Supercomputer Will Study Galaxy Evolution

This view of nearly 10,000 galaxies is the deepest visible-light image of the cosmos. Image credit: Hubble. Click to enlarge
One of the fastest supercomputers in the world and the first ever designed specifically to study the evolution of star clusters and galaxies is now in operation at Rochester Institute of Technology.

The new computer, built by David Merritt, professor of physics in RIT?s College of Science, uses a novel architecture to reach speeds much higher than that of standard supercomputers of comparable size.

Known as gravitySimulator, the computer is designed to solve the ?gravitational N-body problem?. It simulates how a galaxy evolves as the stars move about each other in response to their own gravity. This problem is computationally demanding because there are so many interactions to calculate requiring a tremendous amount of computer time. As a result, standard supercomputers can only carry out such calculations with thousands of stars at a time.

The new computer achieves much greater performance by incorporating special accelerator boards, called GRAPEs or Gravity Pipelines, into a standard Beowulf-like cluster. The gravitySimulator, which is one of only two machines of its kind in the world, achieves a top speed of 4 Teraflops, or four trillion calculations per second, making it one of the 100 fastest computers in the world, and it can handle up to 4 million stars at once. The computer cost over $500,000 to construct and was funded by RIT, the National Science Foundation, and NASA.

Since gravitySimulator was installed in the spring, Merritt and his associates have been using it to study the binary black hole problem- what happens when two galaxies collide and their central, supermassive black holes form a bound pair.

?Eventually the two black holes are expected to merge into a single, larger black hole,? Merritt says. ?But before that happens, they interact with the stars around them, ejecting some and swallowing others. We think we see the imprints of this process in nearby galaxies, but so far no one has carried out simulations with high enough precision to test the theory.?

Merritt and his team will also use gravitySimulator to study the dynamics of the central Milky Way Galaxy in order to understand the origin of our own black hole.

Merritt sees the gravitySimulator as an important example of RIT?s development as a major scientific research institute. ?Our unique combination of in-class instruction, experiential learning and research will be a major asset in the continued development of astrophysics and other research disciplines here at RIT,? Merritt says. ?The gravitySimulator is the perfect example of the cutting edge work we are already doing and will be a major stepping stone for the development of future scientific research.?

Original Source: RIT News Release

Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Part II

NGC 5919 is a member of a galaxy cluster Abel 2063. Image credit: SDSS. Click to enlarge.
Dr. Richard Kron, director of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, announced a new undertaking that will complete the largest survey of the universe. This survey will add new partners and undertake new research missions, and will run through summer 2008.

Late last month the funding package for a new, three-year venture called the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II) was completed, led by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation of New York City, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Department of Energy and the member institutions.

The SDSS has been carrying out a massive survey of the sky using a dedicated 2.5-m telescope at Apache Point Observatory near Sunspot, New Mexico. SDSS-II will complete observations of a huge contiguous region of the Northern skies and will study the structure and origins of the Milky Way Galaxy and the nature of dark energy.

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the most ambitious astronomical survey project ever undertaken, already having measured precise brightnesses and positions for hundreds of millions of galaxies, stars and quasars during the last five years. The consortium of more than 300 scientists and engineers at 23 institutions around the world — and hundreds of other scientists working in collaboration — are using these data to address fascinating and fundamental questions about the universe.

The exciting results from the SDSS data to date include the discovery of distant quasars seen when the universe was just 900 million years old; the definitive measurement of the large-scale distribution of galaxies, confirming the role of gravity in growing structures in the universe; and evidence that the Milky Way Galaxy grew by cannibalizing smaller companion galaxies.

“We are very excited with the funding agencies’ decision to support this important mission,” said Kron of the University of Chicago. “The dedicated scientists and engineers of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey have worked tirelessly to open new ways of seeing the Universe.

“We believe the SDSS II discoveries that lie ahead will further scientific discoveries and lay the groundwork for future astronomical exploration. We are sure that the data released to the public will yield discoveries for years to come.”

In the last five years, the SDSS has released data for almost 200 million objects to the public. These data have been used by hundreds of researchers around the world for scientific projects ranging from studies of nearby stars to explorations of the nature of galaxies.

