Venus and the Moon

I just wanted to give you all another quick reminder that Venus and the Moon will be right beside each other tonight in the Western Sky. If you’re outside and it’s clear, you really can’t miss them. Use this as an opportunity to give some non-space nut a chance to see a beautiful sight, and maybe hook them on the rewarding hobby of astronomy. 🙂

Take some pictures, and send them in – I may publish a few.


Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Scientists Watch an Explosion on a Neutron Star

Image credit: NASA
Scientists at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA) and NASA have captured unprecedented details of the swirling flow of gas hovering just a few miles from the surface of a neutron star, itself a sphere only about ten miles across.

A massive and rare explosion on the surface of this neutron star – pouring out more energy in three hours than the Sun does in 100 years – illuminated the area and allowed the scientists to spy on details of the region never before revealed. They could see details as fine as the ring of gas swirling around and flowing onto the neutron star as this ring buckled from the explosion and then slowly recovered its original form after approximately 1,000 seconds.

All of this was occurring 25,000 light years from Earth, captured second-by-second in movie-like fashion through a process called spectroscopy with NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer.

Dr. David Ballantyne of CITA at the University of Toronto and Dr. Tod Strohmayer of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., present this result in an upcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters. The observation provides new insight into the flow of a neutron star’s (and perhaps a black hole’s) “accretion disk,” usually far too minute to resolve with even the most powerful telescopes.

“This is the first time we have been able to watch the inner regions of an accretion disk, in this case literally a few miles from the neutron star’s surface, change its structure in real-time,” said Ballantyne. “Accretion disks are known to flow around many objects in the Universe, from newly forming stars to the giant black holes in distant quasars. Details of how such a disk flows could only be inferred up to now.”

A neutron star is the dense, core remains of an exploded star at least eight times more massive than the Sun. The neutron star contains about a sun’s worth of mass packed in a sphere no larger than Toronto. An accretion disk refers to the flow of hot gas (plasma) swirling around neutron stars and black holes, attracted by the strong gravity of the region. This gas is often supplied by a neighboring star.

As matter crashes down on the neutron star it builds up a 10- to 100-meter layer of material comprised mostly of helium. The fusion of the helium into carbon and other heavier elements releases enormous energy and powers a strong burst of X-ray light, far more energetic than visible light. (Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers the Sun.) Such bursts can occur several times a day on a neutron star and last for about 10 seconds.

What Ballantyne and Strohmayer observed on this neutron star, named 4U 1820-30, was a “superburst”. These are much more rare than ordinary, helium-powered bursts and release a thousand times more energy. Scientists say these superbursts are caused by a buildup of nuclear ash in the form of carbon from the helium fusion. Current thinking suggests that is takes several years for the carbon ash to buildup to such an extent that it begins to fuse.

The superburst was so bright and long that it acted like a spotlight beamed from the neutron star surface and onto the innermost region of the accretion disk. The X-ray light from the burst illuminated iron atoms in the accretion disk, a process called fluorescence. The Rossi Explorer captured the characteristic signature of the iron fluorescence — that is, its spectrum. This, in turn, provided information about the iron’s temperature, velocity and location around the neutron star.

“The Rossi Explorer can get a good measurement of the fluorescence spectrum of the iron atoms every few seconds,” Strohmayer said. “Adding up all this information, we get a picture of how this accretion disk is being deformed by the thermonuclear blast. This is the best look we can hope to get, because the resolution needed to actually see this action as an image, instead of spectra, would be a billion times greater than what the Hubble Space Telescope offers.”

The scientists said the bursting neutron stars serve as a laboratory to study accretion disks, which are seen (but in less detail) through the Universe around nearby stellar black holes and exceedingly distant quasar galaxies. Stellar black holes with accretion disks do not produce X-ray bursts.

The Rossi Explorer was launched in December 1995 to observe fast-changing, energetic and rapidly spinning objects, such as supermassive black holes, active galactic nuclei, neutron stars and millisecond pulsars.

