Ammonia Key to Titan’s Atmosphere

Cassini-Huygens supplied new evidence about why Titan has an atmosphere, making it unique among all solar system moons, a University of Arizona planetary scientist says.

Scientists can infer from Cassini-Huygens results that Titan has ammonia, said Jonathan I. Lunine, an interdisciplinary scientist for the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe that landed on Titan last month.

“I think what’s clear from the data is that Titan has accreted or acquired significant amounts of ammonia, as well as water,” Lunine said. “If ammonia is present, it may be responsible for resurfacing significant parts of Titan.”

He predicts that Cassini instruments will find that Titan has a liquid ammonia-and-water layer beneath its hard, water-ice surface. Cassini will see — Cassini radar has likely already seen — places where liquid ammonia-and-water slurry erupted from extremely cold volcanoes and flowed across Titan’s landscape. Ammonia in the thick mixture released in this way, called “cryovolcanism,” could be the source of molecular nitrogen, the major gas in Titan’s atmosphere.

Lunine and five other Cassini scientists reported on the latest results from the Cassini-Huygens mission at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington, D.C. today (Feb. 19).

Cassini radar imaged a feature that resembles a basaltic flow on Earth when it made its first close pass by Titan in October 2004. Scientists believe that Titan has a rock core, surrounded by an overlying layer of rock-hard water ice. Ammonia in Titan’s volcanic fluid would lower the freezing point of water, lower the fluid’s density so it would be about as buoyant as water ice, and increase viscosity to about that of basalt, Lunine said. “The feature seen in the radar data suggests ammonia is at work on Titan in cryovolcanism.”

Both Cassini’s Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer and Huygen’s Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) sampled Titan’s atmosphere, covering the uppermost atmosphere down to the surface.

But neither detected the non-radiogenic form of argon, said Tobias Owen of the University of Hawaii, a Cassini interdisciplinary scientist and member of the GCMS science team. That suggests that the building blocks, or “planetesimals,” that formed Titan contained nitrogen mostly in the form of ammonia.

Titan’s eccentric, rather than circular, orbit can be explained by the moon’s subsurface liquid layer, Lunine said. Gabriel Tobie of the University of Nantes (France), Lunine and others will publish an article about it in a forthcoming issue of Icarus.

“One thing that Titan could not have done during its history is to have a liquid layer that then froze over, because during the freezing process, Titan’s rotation rate would have gone way, way up,” Lunine said. “So either Titan has never had a liquid layer in its interior — which is very hard to countenance, even for a pure water-ice object, because the energy of accretion would have melted water — or that liquid layer has been maintained up until today. And the only way you maintain that liquid layer to the present is have ammonia in the mixture.”

Cassini radar spotted a crater the size of Iowa when it flew within 1,577 kilometers (980 miles) of Titan on Tuesday, Feb. 15. “It’s exciting to see a remnant of an impact basin,” said Lunine, who discussed more new radar results that NASA released at an AAAS news briefing today. “Big impact craters on Earth are nice places for getting hydrothermal systems. Maybe Titan has a kind of analogous ‘methanothermal’ system,” he said.

Radar results that show few impact craters is consistent with very young surfaces. “That means Titan’s craters are either being obliterated by resurfacing, or they are being buried by organics,” Lunine said. “We don’t know which case it is.” Researchers believe that hydrocarbon particles that fill Titan’s hazy atmosphere fall from the sky and blanket the ground below. If this has occurred throughout Titan’s history, Titan would have “the biggest hydrocarbon reservoir of any of the solid bodies in the solar system,” Lunine noted.

In addition to the question about why Titan has an atmosphere, there are two other great questions about Saturn’s giant moon, Lunine added.

A second question is how much methane has been destroyed throughout Titan’s history, and where all that methane comes from. Earth-based and space-based observers have long known that Titan’s atmosphere contains methane, ethane, acetylene and many other hydrocarbon compounds. Sunlight irreversibly destroys methane in Titan’s upper atmosphere because the released hydrogen escapes Titan’s weak gravity, leaving ethane and other hydrocarbons behind.

