What’s Up This Week – March 6 – March 12, 2006

Uranus and its faint ring system which was discovered this week in 1977. Image credit: NASA/JPL. Click to enlarge.
If you haven’t had the chance to catch bright comet Pojmanski, the time is now. Head out this week to catch lunar features, bright stars and open clusters. Keep on looking because…

Here’s what’s up!

Monday, March 6 – Still making headlines, bright comet 2006/A1 Pojmanski is on the move. Easily spotted well before dawn with even small binoculars, Pojmanski has a very bright nucleus accompanied by a large, green-hued coma – along with reports of up to two degrees of tail. Now cruising through Aquila at an average magnitude of 5.4, it will continue to fade until it reaches Lacerta at month’s end. SkyHound provides excellent locator charts. Take the opportunity to locate this fine comet before the Moon returns to morning skies!

If you see sunshine today, celebrate the birthday of Joseph Fraunhofer born this date in 1787. The German scientist Fraunhofer was a true “trailblazer” of modern astronomy and his field was spectroscopy. After having served an apprenticeship as a lens and mirror maker, Fraunhofer went on to develop specialized optical instruments. While designing the modern achromatic objective lens for the telescope, he watched the sun’s light passing through a thin slit and saw many dark lines – part of the “rainbow bar code.” Fraunhofer knew some of these lines could be used as a wavelength “standard.” For this reason he began measuring their locations relative to one another. The most prominent of the lines he labeled with letters still in use today. His skill in optics, mathematics, and physics led Fraunhofer to design and build the very first diffraction grating capable of measuring the wavelengths of specific colors and dark lines in the solar spectrum. And his telescope – did it succeed? Of course. The achromatic objective lens is still a design of choice, and the binoculars you have? They’re achromats!

Tonight will be the perfect opportunity to find the lunar crater named for Fraunhofer. Return again to the now shallow appearing crater Furnerius. Can you spot the ring at its southern edge? This is crater Fraunhofer – a challenge under these lighting conditions.

Now, revisit the “Twin Stars” – Castor and Pollux. Separated by not much more than 3 arc seconds, 2.0 magnitude Castor A has a bright sibling – 2.8 magnitude Castor B. The pair is actually a true binary with an orbital period of roughly 500 years. The Castor system contains four lesser members – each main star is a spectroscopic binary. Without Fraunhofer’s discovery, we would have never known.

Although spectroscopes and telescopes are powerful instruments able to reveal much, sometimes you just have to get close for more details. Today in 1986, the first of over a week of flybys began as the Russian built VEGA 1 and European Space Agency’s Giotto became the first space probes to reach Halley’s Comet.

Tuesday, March 7 – On this date in 1792, the only child of William Herschel was born – John. Herschel became the first astronomer to thoroughly survey the southern hemisphere sky and he discovered photographic fixer – an important chemical ingredient needed to preserve images on photographic plates. Also born on this date in 1837 was Henry Draper, the man who made the first photograph of Vega’s stellar spectrum in 1872. Eight years later, he took the first picture of the Great Nebula in Orion. Draper’s contribution led to new techniques in astrophotography, making it possible for celluloid to reveal faint detail beyond the reach of the eye in the 1880’s. This led to development of the Great Observatories – and telescopes – necessary to ultimately show an expanding cosmos populated by numberless “island universes” beyond our own Milky Way.

Tonight’s outstanding lunar features are two craters that you simply can’t miss – Aristotle and Eudoxus. Located to the north, this pair will be highly prominent in binoculars as well as telescopes. The northernmost – Aristotle – was named for the great philosopher and has an expanse of 87 kilometers. Its deep, rugged walls show a wealth of detail at high power, including two small interior peaks. Companion crater Eudoxus, to the south, spans 67 kilometers and offers equally rugged detail.

If you haven’t been following Saturn with regularity, tonight’s bright Moon might make this an occasion to spend some quality time on the ring system and satellites. At magnifications above 100x, the main division separating Ring A from B (Cassini’s Division) should be readily apparent in most scopes. Try making a series of simple sketches showing any nearby “stars.” Keep the sketch as the Moon waxes to full and see if you can distinguish between background stars and the planet’s own retinue of six most easily observed satellites – Titan, Rhea, Tethys, Dione, Enceladus, and Iapetus.

Wednesday, March 8 – On this day in 1977, NASA’s airborne occultation observatory made an unexpected discovery – Uranus had rings. Human eyes didn’t actually see Uranus’ faint ring system at the time – only the strange wink of a star hidden behind them. Imaging the rings had to wait until Voyager 2 whisked by nine years later.

Tonight the Moon provides a piece of scenic history as we take a more in-depth look at a previous study crater – Albategnius. This huge, hexagonal, mountain-walled plain appears near the terminator about one-third the way north of the south limb. This 135 kilometer wide crater is approximately 14,400 feet deep and its west wall casts a black shadow on the dark floor. Partially filled with lava after creation, Albategnius is a very ancient formation that later became home to several wall-breech craters, such as Klein, which can be seen telescopically on the southwest wall. Albategnius holds more than just the distinction of being a prominent crater tonight – it also holds a place in history. On May 9, 1962 Louis Smullin and Giorgio Fiocco of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) aimed a ruby laser beam toward the Moon’s surface and Albategnius became the first lunar feature to reflect laser light from Earth.