“We are proud of the landmark contributions made by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to our understanding of the evolution and structure of the universe and enthusiastically support this next phase of research,” said Doron Weber, program director of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. “The findings of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey have already produced the most accurate picture of the skies that has ever existed and we expect new discoveries that will continue to transform our knowledge of the universe.”

Eileen D. Friel, Executive Officer of the Division of Astronomical Sciences at the National Science Foundation, said the Sloan Digital Sky Survey “has enabled a remarkable array of scientific results, sometimes in unexpected areas. The completion of the original survey and its extension to address issues in galactic and stellar astronomy promises to strengthen the legacy of the survey and to make it an even more valuable resource for astronomers and educators.”

And Robin Staffin, Associate Director of Science for High Energy Physics in the Department of Energy’s Office of Science, said the agency was “delighted to see the Sloan Digital Sky Survey entering this new phase. SDSS has already contributed a great deal to our understanding of the fundamental structure of the universe, and has helped pioneer the connections between particle physics and cosmology. We expect that great science will come out of SDSS-II over the next few years.”

With the formation of SDSS-II, eight new institutions join the collaboration: American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the University of Basel (Switzerland), Cambridge University (UK), Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (University of Notre Dame, Michigan State University, and The University of Chicago), The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford, Ohio State University, and the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam (Germany). (A complete list of SDSS-I and SDSS-II partners can be found below).

SDSS-II has three components. The first, called LEGACY, will complete the SDSS survey of the extragalactic universe, obtaining images and distances of nearly a million galaxies and quasars over a continuous swath of sky in the Northern Hemisphere.

The new funding also inaugurates the second part of SDSS-II, the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE), mapping the structure and stellar makeup of the Milky Way Galaxy, and gathering data on how the Milky Way formed and evolved.

“The SEGUE project will allow us for the first time to get a ‘big picture’ of the structure of our own Milky Way,” explained consortium member Heidi Newberg of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. “The mapping of the Milky Way is more than an exercise in cartography. Ages, chemical compositions, and space distribution of stars are major clues to understanding how our own Galaxy formed, and, by example, how galaxies, in general. formed.

“Identifying the oldest stars will help us understand how the elements of the periodic table were formed long ago inside of stars,” Newberg said.

The final piece of SDSS-II includes an intensive study of supernovae, sweeping the sky to find these remnants of gigantic explosions from dying stars. Astronomers can precisely measure the distances of distant supernovae, using them to map the rate of expansion of the universe.

“This study will help to verify and quantify one of the most important discoveries of modern science – the existence of the cosmological dark energy,” explained consortium member Andy Becker of the University of Washington.

Becker explained that the SDSS telescope is uniquely positioned to both discover, and follow up on, a wealth of supernovae at distances at which other surveys have found very few objects. This allows a direct measurement of the effects of dark energy on the geometry of the universe as a whole.

Original Source: SDSS News Release

Strange Hyperion Looks Like a Sponge

Saturn’s unusual moon, Hyperion. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI. Click to enlarge.
Two new Cassini views of Saturn’s tumbling moon Hyperion offer the best looks yet at one of the icy, irregularly-shaped moons that orbit the giant, ringed planet.

The image products released today include a movie sequence and a 3D view, and are available at , and .

The views were acquired between June 9 and June 11, 2005, during Cassini’s first brush with Hyperion.

Hyperion is decidedly non-spherical and its unusual shape is easy to see in the movie, which was acquired over the course of two and a half days. Jagged outlines visible on the moon’s surface are indicators of large impacts that have chipped away at its shape like a sculptor.

Preliminary estimates of its density show that Hyperion is only about 60 percent as dense as solid water ice, indicating that much of its interior (40 percent or more) must be empty space. This makes the moon more like an icy rubble pile than a solid body.

In both the movie and the 3D image, craters are visible on the moon?s surface down to the limit of resolution, about 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) per pixel. The fresh appearance of most of these craters, combined with their high spatial density, makes Hyperion look something like a sponge.

The moon’s spongy-looking exterior is an interesting coincidence, as much of Hyperion?s interior appears to consist of voids. Hyperion is close to the size limit where, like a child compacting a snowball, internal pressure due to the moon?s own gravity will begin to crush weak materials like ice, closing pore spaces and eventually creating a more nearly spherical shape.