When the Huygens probe warmed Titan’s damp surface where it landed, its instruments inhaled whiffs of methane. That is solid evidence that methane rain forms the complex network of narrow drainage channels running from brighter highlands to lower, flatter dark areas. Pictures from the UA-led Descent Imager-Spectral Radiometer experiment document Titan’s fluvial features.

The third question — one that Cassini was not really instrumented to answer — Lunine calls the “astrobiological” question. It is, given that liquid methane and its organic products rain down from Titan’s stratosphere, how far has organic chemistry progressed on Titan’s surface? The question is, Lunine said, “To what extent is any possible advanced chemistry at Titan’s surface at all relevant to prebiotic chemistry that presumably occurred on Earth prior to the time life began?”

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a collaboration between NASA, ESA and ASI, the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, is managing the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini oribter while ESA operated the Huygens probe.

Original Source: University of Arizona News Release

Gamma Ray Flare Reaches Across the Galaxy

Forget “Independence Day” or “War of the Worlds.” A monstrous cosmic explosion last December showed that the earth is in more danger from real-life space threats than from hypothetical alien invasions.

The gamma-ray flare, which briefly outshone the full moon, occurred within the Milky Way galaxy. Even at a distance of 50,000 light-years, the flare disrupted the earth’s ionosphere. If such a blast happened within 10 light-years of the earth, it would destroy the much of the ozone layer, causing extinctions due to increased radiation.

“Astronomically speaking, this explosion happened in our backyard. If it were in our living room, we’d be in big trouble!” said Bryan Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), lead author on a paper describing radio observations of the event.

Gaensler headed one of two teams reporting on this eruption at a special press event today at NASA headquarters. A multitude of papers are planned for publication.

The giant flare detected on December 27, 2004, came from an isolated, exotic neutron star within the Milky Way. The flare was more powerful than any blast previously seen in our galaxy.

“This might be a once-in-a-lifetime event for astronomers, as well as for a neutron star,” said David Palmer of Los Alamos National Laboratory, lead author on a paper describing space-based observations of the burst. “We know of only two other giant flares in the past 35 years, and this December event was one hundred times more powerful.”

NASA’s newly launched Swift satellite and the NSF-funded Very Large Array (VLA) were two of many observatories that observed the event, arising from neutron star SGR 1806-20, about 50,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius.

Neutron stars form from collapsed stars. They are dense, fast-spinning, highly magnetic, and only about 15 miles in diameter. SGR 1806-20 is a unique neutron star called a magnetar, with an ultra-strong magnetic field capable of stripping information from a credit card at a distance halfway to the Moon. Only about 10 magnetars are known among the many neutrons stars in the Milky Way.

“Fortunately, there are no magnetars anywhere near the earth. An explosion like this within a few trillion miles could really ruin our day,” said graduate student Yosi Gelfand (CfA), a co-author on one of the papers.

The magnetar’s powerful magnetic field generated the gamma-ray flare in a violent process known as magnetic reconnection, which releases huge amounts of energy. The same process on a much smaller scale creates solar flares.

“This eruption was a super-super-super solar flare in terms of energy released,” said Gaensler.

Using the VLA and three other radio telescopes, Gaensler and his team detected material ejected by the blast at a velocity three-tenths the speed of light. The extreme speed, combined with the close-up view, yielded changes in a matter of days.

Spotting such a nearby gamma-ray flare offered scientists an incredible advantage, allowing them to study it in more detail than ever before. “We can see the structure of the flare’s aftermath, and we can watch it change from day to day. That combination is completely unprecedented,” said Gaensler.

Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.