On March 24, 1965 Ranger 9 took a “snapshot” of Albategnius from an altitude of approximately 2500 km. Ranger 9 was designed by NASA for one purpose – to achieve lunar impact trajectory and send back high-resolution photographs and video images of the lunar surface. Ranger 9 carried no other science packages. Its destiny was to simply take pictures right up to the moment of impact. They called it… a “hard landing.”

Thursday, March 9 – Today is the 442nd anniversary of David Fabricius’ birth. Born in 1564, Fabricius discovered the first variable star – Mira. At the heart of Cetus the Whale, it is now dipping steeply to the south-southwest at skydark. Even when well placed above the horizon, you can’t always count on Mira being seen. At its brightest, Mira achieves magnitude 2.0 – bright enough to be seen 10 degrees above the horizon. However Mira “the Wonderful” can also get as faint as magnitude 9 during its 331 day long “heartbeat” cycle of expansion and contraction. Mira is regarded as a premiere study for amateur astronomers interested in beginning variable star observations. For more information about this fascinating and scientifically useful branch of amateur astronomy contact the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers).

Tonight’s featured lunar crater is located on the south shore of Mare Imbrium right where the Apennine mountain range meets the terminator. At 58 kilometers in diameter and 12,300 feet deep, Eratosthenes is an unmistakable crater. Named after the ancient Greek mathematician, geographer and astronomer Eratosthenes, this splendid crater will display a bright west wall and a black interior hiding its massive crater capped central mountain 3570 meters high! Extending like a tail, an 80 kilometer mountain ridge angles away to its southwest. As beautiful as Eratosthenes appears tonight, it will fade away to almost total obscurity as the Moon approaches full. See if you can spot it again in five days.

Friday, March 10 – Tonight would be a terrific opportunity to study under-rated crater Bullialdus. Located close to the center of Mare Nubium, even binoculars can make out Bullialdus when near the terminator. If you’re scoping – power up – this one is fun! Very similar to Copernicus, Bullialdus’ has thick, terraced walls and a central peak. If you examine the area around it carefully, you can note it is a much newer crater than shallow Lubiniezsky to the north and almost non-existent Kies to the south. On Bullialdus’ southern flank, it’s easy to make out its A and B craterlets, as well as the interesting little Koenig to the southwest.

Despite the bright waxing moon, we still have a chance to get a view of a sprinkling of faint stars high to the south at skydark. Located less than a finger-width west-northwest of Wezen (Delta Canis Majoris) – 6.5 magnitude NGC 2354 is achievable in small scopes. Although richly populated, this open cluster lacks a bright core. This may challenge the eye to see it. Despite the moonlight, about a dozen stars should be visible in smaller scopes, but return on a moonless night to look for faint clumps and chaining among its 50 or so brightest members.

Saturday, March 11 – Today celebrates the birth of Urbain Leverrier. Born in 1811, Leverrier predicted the existence of Neptune. Along with a similar prediction by John Couch Adams, this led to its discovery. As both a mathematician and astronomer, Leverrier was also the first scientist to promote the idea of daily weather forecasts.

Tonight we’ll have the opportunity to look for a lunar feature named for Leverrier. To find it, start with the C-shape of Sinus Iridum. Imagine that Iridum is a mirror focusing light – this will lead your eye to crater Helicon. The slightly smaller crater southeast of Helicon is Leverrier. Be sure to power up to capture the splendid north-south oriented ridge which flows lunar east.

Tonight let’s try a lovely triple star system – Beta Monocerotis. Located about a fist width northwest of Sirius, Beta is a distinctive white star with blue companions. Separated by about 7 arc seconds, almost any magnification will distinguish Beta’s 4.7 magnitude primary from its 5.2 magnitude secondary to the southeast. Now, add a little power and you’ll see the fainter secondary has its own 6.2 magnitude companion less than 3 arc seconds away to the east.

Sunday, March 12 – Tonight let’s turn binoculars or telescopes toward the southern lunar surface as we set out to view one of the most unusually formed craters – Schiller. Located near the lunar limb, Schiller appears as a strange gash bordered on the southwest in white and black on the northeast. This oblong depression might be the fusion of two or three craters, yet shows no evidence of crater walls on its smooth floor. Schiller’s formation still remains a mystery. Be sure to look for a slight ridge running along the spine of the crater to the north through the telescope. Larger scopes should resolve this feature into a series of tiny dots.

Want a challenging double this evening? Then let’s have a look at Theta Aurigae. 2.7 magnitude Theta is a four star system ranging in magnitudes from 2.7 to 10.7. The brightest companion – Theta B – is magnitude 7.2 and is separated from the primary by slightly more than 3 arc seconds. Remember that this is what is known as a “disparate double” and look for the two fainter members well away from the primary.

