Ariane Lofts 7 Satellites at Once

Arianespace has successfully launched the Helios IIA observation satellite for the French, Belgian and Spanish ministries of defense.

Following a flight lasting 60 minutes and 8 seconds, the Ariane 5 launch vehicle accurately injected Helios IIA into Sun-synchronous polar orbit. The mission also deployed six auxiliary payloads: four Essaim micro-satellites and two other small spacecraft, Parasol and Nanosat.

Sixteenth successful launch
With its 16th successful mission, the standard Ariane 5G (“Generic”) launcher continues to confirm its technical and operational maturity. The launcher also showed its ability to handle a complete range of missions, from government launches into Sun-synchronous orbit to huge commercial satellites into geostationary orbit and scientific spacecraft into special orbits.

The launch was from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, on Saturday, December 18, at 1:26 p.m. local time in Kourou (1626 GMT, and 5:26 pm in Paris).

A Boost for Defense
The Ariane 5 launcher is a key to the development of a common European defense and security policy, which must include space capability. Helios IIA is the 23rd military payload to be carried by Europe’s Ariane launcher.

Arianespace covers the spectrum of missions needed by European armed forces:

# Optical observation, including launches of Helios 1A in July 1995 and Helios 1B in December 1999 (for France, Italy, Spain).
# Telecommunications, with Syracuse I, II and II (France), Sicral 1 (Italy), Skynet 4 (U.K.), Hispasat 1A and 1B (Spain), Turksat 1A, 1B, 1C and Eurasiasat (Turkey).

Helios IIA
Helios IIA is the initial satellite in France’s second-generation defense and security spaceborne observation system, being conducted in conjunction with Belgium and Spain. France’s DGA defense procurement agency (D?l?gation G?n?rale pour l’Armement), which is part of the French MoD, is in charge of the program. It has assigned overall responsibility for the space segment to the French space agency, CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales).

Helios IIA weighed approximately 4,200 kg. at launch. It was built by EADS Astrium as prime contractor, leading a large team of European subcontractors, including Alcatel Space, in charge of the high resolution imaging instrument.

The Essaim program is designed to demonstrate the feasibility of space-based detection of electromagnetic transmitters, and evaluate the performance of this type of system. EADS Astrium is prime contractor for the Essaim program.

The Parasol microsat aims to characterize the radiation and microphysical properties of clouds and aerosols. French space agency CNES is prime contractor for the Parasol microsat.

Nanosat will provide an in-orbit demonstration of several telecommunications nano-technologies, as well as solar and magnetic sensors. It was developed and built by INTA of Spain.

Original Source: Arianespace News Release

What’s Up This Week – Dec 20 – Dec 26, 2004

Image credit: NOAO
Season’s Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Take the time from your busy holiday schedule to relax with some astronomy. There will be three minor meteor showers this week: the Coma Berenicids, Delta Arietid and the Ursids. The waxing Moon will become our guide as we locate historic variable Mira. Mare Humorum and Crater Gassendi are great features to learn about on the lunar surface and we’ll travel to the outer arm of our own galaxy to study a multiple star system – Sigma Orionis. Not enough? Then I have a special and very challenging surprise for you on Christmas Day! Although the Moon goes full during this seven-day period, those who are just beginning with new telescopes will appreciate its presence as an easy “pointer” to Saturn. So lift your eyes toward the heavens and enjoy the bright stars of Winter…

Because here’s what’s up!

Monday, December 20 – If you’re up early this morning, take a few minutes to watch the skies for the peak of the Coma Berenicid meteor shower. Although the activity for this one is fairly weak, with an average fall rate of about seven per hour, it still warrants study.

So what makes this particular shower of interest? Noted first in 1959, the stream was eventually tied in 1973 to another minor shower bearing the same orbit known as the December Leo Minorids. As we know, meteoroid streams are traditionally tied to the orbit of a comet, and in this case the comet was unconfirmed! Observed in 1912 by B. Lowe, an Australian amateur astronomer, the comet was officially designated as 1913 I and was only seen four times before losing it to sunrise. Using Lowe’s observations, independent researchers computed the comet’s orbit and it was basically forgotten about until 1954. At that time, Fred Whipple was studying meteoroid orbits and made the association between his photographic studies and the enigmatic comet Lowe. By continuing to observe the annual shower, it was derived that the orbital period of the comet was about 75 years, but the two major streams occurred about 27 and 157 years apart. Thanks to the uneven dispersion of material, it may be another decade before we see some real activity from this shower, but even one meteor can make your day!