Original Source: CfA News Release

Gmail Invites? I’ve Got Plenty Now

Google seems to have given me a bottomless set of Gmail invites, so I’ve got plenty now. If anyone wants to try out this free web-based email, send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll give you an invite. My favorite part about Gmail? It doesn’t classify Universe Today as SPAM, unlike Hotmail and Yahoo. 😉 (Oh, and if you do switch your email address, make sure you switch your subscription to Universe Today too.)

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

P.S. A big thanks to Chris Uzal, who’s been helping to edit Universe Today for the last week, it’s been a big help.

Fastest Spinning Pulsar Found

A scientific researcher from the University of Southampton is leading an international team that has discovered the fastest-yet-seen accreting X-ray pulsar.

Dr Simon Shaw of the University’s School of Physics and Astronomy is UK representative to the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre near Geneva, Switzerland (ISDC is part of the Geneva University Observatory). There he co-ordinates a team that receives and monitors data from INTEGRAL, a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite designed to detect X and gamma-ray radiation from space.

A previously unknown, bright source of X-rays was first spotted in INTEGRAL data at the ISDC in December 2004. It was named ‘IGR J00291+5934’ and its discovery was announced to astronomers around the world shortly after. Follow-up observations made in the next few weeks, during which time the source slowly faded, showed that IGR J00291+5934 was the fastest known accreting binary X-ray pulsar.

A binary system is formed of two stars orbiting each other. If one of these stars undergoes a super-nova explosion it may collapse to form a ‘neutron star’ – an object composed entirely of neutrons. Neutron stars are incredibly dense, weighing slightly more than our Sun but compacted into a sphere with a size similar to Southampton; a spoonful of neutron star material would weigh about the same as the total weight of every person on Earth.

The strong gravitational field around the neutron star causes material to be pulled off the orbiting star, which spirals onto the neutron star, in a process known as ‘accretion’. The magnetic field of the neutron star causes the accreted matter to be channelled onto small ‘hot-spots’ on the neutron star surface where they radiate X and gamma-rays. A ‘pulsar’ is observed when regular flashes, or pulsations, are seen from the hot-spots as the neutron star spins; this can be thought of in exactly the same way as the periodic flashes seen from the rotating beam of light in a lighthouse.

However, this particular lighthouse is rotating approximately 600 times a second, equivalent to the surface of the pulsar moving at 30,000 km/second (10 per cent of the speed of light) – the fastest of its kind yet observed. The orbital period of the system is also impressive; the two stars orbit each other every 2.5 hours, but are separated by roughly the same distance as the Moon and the Earth. On the pulsar in IGR J00291+5934 a day lasts 0.0016 seconds and a year is 147 minutes!

‘The rate at which this object is spinning is truly amazing,’ commented Dr Shaw. ‘It gives us an opportunity to study the effects of such extreme forces of this rotation on the exotic material found in neutron stars, which does not exist on Earth. It is possible that there are more of these objects waiting to be discovered, possibly even faster ones; if they are there, INTEGRAL will find them.’

Dr Shaw is the lead author of a paper on the object accepted for publication by the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. Pre-print available from

Original Source:
University of Southampton News Release

A Dozen New Planets Discovered

The past four weeks have been heady ones in the planet-finding world: Three teams of astronomers announced the discovery of 12 previously unknown worlds, bringing the total count of planets outside our solar system to 145.

Just a decade ago, scientists knew of only the nine planets – those in our local solar system. In 1995, improved detection techniques produced the first solid evidence of a planet circling another star. A proliferation of discoveries followed, and now dozens of ongoing search efforts around the globe add steadily to the roster of worlds. Most of these planets differ markedly from the planets in our own solar system. They are more similar to Jupiter or Saturn than to Earth, and are considered unlikely to support life as we know it.

The news of the past four weeks has included:

* The discovery of six new gas-giant planets by two teams of European planet-hunters was announced this week. Two of these planets are similar in mass to Saturn; three belong to a class known as “hot jupiters” because of their close proximity to the host stars. The sixth is a gas giant at least four-and-a-half times the mass of Jupiter.

