Mars Rovers Get a Mission Extension

As NASA’s Spirit and Opportunity rovers resumed reliable contact with Earth, after a period when Mars passed nearly behind the Sun, the space agency extended funding for an additional six months of rover operations, as long as they keep working.

Both rovers successfully completed their primary three-month missions on the surface of Mars in April and have already added about five months of bonus exploration during the first extension of their missions.

“Spirit and Opportunity appear ready to continue their remarkable adventures,” said Andrew Dantzler, solar system division director at NASA Headquarters, Washington. “We’re taking advantage of that good news by adding more support for the teamwork here on Earth that’s necessary for operating the rovers.”

Neither rover drove during a 12-day period this month, while radio transmissions were unreliable because of the Sun’s position between the two planets. Daily planning and commanding of rover activities recommenced Monday for Opportunity and today for Spirit.

“It is a relief to get past this past couple of weeks,” said Jim Erickson, project manager for both rovers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. “Not only were communications disrupted, but the rovers were also going through the worst part of Mars southern-hemisphere winter from a solar-energy standpoint.”

“Although Spirit and Opportunity are well past warranty, they are showing few signs of wearing out,” Erickson said. “We really don’t know how long they will keep working, whether days or months. We will do our best to continue getting the maximum possible benefit from these great national resources.”

Rover science team members will spend less time at JPL during the second mission extension. They are able to attend daily planning meetings by teleconferencing from their home institutions in several states and in Europe. “All 150 science team members and collaborators have been provided the tools to be able to participate remotely,” said JPL’s Dr. John Callas, science manager for the rover project. Workstations researchers used at JPL are at their home institutions. Planning tools include video feeds, workstation display remote viewing, and audio conferencing.

Besides reducing costs, remote operations allow scientists to spend more time at home. “We get back to more normal lives, back to our families, and we still get to explore Mars every day,” said Dr. Steve Squyres of Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., principal investigator.

Another change in operations is a shift from seven days per week to five days per week from October through December. This accommodates a temporary trim of about 20 percent in the project’s engineering team to about 100 members. The rovers’ reduced energy supply, during the rest of the martian winter, makes the inactive days valuable for recharging batteries. By January, the energy situation will have improved for the solar-powered rovers, provided they are still operating. The team size will rebound to support daily operations.

As Mars emerges from behind the Sun, Spirit is partway up the west spur of highlands called the “Columbia Hills,” a drive of more than 3 kilometers (2 miles) from its landing site. Opportunity is inside stadium-size “Endurance Crater,” headed toward the base of a stack of exposed rock layers in “Burns Cliff,” and a potential exit route on the crater’s south side.

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Exploration Rover project for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Images and additional information about the project are available on the Web at and For information about NASA programs on the Internet, visit

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

NASA Awards Jupiter Icy Moons Mission

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, Calif., selected Northrop Grumman Space Technology, Redondo Beach, Calif., as the contractor for co-designing the proposed Prometheus Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) spacecraft. The contract award is for approximately $400 million, covering work through mid-2008.

The Prometheus JIMO mission is part of an ambitious mission to orbit and explore three planet-sized moons, Callisto, Ganymede and Europa, of Jupiter. The moons may have vast oceans beneath their icy surfaces. A nuclear reactor would enable the mission, which would launch in the next decade.

JIMO would be the first NASA mission using nuclear electric propulsion, which would enable the spacecraft to orbit each icy world to perform extensive investigations of their composition, history, and potential for sustaining life.

The JIMO mission, integrated with the Vision for Space Exploration, also develops and demonstrates technologies and capabilities in direct support to implement the Vision, including space nuclear electric power systems and nuclear electric propulsion systems.

“We have assembled an exceptional team of professionals to take us into the next phase of the mission. To see the mission evolve is rewarding, and I am confident a good team is in place to move us forward,” said John Casani, project manager for the JIMO mission at JPL.

Under the contract, Northrop Grumman will work with a government team to complete the preliminary design for the spacecraft. The work includes developing hardware, software and test activities for the design of the non-nuclear portion of the spacecraft. It also includes developing the interfaces for the spacecraft, space reactor, and science instruments. The contractor is responsible for the integration of government-owned and provided technologies into the spacecraft. They are also responsible for assembly, integration, and testing of the space system in accordance with applicable government requirements.