And if you want to make your “night” an early one, why not trying looking for another odd meteor shower? Tonight will be the peak of the Delta Arietids! These unusual meteors also bear a resemblance to last week’s Geminids, for the source of the stream appears to be a sun-grazing asteroid named Icarus. The hourly fall rate will be about 12 fast and bright “shooting stars”, but the Moon will interfere since it is so close to the radiant. Be sure to watch early as the constellation of Aries will be in the best position for only a few hours after dark. Have a telescope? Then be sure to visit with Madam Selene while out, because the “Straight Wall” will be making its one night stand parallel to the terminator. Look for its thread-thin black shadow just north of the emerging Tycho.

Tuesday, December 21 – This morning marks the point of winter solstice for the northern hemisphere – the time of year where the Sun appears furthest south. For parents, educators or just those who appreciate physically observing the wonders of astronomy, today would be a good time to start a very simple – and very pleasing – experiment. By placing a stake into the ground, or using a stationery object like a fence or sign post, measure the length of the shadow at noon. Write down your measurements, or cut and tag a piece of string with the date. Around every two weeks or so, repeat the process and enjoy the results!

Mira, Mira on the wall… Who’s the strangest star of all? You are, Omicron Ceti. Tonight we’re going to use the nine day old Moon to help guide us to one of the most interesting stars in the sky – Mira! Over 400 years ago, David Fabricus identified Mira, a.k.a. “the Beautiful One”, to be the very first variable star. But what exactly is it? At the time of its discovery, it was thought to be a nova. Cataloged by Bayer seven years later as 4th magnitude Omicron Ceti, imagine the surprise as it “disappeared” from unaided eye visibility! At minimum Mira is around magnitude 9, but within 331 days can flux as high as 3rd or 4th magnitude and has been known to even reach the brightness of Aldeberan.

As a binary system, Mira A is a red giant that goes through some intense changes during its cycle. As one of the coolest of the red stars at minimum, its hot, blue, sub-dwarf companion actually has twice the mass of the primary star. Is it possible that this tiny companion’s extreme gravitation and heat could affect Mira? As Omicron continues to deplete its hydrogen, the interior “pulses” causing it to become more than 100 times brighter and expand more than 700 times the size of our own Sun. In late 1997, Mira became the second star to be resolved by the Hubble Space Telescope and showed a very strange extension towards its companion star.

So how bright will it be tonight? Ah, my friends… That is the joy of discovery!

Wednesday, December 22 – Up early? Fantastic! In the pre-dawn hours of this morning, we have two treats for you – the return of Mercury and the Ursid meteor shower! Cruising around the Sun about every thirteen and a half years, Comet 8P/Tuttle sheds a little skin. Although it never passes inside of Earth’s orbit, some six years later we pass through its debris stream. Not so unusual? Then think again, because it takes as much as six centuries before the meteoroid trail is effected enough by Jupiter’s gravitation to pass into our atmosphere.

Although the Moon will interfere with watching this circumpolar meteor shower, the hours before dawn could see activity of up to 12 per hour. By keeping watch on the constellation of Ursa Major, you just might spot one of these slow moving, 600 year old travelers that make their path only halfway between us and the Moon!

Before dawn this morning, take a look down low on the horizon and say welcome back to Mercury. Above it, and leading the way is bright Venus. For telescopic observers, the real treat will be to see how differently each planet is phased. Venus will appear highly gibbous, while Mercury will only be about one-third illuminated. Keep watch on this pair in the days ahead as they swap places in the sky!

Thursday, December 23 – Tonight exploring the Moon will be in order as one of the most graceful and recognizable lunar features will be prominent – Gassendi. As an ancient mountain walled plane that sits proudly at the northern edge of Mare Humorum, Gassendi sports a bright ring and a triple central mountain peak that are within the range of binoculars. Telescopic viewers will appreciate Gassendi at high power to view how its southern border has been eroded by lava flow and the many riles and ridges that exist inside the crater and the presence of the younger Gassendi A on north wall. While viewing the Mare Humorum area, keep in mind that we are looking at an area about the size of the state of Arkansas. It is believed that a planetoid collision originally formed Mare Humorum. The incredible impact crushed the surface layers of the Moon resulting in a concentric “anticline” that can be traced twice the size of the original impact area. The floor of this huge crater then filled in with lava and was once thought to have a greenish appearance but in recent years have more accurately been described as reddish. That’s one mighty big crater!