Grab a comet by the tail and may all your journeys be at light speed! …~Tammy Plotner. Contributing author: Jeff Barbour @ astro.geekjoy.com

Astrophoto: Comet Pojmanski by R. Jay GaBany

Comet Pojmanski by R. Jay GaBany
Set your alarm clocks between 4:30 and 5:00AM sometime over the next two or three days because a bright new comet that can be seen with the unaided eye, even better through binoculars, is dancing head first near the horizon almost due east before sunrise. The comet is named Pojmanski and has been given the official designation of C/2006 A1. It was discovered earlier this year on January 2.

Grzegorz Pojmanski, of the Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory in Poland, first spotted this comet in a photograph taken from Chile when it glowed around magnitude 12 – thousands of times too faint to be seen visually without telescopic aide.

As the comet has moved closer to Earth on a journey that will swing it around the sun, its actual brightness has surpassed all original estimates so that by the morning of March 3, it was still between magnitude 5.5 and 6. That makes it as visible as any of the stars in the Little Dipper. The comet’s closest approach to Earth is on March 5 when it will be about 62 million miles away. It should become easier to spot until March 8, because it will rise earlier and earlier in the morning but it will also become dimmer.

The comet is now a pre-dawn object that rises almost directly in the east a few minutes before 4AM – left of a dazzling white star that is actually the planet Venus. It appears as a tiny star when viewed straight on but through binoculars, a tail that points away from the direction of sunrise is evident. Each day it will rise earlier than the previous and by March 8, Comet Pojmanski will have risen to a fourth of the distance between the horizon and directly overhead at the start of dawn.

I took this image on the morning of March 3, 2006 from my remotely controlled observatory in south central New Mexico located at an elevation of about 7,200 feet above sea level. I combined twelve separate images taken through red, green and blue filters to create this full color portrait. Digital processing enabled me to freeze the comet’s motion that occurred during the thirty-minute exposure period. The picture was taken through a twenty inch Ritchey-Chretien telescope with an eleven-mega pixel camera specially designed for astronomical imaging.

Do you have photos you’d like to share? Post them to the Universe Today astrophotography forum or email them, and we might feature one in Universe Today.

Written by R. Jay GaBany

Researchers mimic high-pressure form of ice found in giant icy moons

Jupiter’s icy moon Callisto. Image credit: NASA Click to enlarge
As scientists learn more about our Solar System, they’ve found water ice in some unusual situations. One of the most intriguing of these environments is on icy moons, like Jupiter’s Europa, and Uranus’ Triton. Researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have recreated this kind of ice in their laboratory; ice that probably mimics the conditions of pressure, temperature, stress, and grain size found on these moons. This ice can slowly creep and swirl around depending on the temperature of the moons’ interiors.

That everyday ice you use to chill your glass of lemonade has helped researchers better understand the internal structure of icy moons in the far reaches of the solar system.

A research team has demonstrated a new kind of “creep,” or flow, in a high-pressure form of ice by creating in a laboratory the conditions of pressure, temperature, stress, and grain size that mimic those in the deep interiors of large icy moons.

High-pressure phases of ice are major components of the giant icy moons of the outer solar system: Jupiter’s Ganymede and Callisto, Saturn’s Titan, and Neptune’s Triton. Triton is roughly the size of our own moon; the other three giants are about 1.5 times larger in diameter. Accepted theory says that most of the icy moons condensed as “dirty snowballs” from the dust cloud around the sun (the solar nebula) about 4.5 billion years ago. The moons were warmed internally by this accretionary process and by radioactive decay of their rocky fraction.

The convective flow of ice (much like the swirls in a hot cup of coffee) in the interiors of the icy moons controlled their subsequent evolution and present-day structure. The weaker the ice, the more efficient the convection, and the cooler the interiors. Conversely, the stronger the ice, the warmer the interiors and the greater the possibility of something like a liquid internal ocean appearing.

The new research reveals in one of the high-pressure phases of ice (“ice II”) a creep mechanism that is affected by the crystallite or “grain” size of the ice. This finding implies a significantly weaker ice layer in the moons than previously thought. Ice II first appears at pressures of about 2,000 atmospheres, which corresponds to a depth of about 70 km in the largest of the icy giants. The ice II layer is roughly 100 km thick. The pressure levels at the centers of the icy giant moons eventually reach the equivalent of 20,000 to 40,000 Earth atmospheres.

Researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Kyushu University in Japan and the U.S. Geological Survey conducted creep experiments using a low-temperature testing apparatus in the Experimental Geophysics Laboratory at LLNL. They then observed and measured ice II grain size using a cryogenic scanning electron microscope. The group found a creep mechanism that dominates flow at lower stresses and finer grain sizes. Earlier experiments at higher stresses and larger grain size activated flow mechanisms that did not depend on grain size.

The experimentalists were able to prove that the new creep mechanism was indeed related to the size of the ice grains, something that previously had only been examined theoretically.

