New Spacecraft Will Map the Edge of Our Solar System

A satellite that will make the first map of the boundary between the Solar System and interstellar space has been selected as part of NASA’s Small Explorer program. The Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission will be launched in 2008.

IBEX is the first mission designed to detect the edge of the Solar System. As the solar wind from the sun flows out beyond Pluto, it collides with the material between the stars, forming a shock front. IBEX contains two neutral atom imagers designed to detect particles from the termination shock at the boundary between the Solar System and interstellar space.

IBEX also will study galactic cosmic rays, energetic particles from beyond the Solar System that pose a health and safety hazard for humans exploring beyond Earth orbit. IBEX will make these observations from a highly elliptical orbit that takes it beyond the interference of the Earth’s magnetosphere. Dr. David McComas of Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio will lead IBEX. It will cost approximately $134 million. The Small Explorer program (SMEX) consists of rapid, small, and focused science exploration missions.

“Explorer missions continue to efficiently address NASA’s objectives, because of the competitive character of the Explorer Program. Dr. McComas and his co-investigators submitted a compelling proposal. It had sufficient details to convince other independent scientists, engineers, technologists, cost analysts, and program managers this is an exciting and breakthrough experiment for NASA to sponsor,” said NASA’s Deputy Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, Dr. Ghassem Asrar.

“The mission will continue the NASA Explorer Program’s successful record of scientific exploration of space over the past four decades, and it supports the Vision for Space Exploration,” Asrar added.

NASA has decided to continue studying another proposed mission, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). It is the first telescope capable of detecting black holes in the local universe with 1,000 times more sensitivity than previous missions sensitive to energetic X-rays. A decision on proceeding to flight development with NuSTAR will be made by early 2006. Dr. Fiona Harrison of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. is the Principal Investigator for NuSTAR.

The Explorer Program is designed to provide frequent, low-cost access to space for physics and astronomy missions with small to mid-sized spacecraft. NASA has successfully launched six SMEX missions since 1992. The missions include the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) launched in February 2002, and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer launched in April 2003. The next SMEX mission is the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) mission, scheduled to launch in September 2006. AIM will study the Earth’s highest clouds for clues to climate change.

The selected proposals were among 29 SMEX and eight mission-of-opportunity proposals submitted to NASA in May 2003. They were in response to an Explorer Program Announcement of Opportunity issued in February 2003. NASA selected six proposals in November 2003 for detailed feasibility studies.

Funded by NASA, up to $450,000 each, these studies focus on cost, management, and technical plans, including small business involvement and educational outreach. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., manages the Explorer Program for the Science Mission Directorate.

For information and artist’s concepts of these missions on the Internet, visit: NuSTAR

For information about NASA’s Explorer Program on the Internet, visit:

Original Source: NASA News Release

Dark Matter Halos Were the First Objects

Ghostly haloes of dark matter as heavy as the earth and as large as our solar system were the first structures to form in the universe, according to new calculations from scientists at the University of Zurich, published in this week’s issue of Nature.

Our own galaxy still contains quadrillions of these halos with one expected to pass by Earth every few thousand years, leaving a bright, detectable trail of gamma rays in its wake, the scientists say. Day to day, countless random dark matter particles rain down upon the Earth and through our bodies undetected.

“These dark matter haloes were the gravitational ‘glue’ that attracted ordinary matter, eventually enabling stars and galaxies to form,” said Prof. Ben Moore of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich, a co-author on the Nature report. “These structures, the building blocks of all we see today, started forming early, only about 20 million years after the big bang.”

Dark matter comprises over 80 percent of the mass of the universe, yet its nature is unknown. It seems to be intrinsically different from the atoms that make up matter all around us. Dark matter has never been detected directly; its presence is inferred through its gravitational influence on ordinary matter.

The Zurich scientists based their calculation on the leading candidate for dark matter, a theoretical particle called a neutralino, thought to have been created in the big bang. Their results entailed several months of number crunching on the zBox, a new supercomputer designed and built at the University of Zurich by Moore and Drs. Joachim Stadel and Juerg Diemand, co-authors on the report.

?Until 20 million years after the big bang, the universe was nearly smooth and homogenous?, Moore said. But slight imbalances in the matter distribution allowed gravity to create the familiar structure that we see today. Regions of higher mass density attracted more matter, and regions of lower density lost matter. Dark matter creates gravitational wells in space and ordinary matter flows into them. Galaxies and stars started to form as a result about 500 million years after the big bang, whereas the universe is 13.7 billion years old.