The images used to create these views were obtained with Cassini’s narrow-angle camera at distances ranging from approximately 815,000 to 168,000 kilometers (506,000 to 104,000 miles) from Hyperion. Cassini will fly within 510 kilometers (317 miles) of Hyperion on Sept. 26, 2005.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Astronomy Hacks Giveaway

The fine folks at O’Reilly Media have agreed to give away a free copy of their book, Astronomy Hacks, to one lucky Universe Today reader – click here to read our review. Just send me an email at with the subject line Astronomy Hacks Giveaway by Friday, July 15 at 12:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time. I’ll choose one email from the list at random, and we’ll send you a copy of the book. (Don’t worry, I won’t save the addresses, I’ll delete all your emails right after I do the drawing.)

Good luck!

Fraser Cain
Publisher, Universe Today

Old NASA Equipment Will Be Visible on the Moon

Apollo 17 rover on the Moon. Image credit: NASA. Click to enlarge.
Inside the lunar lander Challenger, a radio loudspeaker crackled.

Houston: “We’ve got you on television now. We have a good picture.”

Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 commander: “Glad to see old Rover’s still working.”

“Rover,” the moon buggy, sat outside with no one in the driver’s seat, its side-mounted TV camera fixed on Challenger. Back in Houston and around the world, millions watched. The date was Dec. 19, 1972, and history was about to be made.

Suddenly, soundlessly, Challenger split in two (movie). The base of the ship, the part with the landing pads, stayed put. The top, the lunar module with Cernan and Jack Schmitt inside, blasted off in a spray of gold foil. It rose, turned, and headed off to rendezvous with the orbiter America, the craft that would take them home again.

Those were the last men on the Moon. After they were gone, the camera panned back and forth. There was no one there, nothing, only the rover, the lander and some equipment scattered around the dusty floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley. Eventually, Rover’s battery died and the TV transmissions stopped.

That was our last good look at an Apollo landing site.

Many people find this surprising, even disconcerting. Conspiracy theorists have long insisted that NASA never went to the Moon. It was all a hoax, they say, a way to win the Space Race by trickery. The fact that Apollo landing sites have not been photographed in detail since the early 1970s encourages their claims.

And why haven’t we photographed them? There are six landing sites scattered across the Moon. They always face Earth, always in plain view. Surely the Hubble Space Telescope could photograph the rovers and other things astronauts left behind. Right?

Wrong. Not even Hubble can do it. The Moon is 384,400 km away. At that distance, the smallest things Hubble can distinguish are about 60 meters wide. The biggest piece of left-behind Apollo equipment is only 9 meters across and thus smaller than a single pixel in a Hubble image.

Better pictures are coming. In 2008 NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will carry a powerful modern camera into low orbit over the Moon’s surface. Its primary mission is not to photograph old Apollo landing sites, but it will photograph them, many times, providing the first recognizable images of Apollo relics since 1972.

The spacecraft’s high-resolution camera, called “LROC,” short for Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, has a resolution of about half a meter. That means that a half-meter square on the Moon’s surface would fill a single pixel in its digital images.

Apollo moon buggies are about 2 meters wide and 3 meters long. So in the LROC images, those abandoned vehicles will fill about 4 by 6 pixels.

What does a half-meter resolution picture look like? This image of an airport on Earth has the same resolution as an LROC image. Moon buggy-sized objects (automobiles and luggage carts) are clear:

“I would say the rovers will look angular and distinct,” says Mark Robinson, research associate professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and Principal Investigator for LROC. “We might see some shading differences on top from seats, depending on the sun angle. Even the rovers’ tracks might be detectable in some instances.”

Even more recognizable will be the discarded lander platforms. Their main bodies are 4 meters on a side, and so will fill an 8 by 8 pixel square in the LROC images. The four legs jutting out from the platforms’ four corners span a diameter of 9 meters. So, from landing pad to landing pad, the landers will occupy about 18 pixels in LROC images, more than enough to trace their distinctive shapes.

Shadows help, too. Long black shadows cast across gray lunar terrain will reveal the shape of what cast them: the rovers and landers. “During the course of its year-long mission, LROC will image each landing site several times with the sunlight at different angles each time,” says Robinson. Comparing the different shadows produced would allow for a more accurate analysis of the shape of the objects.