Friday, December 24 – Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring… Except for the mouse with the telescope who wants to see a multiple star system! Why don’t we join him tonight and have a look at a very nice and easily resolved, Sigma Orionis.

This particular system is easily found without a map. By identifying the three “belt” stars of Orion, go to the easternmost – Alnitak – and Sigma is the first star south of it. In the telescope you will find a beautiful combination of four stars. The 3.8 magnitude white primary commands attention. With a designation of A/B, this super-massive and extremely bright pair are far too close (about 100 AU apart) to be split with a small scope. Looking 11″ to the southwest, you will discover the 10th magnitude white “C” star and you will see the 7.2 magnitude red “D” star 13″ to the east. Further away yet at a distance of 42″ to the east/northeast is the 6.5 magnitude blue “E” star.

Sharp-eyed observers will also note another multiple system in the same field of view to the northwest. This is Struve 761. As an “all white” system of similar magnitudes, you will see two residing east/west of each other and the third companion to the north. What we are looking at is a system that is about 1,500 light years away from us in the rich, star-forming region of Orion. Give that mouse a piece of cheese!

Saturday, December 25 – In keeping with the season, tonight’s astronomical object is a celebration of both starlight and asterism. Located 10 degrees east of Betelgeuse, the NGC 2264 will be a challenging object thanks to tonight’s near-full Moon, but the results will be quite worth it! Also known as “the Christmas Tree” cluster, this bright asterism of approximately 20 bright stars and over a 100 fainter ones is embroiled in a faint nebula that will be lost to bright skies, leaving only the delightful “Christmas Tree” shape adorned with stars. The very brightest of these stars, S Monoceros, is fifth magnitude and will show clearly in the finder scope and as a double at magnification. Steady skies will reveal that the “star” and the top of our “tree” is also a visual double and home to the beautiful “Cone Nebula”! Many of the stars will also appear to have companions, as well as tints of silver as gold. The visual effect of this splendid open cluster (as seen in this sketch by Jeff Barbour) is well worth the challenge it presents. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 26 – Did you get a new telescope? Then enjoy tonight’s full Moon! Although it is very bright, it is also the easiest of astronomical targets and will show many prominent features, bright rays and expansive plains of maria. If you are itching to explore, but unfamiliar with the sky, the Moon will offer to be your guide to one of the most exciting planets for the beginner – Saturn!

With the Moon in the constellation of Gemini tonight, you will see three “stars” gathered to the east. Point your telescope at the southern-most of this trio and enjoy the “Lord of the Rings”. Even small telescopes can appreciate the broad ring system, but there is also a treat tonight as well. Appearing to “follow” Saturn across the sky is its easily spotted moon, Titan!

I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to write! Your observations of Comet Macholz have been wonderful, so please continue to observe it despite the Moon. I deeply appreciate all the kind words I have received. Do not be afraid to ask questions or share an observation. This column is all about you! Until next week? I wish you the very best of the season. Keep looking up and enjoying the wonders of our Universe! Light speed… ~Tammy Plotner

Lighting Storms on Saturn

As NASA’s Cassini spacecraft approached Saturn last July, it found evidence that lightning on Saturn is roughly one million times stronger than lightning on Earth.

That’s just one of several Cassini findings that University of Iowa Space Physicist Don Gurnett will present in a paper to be published Thursday, Dec. 16, in Science Express, an online version of the journal Science, and in a talk to be delivered Friday, Dec. 17, at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Other findings include:
–Cassini impacted dust particles as it traversed Saturn’s rings.
–Saturn’s radio rotation rate varies.

The comparison between Saturn’s enormously strong lightning and Earth’s lightning began several years ago as the Cassini spacecraft prepared for its journey to Saturn by swinging past the Earth to receive a gravitational boost. At that time, Cassini started detecting radio signals from Earth’s lightning as far out as 89,200 kilometers from the Earth’s surface. In contrast, as Cassini approached Saturn, it started detecting radio signals from lightning about 161 million kilometers from the planet. “This means that radio signals from Saturn’s lightning are on the order of one million times stronger than Earth’s lightning. That’s just astonishing to me!” says Gurnett, who notes that some radio signals have been linked to storm systems observed by the Cassini imaging instrument.