All were discovered as part of the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Search (HARPS), an ongoing search program based at La Silla Observatory in Chile.

* On January 20, a paper posted in the online edition of the Astrophysical Journal described five new gas-giant type planets detected by a team of U.S. astronomers. These planets provide further statistical information about the distribution and properties of planetary systems, according to the paper.

The U.S. team based its finding on observations obtained at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, which is jointly operated by the University of California and Caltech. Observation time was granted by both NASA and the University of California.

* Last week, Penn State’s Alex Wolszczan and Caltech’s Maciej Konacki announced the discovery of the smallest planet-like body detected beyond our solar system. The object belongs to a strange class known as “pulsar planets.” It is about one-fifth the size of Pluto and orbits a rapidly spinning neutron star, called a pulsar.

A pulsar is a dense and compact star that forms from the collapsing core left over from the death of a massive star. The new pulsar planet is the fourth to be discovered; all orbit the same pulsar, named PSR B1257+12.

Because the planets around the pulsar are continually strafed by high-energy radiation, they are considered extremely inhospitable to life. (Note: The current planet count posted on this website includes only planets around normal stars.)

Two methods of detection
The pulsar planet was discovered by observing the neutron star’s pulse arrival times, called pulsar timing. Variations in these pulses give astronomers an extremely precise method for detecting the phenomena that occur within a pulsar’s environment.

The gas-giant planets were detected using the radial velocity method, which infers the presence of an unseen companion because of the back-and-forth movement induced in the host star. This movement is detectable as a periodic red shift and blue shift in the star’s spectral lines. (For more about this method, see the article Finding Planets.)

The names of the new planets around main sequence stars are:

* HD 2638 b
* HD 27894 b
* HD 63454 b
* HD 102117 b
* HD 93083 b
* HD 142022A b
* HD 45350 b
* HD 99492 b
* HD 117207 b
* HD 183263 b
* HD 188015 b

Original Source: NASA Astrobiology Report

Signs of Underground Life on Mars

NASA researchers believe they’ve found strong evidence that there could be underground life on Mars, huddled around pockets of liquid water. They haven’t found the life directly, but instead have discovered a unique methane signature that matches similar environments here on Earth, such as subsurface areas around Rio Tinto, a red-stained river in Spain. In order to get confirmation, NASA would need to send a spacecraft to Mars capable of drilling into the ground – unfortunately, none are planned currently.

Close Up on Enceladus

This image was taken during Cassini’s first close approach to Enceladus.

The image was taken on February 17, 2005 in visible light with the narrow angle camera from a distance of approximately 10,750 kilometers (6,680 miles). Resolution in the image is 60 meters (197 feet) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and the Cassini imaging team home page,

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI Release

Galaxy Clusters Formed Early

Image credit: Subaru Telescope
Galaxies often congregate to form clusters of galaxies. At the present day, clusters have tens and hundreds of member galaxies and are the largest astronomical objects in the Universe. Knowing how they formed is a key to understanding the past and future of the Universe.

To study how the Universe has changed over large scales in space and time, it is essential to observe deeply a wide area of the sky. A large number of researchers are now studying the Subaru-XMM Deep Survey Field (SXDS), an approximately one square degree area of the sky in the direction of the constellation Cetus, the Whale, at many wavelengths using several telescopes. (Note 1)

To understand the origin of galaxy clusters, Masami Ouchi, currently at the Space Telescope Science Institute, decided to study how galaxies approximately 12.7 billion light years away (a red shift of 5.7) were distributed in the SXDS. By using the color of galaxies as a guide to their distance, Ouchi and his collaborators found 515 galaxies in a volume 500 million light years in height and width and 100 million light years in depth in images from Subaru’s prime focus camera (Suprime-Cam). (Note 2)

Figure 1 shows a density map of the galaxies in this volume as seen on the sky. This map represents the physical structures in the Universe at the farthest distances and the earliest times that astronomers have been able to observe to date. The yellow regions are where there are the highest concentration of galaxies. (Note 3)

In the bottom portion of this map, the researchers found a concentration of galaxies that could not be explained by chance. By obtaining accurate distance estimates to these galaxies using Subaru’s Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS), the researchers confirmed that there were six galaxies concentrated in a small volume only 3 million light years in diameter, forming a galaxy cluster. Figure 2 identifies the six member galaxies of the cluster.