Using the zBox supercomputer that harnessed the power of 300 Athlon processors, the team calculated how neutralinos created in the big bang would evolve over time. The neutralino has long been a favoured candidate for “cold dark matter,” which means it does not move fast and can clump together to create a gravitational well. The neutralino has not yet been detected. This is a proposed “supersymmetric” particle, part of a theory that attempts to rectify inconsistencies in the standard model of elementary particles.

For the past two decades scientists have believed that neutralinos could form massive dark matter haloes and envelope entire galaxies today. What has emerged from the Zurich team’s zBox supercomputer calculation are three new and salient facts: Earth-mass haloes formed first; these structures have extremely dense cores enabling quadrillions to have survived the ages in our galaxy; also these “miniature” dark matter haloes move through their host galaxies and interact with ordinary matter as they pass by. It is even possible that these haloes could perturb the Oort cometary cloud far beyond Pluto and send debris through our solar system.

?Detection of these neutralino haloes is difficult but possible?, the team said. The halos are constantly emitting gamma rays, the highest-energy form of light, which are produced when neutralinos collide and self-annihilate.

“A passing halo in our lifetime (should we be so lucky), would be close enough for us to easily see a bright trail of gamma rays,” said Diemand, now at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

The best chance to detect neutralinos, however, is in galactic centres, where the density of dark matter is the highest, or in the centres of these migrating Earth-mass neutralino haloes. Denser regions will provide a greater chance of neutralino collisions and thus more gamma rays. “This would still be difficult to detect, like trying to see the light of a single candle placed on Pluto,” said Diemand.

NASA’s GLAST mission, planned for launch in 2007, will be capable of detecting these signals if they exist. Ground-based gamma-ray observatories such as VERITAS or MAGIC might also be able to detect gamma rays from neutralino interactions. In the next few years the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland will confirm or rule out the concepts of supersymmetry.

Images and computer animations of a neutralino halo and early structure in the universe based on computer simulations are available at

Albert Einstein and Erwin Schr?dinger were amongst the previous professors working at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich, who made substantial contributions to our understanding of the origin of the universe and quantum mechanics. The year 2005 is the centenary of Einstein’s most remarkable work in quantum physics and relativity. In 1905 Einstein earned his doctorate from the University of Zurich and published three science-changing papers.

Note to editors: The innovative supercomputer designed by Joachim Stadel and Ben Moore is a cube of 300 Athlon processors interconnected by a two-dimensional high-speed network from Dolphin/SCI and cooled by a patented airflow system. Refer to for more details. Stadel, who led the project, noted: “It was a daunting task assembling a world-class supercomputer from thousands of components, but when it was completed it was the fastest in Switzerland and the world’s highest density supercomputer. The parallel simulation code we use splits up the calculation by distributing separate parts of the model universe to different processors.”

Original Source: Institute for Theoretical Physics ? University of Zurich News Release

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Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Expedition 10 Completes Spacewalk

Image credit: NASA
The residents of the International Space Station ventured outside today for a 5-hour, 28-minute spacewalk to install a work platform, cables and robotic and scientific experiments on the exterior of the Zvezda Service Module.

Clad in Russian Orlan spacesuits, Expedition 10 Commander and NASA Science Officer Leroy Chiao and Flight Engineer Salizhan Sharipov left the Pirs Docking Compartment airlock at 1:43 a.m. CST and quickly set up tools and tethers for their excursion. With no one left inside, Station systems were either deactivated or put in autonomous operation for the duration of the spacewalk. Hatches were also closed between the U.S. and Russian segments of the complex in the unlikely event the crew would not have been able to return to the outpost.

The first order of business was the installation of a Universal Work Platform at the forward end of the large conical section of Zvezda. Atop the platform they mounted a German commercial experiment called Rokviss (Robotics Component Verification on ISS).

The Rokviss consists of a small double-jointed manipulator arm, an illumination system and a power supply. An antenna for the robotic device to receive commands was also installed by Chiao and Sharipov along with cabling. At first the antenna did not receive the proper power. Chiao and Sharipov returned to the antenna work site and remated two electrical connectors. Russian engineers then reported that the Rokviss system was operating normally.