Original Source: NASA News Release

NASA Awards Research Grants to Support Space Flight

NASA’s Office of Biological and Physical Research recently selected 22 researchers to receive grants of up to four years to conduct research and development in advanced human support technologies. These technologies are expected to have a significant impact on the ability of humans to conduct long-duration space flight missions safely. Benefits to the quality of life on Earth from improved environmental technologies may also result from this research.

The proposals were selected for one-to-four-year efforts, and are potentially worth $16.5 million over four years. Work under these grants will enhance safe human space flight in both low earth orbit, where the International Space Station operates, and in exploration of the solar system beyond low earth orbit.

Five of the grants are for new technologies in advanced environmental monitoring of space habitats. Three grants address strategies for advanced control systems or systems analysis. Two projects are for biomass production. Four projects focus on space human-factors engineering. Eight others address novel approaches to waste processing, including air revitalization, water recycling and treatment of solid wastes.

NASA received 122 proposals in response to a NASA Research Announcement, which was released in March 2003. The proposals were peer-reviewed by scientific and technical experts from academia, government and industry before selections were made. In addition to technical and scientific merit, selection criteria also included cost, relevance to NASA programs and feasibility of utilization by NASA.

For a listing of the selected researchers, listed by state, along with their institutions and their research titles, visit:
For more information on space research, visit:

Original Source: NASA News Release

Deadly Fire at a Rocket Plant in India

An explosion at a solid fuel booster plant caused a large fire at the main Indian space complex; reports about the number of dead and injured are still coming in. ISRO Chairman G Madhavan Nair rushed to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota to survey the damage and assist the recovery. Not more than seven people were known to be in the building. Three were sent to hospital with burns, and rescuers are searching for 3 more who were in the booster plant when the explosion occurred.

Europe’s Plan to Search for Life on Mars

Image credit: ESA
Before humans can leave their boot prints on the dusty surface of Mars, many questions have to be answered and many problems solved. One of the most fundamental questions ? one that has intrigued humankind for centuries ? is whether life has ever existed on Mars, the most Earthlike of all the planets.

Through its long-term Aurora Programme of solar system exploration, ESA is already preparing a series of robotic missions that will reveal the Red Planet?s secrets and pave the way for a human expedition in decades to come.

A major step towards the realisation of this ambitious robotic programme was completed this week with the selection of two industrial teams to carry out the detailed design of the ExoMars rover and its Pasteur payload of scientific instruments.

The parallel Phase A studies for ExoMars, the first Flagship mission in the Aurora Programme, will be carried out by companies from ESA Member States and Canada.

The teams are:
* Prime contractor Astrium UK, with subcontractors Galileo Avionica (Italy), Von Hoerner & Sulger (Germany) and SciSys (UK)
* Prime contractor MD Robotics (Canada), with subcontractors Kayser Threde (Germany), Laben (Italy), Carlo Gavazzi (Italy) and Alcatel Space (France)

?The industrial groups will be responsible for producing a detailed design concept for the rover, the first vehicle of its kind to be built by ESA,? said Bruno Gardini, Aurora Project Manager.

?In addition to defining the optimum conceptual design for the rover, they will also be expected to consider the unique operational environment on Mars. The studies will also take into account the design of the Pasteur payload and how the scientific instrument package can best be integrated with such a highly mobile vehicle.?

This week?s announcement follows the September 2003 selection of two industrial teams to carry out a full, end-to-end mission design for ExoMars. Those contracts cover all phases of the mission, from launch, through the long interplanetary voyage to the landing of the rover on the planet.

ESA has also issued an open announcement or ?Call for Ideas?, requesting the participation of the scientific community in the ExoMars mission by proposing a well-defined set of instruments for the Pasteur payload.

After receiving some 50 proposals from more than 600 scientists in 30 countries, ESA intends to appoint three scientific Investigator Working Groups to advise on the final composition of the payload and its utilisation on Mars.

?ExoMars will be ESA?s first mission to carry an exobiology payload, a set of instruments specifically designed to search for life,? said Jorge Vago, ExoMars Study Scientist. ?Over the next few months we shall zero in on the final instrument composition and then pass this information on to the industrial contractors,? he said. ?Our intention is to define a multi-instrument package that will be able to fulfil a number of key tasks.?