Enough nostalgia. LROC’s main mission is about the future. According to NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration, astronauts are returning to the Moon no later than 2020. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is a scout. It will sample the Moon’s radiation environment, search for patches of frozen water, make laser maps of lunar terrain and, using LROC, photograph the Moon’s entire surface. By the time astronauts return, they’ll know the best places to land and much of what awaits them.

Two high-priority targets for LROC are the Moon’s poles.

“We’re particularly interested in the poles as a potential location for a moon base,” Robinson explains. “There are some cratered regions near the poles that are in shadow year-round. These places might be cold enough to harbor permanent deposits of water ice. And nearby are high regions that are sunlit all year. With constant sunlight for warmth and solar power, and a potential source of water nearby, these high regions would make an ideal location for a base.” Data from LROC will help pinpoint the best ridge or plateau for setting up a lunar home.

Once a moonbase is established, what’s the danger of it being hit by a big meteorite? LROC will help answer that question.

“We can compare LROC images of the Apollo landing sites with Apollo-era photos,” says Robinson. The presence or absence of fresh craters will tell researchers something about the frequency of meteor strikes.

LROC will also be hunting for ancient hardened lava tubes. These are cave-like places, hinted at in some Apollo images, where astronauts could take shelter in case of an unexpected solar storm. A global map of these natural storm shelters will help astronauts plan their explorations.

No one knows what else LROC might find. The Moon has never been surveyed in such detail before. Surely new things await; old abandoned spaceships are just the beginning.

Original Source: NASA News Release

Deep Impact’s Plume Was Bigger Than Expected

The huge plume of material shooting out of Comet Tempel 1. Image credit: NASA/JPL. Click to enlarge.
Data from Deep Impact’s instruments indicate an immense cloud of fine powdery material was released when the probe slammed into the nucleus of comet Tempel 1 at about 10 kilometers per second (6.3 miles per second or 23,000 miles per hour). The cloud indicated the comet is covered in the powdery stuff. The Deep Impact science team continues to wade through gigabytes of data collected during the July 4 encounter with the comet measuring 5-kilometers-wide by 11-kilometers-long (about 3-miles-wide by 7-miles-long).

“The major surprise was the opacity of the plume the impactor created and the light it gave off,” said Deep Impact Principal Investigator Dr. Michael A’Hearn of the University of Maryland, College Park. “That suggests the dust excavated from the comet’s surface was extremely fine, more like talcum powder than beach sand. And the surface is definitely not what most people think of when they think of comets — an ice cube.”

How can a comet hurtling through our solar system be made of a substance with less strength than snow or even talcum powder?

“You have to think of it in the context of its environment,” said Dr. Pete Schultz, Deep Impact scientist from Brown University, Providence, R.I. “This city-sized object is floating around in a vacuum. The only time it gets bothered is when the Sun cooks it a little or someone slams an 820-pound wakeup call at it at 23,000 miles per hour.”

The data review process is not overlooking a single frame of approximately 4,500 images from the spacecraft’s three imaging cameras taken during the encounter.

“We are looking at everything from the last moments of the impactor to the final look-back images taken hours later, and everything in between,” added A’Hearn. “Watching the last moments of the impactor’s life is remarkable. We can pick up such fine surface detail that objects that are only four meters in diameter can be made out. That is nearly a factor of 10 better than any previous comet mission.”

The final moments of the impactor’s life were important, because they set the stage for all subsequent scientific findings. Knowing the location and angle the impactor slammed into the comet’s surface is the best place to start. Engineers have established the impactor took two not unexpected coma particle hits prior to impact. The impacts slewed the spacecraft’s camera for a few moments before the attitude control system could get it back on track. The penetrator hit at an approximately 25 degree oblique angle relative to the comet’s surface. That’s when the fireworks began.

The fireball of vaporized impactor and comet material shot skyward. It expanded rapidly above the impact site at approximately 5 kilometers per second (3.1 miles per second). The crater was just beginning to form. Scientists are still analyzing the data to determine the exact size of the crater. Scientists say the crater was at the large end of original expectations, which was from 50 to 250 meters (165 to 820 feet) wide.