Earth’s lightning is commonly detected on AM radios, a technique similar to that used by scientists monitoring signals from Cassini.

Regarding Saturn’s rings, Gurnett says that the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument detected large numbers of dust impacts on the spacecraft. Gurnett and his science team found that as Cassini approached the inbound ring plane crossing, the impact rate began to increase dramatically some two minutes before the ring plane crossing, then reached a peak of more than 1,000 per second at almost exactly the time of the ring plane crossing, and finally decreased to pre-existing levels about two minutes later. Gurnett notes that the particles are probably quite small, only a few microns in diameter, otherwise they would have damaged the spacecraft.

Finally, variations in Saturn’s radio rotation rate came as a surprise. Based upon more than one year of Cassini measurements, the rate is 10 hours 45 minutes and 45 seconds, plus or minus 36 seconds. That’s about six minutes longer than the value recorded by the Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of Saturn in 1980-81. Scientists use the rotation rate of radio emissions from the giant gas planets such as Saturn and Jupiter to determine the rotation rate of the planets themselves because the planets have no solid surfaces and are covered by clouds that make direct visual measurements impossible.

Gurnett suggests that the change in the radio rotation rate is difficult to explain. “Saturn is unique in that its magnetic axis is almost exactly aligned with its rotational axis. That means there is no rotationally induced wobble in the magnetic field, so there must be some secondary effect controlling the radio emission. We hope to nail that down during the next four to eight years of the Cassini mission.”

One possible scenario was suggested nearly 20 years ago. Writing in the May 1985 issue of “Geophysical Research Letters,” Alex J. Dessler, a senior research scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, argued that the magnetic fields of gaseous giant planets, such as Saturn and Jupiter, are more like that of the sun than of the Earth. The sun’s magnetic field does not rotate as a solid body. Instead, its rotation period varies with latitude. Commenting earlier this year on the work of Gurnett and his team, Dessler said, “This finding is very significant because it demonstrates that the idea of a rigidly rotating magnetic field is wrong. Saturn’s magnetic field has more in common with the sun than the Earth. The measurement can be interpreted as showing that the part of Saturn’s magnetic field that controls the radio emissions has moved to a higher latitude during the last two decades.”

The radio sounds of Saturn’s rotation — resembling a heartbeat — and other sounds of space can be heard by visiting Gurnett’s Web site at:

Cassini, carrying 12 scientific instruments, on June 30, 2004, became the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn and begin a four-year study of the planet, its rings and its 31 known moons. The $1.4 billion spacecraft is part of the $3.3 billion Cassini-Huygens Mission that includes the Huygens probe, a six-instrument European Space Agency probe, scheduled to land on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, in January 2005.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter. For the latest images and information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit:

Original Source: UI News Release

Saturn’s Environment is Driven By Ice

Ice particles are key players in the ever-changing panorama at Saturn, according to a new study led by a University of Colorado at Boulder professor using an instrument on the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft now at the ringed planet.

Larry Esposito of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics said data from the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer, or UVIS, indicates much of Saturn’s system is filled with ice, as well as atoms derived from water. Esposito is the principal investigator for the $12.5 million UVIS instrument riding on the craft.

Esposito said hydrogen and oxygen atoms are widely distributed in the planetary system, which extends millions of miles outward from Saturn. Cassini researchers are seeing large fluctuations in the amount of oxygen in the Saturn system, he said.

“A possible explanation for the fluctuation in oxygen is that small, unseen icy moons have been colliding with Saturn’s E ring,” said Esposito. “The collisions may have produced small grains of ice, which yielded oxygen atoms when struck by energetic, charged particles in Saturn’s magnetosphere. UVIS is able to identify these glowing atoms.”

A paper on the subject authored by Esposito and colleagues appears in the Dec. 16 issue of Science Express, the online version of Science magazine. Esposito also will give a presentation on the new results from the Cassini-Huygens mission at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, being held this week through Friday in San Francisco.