But the measurement was no easy feat. First, they had to create ice II of very fine grain size (less than 10 micrometers, or one-tenth the thickness of a human hair). A technique of rapid cycling of pressure above and below 2,000 atmospheres eventually did the trick. Adding to that, the team maintained a very steady 2,000 atmospheres of pressure within the testing apparatus to run a low-stress deformation experiment for weeks on end. Finally, to delineate the ice II grains and make them visible in the scanning electron microscope, the team developed a method of marking the grain boundaries with the common form of ice (“ice I”), which appeared different from ice II in the microscope. Once the boundaries were identified, the team could measure ice II’s grain size.

“These new results show that the viscosity of a deep icy mantle is much lower than we previously thought,” said William Durham, a geophysicist in Livermore’s Energy and Environment Directorate.

Durham said the high-quality behavior of the test apparatus at 2,000 atmospheres pressure, the collaboration with Tomoaki Kubo of Kyushu University, and success in overcoming serious technical challenges made for a fortuitous experiment.

Using the new results, the researchers conclude that it is likely the ice deforms by the grain size-sensitive creep mechanism in the interior of icy moons when the grains are up to a centimeter in size.

“This newly discovered creep mechanism will change our thinking of the thermal evolution and internal dynamics of medium- and large-size moons of the outer planets in our solar system,” Durham said. “The thermal evolution of these moons can help us explain what was happening in the early solar system.”

The research appears in the March 3 issue of the journal Science.

Founded in 1952, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a mission to ensure national security and apply science and technology to the important issues of our time. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.

Original Source: LLNL News Release

Andromeda’s Origin is Similar to That of the Milky Way

Andromeda Galaxy taken in ultraviolet. Image credit: GALEX Click to enlarge
Astronomers have long believed that the Andromeda galaxy had a different upbringing from our own Milky Way, but now it seems we aren’t so different after all. An international team of researchers have completed a survey of the metal content in Andromeda’s halo, and found that it’s relatively metal poor – just like the Milky Way. If both galaxies have the same amount of metal in their halos, that means they probably evolved in similar ways; both got started half a billion years after the Big Bang and grew from a collection of protogalactic fragments.

For the last decade, astronomers have thought that the Andromeda galaxy, our nearest galactic neighbor, was rather different from the Milky Way. But a group of researchers have determined that the two galaxies are probably quite similar in the way they evolved, at least over their first several billion years.

In an upcoming issue of the Astrophysical Journal, Scott Chapman of the California Institute of Technology, Rodrigo Ibata of the Observatoire de Strasbourg, and their colleagues report that their detailed studies of the motions and metals of nearly 10,000 stars in Andromeda show that the galaxy’s stellar halo is “metal-poor.” In astronomical parlance, this means that the stars lying in the outer bounds of the galaxy are pretty much lacking in all the elements heavier than hydrogen.

This is surprising, says Chapman, because one of the key differences thought to exist between Andromeda and the Milky Way was that the former’s stellar halo was metal-rich and the latter’s was metal-poor. If both galaxies are metal-poor, then they must have had very similar evolutions.

“Probably, both galaxies got started within a half billion years of the Big Bang, and over the next three to four billion years, both were building up in the same way by protogalactic fragments containing smaller groups of stars falling into the two dark-matter haloes,” Chapman explains.

While no one yet knows what dark matter is made of, its existence is well established because of the mass that must exist in galaxies for their stars to orbit the galactic centers the way they do. Current theories of galactic evolution, in fact, assume that dark-matter wells acted as a sort of “seed” for today’s galaxies, with the dark matter pulling in smaller groups of stars as they passed nearby. What’s more, galaxies like Andromeda and the Milky Way have each probably gobbled up about 200 smaller galaxies and protogalactic fragments over the last 12 billion years.

Chapman and his colleagues arrived at the conclusion about the metal-poor Andromeda halo by obtaining careful measurements of the speed at which individual stars are coming directly toward or moving directly away from Earth. This measure is called the radial velocity, and can be determined very accurately with the spectrographs of major instruments such as the 10-meter Keck-II telescope, which was used in the study.

Of the approximately 10,000 Andromeda stars for which the researchers have obtained radial velocities, about 1,000 turned out to be stars in the giant stellar halo that extends outward by more than 500,000 light-years. These stars, because of their lack of metals, are thought to have formed quite early, at a time when the massive dark-matter halo had captured its first protogalactic fragments.

The stars that dominate closer to the center of the galaxy, by contrast, are those that formed and merged later, and contain heavier elements due to stellar evolution processes.

In addition to being metal-poor, the stars of the halo follow random orbits and are not in rotation. By contrast, the stars of Andromeda’s visible disk are rotating at speeds upwards of 200 kilometers per second.

According to Ibata, the study could lead to new insights on the nature of dark matter. “This is the first time we’ve been able to obtain a panoramic view of the motions of stars in the halo of a galaxy,” says Ibata. “These stars allow us to weigh the dark matter, and determine how it decreases with distance.”