The government team will co-design the spacecraft with the contractor. NASA will supply the launch vehicle. The Department of Energy’s Office of Naval Reactors, Washington, will own and be responsible for the space reactor.

The government team includes JPL, NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.; Glenn Research Center, Cleveland; Kennedy Space Center, Fla.; Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va.; and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. Also the Office of Naval Reactors, which includesing Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, N.Y.; Bettis Laboratory, Pittsburgh; and supporting Department of Energy national laboratories.

The mission instruments will be procured competitively via a NASA Announcement of Opportunity. Three crosscutting themes, identified by a NASA-chartered science definition team, drive the proposed JIMO investigations.

The themes are: evaluate the degree subsurface oceans are present on these moons; study the chemical composition of the moons, including organic materials, and the surface processes that affect them; and scrutinize the entire Jupiter system, particularly the interactions between Jupiter, the moons’ atmospheres and interiors.

JIMO is managed by JPL and is part of NASA’s Prometheus Program, a program studying a series of initiatives to develop power systems and technologies for space exploration in support of the Vision for Space Exploration.

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology, manages the proposed JIMO mission for NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, Washington.

For more information about the mission or NASA, visit:

Original Source: NASA JPL News Release

SpaceShipOne’s Engine Designer Working with NASA

SpaceDev has begun designing a reuseable, piloted, sub-orbital space ship that could be scaled up to safely and economically transport passengers to and from low earth orbit, including the International Space Station. The name of the vehicle is the ?SpaceDev Dream Chaser.?

SpaceDev?s founding chairman and CEO, Jim Benson, recently signed a Space Act Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with NASA Ames Research Center director, Dr. Scott Hubbard. This non-binding MOU confirms the intention of the two parties to explore novel, hybrid rocket propulsion based hypersonic test beds for routine human space access. The parties will explore collaborative partnerships to investigate the potential of using SpaceDev?s proven hybrid propulsion and other technologies, and a low cost, private space program development approach, to establish and design new piloted small launch vehicles and flight test platforms to enable near-term, low-cost routine space access for NASA and the United States. One possibility for collaboration is the SpaceDev Dream Chaser? project, which is currently being discussed with NASA Ames.

Unlike the more complex SpaceShipOne, for which SpaceDev provides critical proprietary hybrid rocket motor propulsion technologies, the SpaceDev Dream Chaser? would be crewed and take-off vertically, like most launch vehicles, and will glide back for a normal horizontal runway landing.

?This project is one small step for SpaceDev, but could evolve into one giant leap for affordable, commercial human space flight,? said Jim Benson. ?I have been waiting for almost fifty years for commercial space flight, and have concluded that SpaceDev, through our unbroken string of successful space technology developments, now has the technical capability and know-how, along with our partners, and when fully funded, to quickly develop a safe and affordable human space flight program, beginning with sub-orbital flights in the near future, and building up to reliable orbital public space transportation hopefully by the end of this decade.?

?I am delighted that we will be working with SpaceDev to help meet the goals of The Vision for Space Exploration,? said G. Scott Hubbard, director of NASA Ames Research Center, located in California?s Silicon Valley. ?Near-term, low-cost, crewed and uncrewed routine space access is a key for realizing the nation?s Exploration Vision. I look forward to a long and fruitful partnership with SpaceDev to explore the technologies for a new class of exciting launch vehicles for future space exploration.?

The sub-orbital SpaceDev Dream Chaser is derived from an existing X-Plane concept and will have an altitude goal of approximately 160 km (about 100 miles) and will be powered by a single, high performance hybrid rocket motor, under parallel development by SpaceDev for the SpaceDev Streaker?, a family of small, expendable launch vehicles, designed to affordably deliver small satellites to low earth orbit. The SpaceDev Dream Chaser will use motor technology being developed for the SpaceDev Streaker? booster stage, the most powerful motor in the Streaker family. The SpaceDev Dream Chaser motor will produce approximately 100,000 pounds of thrust, about six times the thrust of the SpaceShipOne motor, but less than one-half the thrust of the 250,000 pounds of thrust produced by hybrid rocket motors developed several years ago by the American Rocket Company (AMROC).