The cluster has several properties that reveal its young age. It is one hundred times less massive than present day galaxy clusters and has significantly fewer members. Moreover, its member galaxies are producing stars at one hundred times the rate of galaxies outside the cluster.

The infant galaxy cluster existed at a time when the Universe was only one billion years old. The youngest portraits of galaxy clusters that astronomers previously had were from the Universe at an age of one and a half billion years. As any parent would attest, young children change rapidly. The portrait of a galaxy cluster at a younger age fills a significant gap in our knowledge of the early history of the Universe when stars, galaxies, and clusters were first forming.

“The fact that a cluster is already forming so soon after the Big Bang puts strong constraints on the fundamental structure of the Universe”, says Ouchi. The prevailing theory of cosmology postulates that smaller mass structures form first and then grow into more massive structures. “Our results seem to contradict the prevailing wisdom, but the real challenge is in understanding how well the distribution of visible matter such as galaxies correlates with the distribution of mass in general. As we continue to fill in the gaps in the early history of clusters, we should be able to resolve such ambiguities”, he says.

These results were published in the February 10, 2005, edition of the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ 620, L1-L4) and will be presented at the meeting “The Future of cosmology with clusters of Galaxies” beginning on February 26, 2005, in Waikoloa, Hawaii.

Note 1: For more information on the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey field, see the June 2004 press release on the SXDS public data release and the SXDS home page.

Note 2 : For more information on how astronomers use colors to look for distant galaxies see the March 2003 press release on the discovery of one the most distant galaxies currently known.

Note 3: Maps of the cosmic microwave background such as those from COBE or WMAP show the unevenness in the heat left over from the Big Bang that eventually led to the physical structures revealed in the new map.

Original Source: Subaru Telescope News Release

Saturn’s Mysterious Auroras Explained

Scientists studying data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft and Hubble Space Telescope have found that Saturn’s auroras behave differently than scientists have believed for the last 25 years.

The researchers, led by John Clarke of Boston University, found the planet’s auroras, long thought of as a cross between those of Earth and Jupiter, are fundamentally unlike those observed on either of the other two planets. The team analyzing Cassini data includes Dr. Frank Crary, a research scientist at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, and Dr. William Kurth, a research scientist at the University of Iowa, Iowa City.

Hubble snapped ultraviolet pictures of Saturn’s auroras over several weeks, while Cassini’s radio and plasma wave science instrument recorded the boost in radio emissions from the same regions, and the Cassini plasma spectrometer and magnetometer instruments measured the intensity of the aurora with the pressure of the solar wind. These sets of measurements were combined to yield the most accurate glimpse yet of Saturn’s auroras and the role of the solar wind in generating them. The results will be published in the February 17 issue of the journal Nature.

The findings show that Saturn’s auroras vary from day to day, as they do on Earth, moving around on some days and remaining stationary on others. But compared to Earth, where dramatic brightening of the auroras lasts only about 10 minutes, Saturn’s can last for days.

The observations also show that the Sun’s magnetic field and solar wind may play a much larger role in Saturn’s auroras than previously suspected. Hubble images show that auroras sometimes stay still as the planet rotates beneath, like on Earth, but also show that the auroras sometimes move along with Saturn as it spins on its axis, like on Jupiter. This difference suggests that Saturn’s auroras are driven in an unexpected manner by the Sun’s magnetic field and the solar wind, not by the direction of the solar wind’s magnetic field.