In addition to Chapman and Ibata, the other authors are Geraint Lewis of the University of Sydney; Annette Ferguson of the University of Edinburgh; Mike Irwin of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge, England; Alan McConnachie of the University of Victoria; and Nial Tanvir of the University of Hertfordshire.

Original Source: Caltech News Release

Shock Wave in Stephan’s Quintet Galaxy

Shock wave in Stephen’s Quintet captured by Spitzer. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Click to enlarge
This photograph, taken by the Spitzer space telescope and a ground-based telescope in Spain, shows the Stephan’s Quintet galaxy cluster, with one of the largest shockwaves ever seen in the Universe. The green arc in the photograph is the point which two galaxies are colliding. There are actually 5 galaxies in this photograph, but two have been so beaten up, all that’s left are their bright centers. The galaxies are located 300 million light-years away in the Pegasus constellation.

This false-color composite image of the Stephan’s Quintet galaxy cluster clearly shows one of the largest shock waves ever seen (green arc), produced by one galaxy falling toward another at over a million miles per hour. It is made up of data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and a ground-based telescope in Spain.

Four of the five galaxies in this image are involved in a violent collision, which has already stripped most of the hydrogen gas from the interiors of the galaxies. The centers of the galaxies appear as bright yellow-pink knots inside a blue haze of stars, and the galaxy producing all the turmoil, NGC7318b, is the left of two small bright regions in the middle right of the image. One galaxy, the large spiral at the bottom left of the image, is a foreground object and is not associated with the cluster.

The titanic shock wave, larger than our own Milky Way galaxy, was detected by the ground-based telescope using visible-light wavelengths. It consists of hot hydrogen gas. As NGC7318b collides with gas spread throughout the cluster, atoms of hydrogen are heated in the shock wave, producing the green glow.

Spitzer pointed its infrared spectrograph at the peak of this shock wave (middle of green glow) to learn more about its inner workings. This instrument breaks light apart into its basic components. Data from the instrument are referred to as spectra and are displayed as curving lines that indicate the amount of light coming at each specific wavelength.

The Spitzer spectrum showed a strong infrared signature for incredibly turbulent gas made up of hydrogen molecules. This gas is caused when atoms of hydrogen rapidly pair-up to form molecules in the wake of the shock wave. Molecular hydrogen, unlike atomic hydrogen, gives off most of its energy through vibrations that emit in the infrared.

This highly disturbed gas is the most turbulent molecular hydrogen ever seen. Astronomers were surprised not only by the turbulence of the gas, but by the incredible strength of the emission. The reason the molecular hydrogen emission is so powerful is not yet completely understood.

Stephan’s Quintet is located 300 million light-years away in the Pegasus constellation.

This image is composed of three data sets: near-infrared light (blue) and visible light called H-alpha (green) from the Calar Alto Observatory in Spain, operated by the Max Planck Institute in Germany; and 8-micron infrared light (red) from Spitzer’s infrared array camera.

Original Source: Spitzer Space Telescope

Magnetic Fields Confine a Dying Star’s Jets

Artist’s illustration represents tightly-wound magnetic field confining jet. Image credit: NRAO/AUI/NSF. Click to enlarge
Radio astronomers have uncovered a dying star with twin jets of material confined by a powerful magnetic field. The star is located about 8,500 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Aquila, and it’s in the process of forming a planetary nebula. Many stars like this produce elongated nebulae, where the star’s outer envelope is pushed away and channeled into tight jets. The jets come out in a corkscrew shape, which means that the star is slowly rotating.

Molecules spewed outward from a dying star are confined into narrow jets by a tightly-wound magnetic field, according to astronomers who used the National Science Foundation’s Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio telescope to study an old star about 8,500 light-years from Earth.

The star, called W43A, in the constellation Aquila, is in the process of forming a planetary nebula, a shell of brightly-glowing gas lit by the hot ember into which the star will collapse. In 2002, astronomers discovered that the aging star was ejecting twin jets of water molecules. That discovery was a breakthrough in understanding how many planetary nebulae are formed into elongated shapes.

“The next question was, what is keeping this outpouring of material confined into narrow jets? Theoreticians suspected magnetic fields, and we now have found the first direct evidence that a magnetic field is confining such a jet,” said Wouter Vlemmings, a Marie Curie Fellow working at the Jodrell Bank Observatory of the University of Manchester in England.

“Magnetic fields previously have been detected in jets emitted by quasars and protostars, but the evidence was not conclusive that the magnetic fields were actually confining the jets. These new VLBA observations now make that direct connection for the very first time,” Vlemmings added.

By using the VLBA to study the alignment, or polarization, of radio waves emitted by water molecules in the jets, the scientists were able to determine the strength and orientation of the magnetic field surrounding the jets.

“Our observations support recent theoretical models in which magnetically-confined jets produce the sometimes-complex shapes we see in planetary nebulae,” said Philip Diamond, also of Jodrell Bank Observatory.