SpaceDev?s non-explosive hybrid rocket motors use synthetic rubber as the fuel, and nitrous oxide for the oxidizer to make the rubber burn. Traditional rocket motors use two liquids, or a solid propellant that combines the fuel and oxidizer, but both types of rocket motors are explosive, and all solid motors produce copious quantities of toxic exhaust. SpaceDev?s hybrid rocket motors are non-toxic and do not detonate like solid or liquid rocket motors.

Original Source: SpaceDev News Release

Keeping the Rings In Line

Saturn’s moon Prometheus is seen shepherding the inner edge of Saturn’s F ring. Prometheus is 102 kilometers (63 miles) across and was captured in a close-up view by the Cassini spacecraft near the time of orbital insertion at Saturn PIA06098. A number of clumps are visible here along the arcing F ring.

The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow angle camera on Aug. 5, 2004, at a distance of 8.2 million kilometers (5.1 million miles) from Saturn through a filter sensitive to visible green light. The image scale is 49 kilometers (33 miles) per pixel. Contrast was slightly enhanced to aid visibility.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and the Cassini imaging team home page, .

Original Source: NASA JPL News Release

Book Review: Sun Observer’s Guide

Our sun produces vast amounts of energy through nuclear reactions. Due to this energy and the sun’s huge mass, the sun consists mostly of sub atomic particles and ionized atoms especially hydrogen and helium. These rocket and careen within the sun and then via convection and radiation they work their way out through the surface, the photosphere, and onward throughout the solar system. The photosphere, tenuous as it is, can be seen to resemble porridge with a fairly homogeneous mix of small light and dark patches. Occasionally, a large dark spot occurs. Seemingly harmless, this spot is quite often a burst of energy and matter that sends an energetic stream of particles and radiation out from the sun. Perhaps harmless in appearance these spots can disrupt radio traffic, fail electrical power grids and knock out satellites. But on the good side, these spots are the main subjects for sun observers.

Using sun spots, observers can assign a latitude and longitude coordinate system to the sun. They can define the sun’s rotation rate and its ‘mood’. A sullen sun may have only one or even no sunspots on its surface. At other times, the playful sun could have hundreds of sunspots. This activity cycles through its minimum and maximum over an eleven year period. However the sun can quiet down for a longer time. Between 1645 and 1715 there was almost no sun spot activity. We refer to this time as a little ice age here on Earth due to the much cooler temperatures experienced. Of course, the opposite can happen. Unusually high sun spot activity occurred in the years 1000 to 1250 and a warmer climate allowed Vikings to settle in Greenland. So, not only are sun spots the main characteristic of our sun, they also have a direct influence on the earth’s climate. There can’t be a much better reason for observers to continue their studies!

One of the main benefits of observing the sun is that minimal equipment is required. Some observations are achievable with binoculars and a few sheets of paper. A small refractor telescope is better than binoculars, but due to the sun’s energy, small is actually better than large. And using paper with appropriate grids and scales on it aids in locating and sizing sun spots that do appear. Then, using the techniques described in this book, a viewer can characterize and record their observations in a manner that is useful for their own benefit and in a manner that would be advantageous to professional bodies, if the observer wanted to share their work. This isn’t that far fetched, as the author herself contributes as an amateur and then works with an organization that makes use of amateur observations.

Aside from sun spots, the other great viewing attraction of the sun is its eclipse. Because of its rarity and its spectacular sight, the eclipse draws people from everywhere in the world. If you are fortunate enough to be on a path of totality, you will see the sun go through a number of distinct phases. It starts with an annular eclipse, where the moon moves to block the sun’s light. When the moon almost exactly covers the sun only some of the photosphere is visible at the moon’s edges and the moon appears to have a ring of fire about its circumference. Should a valley on the moon allow a ray of light to sparkle and flash in the sun’s normal white colour with the beads somewhat like a diamond ring. At totality the photosphere is completely blocked and the ghostly corona shimmers and shines in vibrant ribbons floating around the ring of the moon. Then these phases repeat themselves in reverse order, as the moon continues in its orbit past the sun. The solar eclipse is truly worth travelling to see.