Expectations for Deep Impact’s flyby spacecraft were exceeded during its close brush with the comet. The craft is more than 3.5 million kilometers (2.2 million miles) from Tempel 1 and opening the distance at approximately 37,000 kilometers per hour (23,000 miles per hour). The flyby spacecraft is undergoing a thorough checkout, and all systems appear to be in excellent operating condition.

The Deep Impact mission was implemented to provide a glimpse beneath the surface of a comet, where material from the solar system’s formation remains relatively unchanged. Mission scientists hoped the project would answer basic questions about the formation of the solar system by providing an in-depth picture of the nature and composition of comets.

The University of Maryland is responsible for overall Deep Impact mission science, and project management is handled by JPL. The spacecraft was built for NASA by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Boulder, Colo. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif.

Original Source: NASA News Release

What’s Up This Week – July 11 – July 17, 2005

Star cluster Epsilon Scorpii (M6). Image credit: N.A. Sharp and Mark Hanna, REU Program/NOAO/AURA/NSF. Click to enlarge.
Monday, July 11 – For viewers in west Europe and northwest Africa, you will have the opportunity to watch the Moon occult 4th magnitude Sigma Leonis on this universal date. Please check the IOTA webpage for precise times in your location.

Tonight on the lunar surface, aim your binoculars or telescope towards the south shore of Mare Nectaris where we will examine ruined crater Fracastorius. To lower power, this will be a delicate, almost bay-like feature softly outlined in white. This is all that remains of a once-great crater as the lava flow from the mare filled it in. To its southern edge, the old walls still rise, but much of the north border is completely obliterated. If you examine it telescopically, you will see that the north has been reduced to a low series of ridges and craterlets, yet in binoculars it still gives the illusion of a complete ring.

As the Moon sets and the constellation of Scorpius rises higher, tonight would be an ideal time to look at a brilliant open cluster about a fist width east of Epsilon Scorpii – M6. On a moonless night, the 50 or so members of this 2000 light year distant, 100 million year old cluster can usually be seen unaided as a small fuzzy patch just above the Scorpion’s tail. Tonight we visit because the brighter skies will aid you in seeing the primary stars distinctive asterism. Using binoculars or telescope at lowest power, the outline of stars does truly resemble its namesake – the “Butterfly Cluster”. The M6 is much more than “just a pretty face” and we’ll be back to study under darker skies.

Tuesday, July 12 – Watch the quick progress of Mercury as it cruises beneath Venus over the next two nights starting about 45 minutes after sunset. Venus will be quite low at about half a fist width above the west/northwest horizon, and you will probably need binoculars to spot Mercury another 3 degrees lower. Be sure to note the position of Regulus, a little more than a fist width above and to the left of Venus.

With the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing only eight days away, tonight will be our opportunity to look at the landing site on the lunar surface. To the unaided eye, look almost central on the lunar disc for the grey oval of Mare Tranquillitatus. Near the terminator you will note a brightness where the shore curves around the south edge to join Mare Nectaris. By aiming binoculars at this area, you can distinguish the bright peninsula just north of the three rings of Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catherina. To the telescope at mid-to-high power, note shallow rings of craters Sabine and Ritter to the northwest of this bright area. If you have a steady night on your hands – step up the power to maximum. East of Sabine and Ritter are three tiny craters in the otherwise smooth surface. From west to east they are Aldrin, Collins and Armstrong – the only craters on the Moon named for the living. Just south of Collins is the actual landing site and we salute the crew of Apollo 11 by viewing tonight just shy of 36 years since their adventure.

Wednesday, July 13 – Tonight lucky viewers for almost all of South America will have the chance to witness a spectacular occultation of Jupiter by the Moon. You can find precise times for your location on this IOTA webpage. Even if you do not use a telescope, I strongly urge you to at least watch this event! For viewers in New Zealand, you will have the opportunity to watch the Moon occult Eta Virginis. The precise times for a city near you are listed on this IOTA webpage.

For most of us, Jupiter and the Moon will make a very pleasing pair tonight. but let’s venture to a deep impact crater on the Moon. You will find Manilius telescopically just north of center along the terminator on the eastern shore Mare Vaporum. While it doesn’t appear to be much more than a singular “hole” on the lunar surface, Manilius is incredibly deep. Spanning around 39 km (25 miles), this crater drops down 3010 meters (9500 feet) below the Moon’s topography. That’s about 2/3 the distance that Titanic lay beneath the ocean!