Saturn’s ring particles may have formed originally from pure ice, Esposito said. But they have since been subjected to continual bombardment by meteorites, which has contaminated the ice and caused the rings to darken.

Over time, incessant meteorite bombardment has likely spread the dirty material resulting from the collisions widely among the ring particles, he said. But instead of uniformly dark rings, the UVIS instrument is recording “radial variations” that show brighter and darker bands in the individual rings.

“The evidence indicates that in the last 10 million to 100 million years, fresh material probably was added to the ring system,” he said. The research team proposed that such “renewal events” are from the fragmentation of small moons, each probably about 20 kilometers (12 miles) across.

“The interiors of the tiny moonlets, which have been shielded from contamination by the continual collisions with each other, are the source of purer water ice,” he said. “Both the oxygen fluctuation and the spectral variation in Saturn’s rings support a model of ring history in which small moons are continually destroyed to produce new rings.”

The ice grains released by the continual moonlet collisions are bathed by Saturn’s radiation belt, liberating the oxygen atoms that are seen by UVIS in the ultraviolet as they reflect sunlight in the immense cloud surrounding Saturn, said Esposito.

Other authors on the Science Express paper include LASP’s Joshua Colwell, Kristopher Larsen, William McClintock and Ian Stewart. Researchers from the University of Southern California, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Central Arizona University, the California Institute of Technology and the Max Planck Institute and Stuttgart University in Germany also co-authored the paper.

Launched in 1997, the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft achieved Saturn orbit June 30. During the spacecraft’s four-year tour of the Saturn system, the UVIS team will continue to track the dynamic interactions of the planet’s rings, moons and radiation belts, Esposito said.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, D.C.

Original Source: UCB News Release

Atlas V Launches AMC-16

Image credit: ILS
An Atlas V launch vehicle placed the AMC-16 satellite into orbit early this morning, marking the 10th and final mission of the year for International Launch Services (ILS).

This was the 74th consecutive successful launch for the Atlas vehicle family, as well as the fourth launch and fourth commercial mission for the Atlas V launcher.

The Atlas V vehicle lifted off at 7:07 a.m. EST (12:07 GMT), and an hour and 49 minutes later separated the satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit. Both the Atlas V launcher and the A2100 model satellite were built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. ILS is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin (LMT), of Bethesda, Md., and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center of Moscow.

For the past year ILS has been launching nearly monthly with its two vehicles ? the Lockheed Martin Atlas and Khrunichev?s Proton. Not only was today?s launch the 10th of the year; it also was the sixth launch on an Atlas vehicle and the fourth launch this year for the same customer, SES AMERICOM. Atlas IIAS vehicles orbited AMC-10 and AMC-11 in February and May, respectively, and a Proton Breeze M vehicle lifted AMC-15 in October.

?This is record-setting in the number of times we have launched for a single customer in a calendar year,? said ILS President Mark Albrecht. ?SES AMERICOM is a ?platinum customer,? one with which we have a long-standing relationship and have seen many launches. We look forward to continuing our ties with the launch of WS-2 (AMC-12) in early 2005.?

The AMC-16 satellite, like its twin, AMC-15, is integral to AMERICOM2Home and its customer, EchoStar?s DISH Network. In its final orbital location of 85 degrees West, it will provide coverage to all 50 states.

Anders Johnson, senior vice president of strategic satellite initiatives for SES AMERICOM, said, ?We are delighted that AMC-16 has been successfully launched; our heartiest congratulations first to Lockheed Martin for delivering a great spacecraft and to ILS for this morning?s picture-perfect launch.?

ILS is the global leader in launch services, offering the industry?s two best launch systems: Atlas and Proton. With a remarkable launch rate of 69 missions since 2000, the Atlas and Proton launch vehicles have consistently demonstrated the reliability and flexibility that have made them preferred choice among satellite operators worldwide. Since the beginning of 2003, ILS has signed more new commercial contracts than all of its competitors combined.

Original Source: ILS News Release

Titan’s Layered Atmosphere

Cassini’s second close flyby of Titan completes a ‘before’ and ‘after’ look at the fuzzy moon and provides the first direct evidence of changing weather patterns in the skies over Titan.

In images obtained less than two months ago, the Titan skies were cloud free, except for a patch of clouds observed over the moon’s south pole. In images taken Monday, Dec. 13, during Cassini’s second close flyby of Titan, several extensive patches of clouds have formed.