To learn a bit about the sun and of the pleasures in viewing it then Pam Spence’s book, Sun Observer’s Guide, is a handy reference. Sometimes it can be repetitive in its instructions and there is very little on why the sun does what it does. However, there is more than sufficient detail on how to look, what to look for and what the value is of the observations. The unaided and unknowing eye may consider the sun a rock steady source of light and heat, but an educated viewer, with the help of this book, will know better.

To read more reviews, or order the book online, visit

Review by Mark Mortimer

Methane and Water Overlap on Mars

Recent analyses of ESA?s Mars Express data reveal that concentrations of water vapour and methane in the atmosphere of Mars significantly overlap. This result, from data obtained by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS), gives a boost to understanding of geological and atmospheric processes on Mars, and provides important new hints to evaluate the hypothesis of present life on the Red Planet.

PFS observed that, at 10-15 kilometres above the surface, water vapour is well mixed and uniform in the atmosphere. However, it found that, close to the surface, water vapour is more concentrated in three broad equatorial regions: Arabia Terra, Elysium Planum and Arcadia-Memnonia.

Here, the concentration is two to three times higher than in other regions observed. These areas of water vapour concentration also correspond to the areas where NASA?s Odyssey spacecraft has observed a water ice layer a few tens of centimetres below the surface, as Dr Vittorio Formisano, PFS principal investigator, reports.

New in-depth analysis of PFS data also confirms that methane is not uniform in the atmosphere, but concentrated in some areas. The PFS team observed that the areas of highest concentration of methane overlap with the areas where water vapour and underground water ice are also concentrated. This spatial correlation between water vapour and methane seems to point to a common underground source.

Initial speculation has taken the underground ice layer into account. This could be explained by the ?ice table? concept, in which geothermal heat from below the surface makes water and other material move towards the surface. It would then freeze before getting there, due to the very low surface temperature (many tens of degrees Celsius below zero).

Further investigations are needed to fully understand the correlation between the ice table and the presence and distribution of water vapour and methane in the atmosphere.

In other words, can the geothermal processes which ?feed? the ice table also bring water vapour and other gases, like methane, to the surface? Can there be liquid water below the ice table? Can forms of bacterial life exist in the water below the ice table, producing methane and other gases and releasing them to the surface and then to the atmosphere?

The PFS instrument has also detected traces of other gases in the Martian atmosphere. A report on these is currently under peer review. Further studies will address whether these gases can be linked to water and methane and help answer the unresolved questions. In-situ observations by future lander missions to Mars may provide a more exhaustive solution to the puzzle.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Early Universe Might Not Have Been So Violent

The Universe has experienced far fewer collisions among galaxies than previously thought, according to a new analysis of Hubble Space Telescope data by an ANU researcher.

Astronomer Dr Alister Graham, from the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, analysed a sample of galaxies located 100 million light years away ? and discovered that the number of violent encounters between large galaxies is around one-tenth of the number earlier studies had suggested.

Although theoretical models predict that fewer collisions were involved in the evolution of the universe, Dr Graham?s observations are the first that confirm these theories.

?The new result is in perfect agreement with popular models of hierarchical structure formation in our universe,? Dr Graham said. ?Galactically speaking, things appear to be a little safer out there.?

For years, astronomers have known the collision and merger of galaxies resulted in the formation of larger galaxies. The biggest of these galaxies appear largely devoid of stars at their cores, a phenomenon believed to result from the damage caused by the ?supermassive? black holes from the smaller galaxies as they merge near the centre of the new galaxy.

However, rather than requiring multiple mergers to clear away the stars from the heart of a galaxy, Dr Graham has shown just one collision between two galaxies is sufficient.

Using images from Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, Dr Graham was able to examine galaxies 100 million light years away, whose cores had not been depleted of stars, providing an important insight into star distributions before any major collisions occurred. By considering the overall galaxy structure, he was able to more accurately measure the sizes of the depleted cores in the galaxies.

The result: the mass of the deficit of stars at the galaxies centres equalled rather than exceeded the mass of the black hole.

?If there had been 10 mergers, we would have found a star deficit 10 times the mass of the central black hole. Many galaxies have large central black holes but no depleted cores. It is therefore not the case that every black hole is formed by gobbling up its surrounding stars. Instead, we?re observing the demolished cores of galaxies after the union of two massive cosmic wrecking balls.?