“Both Earth’s and Saturn’s auroras are driven by shock waves in the solar wind and induced electric fields,” said Crary. “One big surprise was that the magnetic field imbedded in the solar wind plays a smaller role at Saturn.”

At Earth, when the solar wind’s magnetic field points southward (opposite to the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field), the magnetic fields partially cancel out, and the magnetosphere is “open”. This lets the solar wind pressure and electric fields in, and allows them to have a strong effect on the aurora. If the solar wind’s magnetic field isn’t southward, the magnetosphere is “closed” and solar wind pressure and electric fields can’t get in. “Near Saturn, we saw a solar wind magnetic field that was never strongly north or south. The direction of the solar wind magnetic field didn’t have much effect on the aurora. Despite this, the solar wind pressure and electric field were still strongly affecting auroral activity,” added Crary. Seen from space, an aurora appears as a ring of energy circling a planet’s polar region. Auroral displays are spurred when charged particles in space interact with a planet’s magnetosphere and stream into the upper atmosphere. Collisions with atoms and molecules produce flashes of radiant energy in the form of light. Radio waves are generated by electrons as they fall toward the planet.

The team observed that even though Saturn’s auroras do share characteristics with the other planets, they are fundamentally unlike those on either Earth or Jupiter. When Saturn’s auroras become brighter and thus more powerful, the ring of energy encircling the pole shrinks in diameter. At Saturn, unlike either of the other two planets, auroras become brighter on the day-night boundary of the planet which is also where magnetic storms increase in intensity. At certain times, Saturn’s auroral ring is more like a spiral, its ends not connected as the magnetic storm circles the pole.

The new results do show some similarities between Saturn’s and Earth’s auroras: Radio waves appear to be tied to the brightest auroral spots. “We know that at Earth, similar radio waves come from bright auroral arcs, and the same appears to be true at Saturn,” said Kurth. “This similarity tells us that, on the smallest scales, the physics that generate these radio waves are just like what goes on at Earth, in spite of the differences in the location and behavior of the aurora.”

Now with Cassini in orbit around Saturn, the team will be able to take a more direct look at the how the planet’s auroras are generated. They will next probe how the Sun’s magnetic field may fuel Saturn’s auroras and learn more details about what role the solar wind may play. Understanding Saturn’s magnetosphere is one of the major science goals of the Cassini mission.

For the latest images and information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative mission of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Giant Crater Discovered on Titan

A giant impact crater the size of Iowa was spotted on Saturn’s moon Titan by NASA’s Cassini radar instrument during Tuesday’s Titan flyby.

Cassini flew within 1,577 kilometers (980 miles) of Titan’s surface and its radar instrument took detailed images of the surface. This is the third close Titan flyby of the mission, which began in July 2004, and only the second time the radar instrument has examined Titan. Scientists see some things that look familiar, along with scenes that are completely new.

The new radar images are available at: and

“It’s reassuring to look at two parts of Titan and see similar things,” said Dr. Jonathan Lunine, Cassini interdisciplinary scientist from the University of Arizona, Tucson. “At the same time, there are new and strange things.”

This flyby is the first time that Cassini’s radar and the imaging camera overlapped. This overlap in coverage should be able to provide more information about the surface features than either technique alone. The 440-kilometer-wide (273-mile) crater identified by the radar instrument was seen before with Cassini’s imaging cameras, but not in this detail.

A second radar image released today shows features nicknamed “cat scratches”. These parallel linear features are intriguing, and may be formed by winds, like sand dunes, or by other geological processes.

On Thursday, Cassini will conduct its first close flyby of Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus (en-SELL-uh-duss) at a distance of approximately 1,180 kilometers (730 miles). Enceladus is one of the most reflective objects in the solar system, so bright that its surface resembles freshly fallen snow. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release