?It should be able to drill into the surface, retrieve and analyse samples, study the physical environment and look for evidence of biomarkers ? clear signs that life has existed on Mars in the past, or even survives to the present day,? he added.

ExoMars, which is scheduled for launch in 2009, includes an orbiter and a descent module that will land a large (200 kg), high-mobility rover on the surface of Mars. After delivery of the lander/rover, the ExoMars orbiter will operate as a data relay satellite between the Earth and the vehicle on the Martian surface.

The primary objective of the rover and its state-of-the-art Pasteur payload will be to search for signs of life, past or present, on the Red Planet. Additional measurements will be taken to identify potential surface hazards for future human missions, to determine the distribution of water on Mars and to measure the chemical composition of the surface rocks.

Pasteur will be the most comprehensive scientific package ever to land on Mars, with tools that can extract, handle and analyse samples of Martian soil. The instrument mass of this payload is anticipated to be around 40 kg.

Its unique capability to obtain underground samples at depths of up to two metres will provide an excellent opportunity to gain access to ice-rich soil layers – and possibly the first definitive evidence of primitive Martian life.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Opportunity Finds Polished Spheres in its Trench

Image credit: NASA/JPL
Because the rover Opportunity found spherical granules around its landing site on Mars, researchers put it to work digging a trench to see if they were also beneath the surface. Microscopic imager pictures now show that the granules, millimeters in size and dubbed “blueberries,” also are embedded in the walls of the trench.

And the images show the blueberries are polished and shiny. “We’re not sure what is going on here, but there is some process happening at the subsurface, said Mars rover science team member Albert Yen at a press conference at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena today (Feb. 19).

Science team leader Steven Squyres, Cornell professor of astronomy, told the press briefing that he expects the spherical granules to be common over most of the Martian surface. But, he said, “We don’t know what their pedigree is.”

To find out, Opportunity is about to embark on a trip to what he called “a blueberry patch,” a “wonderful finely layered laminated bedrock” dubbed El Capitan, where it’s known there are many of the granules. The exposed bedrock has a gently sloping lower portion and a much steeper upper portion, overhanging in places. The aim is, Squyres said, to “zero in on a place where there are lots of those spherical granules and look in detail with the microscopic imager.” The rover is exploring a crater in an area of Mars called Meridiani Planum.

The intention also is to grind away the rocks’ outer layers with the rover’s rock abrasion tool and put the rover’s alpha-praticle X-ray spectrometer (APXS) up against the rock to see if it is sulfur rich all the way through. The rover’s M?ssbauer spectrometer also will be used to see what minerals are present.

There are, said Squyres, basically three questions that Opportunity is trying to answer. First, how were these materials deposited — by air or by water? Second, where did the blueberries embedded in the outrcop come from — were they dropped in from above, or did they grow in place? Third, what is the composition of the outcrop and “What does it tell us or not tell us about the possibility that water was involved in forming the minerals that are in this outcrop?”

The yellow line shows Spirit’s path so far. Click on the image for a high-resolution version (889 x 723 pixels, 360K)
Yen also noted that microscopic imaging of sand-size grains in the trench show they were cemented together. He referred to a theory going back to the Viking mission that water vapor exchanged between the Martian atmosphere and the subsurface could mobilize salts in the upper few centimeters of the surface, depositing a weak cement that could hold granules together. “We are looking for evidence of any salt products that might hold the grains together,” he said.

Possible evidence of salts also was mentioned by Dave Des Marais, a science team member from NASA-Ames Laboratory, in describing the latest data from Opportunity’s twin, Spirit, in Gusev crater on the opposite side of Mars. Spirit has been investigating Laguna Hollow, a depression containing fine grain material. After the rover wiggled its right front wheel and backed up and turned, it was found that some of the material was sticking to the wheel. Des Marais suggested that the stickiness might result from salt or brine. The plan is, he said, to dig a trench and look for evidence of brine moving up to the surface, evaporating and depositing salt at the surface.

Both rovers, it seems, have an abundance of time to carry out their investigations. Squyres noted that both vehicles’ power and thermals systems “are holding up spectacularly well.” And although the mission originally was expected to last about 90 Martian days, or sols, “I will say that I have talked to people at my apartment complex about staying through the summer,” he said.

