching across the scene.

The prominent dark region visible in the A ring is the Encke Gap, in which the moon Pan and several narrow ringlets reside. Moon-driven features that mark the A ring are easily seen to the left and right of the Encke Gap. The Encke Gap is 325 kilometers (200 miles) wide. Pan is 26 kilometers (16 miles) across.

In an optical illusion, the narrow F ring, outside the A ring, appears to fade across the disk of Titan. A couple of bright clumps can be seen in the F ring.

Epimetheus is 116 kilometers (72 miles) across and giant Titan is 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles) across.

The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on April 28, 2006, at a distance of approximately 667,000 kilometers (415,000 miles) from Epimetheus and 1.8 million kilometers (1.1 million miles) from Titan. The image captures the illuminated side of the rings. The image scale is 4 kilometers (2 miles) per pixel on Epimetheus and 11 kilometers (7 miles) per pixel on Titan.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release