Although small satellite galaxies have been captured by our galaxy, the Milky Way, it has not experienced a recent major merger. If it had, the plane of its disk, visible as a faint wide ribbon in the night sky, would have been scattered and dispersed across the heavens. Such a fate is expected in about three billion years when the Milky Way collides with a neighbouring spiral galaxy, Andromeda.

The research was conducted during Dr Graham’s tenure at the University of Florida and was funded by NASA via a grant from the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. Dr Graham?s research will appear in the September 20 edition of Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Original Source: ANU News Release

Genesis Recovery is Going Well

Genesis team scientists and engineers continue their work on the mission’s sample return canister in a specially constructed clean room at the U.S. Army Proving Ground in Dugway, Utah. As more of the capsule’s contents are revealed, the team’s level of enthusiasm for the amount of science obtainable continues to rise.

At present, the science canister that holds the majority of the mission’s scientific samples is lying upside down – on its lid. Scientists are very methodically working their way “up” from the bottom portion of the canister by trimming away small portions of the canister’s wall. The team continues to extract, from the interior of the science canister, small but potentially analyzable fragments of collector array material. One-half of a sapphire wafer was collected Tuesday – the biggest piece of collector array to date.

The mission’s main priority is to measure oxygen isotopes to determine which of several theories is correct regarding the role of oxygen in the formation of the solar system. Scientists hope to determine this with isotopes collected in the four target segments of the solar wind concentrator carried by the Genesis spacecraft. The condition of these segments will be better known over the next few days, after the canister’s solar wind concentrator is extricated. At this time, it is believed that three of these segments are relatively intact and that the fourth may have sustained one or more fractures. There are no concrete plans regarding the shipping date of the Genesis capsule or its contents from Dugway to the Johnson Space Center in Houston. The team continues its meticulous work and believes that a significant repository of solar wind materials may have survived that will keep the science community busy for some time.

The Genesis sample return capsule landed well within the projected ellipse path in the Utah Test and Training Range on Sept. 8, but its parachutes did not open. It impacted the ground at nearly 320 kilometers per hour (nearly 200 miles per hour).

News and information about Genesis is available on the Internet at For background information about Genesis, visit For information about NASA on the Internet, visit

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Wallpaper: Saturn’s Translucent Rings

Saturn’s ring shadows appear wrapped in a harmonious symphony with the planet in this color view from the Cassini spacecraft.

Saturn and its rings would nearly fill the space between Earth and the Moon. Yet, despite their great breadth, the rings are a few meters thick and, in some places, very translucent. This image shows a view through the C ring, which is closest to Saturn, and through the Cassini division, the 4,800-kilometer-wide gap (2,980-miles) that arcs across the top of the image and separates the optically thick B ring from the A ring. The part of the atmosphere seen through the gap appears darker and more bluish due to scattering at blue wavelengths by the cloud-free upper atmosphere.

The different colors in Saturn’s atmosphere are due to particles whose composition is yet to be determined. This image was obtained with the Cassini spacecraft narrow angle camera on July 30, 2004, at a distance of 7.6 million kilometers (4.7 million miles) from Saturn.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colo.

For images and information about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit and Images are also available at the Cassini imaging team home page,

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

Seeing Our Sun’s Future in Other Stars

For more than 400 years, astronomers both professional and amateur have taken a special interest in observing Mira stars, a class of variable red giants famous for pulsations that last for 80-1,000 days and cause their apparent brightness to vary by a factor of ten times or more during a cycle.

An international team of astronomers led by Guy Perrin from the Paris Observatory/LESIA (Meudon, France) and Stephen Ridgway from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (Tucson, Arizona, USA) has used interferometric techniques to observe the close environments of five Mira stars, and were surprised to find that the stars are surrounded by a nearly transparent shell of water vapor, and possibly carbon monoxide and other molecules. This shell gives the stars a deceptively large apparent size. By penetrating through this layer using the combined light of several telescopes, the team found that Mira stars are likely only half as large as formerly believed.

?This discovery resolves nagging inconsistencies between observations of the size of Mira stars, and models describing their composition and pulsations, which now can be seen to generally agree with each other,? Ridgway explains. ?The revised picture is that Mira stars are very luminous yet relatively normal stars of the asymptotic giant branch, but they have a resonant pulsation that drives their large variability.?