The system is designed to be commanded by operators on the ground in Germany. It can also be operated by the crew from a workstation inside Zvezda. Rokviss will test the ability of lightweight robotic joints to operate in the vacuum of space for future assembly work or satellite repair and servicing.

Chiao and Sharipov moved a Japanese commercial experiment from one bracket on the outside of Zvezda to an adjacent bracket. The experiment, first deployed on Station by the Expedition 3 crew in October 2001, resembles an open attach? case and is designed to collect data on micrometeoroid impacts and the effect of the microgravity environment on a number of materials housed on witness plates.

Chiao and Sharipov then moved to another section of Zvezda to inspect nearby environmental system vents that are used for the Elektron oxygen-generator, the Vozdukh carbon dioxide scrubber and a particle contaminant purification device.

Sharipov reported that he saw both a white and brownish residue near the Elektron and Vozdukh ports and what appeared to be an oily substance on insulation surrounding the ports. Russian specialists added the task to the spacewalk a few weeks ago in light of recent technical problems with those systems, and will analyze photos taken by Sharipov to see if any corrosion or clogging of the vent ports may have contributed to periodic problems with those components.

As the spacewalk drew to a close, Chiao and Sharipov installed a Russian experiment called Biorisk near the hatch to the Pirs airlock. Biorisk consists of several canisters on a bracket that contain microorganisms and materials that will collect data on the effect of the space environment for ecological analysis back on Earth.

With their work complete, Chiao and Sharipov returned to Pirs and closed the hatch at 7:11a.m. CST to complete their spacewalk. After repressurizing Pirs, Chiao and Sharipov were scheduled to return to the Station, remove their spacesuits, reactivate the ISS systems and open the hatches to the U.S. segment. The crew will begin its sleep period early this afternoon and enjoy an off-duty day on Thursday.

It was the first spacewalk for Sharipov and Chiao?s fifth. The excursion was the 57th in support of ISS assembly and maintenance, the 32nd staged from the ISS itself and the 14th from Pirs. A total of 343 hours and 45 minutes of spacewalking time has been logged in the Station?s lifetime.

Chiao and Sharipov are scheduled to conduct a second spacewalk in late March to install additional equipment for the maiden arrival of the European Space Agency?s ?Jules Verne? Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) cargo ship. The unpiloted cargo carrier is targeted for launch late this year.

For more on NASA, the crew’s activities aboard the Space Station, future launch dates and Station sighting opportunities from anywhere on the Earth, visit:

The next International Space Station Status report will be issued on Friday, Jan. 28, or earlier if events warrant.

Original Source: NASA News Release

SMART-1’s First Image of the Moon

Image credit: ESA
ESA’s SMART-1 captured its first close-range images of the Moon this January, during a sequence of test lunar observations from an altitude between 1000 and 5000 kilometres above the lunar surface.

SMART-1 entered its first orbit around the Moon on 15 November 2004. It has spent the two months following spiralling down to the Moon and testing its array of instruments.

The first four days after being captured by the lunar gravity were very critical. There had been the risk, being in an ‘unstable’ trajectory, of escaping the Moon’s orbit or crashing onto the surface. Because of this, the electric propulsion system (or ‘ion engine’) started a thrust to stabilise the capture.

The ion engine was switched on until 29 December, allowing SMART-1 to make ever-decreasing loops around the Moon. The engine was switched off between 29 December and 3 January 2005 to allow scientists to start observations. At this point, the AMIE camera took the close-up lunar images. The engine was switched off again to optimise fuel consumption on 12 January, and SMART-1 will spend until 9 February making a medium resolution survey of the Moon, taking advantage of the favourable illumination conditions.

ESA’s SMART-1 Project Scientist Bernard Foing said “A sequence of test lunar observations was done in January at distances between 1000 and 5000 kilometres altitude, when the electric propulsion was paused. We are conducting more survey test observations until the electric propulsion resumes from 9 February to spiral down further towards the Moon. SMART-1 will arrive on 28 February at the initial orbit with altitudes between 300 and 3000 kilometres to perform the first phase of nominal science observations for five months.”

The first close-up image shows an area at lunar latitude 75? North with impact craters of different sizes. The largest crater shown here, in the middle left of the image, is Brianchon. The second largest, at the bottom of the image, is called Pascal.

At low illumination angles, the crater shadows allow scientists to derive the height of crater rims.

“This image was the first proof that the AMIE camera is still working well in lunar orbit,” says AMIE Principal Investigator Jean-Luc Josset of Space-X.