“We see for the first time discrete cloud features at mid-latitudes, which means we see direct evidence of weather, and we can get wind speeds and atmospheric circulation over a region we hadn?t been able to measure before,” said Dr. Kevin Baines, Cassini science-team member with the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

The latest data and other results from Cassini’s close observations of Saturn’s moons Titan and Dione were presented today at a news conference during the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in San Francisco.

Cassini swept within 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) of Titan’s surface on Monday, and took a close look at the icy moon Dione just one day later. During the flyby, Cassini captured a stunning view of Titan’s night side with the atmosphere shimmering in its own glow. This allows scientists to study the detached haze layers, which extend some 400 kilometers (249 miles) above Titan.

Images from Cassini’s cameras show regions on Titan that had not been seen clearly before, as well as fine details in Titan?s intermittent clouds. The surface features may be impact related, but without information on their height, it is too soon to know for sure. No definitive craters have been seen in these images, though several bright rings or circular features are seen in dark terrain.

Cassini imaging scientists are intrigued by the complex braided structure of surface fractures on Dione. To the surprise of scientists, the wispy terrain features do not consist of thick ice deposits, but bright ice cliffs created by tectonic features. ?This is one of the most surprising results so far. It just wasn?t what we expected,? said Dr. Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader, Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

Other Cassini results presented at the meeting included observations made by the ultraviolet imaging spectrograph instrument, which indicates that the nearby environment of the rings and moons in the Saturn system is filled with ice, and atoms derived from water. Cassini researchers are seeing large changes in the amount of oxygen atoms in the Saturn system. A possible explanation for the fluctuation in oxygen is that small, unseen icy moons have been colliding with Saturn’s E ring,” said Dr. Larry Esposito, principal investigator of the imaging spectrograph instrument, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. “These collisions may have produced small grains of ice, which yielded oxygen atoms.” Esposito presented these findings at the meeting, and a paper on the subject appears in the online version of the journal Science.

According to Esposito, Saturn’s ring particles may have formed originally from pure ice. But they have since been subjected to continual bombardment by meteorites, which has contaminated the ice and caused the rings to darken. Over time, continuous meteorite bombardment has likely spread the dirty material resulting from the collisions over a wide area in the rings. “The evidence indicates that in the last 10 to 100 million years, fresh material probably was added to the ring system,” said Esposito. These renewal events are from fragments of small moons, each probably about 20 kilometers (12 miles) across.

Images and more information about the Cassini mission are available at and .

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. JPL designed, developed and assembled the Cassini orbiter. The European Space Agency built and managed the development of the Huygens probe and is in charge of the probe operations. The Italian Space Agency provided the high-gain antenna, much of the radio system and elements of several of Cassini’s science instruments.

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Cassini’s Approach to Dione

Cassini captured Dione against the globe of Saturn as it approached the icy moon for its close rendezvous on Dec. 14, 2004. This natural color view shows the moon has strong variations in brightness across its surface, but a remarkable lack of color, compared to the warm hues of Saturn’s atmosphere. Several oval-shaped storms are present in the planet’s atmosphere, along with ripples and waves in the cloud bands.

The images used to create this view were obtained with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera at a distance of approximately 603,000 kilometers (375,000 miles) from Dione through a filter sensitive to wavelengths of ultraviolet light centered at 338 nanometers. The Sun-Dione-spacecraft, or phase, angle is 34 degrees. The image scale is about 32 kilometers (20 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and the Cassini imaging team home page,

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Sooty Nebula Around a Sun Like Star

The Coronagraphic Imager with Adaptive Optics (CIAO) on the Subaru telescope captured this near-infrared (wavelengths of 1.25 – 2.2 microns) image of a star at the end of its life. BD +303639 is a planetary nebula, similar to the Ring Nebula in the constellation Lyra, the Harp. It is about five thousand light years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. The surface of the star in the center of the nebula sizzles at a temperature of forty two thousand degrees Kelvin, and shines fifty thousand times brighter than our Sun.

At the end of their lives, comparatively lightweight stars like our Sun shed dust and gas which pile around the star. BD +303639 rapidly puffed off its outer layers about nine hundred years ago. This material, weighing almost a quarter of the Sun, has now expanded into a shell one hundred times more extended than the Solar System. The central star illuminates the material which looks like a life preserver from our point of view.