Mira stars are particularly interesting since they are similar in size to the Sun and they are undergoing a late stage of the same evolutionary path that all one-solar mass stars, including the Sun, will experience. Therefore, these stars illustrate the fate of our Sun five billion years from now. If such a star, including its surrounding shell, were located at the Sun?s position in our solar system, its vaporous shell would extend beyond the orbit of Mars.

Although they are really very large in diameter (up to a few hundred solar radii), red giant stars are point-like to unaided human eyes on Earth, and even the largest telescopes fail to distinguish their surfaces. This challenge can be overcome by combining signals from separate telescopes using a technique called astronomical interferometry that makes it possible to study very small details in the close surroundings of Mira stars. Ultimately, images of the observed stars can be reconstructed.

Mira stars are named after the first such known object, Mira (or Omicron Ceti). One possible explanation for their significant variability is that large amounts of material, including dust and molecules, are produced during each cycle. This material blocks much of the outgoing stellar radiation, until the material becomes diluted by expansion. The close environment of Mira stars is therefore very complex, and the characteristics of the central object are difficult to observe.

To study the close environment of these stars, the team led by Perrin and Ridgway carried out observations at the Infrared-Optical Telescope Array (IOTA) of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Arizona. IOTA is a Michelson stellar interferometer, with two arms forming an L-shaped array. It operates with three collectors that can be located at different stations on each arm. In the present study, observations were made at several wavelengths using different telescope spacings ranging from 10 to 38 meters.

From these observations, the team was able to reconstruct the variation of the stellar brightness across the surface of each star. Details down to about 10 milli-arcseconds can be detected. For comparison, at the Moon?s distance, this would correspond to seeing features down to 20 meters in size.

The observations were made at near-infrared wavelengths that are of particular interest for the study of water vapor and carbon monoxide. The role played by these molecules was suspected some years ago by the team and independently confirmed by observations with the Infrared Space Observatory. The new observations using IOTA clearly demonstrate that Mira stars are surrounded by a molecular layer of water vapor and, in at least some cases, of carbon monoxide. This layer has a temperature of about 2,000 K and extends to about one stellar radius above the stellar photosphere, or roughly 50 percent of the observed diameter of the Mira stars in the sample.

Previous interferometric studies of Mira stars led to estimates of star diameters that were biased by the presence of the molecular layer, and were thus much overestimated. This new result shows that the Mira stars are about one-half as large as previously believed.

The new observations presented by the team are interpreted in the framework of a model that bridges the gap between observations and theory. The space between the star?s surface and the molecular layer very likely contains gas, like an atmosphere, but it is relatively transparent at the observed wavelengths. In visible light, the molecular layer is rather opaque, giving the impression that it is a surface, but in the infrared, it is thin and the star can be seen through it.

This model is the first ever to explain the structure of Mira stars over a wide range of spectral wavelengths from the visible to the mid-infrared and to be consistent with the theoretical properties of their pulsation. However, the presence of the layer of molecules far above the stellar surface is still somewhat mysterious. The layer is too high and dense to be supported purely by atmospheric pressure. The pulsations of the star probably play a role in producing the molecular layer, but the mechanism is not yet understood.

As Mira stars represent a late evolutionary stage of Sun-like stars, it will be very interesting to better describe the processes that occur in and around them, as a foreshadowing of the Sun?s own expected fate in the distant future. Mira stars eject large amounts of gas and dust into space, typically about one-third Earth mass per year, thus providing more than 75 percent of the molecules in the galaxy. The carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and other elements of which we are made were mostly produced in the interior of such stars (with heavier elements coming from supernovae), and are then returned to space via this mass loss to become part of new stars and planets. The maturing technique of interferometry is revealing details of the Mira atmosphere, bringing scientists close to observing and understanding the production and ejection of molecules and dust, as these stars recyle their contents on an astronomical scale.

The paper ?Unveiling Mira stars behind the molecules: Confirmation of the molecular layer model with narrow band near-infrared interferometry,? by Perrin et al., will appear in an upcoming issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Original Source: NOAO News Release