The composite images shown here were created to show larger-scale features. The first mosaic shows the complex impact crater Pythagoras and the strip of images (bottom) was produced from images taken consecutively along one orbit.

Starting with this mosaic, SMART-1 scientists expect to build up a global medium-resolution context map, where high-resolution images later observed from lower altitude can be integrated.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Milky Way’s Black Hole Was Active Recently

The centre of our galaxy has been known for years to host a black hole, a ‘super-massive’ yet very quiet one. New observations with Integral, ESA’s gamma-ray observatory, have now revealed that 350 years ago the black hole was much more active, releasing a million times more energy than at present. Scientists expect that it will become active again in the future.

Most galaxies harbour a super-massive black hole in their centre, weighing a million or even a thousand million times more than our Sun.

Our galaxy too, the Milky Way, hosts a super-massive black hole at its centre. Astronomers call it Sgr A* (pronounced ‘Sagittarius A star’) from its position in the southern constellation Sagittarius, ‘the archer’.

In spite of its enormous mass of more than a million suns, Sgr A* appears today as a quiet and harmless black hole. However, a new investigation with ESA’s gamma-ray observatory Integral has revealed that in the past Sgr A* has been much more active. Data clearly show that it interacted violently with its surroundings, releasing almost a million times as much energy than it does today.

This result has been obtained by a international team of scientists led by Dr Mikhail Revnivtsev (Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, and Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany). As Revnivtsev explains, “About 350 years ago, the region around Sgr A* was literally swamped in a tide of gamma rays.”

This gamma-ray radiation is a direct consequence of Sgr A*’s past activity, in which gas and matter trapped by the hole’s gravity are crushed and heated until they radiate X-rays and gamma rays, just before disappearing below the ‘event horizon’ – the point of no return from which even light cannot escape.

The team were able to unveil the history of Sgr A* thanks to a cloud of molecular hydrogen gas, called Sgr B2 and located about 350 light-years away from it, which acts as a living record of the hectic black hole’s past.

Because of its distance from the black hole, Sgr B2 is only now being exposed to the gamma rays emitted by Sgr A* 350 years ago, during one of its ‘high’ states. This powerful radiation is absorbed and then re-emitted by the gas in Sgr B2, but this process leaves behind an unmistakable signature.

“We are now seeing an echo from a sort of natural mirror near the galactic centre – the giant cloud Sgr B2 simply reflects gamma rays emitted by Sgr A* in the past,” says Revnivtsev. The flash was so powerful that the cloud became fluorescent in the X-rays and was even seen with X-ray telescopes before Integral. However, by showing how high-energy radiation is reflected and reprocessed by the cloud, Integral allowed scientists to reconstruct for the first time the hectic past of Sgr A*.

The high state or ‘activity’ of black holes is closely linked to the way in which they grow in size. Super-massive black holes are not born so big but, thanks to their tremendous gravitational pull, they grow over time by sucking up the gas and matter around them. When the matter is finally swallowed, a burst of X-rays and gamma rays results. The more voracious a black hole, the stronger the radiation that erupts from it.

The new Integral discovery solves the mystery of the emission from super-massive but weak black holes, such as Sgr A*. Scientists already suspected that such weak black holes should be numerous in the Universe, but they were unable to tell how much energy and of which type they emit. “Just a few years ago we could only imagine a result like this,” Revnivtsev says. “But thanks to Integral, we now know it!”

As for the duration of the latest high state of Sgr A*, 350 years ago, Revnivtsev and his team have evidence that it must have lasted at least ten years and probably much longer. The team also expect that Sgr A* will become bright again in the foreseeable future. Detecting the next burst would provide much needed information about the duty cycle of super-massive black holes.

Original Source: ESA News Release

1,000 Issues of Universe Today

For those of you who get Universe Today by email, you’ll notice this is the 1000th issue of the newsletter. 1000 issues. Wow. That’s several hours a day of my life for nearly 6 years. Here’s a link to the first edition of Universe Today, which went out to about 10 of my closest friends (aka “Test Subjects”). And here’s a link to what the website looked like early on.

There have been a few design changes and technology upgrades over the last 6 years, but I’ve really tried to keep Universe Today faithful to its original goal: encapsulating the major events in space and astronomy in a consistent, easily digestible format. And as long as I’m around, that will always be the case.

For the longest time, it was a one-man effort, but that’s changing now. I’ve got lots of help these days. From the moderators and community support team in the forum, to the freelance writers contributing stories.