Original Source: Cornell News Release

Hubble Helps Measure the Pace of Dark Energy

Image credit: Hubble
The good news from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is that Einstein was right ? maybe.

A strange form of energy called “dark energy” is looking a little more like the repulsive force that Einstein theorized in an attempt to balance the universe against its own gravity. Even if Einstein turns out to be wrong, the universe’s dark energy probably won’t destroy the universe any sooner than about 30 billion years from now, say Hubble researchers.

“Right now we’re about twice as confident than before that Einstein’s cosmological constant is real, or at least dark energy does not appear to be changing fast enough (if at all) to cause an end to the universe anytime soon,” says Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore.

Riess used Hubble to find nature’s own “weapons of mass destruction” ? very distant supernovae that exploded when the universe was less than half its current age. The apparent brightness of a certain type of supernova gives cosmologists a way to measure the expansion rate of the universe at different times in the past.

Riess and his team joined efforts with the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) program, the largest deep galaxy survey attempted by Hubble to date, to turn the Space Telescope into a supernova search engine on an unprecedented scale. In the process, they discovered 42 new supernovae in the GOODS area, including 6 of the 7 most distant known.

Cosmologists understand almost nothing about dark energy even though it appears to comprise about 70 percent of the universe. They are desperately seeking to uncover its two most fundamental properties: its strength and its permanence.

In a paper to be published in the Astrophysical Journal, Riess and his collaborators have made the first meaningful measurement of the second property, its permanence.

Currently, there are two leading interpretations for the dark energy as well as many more exotic possibilities. It could be an energy percolating from empty space as Einstein’s theorized “cosmological constant,” an interpretation which predicts that dark energy is unchanging and of a prescribed strength.

An alternative possibility is that dark energy is associated with a changing energy field dubbed “quintessence.”

This field would be causing the current acceleration ? a milder version of the inflationary episode from which the early universe emerged.

When astronomers first realized the universe was accelerating, the conventional wisdom was that it would expand forever. However, until we better understand the nature of dark energy?its properties?other scenarios for the fate of the universe are possible.

If the repulsion from dark energy is or becomes stronger than Einstein’s prediction, the universe may be torn apart by a future “Big Rip,” during which the universe expands so violently that first the galaxies, then the stars, then planets, and finally atoms come unglued in a catastrophic end of time. Currently this idea is very speculative, but being pursued by theorists.

At the other extreme, a variable dark energy might fade away and then flip in force such that it pulls the universe together rather then pushing it apart.

This would lead to a “big crunch” where the universe ultimately implodes. “This looks like the least likely scenario at present,” says Riess.

Understanding dark energy and determining the universe’s ultimate fate will require further observations. Hubble and future space telescopes capable of looking more than halfway across the universe will be needed to achieve the necessary precision. The determination of the properties of dark energy has become the key goal of astronomy and physics today.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

Ulysses Finds Streams of Dust Coming from Io

Image credit: ESA
In a repeat performance of its groundbreaking discovery in 1992, the DUST instrument on board Ulysses has detected streams of dust particles flowing from Jupiter during the recent second encounter with the giant planet.

The dust streams, comprising grains no larger than smoke particles, originate in the fiery volcanoes of Jupiter?s moon Io. The dust stream particles, which carry an electric charge, are strongly influenced by Jupiter’s magnetic field. Electromagnetic forces propel the dust out of the Jovian system, into interplanetary space.

“The recent observations include the most distant dust stream ever recorded – 3.3 AU (nearly 500 million km) from Jupiter!? said Dr. Harald Kr?ger, from the Max-Planck-Institut f?r Kernphysik in Heidelberg. Another unusual feature is that the streams occur with a period of about 28 days. This suggests that they are influenced by solar wind streams that rotate with the Sun. “Interestingly, the most intense peaks show some fine structure which was not the case in 1992?, said Kr?ger, Principal Investigator for the DUST instrument.