Thursday, July 14 – Forty years ago today, Mariner 4 performed the first flyby of Mars. If you’re up before dawn this morning, be sure to look for the “Red Planet” as it cruises through Pices and heads toward the Sun.

Tonight the star accompanying the Moon on the right is Spica, but let’s explore the lunar surface in hopes of catching an unusual event. On the southern edge of the Mare Nubium is the old walled plain Pitatus. Power up. On the western edge you will see smaller and equally old Hesiodus, sharing a common wall. Almost central along this wall there is a break to watch when the terminator is close. For a brief moment, sunrise on the Moon will pass through this break creating a beam of light across the crater floor known as the Hesiodus Sunrise Ray. If the terminator has moved beyond it at your observing time, look to the south for small Hesiodus A. This is an example of an extremely rare double concentric crater. This formation is caused by an impact being followed by another, slightly smaller impact on exactly the same location.

Friday, July 15 – For our friends in Australia comes one incredible event… Tonight the Moon will occult Comet 9/P Tempel 1. For more information on this event, please visit the IOTA webpages for times and locations. We wish you the very best of skies!

For the rest of us, we’re stuck with the Moon, but this is a great chance to explore under-rated crater Bullialdus. Once again, we’re in the southern quadrant of the Moon near the terminator. Even binoculars can make out this crater with ease near the center of Mare Nubium. If you’re scoping – power up – this one is fun! Very similar to Copernicus, note Bullialdus’ thick, terraced walls and central peak. If you examine the area around it carefully, you can note it is a much newer crater than shallow Lubiniezsky to its north and almost non-existant Kies to the south. On Bullialdus southern flank, it’s easy to make out both its A and B craters, as well as the interesting little Koenig to the southwest.

Saturday, July 16 – Today in 1850 at Harvard University, the first photograph of a star was made (other than the Sun). The honors went to Vega! In 1994, an impact event was about to happen as nearly two dozen fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 were speeding their way to the surface of Jupiter. The result was spectacular and the visible features left behind on the planet’s atmosphere were the finest ever recorded. Why not take the time to look a Jupiter again tonight while it still holds good sky position? No matter where you observe from, this constantly changing planet offers a wealth of things to look at – be it the appearance of the “Great Red Spot”, or just the ever changing waltz of the galiean moons.

Tonight no feature on the Moon will be more prominent that the Sinus Iridium, but if you have steady skies, why not power up to look a some of the finer features such as Bianchinni and Sharp on its borders? It the night is exceptionally steady, you may see up to a half dozen very small craters within the “bay” itself. Just outside in Mare Ibrium, even modest power can make out Helicon and Le Verrier. If the Dorsum Heim captures your imagination, look for tiny C. Herschel in its center.

Sunday, July 17 – Today in 1963, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is signed. This treaty prohibits the detonation of nuclear devices in our atmosphere. To be sure all countries were in compliance, the United States afterward launched the first gamma ray detectors into orbit. In 1967 these detectors picked up a new discovery – the first of many cosmic gamma ray sources.

Observers located along a path that includes Mexico, Central America, northern South America, and the extreme southern and western U.S. have the opportunity to witness the occultation of Antares tonight, while most of the U.S. will see the Moon graze just south. For times of the event at selected cities, see this page or Dr. David Dunham’s personal webpages which includes graze information. For central South America viewers and lower California, you will also be treated to the occulation of Sigma Scorpii on the universal date. Check IOTA wepages for more details. Clear skies!

If you chose to view the lunar surface, be sure to look for crater Schiller near the terminator on the southern cusp. Its long oval form is a real treat.

Yes, the Moon is back, but I’ll do my best to find more great events to enjoy! May all your journeys be at Light Speed… ~Tammy Plotner

Book Review: Astronomy Hacks

This hack book can be taken two ways. One is as a reference to look up solutions to problems or seek a reference for a better method. Two is as a complete back grounder for the beginner and higher level amateur astronomer. Within it are 65 distinct hacks grouped into four chapters; Getting Started, Observing Hacks, Scope Hacks and Accessory Hacks. No embellishments obscure the text. There are only the hacks, each relating to astronomy the same way a Clymers manual refers to motorcycle repairs. No extenuating plots nor complex character development obstructs the wording. This book just lists lots of techniques, hints and recommendations.