During their “normal” lives, stars similar to our Sun are powered by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms in their cores. As they near the end of their lives they begin to blow off their outer atmospheres and eventually collapse down to a white dwarf star about the size of Earth. Intense ultraviolet radiation from the white dwarf causes the gas thrown off earlier to glow, producing a planetary nebula. Astronomers believe that W43A is in the transition phase that will produce a planetary nebula. That transition phase, they say, is probably only a few decades old, so W43A offers the astronomers a rare opportunity to watch the process.

While the stars that produce planetary nebulae are spherical, most of the nebulae themselves are not. Instead, they show complex shapes, many elongated. The earlier discovery of jets in W43A showed one mechanism that could produce the elongated shapes. The latest observations will help scientists understand the mechanisms producing the jets.

The water molecules the scientists observed are in regions nearly 100 billion miles from the old star, where they are amplifying, or strengthening, radio waves at a frequency of 22 GHz. Such regions are called masers, because they amplify microwave radiation the same way a laser amplifies light radiation.

The earlier observations showed that the jets are coming out from the star in a corkscrew shape, indicating that whatever is squirting them out is slowly rotating.

Vlemmings and Diamond worked with Hiroshi Imai of Kagoshima University in Japan. The astronomers reported their work in the March 2 issue of the scientific journal Nature.

The VLBA is a system of ten radio-telescope antennas, each with a dish 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter and weighing 240 tons. From Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the VLBA spans more than 5,000 miles, providing astronomers with the sharpest vision of any telescope on Earth or in space. Dedicated in 1993, the VLBA has an ability to see fine detail equivalent to being able to stand in New York and read a newspaper in Los Angeles.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Original Source: NRAO News Release

The Source of Titan’s Methane

Cassini view of Titan’s hazy atmosphere. Image credit: NASA/JPL. Click to enlarge.
Titan is unique in the Solar System with its methane rich atmosphere. But where does all this methane come from? Scientists analyzing data returned by ESA’s Huygens probe think it’s being replenished by a layer of methane ice underneath the surface. They believe this crust of methane is floating on top of an ocean of liquid water mixed with ammonia. This ongoing out gassing of methane probably peaked hundreds of millions of years ago, and now it’s on a slow, steady decline.

Data from ESA’s Huygens probe have been used to validate a new model of the evolution of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, showing that its methane supply may be locked away in a kind of methane-rich ice.

The presence of methane in Titan’s atmosphere is one of the major enigmas that the NASA/ESA/ASI Cassini-Huygens mission is trying to solve.

Titan was revealed last year to have spectacular landscapes apparently carved by liquids. The Cassini-Huygens mission also showed that there is not after all a lot of liquid methane remaining on the moon’s surface, and so it is not clear where the atmospheric methane gas comes from.

Using the Cassini-Huygens findings, a model of Titan’s evolution, focusing on the source of Titan’s atmospheric methane, has been developed in a joint study by the University of Nantes, France, and the University of Arizona in Tucson, USA.

“This model is in agreement with the observations made so far by both the Huygens probe that landed on Titan on 14 January 2005 and the remote sensing instruments on board the Cassini spacecraft,” said Gabriel Tobie, of the Laboratoire de Planetologie et Geodynamique de Nantes, and lead author of an article in Nature.

There is a difference between volcanism on Earth and ‘cryovolcanism’ on Titan. Volcanoes on Titan would involve ice melting and ice degassing, which is analogous to silicate volcanism on Earth, but with different materials.

Methane, playing a role on Titan similar to water on Earth, would have been released during three episodes: a first one following the accretion and differentiation period, a second episode about 2000 million years ago when convection started in the silicate core and a geologically recent one (last 500 million years ago) due to enhanced cooling of the moon by solid-state convection in the outer crust.

This means that Titan’s methane supply may be stored in a kind of methane-rich ice. The scientists suggest that the ice, called a ‘clathrate hydrate’, forms a crust above an ocean of liquid water mixed with ammonia.

“As methane is broken down by light-induced chemical reactions over a timescale of tens of millions of years, it can’t just be a remnant of the atmosphere present when Titan itself was formed, and it must be replenished quite regularly,” said Tobie.

“According to our model, during the last outgassing episode, the dissociation of the methane clathrate and hence release of methane are induced by thermal anomalies within the icy crust, which are generated by crystallisation in the internal ocean,” said Tobie.

“As this crystallisation started only relatively recently (500 to 1000 million years ago), we expect that the ammonia-water ocean is still present few tens of kilometres below the surface and that methane outgassing is still operating. Even though the outgassing rate is expected to decline now (it peaked about 500 million years ago), release of methane through cryovolcanic eruptions should still occur on Titan,” explained Tobie.

“Parts of the clathrate crust might be warmed from time to time by ‘cryovolcanic’ activity on the moon, causing it to release its methane into the atmosphere. These outbursts could produce temporary flows of liquid methane on the surface, accounting for the river-like features seen on Titan’s surface.

“Cassini’s instruments, in particular its Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS), should detect an increasing number of cryovolcanic features and, if we are lucky, may eventually detect eruptions of methane,” added Tobie.