Early on in the history of the solar system, as the planets were being formed, small dust particles were much more abundant. These charged grains were influenced by magnetic fields from the early Sun, in much the same way as the dust from Io is affected by Jupiter’s magnetic field today. “By studying the behaviour of these dust stream particles, we hope to gain an insight into processes that led to the formation of the moons and planets in our solar system?, said Richard Marsden, ESA?s Mission Manager for Ulysses. Dust particles carry information about charging processes in regions of Jupiter?s magnetosphere that are difficult to access by other means.

Original Source: ESA News Release

Look for Dust to Find New Earths

Image credit: NASA
If alien astronomers around a distant star had studied the young Sun four-and-a-half billion years ago, could they have seen signs of a newly-formed Earth orbiting this innocuous yellow star? The answer is yes, according to Scott Kenyon (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) and Benjamin Bromley (University of Utah). Moreover, their computer model says that we can use the same signs to locate places where Earth-size planets currently are forming-young worlds that, one day, may host life of their own.

The key to locating newborn Earths, say Kenyon and Bromley, is to look not for the planet itself, but for a ring of dust orbiting the star that is a fingerprint of terrestrial (rocky) planet formation.

“Chances are, if there’s a ring of dust, there’s a planet,” says Kenyon.

Good Planets Are Hard To Find

Our solar system formed from a swirling disk of gas and dust, called a protoplanetary disk, orbiting the young Sun. The same materials are found throughout our galaxy, so the laws of physics predict that other star systems will form planets in a similar manner.

Although planets may be common, they are difficult to detect because they are too faint and located too close to a much brighter star. Therefore, astronomers seek planets by looking for indirect evidence of their existence. In young planetary systems, that evidence may be present in the disk itself, and in how the planet affects the dusty disk from which it forms.

Large, Jupiter-sized planets possess strong gravity. That gravity strongly affects the dusty disk. A single Jupiter can clear a ring-shaped gap in the disk, warp the disk, or create concentrated swaths of dust that leave a pattern in the disk like a wake from a boat. The presence of a giant planet may explain the wake-like pattern seen in the disk around the 350 million-year-old star Vega.

Small, Earth-sized worlds, on the other hand, possess weaker gravity. They affect the disk more weakly, leaving more subtle signs of their presence. Rather than looking for warps or wakes, Kenyon and Bromley recommend looking to see how bright the star system is at infrared (IR) wavelengths of light. (Infrared light, which we perceive as heat, is light with longer wavelengths and less energy than visible light.)

Stars with dusty disks are brighter in the IR than stars without disks. The more dust a star system holds, the brighter it is in the IR. Kenyon and Bromley have shown that astronomers can use IR brightnesses not only to detect a disk, but also to tell when an Earth-sized planet is forming within that disk.

“We were the first to calculate the expected levels of dust production and associated infrared excesses, and the first to demonstrate that terrestrial planet formation produces observable amounts of dust,” says Bromley.

Building Planets From The Ground Up
The most prevalent theory of planet formation calls for building planets “from the ground up.” According to the coagulation theory, small bits of rocky material in a protoplanetary disk collide and stick together. Over thousands of years, small clumps grow into larger and larger clumps, like building a snowman one handful of snow at a time. Eventually, the rocky clumps grow so large that they become full-fledged planets.

Kenyon and Bromley model the planet formation process using a complex computer program. They “seed” a protoplanetary disk with a billion planetesimals 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) in size, all orbiting a central star, and step the system forward in time to see how planets evolve from those basic ingredients.

“We made the simulation as realistic as we could and still complete the calculations in a reasonable amount of time,” says Bromley.

They found the planet formation process to be remarkably efficient. Initially, collisions between planetesimals occur at low velocities, so colliding objects tend to merge and grow. At a typical Earth-Sun distance, it takes only about 1000 years for 1-kilometer objects to grow into 100-kilometer (60-mile) objects. Another 10,000 years produces 600-mile-diameter protoplanets, which grow over an additional 10,000 years to become 1200-mile-diameter protoplanets. Hence, Moon-sized objects can form in as little as 20,000 years.

As planetesimals within the disk grow larger and more massive, their gravity grows stronger. Once a few of the objects reach a size of 600 miles, they begin “stirring up” the remaining smaller objects. Gravity slingshots the smaller, asteroid-sized chunks of rock to higher and higher speeds. They travel so fast that when they collide, they don’t merge-they pulverize, smashing each other apart violently. While the largest protoplanets continue to grow, the rest of the rocky planetesimals grind each other into dust.