With visible light we can only see the light from the central star scattering off the dust. In infrared light, we can also see light emitted by the dust itself. CIAO used a technique called adaptive optics, which removes the twinkle of light due to turbulence in Earth’s atmosphere, to obtain an extraordinarily sharp image of the dust surrounding the star. (Note 1)

Spectra of the central star from the Subaru telescope’s High Dispersion Sepctrogrtaph indicates that the sizzling at the star’s surface is generating large quantities of carbon. This carbon is a likely ingredient of the dust surrounding the star.

Shedding of material is an integral part of the life of stars. “Although astronomers have been studying the dust and gas surrounding stars of different ages and types, we are only beginning to be able to observe and understand detailed structures such those in BD +303639,” says Dr. Koji Murakawa, an astronomer at the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy. Murakawa adds that “images like these give us precious insight into the last moments in a stars life.”

Note 1: The coronagraph, a device that blocks the light from a bright central star, was not used to obtain this image.

Original Source: Subaru Telescope News Release

What is the Shape of the Helix Nebula?

Looks can be deceiving, especially when it comes to celestial objects like galaxies and nebulas. These objects are so far away that astronomers cannot see their three-dimensional structure. The Helix Nebula, for example, resembles a doughnut in colorful images. Earlier images of this complex object ? the gaseous envelope ejected by a dying, sun-like star ? did not allow astronomers to precisely interpret its structure. One possible interpretation was that the Helix’s form resembled a snake-like coil.

Now, a team of astronomers using observations from several observatories, including NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, has established that the Helix’s structure is even more perplexing. Their evidence suggests that the Helix consists of two gaseous disks nearly perpendicular to each other.

A team of astronomers, led by C. Robert O’Dell of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., made its finding using highly detailed images from the Hubble telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys, pictures from Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, and measurements from ground-based optical and radio telescopes which show the speed and direction of the outflows of material from the dying star. The Helix, the closest planetary nebula to Earth, is a favorite target of professional and amateur astronomers. Astronomers hope this finding will provide insights on how expelled shells of gas from dying stars like our Sun form the complex shapes called planetary nebulas. The results are published in the November issue of the Astronomical Journal.

“Our new observations show that the previous model of the Helix was much too simple,” O’Dell said. “About a year ago, we believed the Helix was a bagel shape, filled in the middle. Now we see that this filled bagel is just the inside of the object. A much larger disk, resembling a wide, flat ring, surrounds the filled bagel. This disk is oriented almost perpendicular to the bagel. The larger disk is brighter on one side because it is slamming into interstellar material as the entire nebula moves through space, like a boat plowing through water. The encounter compresses gas, making that region glow brighter. But we still don’t understand how you get such a shape. If we could explain how this shape was created, then we could explain the late stages of the most common form of collapsing stars.”

“To visualize the Helix’s geometry,” added astronomer Peter McCullough of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Md., and a member of O’Dell’s team, “imagine a lens from a pair of glasses that was tipped at an angle to the frame’s rim. Well, in the case of the Helix, finding a disk inclined at an angle to a ring would be a surprise. But that is, in fact, what we found.”

Another surprise is that the dying star has expelled material into two surrounding disks rather than the one thought previously to be present. Each disk has a north-south pole, and material is being ejected along those axes. “We did not anticipate that the Helix has at least two axes of symmetry,” O’Dell said. “We thought it had only one. This two-axis model allows us to understand the complex appearance of the nebula.”

Using the Helix data, the astronomers created a three-dimensional model showing the two disks. These models are important to show the intricate structure within the nebula. The team also produced a composite image of the Helix that combines observations from Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys and the 4-meter telescope’s mosaic camera at Cerro Tololo. The Helix is so large that the team needed both telescopes to capture a complete view. Hubble observed the Helix’s central region; the Cerro Tololo telescope, with its wider field of view, observed the outer region.

The team, however, is still not sure how the disks were created, and why they are almost perpendicular to each other. One possible scenario is that the dying star has a close companion star. Space-based X-ray observations provide evidence for the existence of a companion star. One disk may be perpendicular to the dying star’s spin axis, while the other may lie in the orbital plane of the two stars.