If they are right, say the researchers, then Cassini and future missions to Titan should also be able to detect the existence of their possible subsurface liquid water-ammonia ocean.

Later in the mission, Cassini itself will make measurements that will confirm (or not) the presence of the internal water ocean, and also the existence of a rocky core.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Cepheids Live in Cocoons

Model image of cepheid L Carinae. Image credit: Click to enlarge
The European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer has uncovered three Cepheid variable stars surrounded by a cocoon of hot gas. Cepheids are known to pulse in brightness at a regular rate, and used by astronomers to calculate relatively nearby distances. As a Cepheid pulses, the velocity of its photosphere changes dramatically. It could be that this envelope is stellar material left behind as the star grows and shrinks.

Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) at Cerro Paranal, Chile, and the CHARA Interferometer at Mount Wilson, California, a team of French and North American astronomers has discovered envelopes around three Cepheids, including the Pole star. This is the first time that matter is found surrounding members of this important class of rare and very luminous stars whose luminosity varies in a very regular way. Cepheids play a crucial role in cosmology, being one of the first “steps” on the cosmic distance ladder.

The southern Cepheid L Carinae was observed with the VINCI and MIDI instrument at the VLTI, while Polaris (the Pole Star) and Delta Cephei (the prototype of its class) were scrutinised with FLUOR on CHARA, located on the other side of the equator. FLUOR is the prototype instrument of VINCI. Both were built by the Paris Observatory (France).

For most stars, the observations made with the interferometers follow very tightly the theoretical stellar models. However, for these three stars, a tiny deviation was detected, revealing the presence of an envelope.

“The fact that such deviations were found for all three stars, which however have very different properties, seems to imply that envelopes surrounding Cepheids are a widespread phenomenon”, said Pierre Kervella, one of the lead authors.

The envelopes were found to be 2 to 3 times as large as the star itself. Although such stars are rather large – about fifty to several hundreds of solar radii – they are so far away that they can’t be resolved by single telescopes. Indeed, even the largest Cepheids in the sky subtend an angle of only 0.003 arc second. To observe this is similar to viewing a two-storey house on the Moon.

Astronomers have thus to rely on the interferometric technique, which combines the light of two or more distant telescopes, thereby providing the angular resolution of a unique telescope as large as the separation between them. With the VLTI, it is possible to achieve a resolution of 0.001 arc second or less.

“The physical processes that have created these envelopes are still uncertain, but, in analogy to what happens around other classes of stars, it is most probable that the environments were created by matter ejected by the star itself”, said Antoine Merand, lead-author of the second paper describing the results.

Cepheids pulsate with periods of a few days. As a consequence, they go regularly through large amplitude oscillations that create very rapid motions of its apparent surface (the photosphere) with velocities up to 30 km/s, or 108 000 km/h! While this remains to be established, there could be a link between the pulsation, the mass loss and the formation of the envelopes.

Original Source: ESO News Release

Hubble Portrait of the Pinwheel Galaxy

Spiral galaxy M101. Image credit: NASA/ESA Click to enlarge
This amazing photograph of galaxy M101 (also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy) was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope – it’s the largest and most detailed photo ever taken of this galaxy. The photo is actually composed of 51 separate Hubble exposures, stitched together on computer. M101 is one of the most popular galaxies for astronomers, because it’s seen perfectly face on. You can see the incredible spiraling arms containing dust, stars and large regions of star forming nebulae.

Giant galaxies weren’t assembled in a day. Neither was this Hubble Space Telescope image of the face-on spiral galaxy Messier 101 (M101). It is the largest and most detailed photo of a spiral galaxy that has ever been released from Hubble. The galaxy’s portrait is actually composed of 51 individual Hubble exposures, in addition to elements from images from ground-based photos. The final composite image measures a whopping 16,000 by 12,000 pixels.

The Hubble archived observations that went into assembling this image were originally acquired for a range of Hubble projects: determining the expansion rate of the universe, studying the formation of star clusters in the giant star birth regions, finding the stars responsible for intense X-ray emission, and discovering blue supergiant stars.

The giant spiral disk of stars, dust, and gas is 170,000 light-years across or nearly twice the diameter of our galaxy, the Milky Way. M101 is estimated to contain at least one trillion stars. Approximately 100 billion of these stars could be like our Sun in terms of temperature and lifetime.

The galaxy’s spiral arms are sprinkled with large regions of star-forming nebulae. These nebulae are areas of intense star formation within giant molecular hydrogen clouds. Brilliant young clusters of hot, blue, newborn stars trace out the spiral arms. The disk of M101 is so thin that Hubble easily sees many more distant galaxies lying behind the galaxy.

M101 (also nicknamed the Pinwheel Galaxy) lies in the northern circumpolar constellation, Ursa Major (The Great Bear), at a distance of 25 million light-years from Earth. Therefore, we are seeing the galaxy as it looked 25 million years ago – when the light we’re receiving from it now was emitted by its stars – at the beginning of Earth’s Miocene Period, when mammals flourished and the Mastodon first appeared on Earth. The galaxy fills a region in the sky equal to one-fifth the area of the full moon.