“The dust forms right where the planet is forming, at the same distance from its star,” says Kenyon. As a result, the temperature of the dust indicates where the planet is forming. Dust in a Venus-like orbit will be hotter than dust in an Earth-like orbit, giving a clue to the infant planet’s distance from its star.

The size of the largest objects in the disk determines the dust production rate. The amount of dust peaks when 600-mile protoplanets have formed.

“The Spitzer Space Telescope should be able to detect such dust peaks,” says Bromley.

Currently, Kenyon and Bromley’s terrestrial planet formation model covers only a fraction of the solar system, from the orbit of Venus to a distance about halfway between Earth and Mars. In the future, they plan to extend the model to encompass orbits as close to the Sun as Mercury and as distant as Mars.

They also have modeled the formation of the Kuiper Belt-a region of small, icy and rocky objects beyond the orbit of Neptune. The next logical step is to model the formation of gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn.

“We’re starting at the edges of the solar system and working inward,” Kenyon says with a grin. “We’re also working out way up in mass. The Earth is 1000 times more massive than a Kuiper Belt object, and Jupiter is 1000 times more massive than the Earth.”

“Our ultimate goal is to model and understand the formation of our entire solar system.” Kenyon estimates that their goal is attainable within a decade, as computer speed continues to increase, enabling the simulation of an entire solar system.

This research was published in the February 20, 2004, issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Additional information and animations are available online at

Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.

Original Source: CfA News Release

New Kuiper Object Rivals Pluto

Image credit: Caltech
Planetary scientists at the California Institute of Technology and Yale University on Tuesday night discovered a new planetoid in the outer fringes of the solar system.

The planetoid, currently known only as 2004 DW, could be even larger than Quaoar–the current record holder in the area known as the Kuiper Belt–and is some 4.4 billion miles from Earth.

According to the discoverers, Caltech associate professor of planetary astronomy Mike Brown and his colleagues Chad Trujillo (now at the Gemini North observatory in Hawaii), and David Rabinowitz of Yale University, the planetoid was found as part of the same search program that discovered Quaoar in late 2002. The astronomers use the 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory and the recently installed QUEST CCD camera built by a consortium including Yale and the University of Indiana, to systematically study different regions of the sky each night.

Unlike Quaoar, the new planetoid hasn’t yet been pinpointed on old photographic plates or other images. Because its orbit is therefore not well understood yet, it cannot be given an official name.

“So far we only have a one-day orbit,” said Brown, explaining that the data covers only a tiny fraction of the orbit the object follows in its more than 300-year trip around the sun. “From that we know only how far away it is and how its orbit is tilted relative to the planets.”

The tilt that Brown has measured is an astonishingly large 20 degrees, larger even than that of Pluto, which has an orbital inclination of 17 degrees and is an anomaly among the otherwise planar planets.

The size of 2004 DW is not yet certain; Brown estimates a size of about 1,400 kilometers, based on a comparison of the planetoid’s luminosity with that of Quaoar. Because the distance of the object can already be calculated, its luminosity should be a good indicator of its size relative to Quaoar, provided the two objects have the same albedo, or reflectivity.

Quaoar is known to have an albedo of about 10 percent, which is slightly higher than the reflectivity of our own moon. Thus, if the new object is similar, the 1,400-kilometer estimate should hold. If its albedo is lower, then it could actually be somewhat larger; or if higher, smaller.

According to Brown, scientists know little about the albedos of objects this large this far away, so the true size is quite uncertain. Researchers could best make size measurements with the Hubble Space Telescope or the newer Spitzer Space Telescope. The continued discovery of massive planetoids on the outer fringe of the solar system is further evidence that objects even farther and even larger are lurking out there. “It’s now only a matter of time before something is going to be discovered out there that will change our entire view of the outer solar system,” Brown says.

The team is working hard to uncover new information about the planetoid, which they will release as it becomes available, Brown adds. Other telescopes will also be used to better characterize the planetoid’s features.

Original Source: Caltech News Release