The astronomers also believe the disks formed during two separate epochs of mass loss by the dying star. The inner disk was formed about 6,600 years ago; the outer ring, about 12,000 years ago. The inner disk is expanding slightly faster than the outer disk. Why did the star expel matter at two different episodes, leaving a gap of 6,000 years? Right now, only the Helix Nebula knows the answer, the astronomers said.

The sun-like star that sculpted the Helix created a beautiful celestial object. Will the Sun weave such a grand structure when it dies 5 billion years from now? “As a single star, it will create a similar glowing cloud of expelled material, but I wouldn’t expect it to have such a complex structure as the Helix,” McCullough said.

To study the intricate details of these celestial wonders, astronomers must use a range of observatories, including visible-light and radio telescopes. Astronomers also need the sharp eyes of Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. “The Hubble’s crisp vision has revealed a whole new realm of planetary nebula structure, which has advanced the field and delighted our eyes,” said team member Margaret Meixner of the Space Telescope Science Institute.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

New Storms Seen on Titan

Using adaptive optics on the Gemini North and Keck 2 telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawai’i, a U.S. team has discovered a new phenomenon in the atmosphere of Saturn?s largest moon Titan.

Unlike previous observations showing storms at the south pole, these new images reveal atmospheric disturbances at Titan?s temperate mid latitudes?about halfway between the equator and the poles. Explaining the unexpected activity has proven difficult, and the team speculates that the storms could be driven by anything from short-term surface events to shifts in global wind patterns.

?We were fortunate to catch these new mid-latitude clouds when they first appeared in early 2004,” said team leader Henry Roe (California Institute of Technology). “We are not yet certain how their formation is triggered. Continued observations over the next few years will show us whether these clouds are the result of a seasonal change in weather patterns or a surface-related phenomenon.”

The causes of these storms might include activities that disturb the atmosphere from the surface. It?s possible that geysers of methane ?slush? are brewing from below, or a warm spot on Titan?s surface is heating the atmosphere. Cryovolcanism?volcanic activity that spews an icy mix of chemicals?has also been suggested as one mechanism that would cause disturbances. It?s also possible that the storms are driven by seasonal shifts in the global winds that circulate in the upper atmosphere. Hints about what is happening on this frigid world could be obtained as the Huygens probe from the Cassini mission drops through Titan?s atmosphere in mid-January, 2005.

The Gemini-Keck II observations were the result of good timing and telescope availability. According to Gemini scientist Chad Trujillo, Titan?s weather patterns can be stable for many months, with only occasional bursts of unusual activity like these recently discovered atmospheric features. The chances of catching such occurrences depend largely on the availability of flexible scheduling like that used at Gemini. “This flexible scheduling is absolutely critical to Titan meteorology studies,? he said. ?Imagine how hard it would be to understand the Earth’s diverse meteorological phenomena if you only saw a weather report a few nights every year.”

Like Earth, Titan is surrounded by a thick atmosphere of mostly nitrogen. Conditions on Earth allow water to exist in liquid, solid, or vapor states, depending on localized temperatures and pressures. The phase changes of water between these states are an important factor in the formation of weather in our atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere is so cold that any water is frozen solid, but conditions are such that methane can move between liquid, solid, and gaseous states. This leads to a methane meteorological cycle on Titan in analogy to the water-based weather cycle on Earth.

As it does on Earth, seasonal solar heating can drive atmospheric activity on Titan, and this could be the mechanism behind the previously observed south polar clouds. However, the new temperate-latitude cloud formations cannot be explained by the same solar heating process If a seasonal circulation shift is causing the newly discovered features, the team theorizes that they will drift northward over the next few years as Titan?s year progresses through the southern summer and into autumn. If it is being caused by geological changes, such as methane geysers or a geologic ?warm? spot on the surface, the feature should stay at the observed 40-degree latitude as the surface activity spurs changes in atmospheric convection and methane cloud formation. Continued storm formations will be easily distinguishable in future ground-based observations using Gemini, Keck and other adaptive-optics enabled telescopes.

?Using adaptive optics from the Earth allows us to see things that just a few years ago would have been invisible,? said Keck Scientist Antonin Bouchez. ?These observations show that ground-based telescopes are a perfect complement to space missions like Cassini.?

This research is scheduled for publication in the January 1, 2005 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

Original Source: Gemini News Release