A big thanks to all 27,000 subscribers. Your feedback, friendship and emails make it all worth while.

Here’s to another 1,000!

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

P.S. Yes, that’s another shameless picture of Chloe and Logan. Here’s a bigger version.

Where Does Visible Light Come From?

It wasn’t too long ago (13.7 billion years by some accounts) that a rather significant cosmological event occured. We speak of course, of the Big Bang. Cosmologists tell us that at one time there was no universe as we know it. Whatever existed before that time was null and void – beyond all conception. Why? Well there are a couple answers to that question – the philosophic answer for instance: Because before the universe took form there was nothing to conceive of, with, or even about. But there’s also a scientific answer and that answer comes down to this: Before the Big Bang there was no space-time continuum – the immaterial medium through which all things energy and matter move.

Once the space-time continuum popped into existence, one of the most moving of things to take form were the units of light physicists call “photons”. The scientific notion of photons begins with the fact that these elementary particles of energy display two seemingly contradictory behaviors: One behavior has to do with how they act as members of a group (in a wavefront) and the other relates to how they behave in isolation (as discrete particles). An individual photon may be thought of as a packet of waves cork-screwing rapidly through space. Each packet is an oscillation along two perpendicular axes of force – the electrical and the magnetic. Because light is an oscillation, wave-particles interact with each other. One way of understanding the dual-nature of light is to realize that wave after wave of photons affect our telescopes – but individual photons are absorbed by the neurons in our eyes.

The very first photons travelling through the space-time continuum were extremely powerful. As a group, they were incredibly intense. As individuals, each vibrated at an extraordinary rate. The light of these primordial photons quickly illuminated the rapidly expanding limits of the youthful universe. Light was everywhere – but matter was yet to be seen.

As the universe expanded, primordial light lost in both frequency and intensity. This occured as the original photons spread themselves thinner and thinner across an ever-expanding space. Today, the first light of creation still echos around the cosmos. This is seen as cosmic background radiation. And that particular type radiation is no more visible to the eye as the waves within a microwave oven.

Primordial light is NOT the radiation we see today. Primordial radiation has red-shifted to the very low end of the electromagnetic spectrum. This occured as the universe expanded from what may have originally been no larger than a single atom to the point where our grandest instruments have yet to find any limit whatsoever. Knowing that primordial light is now so ternuous makes it necessary to look elsewhere to account for the kind of light visible to our eyes and optical telescopes.

Stars (such as our Sun) exist because space-time does more than simply transmit light as waves. Somehow – still unexplained-1 – space-time causes matter too. And one thing distinguishing light from matter is that matter has “mass” while light has none.

Because of mass, matter displays two main properties: Inertia and gravity. Inertia may be thought of as resistence to change. Basically matter is “lazy” and just keeps doing whatever it’s been doing – unless acted upon something outside itself. Early in the formation of the universe, the main thing overcoming matter’s lazyness was light. Under the influence of radiation pressure, primordial matter (mostly hydrogen gas) got “organized”.

Following light’s prodding, something inside matter took over – that subtle behavior we call “gravity”. Gravitation has been described as a “distortion of the space-time continuum”. Such distortions occur wherever mass is found. Because matter has mass, space curves. It is this curve that causes matter and light to move in ways elucidated early on in the twentieth century by Albert Einstein. Each and every little atom of matter causes a tiny “micro-distortion” in space-time-2. And when enough micro-distortions come together things can happen in a big way.

And what happened was the formation of the first stars. No ordinary stars these – but super-massive giants living very fast lives and coming to very, very spectacular ends. At those ends, these stars collapsed in on themselves (under the weight of all that mass) generating tremendous shock waves of such intensity as to fuse entirely new elements out of older ones. As a result, space-time became suffused with all the many types of matter (atoms) making up the universe today.

Today, two types of atomic matter now exists: Primordial and something we might call “star-stuff”. Whether primordial or stellar in origin, atomic matter makes up all things touched and seen. Atoms have properties and behaviors: Inertia, gravity, extension in space, and density. They can also have electrical charge (if ionized) and participate in chemical reactions (to form molecules of tremendous sophistication and complexity). All matter we do see is based on a fundamental pattern established long-ago by those primordial atoms mysteriously created after the Big Bang. This pattern is founded on two fundamental units of electrical charge: The proton and the electron – each having mass and capable of doing those things mass is liable to.