The first chapter, Getting Started, has enough detail to guide the beginner or assist the intermediate practitioner. The standard encapsulation of binocular and telescope types ensues. To provide an example of the depth of detail, consider the binocular. The discussion includes; magnification, aperture, exit pupil, eye relief, field of view, interpupilary distance, prism type and lens coatings. A summary list recommends choices for various budget ranges ($75 to $5000) and gives recommendations on certain manufacturers and models.

The telescope selection hack is equally detailed, with descriptions of the three main types; reflector, refractors and catadioptric as well as criteria and recommendations. The authors are admitted fans of Dobsonian telescopes and tend to give more attention to this type both here and elsewhere in the book.

Safety, as its own hack or as a backdrop for many other hacks, appears throughout. Most is for personal safety, whether by staying in groups or not dropping large, heavy mirrors on toes. Perhaps the recommendations to bring a firearm for protection against four legged predators goes a bit far. The repeated references to courtesy for group viewing is just one of the many indicators of the wealth of the author’s experience.

The chapter for observing hacks includes, amongst others, the principles of light, a comprehensive biological description of our eye’s receivers, and a method to running a Messier Marathon. This chapter revolves around the purpose or goals of amateur astronomers. Accepting that these aren’t planning on detecting new stars or planets, the authors clearly convey the simple pleasures of viewing. Whether taking copious notes, simple sketches or photographs, the rewards are many and admittedly differ with each person. Simple hacks to improve style or refine goals, aid in refining the reward.

The scope hacks essentially look at scope maintenance and they can get complex. There are step by step cleaning instructions for a 10 pound mirror, including swishing it under the faucet for minutes. The same goes for collimation, with its consideration of Strehl values and diffraction spikes. But equally, the reasoning and the simple instructions convince and empower the reader to take charge of their viewing capabilties.

The last chapter, Accessories Hacks, is chock full of the little tips to branching out. Eyepieces and filters get a thorough treatment. Light proofing your vehicle or using software to build custom star charts round out the suggestions.

In all, whether as a reference or as an introductory read, this book delivers. The background and justification for the hacks give sufficient information to believe in their value without overtaxing the brain. Neat hints, like keeping red pens away from night sites, help any observer from commiting blunders. The table of contents and index simply and easily guide readers. While sketches, illustrations and photographs clarify many of the sublte points. There’s even a note on the proper pronunciation of Greek letters.

With simple prose copiously sprinkled with personal, humorous anecdotes, the reading is a pleasure. Many references to manufacturers and equipment costs aid in selections today, though they probably won’t stand the test of time. As well, there is very little on astro-photography. The authors simply say that this activity demands much practise and much equipment. Fair enough, but given the upsurge in computer literates, this area cries for more information.

Reading car repair manuals helps fix a car’s problem or learn more about fixing cars in general. The same can be said for Robert and Barbara Thompson’s book, Astronomy Hacks. Each hack includes details, hints and tips to embellish a viewer’s night time activities. Most of all it ably empowers you to take charge of your hobby and make the most of astronomical viewing.

Click here to visit and read more reviews online or purchase a copy.

Review by Mark Mortimer

Japanese Astro-E2 Satellite Launched

Artist illuatration of Astro-E2. Image credit: JAXA. Click to enlarge.
The M-V Launch Vehicle No. 6 (M-V-6) with the 23rd scientific satellite (ASTRO-EII) onboard was launched at 12:30 p.m. on July 10, 2005 (Japan Standard Time, JST) from the Uchinoura Space Center (USC). The launcher was set to a vertical angle of 80.2 degrees, and the flight azimuth was 87.6 degrees.

The launch vehicle flew smoothly, and the third stage motor was ignited at 205 seconds after liftoff. The third stage flight was also smooth, and after its motor burnout, it was confirmed to be safely injected into its scheduled orbit of an apogee altitude of approximately 247 km and a perigee altitude of approximately 560 km with an inclination of approximately 31.4 degrees.

JAXA received signals from the ASTRO-EII at the Santiago tracking station and the USC, and from those signals we verified that the ASTRO-EII had successfully separated.