The newly composed image was assembled from Hubble archived images taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 over nearly 10 years: in March 1994, September 1994, June 1999, November 2002, and January 2003. The Hubble exposures have been superimposed onto ground-based images, visible at the edge of the image, taken at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii, and at the 0.9-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, part of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona. The final color image was assembled from individual exposures taken through blue, green, and red (infrared) filters.

Original Source: HubbleSite News Release

Pulsar Blasts Through a Ring of Gas

The radio pulsar PSR B1259-63. Image credit: ESA Click to enlarge
ESA astronomers have witnessed something very unusual; a pulsar crashing through a ring of gas surrounding a companion star. As the pulsar passed through ring, it lit up the area in gamma and X-rays, visible to ESA’s XMM-Newton observatory. This companion star is several times more massive than our own Sun, and rotates so quickly that it’s constantly spewing material out into a ring of gas. The pulsar goes through this ring twice during its 3.4-year elliptical orbit

Astronomers have witnessed a never-seen-before event in observations by ESA’s XMM-Newton spacecraft – a collision between a pulsar and a ring of gas around a neighbouring star.

The rare passage, which took the pulsar plunging into and through this ring, illuminated the sky in gamma- and X-rays.

It has revealed a remarkable new insight into the origin and content of ‘pulsar winds’, which has been a long-standing mystery. The scientists described the event as a natural but ‘scaled-up’ version of the well-known Deep Impact satellite collision with Comet Tempel 1.

Their final analysis is based on a new observation from XMM-Newton and a multitude of archived data which will lead to a better understanding of what drives well-known ‘pulsar nebulae’, such as the colourful Crab and Vela pulsars.

“Despite countless observations, the physics of pulsar winds have remained an enigma,” said lead author Masha Chernyakova, of the Integral Science Data Centre, Versoix, Switzerland.

“Here we had the rare opportunity to see pulsar wind clashing with stellar wind. It is analogous to smashing something open to see what’s inside.”

A pulsar is a fast-spinning core of a collapsed star that was once about 10 to 25 times more massive than our Sun. The dense core contains about a solar mass compacted in a sphere about 20 kilometres across.

The pulsar in this observation, called PSR B1259-63, is a radio pulsar, which means most of the time it emits only radio waves. The binary system lies in the general direction of the Southern Cross about 5000 light-years away.

Pulsar wind comprises material flung away from the pulsar. There is ongoing debate about how energetic the winds are and whether these winds consist of protons or electrons. What Chernyakova’s team has found, although surprising, ties in neatly with other recent observations.

The team observed PSR B1259-63 orbiting a ‘Be’ star named SS 2883, which is bright and visible to amateur astronomers. ‘Be’ stars, so named because of certain spectral characteristics, tend to be a few times more massive than our Sun and rotate at astonishing speeds.

They rotate so fast that their equatorial region bulges and they become flattened spheres. Gas is consistently flung off such a star and settles into an equatorial ring around the star, with an appearance somewhat similar to the planet Saturn and its rings.

The pulsar plunges into the Be star’s ring twice during its 3.4-year elliptical orbit; but the plunges are only a few months apart, just before and after ‘periastron’, the point when the two objects in orbit are closest to each other. It is during the plunges that X-rays and gamma rays are emitted, and XMM-Newton detects the X-rays.

“For most of the 3.4-year orbit, both sources are relatively dim in X-rays and it is not possible to identify characteristics in the pulsar wind,” said co-author Andrii Neronov. “As the two objects draw closer together, sparks begin to fly.”

The new XMM-Newton data was collected nearly simultaneously with a HESS observation. HESS, the High Energy Stereoscopic System, is a new ground-based gamma-ray telescope in Namibia.

Announced last year, the HESS observation was puzzling in that the gamma-ray emission fell to a minimum at periastron and had two maximums, just before and after the periastron, the opposite of what scientists were expecting.

The XMM-Newton observation supports the HESS observation by showing how the maximums were generated by the double plunging into the Be star’s ring. By combining these two observations with radio observations from the last periastron event, the scientists now have a complete picture of this system.

Tracing the rise and fall of X-rays and gamma rays day after day as the pulsar dug through the Be star’s disk, the scientists could conclude that the wind of electrons at an energy level of 10-100 MeV is responsible for the observed X-ray light. (1 MeV represents one million electron volts.)

Although 10-100 MeV is energetic, this is about 1000 times less than the expected energy level of 100 TeV. Even more puzzling is the multi-TeV gamma-ray emission, which, although surely emanating from the 10-100 TeV wind electrons, seems to be produced differently to how it was thought before.

“The only fact that is crystal clear at the moment is that this is the pulsar system to watch if we want to understand pulsar winds,” said Chernyakova.

“Never have we seen pulsar wind in such detail. We are continuing with theoretical models now. We have some good explanation of the radio-to-TeV-gamma-ray behaviour of this funny system, but it is still ‘under construction.'”

Original Source: ESA Portal