But not all matter follows the hydrogen prototype exactly. One difference is that newer generation atoms have electrically-balanced neutrons as well as positively-charged protons in their nuclei. But even stranger is a type of matter (dark matter) that doesn’t interact with light at all. And furthermore (just to keep things symmetric), there may be a type of energy (vacuum energy) that doesn’t take the form of photons – acting more like a “gentle pressure” causing the universe to expand with a momentum not orignally supplied by the Big-Bang.

But let’s get back to the stuff we can see…

In relationship to light, matter can be opaque or transparent – it can absorb or refract light. Light can pass into matter, through matter, reflect off matter, or be absorbed by matter. When light passes into matter, light slows – while its frequency increases. When light reflects, the path it takes changes. When light is absorbed, electrons are stimulated potentially leading to new molecular combinations. But even more significantly, when light passes through matter – even without absorption – atoms and molecules vibrate the space-time continuum and because of this, light can be stepped down in frequency. We see, because something called “light” interacts with something called “matter” in something called “the space-time continuum”.

In addition to describing the gravitational effects of matter on space-time, Einstein performed an extremely elegant investigation into the influence of light associated with the photo-electric effect. Before Einstein, physicists believed lights’ capacity to affect matter was based primarily on “intensity”. But the photo-electric effect showed that light effected electrons on the basis of frequency as well. Thus red light – regardless of intensity – fails to dislodge electrons in metals, while even very low levels of violet light stimulate measurable electrical currents. Clearly the rate at which light vibrates has a power all its own.

Einstein’s investigation into the photo-electric effect contributed mightily to what later became known as quantum mechanics. For physicists soon learned that atoms are selective about what frequencies of light they will absorb. Meanwhile it was also discovered that electrons were the key to all quantum absorption – a key related to properties such as one electrons relationships to others and with the nucleus of the atom.

So now we come to our second point: Selective absorption and emission of photons by electrons does not explain the continuous spread of frequencies seen when examining light through our instruments-3.

What can explain it then?

One answer: The “stepping-down” principle associated with the refraction and absorption of light.

Common glass – such as in the windows of our homes – is transparent to visible light. Glass however reflects most infrared light and absorbs ultraviolet. When visible light enters a room, it is absorbed by furniture, rugs etc. These items convert part of the light to heat – or infrared radiation. This infrared radiation is trapped by the glass and the room heats up. Meanwhile glass itself is opaque to ultraviolet. Light emitted by the Sun in the ultraviolet is mostly absorbed by the atmosphere – but some non-ionizing ultraviolet manages to get through. Ultraviolet light is converted to heat by glass in the same way furnishings absorb and re-radiate visible light.

How does all this relate to the presence of visible light in the Universe?

Within the Sun, high energy photons (invisible light from the perimeter of the solar core) irradiate the solar mantle beneath the photosphere. The mantle converts these rays to “heat” by absorption – but this particular “heat” is of a frequency well beyond our capacity to see. The mantle then sets up convective currents carrying heat outward toward the photosphere while also emitting lesser-energized – but still invisible – photons. The resulting “heat” and “light” passes to the solar photosphere. In the photosphere (“the sphere of visible light”) atoms are “heated” by convection and stimulated through refraction to vibrate at a rate slow enough to give off visible light. And it is this principle that accounts for the visible light emitted by stars which are – by far – the most significant source of light seen throughout the cosmos.

So – from a certain perspective, we can say that the “refractive index” of the Sun’s photosphere is the means by which invisible light is converted into visible light. In this case however, we invoke the idea that the refractive index of the photosphere is so high that high energy rays are bent to the point of absorption. When this occurs lower frequency waves are spawned radiating as a form of heat peceptible to the eye and not simply warm to the touch…

And with all this understanding beneath our intellectual feet, we can now answer our question: The light we see today is the primordial light of creation. But it is light that materialized some few hundreds of thousands of years after the Big Bang. Later that materialized light came together under the influence of gravity as great condensed orbs. These orbs then developed powerful alchemical furnaces de-materializing matter into light invisible. Later – through refraction and absorption – light invisible was rendered visible to the eye by rite of passage through those great “lenses of luminosity” we call the stars…

-1 How all things cosmological transpired in detail is probably the major area of astronomical research today and will take physicists – with their “atom-smashers”, astronomers – with their telescopes, mathematicians – with their number-crunching super-computers (and pencils!) and cosmologists – with their subtle understanding of the early years of the universe – to puzzle the whole thing through.
In a sense matter may simply be a distortion of the space-time continuum – but we are a long way from understanding that continuum in all its properties and behaviors.