The in-orbit ASTRO-EII was given the International Designator of 2005-025A and a nickname of “Suzaku.”

The weather at the time of the launch was slightly cloudy with a wind speed of 7m/s from the west-south-west, and the temperature was 31.7 degrees Celsius.

Original Source: JAXA News Release

How Much Material Was Blasted Off By Deep Impact?

X-ray detections from Tempel 1 after Deep Impact collision. Image credit: Swift. Click to enlarge.
Here come the X-rays, on cue. Scientists studying the Deep Impact collision using NASA’s Swift satellite report that comet Tempel 1 is getting brighter and brighter in X-ray light with each passing day.

The X-rays provide a direct measurement of how much material was kicked up in the impact. This is because the X-rays are created by the newly liberated material lifted into the comet’s thin atmosphere and illuminated by the high-energy solar wind from the Sun. The more material liberated, the more X-rays are produced.

Swift data of the water evaporation on comet Tempel 1 also may provide new insights into how solar wind can strip water from planets such as Mars.

“Prior to its rendezvous with the Deep Impact probe, the comet was a rather dim X-ray source,” said Dr. Paul O’Brien of the Swift team at the University of Leicester. “How things change when you ram a comet with a copper probe traveling over 20,000 miles per hour. Most of the X-ray light we detect now is generated by debris created by the collision. We can get a solid measurement of the amount of material released.”

“It takes several days after an impact for surface and sub-surface material to reach the comet’s upper atmosphere, or coma,” said Dr. Dick Willingale, also of the University of Leicester. “We expect the X-ray production to peak this weekend. Then we will be able to assess how much comet material was released from the impact.”

Based on preliminary X-ray analysis, O’Brien estimates that several tens of thousands of tons of material were released, enough to bury Penn State’s football field under 30 feet of comet dust. Observations and analysis are ongoing at the Swift Mission Operations Center at Penn State University as well as in Italy and the United Kingdom.

Swift is providing the only simultaneous multi-wavelength observation of this rare event, with a suite of instruments capable of detecting visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. Different wavelengths reveal different secrets about the comet.

The Swift team hopes to compare the satellite’s ultraviolet data, collected hours after the collision, with the X-ray data. The ultraviolet light was created by material entering into the lower region of the comet’s atmosphere; the X-rays come from the upper regions. Swift is a nearly ideal observatory for making these comet studies, as it combines both a rapidly responsive scheduling system with both X-ray and optical/UV instruments in the same satellite.

“For the first time, we can see how material liberated from a comet’s surface migrates to the upper reaches of its atmosphere,” said Prof. John Nousek, Director of Mission Operations at Penn State. “This will provide fascinating information about a comet’s atmosphere and how it interacts with the solar wind. This is all virgin territory.”

Nousek said Deep Impact’s collision with comet Tempel 1 is like a controlled laboratory experiment of the type of slow evaporation process from solar wind that took place on Mars. The Earth has a magnetic field that shields us from solar wind, a particle wind composed mostly of protons and electrons moving at nearly light speed. Mars lost its magnetic field billions of years ago, and the solar wind stripped the planet of water.

Comets, like Mars and Venus, have no magnetic fields. Comets become visible largely because ice is evaporated from their surface with each close passage around the Sun. Water is dissociated into its component atoms by the bright sunlight and swept away by the fast-moving and energetic solar wind. Scientists hope to learn about this evaporation process on Tempel 1 now occurring quickly — over the course of a few weeks instead of a billion years — as the result of a planned, human intervention.

Swift’s “day job” is detecting distant, natural explosions called gamma-ray bursts and creating a map of X-ray sources in the universe. Swift’s extraordinary speed and agility enable scientists to follow Tempel 1 day by day to see the full effect from the Deep Impact collision.

The Deep Impact mission is managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. Swift is a medium-class NASA explorer mission in partnership with the Italian Space Agency and the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council in the United Kingdom, and is managed by NASA Goddard. Penn State controls science and flight operations from the Mission Operations Center in University Park, Pennsylvania. The spacecraft was built in collaboration with national laboratories, universities and international partners, including Penn State University; Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico; Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, Calif.; Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Dorking, Surrey, England; the University of Leicester, England; Brera Observatory in Milan; and ASI Science Data Center in Frascati, Italy.

Original Source: PSU News Release