-3 The Sun and all luminous sources of light do display dark absorption and bright emission bands of very narrow frequencies. These of course, are the various Fraunhofer lines related to quantum mechanical properties associated with transition states of electrons associated with specific atoms and molecules.

About The Author:Inspired by the early 1900’s masterpiece: “The Sky Through Three, Four, and Five Inch Telescopes”, Jeff Barbour got a start in astronomy and space science at the age of seven. Currently Jeff devotes much of his time observing the heavens and maintaining the website Astro.Geekjoy.

Book Review: Virtual LM

The book starts with a very brief summary of the lunar module, its conception by John Houbolt, the design and production trials of Grumman and then the astronauts’ concerns. Brief, yet complete, this introduction flows directly into the main feature of the book, the images of the lunar module. These images do a fantastic job of depicting the complete lunar module and then allowing the focus to narrow to examine many of the individual components.

The lunar module came in two versions, first the H series, and a later version, the J series. Though similar, the later J series had a greater capability evidenced mostly by the addition of the lunar rover. First the H and then J type lunar modules have plates showing their totality from a top, bottom and each of the four distinct side perspectives. These provide a ready comprehension of the surface planes, shapes and material. Purposefully simplified for comprehension (e.g. no grommets or weld lines), adjacent archival photographs easily bring reality alongside to compare to the view.

With this overview complete, the book drops into detail mode as the focus shifts to the two stages; the descent stage and the ascent stage. The descent stage first gets the same treatment as the overall module, then it gets ‘blown apart’ so that its internal constituents appear, something like a virtual biology dissection of a frog. The descent module’s shape is cruciform; each of the four quadrants clearly highlight the framework for internal and external supports, fuel tanks and electrical lines. Vivid colours differentiate the control lines and the ‘plumbing’ lines. Often a brief in-line paragraph describes the operational procedures or the design elements.

The ascent stage comes next and it is certainly more fun to go through. This stage housed the two astronauts and allowed them to control the craft, gave them access to the moon’s surface and got them returned to the command module. The windows, keypad computer, many control panels and helmet storage all have detailed closeups. Some of these have their own blow-apart diagrams to show construction. Should the readers get perplexed on the purpose of all these switches, levers and wires, then they can easily resolve this by perusing the attached CD-ROM which has over 2000 pages of operation manuals, checklists and cue cards.

When growing up, I was overly fond of building plastic models. I was amazed at the accuracy and detail of these small plastic miniatures and in my mind they all grew to real size and were valid working copies of the actual subject. This book gives me the exact same feeling. Without ever having seen a lunar module, I have become very acquainted with this craft. I understand its major parts, their placement and, with the documents on the CD ROM, their usage. Careful with this CD ROM though as the book is soft cover. Do not bend.

The missing element for this book would be the operation procedures. Sure they are in the CD ROM, but more could have been in the text. For example, why did the book include detailed views of the circuit interrupt connectors and one of the four hardpoint connections? Are they critical for some procedure? Why is there a close up of the docking light and flood light? Also, having the author’s name on every second page gets distracting. A preferable replacement would have been a length scale to facilitate gauging the size of the subject of the view. Yet, these changes would only have made an already good book that much better.

Today’s ready access to computer aided design (CAD) stations makes the design and development of complex machinery relatively simple. The lunar module came long before these tools, even well before the personal computer. Scott Sullivan in “Virtual LM” uses these amazing present day tools to dissect the lunar module, re-build it and display it for everyone to readily see and understand. This book, together with the enclosed CD-ROM, will bring this amazing spacecraft right up close in front of you, even if it is only virtual.

To get your own copy, visit Countdown Creations.

Review by Mark Mortimer

Microbes Use Hydrogen for Fuel in Yellowstone

Microbes living in the brilliantly colored hot springs of Yellowstone National Park use primarily hydrogen for fuel, a discovery University of Colorado at Boulder researchers say bodes well for life in extreme environments on other planets and could add to understanding of bacteria inside the human body.

A team of CU-Boulder biologists led by Professor Norman Pace, one of the world’s leading experts on molecular evolution and microbiology, published their report “Hydrogen and bioenergetics in the Yellowstone geothermal system” this week in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The team’s findings, based on several years of research at the park, refute the popular idea that sulfur is the main source of energy for tiny organisms living in thermal features.

“It was a surprise to find hydrogen was the main energy source for microbes in the hot springs,” Pace said. “This project is also interesting in the context of microbiology because it’s one of the few times we’ve been able to study microbes to get information on an entire ecosystem. That’s never before been possible.”

The study was specifically designed to determine the main source of metabolic energy that drives microbial communities in park features with temperatures above 158 degrees Fahrenheit. Photosynthesis is not known to occur above that temperature.

A combination of three different clues led researchers to conclude that hydrogen was the main source of energy. Genetic analysis of the varieties of microbes living in the hot springs communities revealed that they all prefer hydrogen as an energy source. They also observed ubiquitous H2 in all the hot springs at concentrations sufficient for microbial bioenergetics. Thermodynamic models based on field data confirmed that hydrogen metabolism was the most likely fuel source in these environments.

“This work presents some interesting associated questions,” said John Spear, lead author of the report. “Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. If there is life elsewhere, it could be that hydrogen is its fuel,” Spear said. “We’ve seen evidence of water on Mars, and we know that on Earth, hydrogen can be produced biogenetically by photosynthesis and fermentation or non-biogenetically by water reacting with iron-bearing rock. It’s possible that non-biogenic processes produce hydrogen on Mars and that some microbial life form could be using that,” he said.

There are many examples of bacteria living in extreme environments — including the human body — using hydrogen as fuel, according to Spear. “Recent studies have shown that Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which cause ulcers, live on hydrogen inside the stomach,” said Spear. “Salmonella metabolizes hydrogen in the gut. It makes me wonder how many different kinds of microbes out there are metabolizing hydrogen in extreme environments.”

Instead of relying on traditional techniques of microbiology that utilize cultures grown in the lab, the CU-Boulder team used methodology developed by Pace to genetically analyze the composition of the microbial community as it appeared in the field. “We didn’t look at what grows in a culture dish, we looked at the RNA of samples directly from the field,” Spear said.

“We’ve never before known what microbes were living in Yellowstone hot springs, and now we do,” Pace said.

A novel suite of instruments was used to gather data, some of which had never before been collected. “No one had measured the concentration of hydrogen in the hot springs before because the technology didn’t exist until about seven years ago. Now we can detect very low-level concentrations of hydrogen in water,” Spear explained.

“We found lots of hydrogen in the hot springs — an endless supply for bacteria,” he said. Measurements of the amount of H2 in water were recorded in Yellowstone hot springs, streams and geothermal vents in different parts of the park and during different seasons. All of the environments had concentrations appropriate for energy metabolism.

The team used computer-generated thermodynamic models to find out if hydrogen was indeed the principle source of energy. “You can smell sulfide in the air at Yellowstone, and the accepted idea was that sulfur was the energy source for life in the hot springs,” Spear said. Not so, according to the team’s computer models built on field measurements of hydrogen, sulfide, dissolved oxygen concentration and other factors.

Spear said it was difficult to explore a microbial ecosystem. “We have a hard enough time explaining what’s going on in a forest, for example, with all the interlacing systems. We can’t even see a microbial system.”

Sample extraction was a dangerous and delicate operation. In order to accurately analyze a hot spring’s entire microbial community, Spear needed to collect only about as much material as a pencil eraser. Sediment samples were scooped into special sample vials and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen canisters to preserve the microbial community.

In springs where there was no sediment, Spear collected samples of planktonic organisms by hanging a glass slide in the water and allowing the microbes to accumulate. “Bacteria are just like us. They like to be together, they like to be attached to a surface and they like to have their food – dissolved hydrogen, in this case — brought to them.”

Spear explained that the hot springs’ colors are the result of interactions between minerals and the microbes living in the pools. Hotter water usually shows colors from minerals, and cooler water plays host to photosynthetic pigments.

“Based on what I’ve seen in this analysis, I think hydrogen probably drives a lot of life in a lot of environments,” Spear said. “It’s part speculation, but given the number and kinds of bacteria that are metabolizing hydrogen, it’s probably a very old form of metabolism.

That’s important because it tells us about the history of life on Earth,” he said. “And if it works this way on Earth, it’s likely to happen elsewhere. When you look up at the stars, there is a lot of hydrogen in the universe.”

Original Source: UCB News Release