Atlas Launches Navy Communications Satellite

Image credit: Boeing

A Lockheed Martin Atlas III rocket carried a Navy communications satellite onto orbit on Thursday morning. The Atlas III lifted off at 0230 UTC (9:30 pm EST), and it placed the UHF Follow-On (UFO) satellite into an elliptical transfer orbit approximately 32 minutes later. The launch was delayed from Monday because a boltcutter on a liquid oxygen valve needed to be replaced. This was the 68th consecutive successful launch for the Atlas rocket.

A Lockheed Martin-built Atlas III rocket carried a Navy communications satellite into orbit tonight, ending the year on a high note for International Launch Services (ILS), with six successful missions.

The Atlas III launch vehicle left the pad at 9:30 p.m. EST (02:30 Dec. 18 GMT), depositing the satellite into an elliptical transfer orbit about 32 minutes later. The satellite is the 11th in the series called UHF Follow-On (UFO), based on the 601 model built by Boeing Satellite Systems (BSS). Atlas vehicles have launched all 11 UFO satellites, beginning in 1993. The program is managed by the Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR).

Mark Albrecht, president of McLean-Va.,-based ILS, said: ?Through the UFO program, we have developed a long-standing synergy among the three partners ? BSS as the prime contractor, building the satellites and contracting with ILS for the launches, on behalf of the Navy. ILS and the Lockheed Martin Atlas launch team are proud to have played a part in providing vital communications capabilities worldwide to America?s military.?

Albrecht added: ?SPAWAR had the foresight 15 years ago to model its acquisition of the satellites and launches on largely commercial terms. The UHF Follow-On contract is the largest single contract for the commercial Atlas launch program. It was a tremendous boost to establish Atlas in the early days of its commercial launch business.?

A follow-on program could reunite some of the partners. Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) is leading a team that includes Boeing and General Dynamics, competing to develop the follow-on to UFO called Mobile User Objective System.

Tonight?s rocket, the Atlas III, is one of three Atlas models currently being flown. It is a transitional vehicle between the Atlas II series that has been flying since 1991, and the powerful Atlas V, which made its debut successfully in 2002. The Atlas II, III and V families have achieved 100 percent success through 68 consecutive launches. Just two weeks ago, on Dec. 2, an Atlas IIAS rocket successfully launched another military payload. That mission was for the National Reconnaissance Office, and was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif.

The Atlas III builds upon the pressure-stabilized booster design of the Atlas II, but uses the Russian RD-180 main engine with variable thrust control. The Atlas V also uses the RD-180, with a structurally stabilized Common Core Booster. Up to five solid rocket boosters can be strapped on for additional lift capability. Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) developed the Atlas V series for both commercial missions and the U.S. Air Force?s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program. ILS? Atlas rockets and their Centaur upper stages are built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. ? Space & Strategic Missiles Operations, at facilities in Denver, Colo.; Harlingen, Texas; and San Diego, Calif.

ILS is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp. and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center of Russia. ILS, based in McLean, Va., markets and manages the missions for the Atlas rockets and the Russian Proton launch vehicles. ILS offers the broadest range of launch services in the world along with products with the highest reliability in the industry.

Original Source: ILS News Release

SpaceShipOne Goes Supersonic

Image credit: Scaled

Scaled Composites’ SpaceShipOne achieved an important milestone this week when it broke the sound barrier on a test flight. The suborbital prototype was carried to 14,600 metres by the White Knight carrier plane, and then released. It fired up its hybrid rocket engine and flew up to an altitude of 20,700 metres, breaking the sound barrier in the process. There was a slight problem with the plane’s landing gear, which caused some minor damage on its landing; it’s going to be easily repaired and there were no injuries. SpaceShipOne is considered the frontrunner to win the $10 million X-Prize.

Today, a significant milestone was achieved by Scaled Composites: The first manned supersonic flight by an aircraft developed by a small company’s private, non-government effort.

In 1947, fifty-six years ago, history’s first supersonic flight was flown by Chuck Yeager in the Bell X-1 rocket under a U.S. Government research program. Since then, many supersonic aircraft have been developed for research, military and, in the case of the recently retired Concorde, commercial applications. All these efforts were developed by large aerospace prime companies, using extensive government resources.

Our flight this morning by SpaceShipOne demonstrated that supersonic flight is now the domain of a small company doing privately-funded research, without government help. The flight also represents an important milestone in our efforts to demonstrate that truly low-cost space access is feasible.

Our White Knight turbojet launch aircraft, flown by Test Pilot Peter Siebold, carried research rocket plane SpaceShipOne to 48,000 feet altitude, near the desert town of California City. At 8:15 a.m. PDT, Cory Bird, the White Knight Flight Engineer, pulled a handle to release SpaceShipOne. SpaceShipOne Test Pilot, Brian Binnie then flew the ship to a stable, 0.55 mach gliding flight condition, started a pull-up, and fired its hybrid rocket motor. Nine seconds later, SpaceShipOne broke the sound barrier and continued its steep powered ascent. The climb was very aggressive, accelerating forward at more than 3-g while pulling upward at more than 2.5-g. At motor shutdown, 15 seconds after ignition, SpaceShipOne was climbing at a 60-degree angle and flying near 1.2 Mach (930 mph). Brian then continued the maneuver to a vertical climb, achieving zero speed at an altitude of 68,000 feet. He then configured the ship in its high-drag “feathered” shape to simulate the condition it will experience when it enters the atmosphere after a space flight. At apogee, SpaceShipOne was in near-weightless conditions, emulating the characteristics it will later encounter during the planned space flights in which it will be at zero-g for more than three minutes. After descending in feathered flight for about a minute, Brian reconfigured the ship to its conventional glider shape and flew a 12-minute glide to landing at Scaled’s home airport of Mojave. The landing was not without incident as the left landing gear retracted at touchdown causing the ship to veer to the left and leave the runway with its left wing down. Damage from the landing incident was minor and will easily be repaired. There were no injuries.

The milestone of private supersonic flight was not an easy task. It involved the development of a new propulsion system, the first rocket motor developed for manned space flights in several decades. The new hybrid motor was developed in-house at Scaled with first firings in November 2002. The motor uses an ablative nozzle supplied by AAE and operating components supplied by SpaceDev. FunTech teamed with Scaled to develop a new Inertial Navigation flight director. The first flight of the White Knight launch aircraft was in August 2002 and SpaceShipOne began its glide tests in August 2003.

Scaled does not pre-announce the specific flight test plans for its manned space program, however completed accomplishments are updated as they happen at our website: The website also provides downloadable photos and technical descriptions of the rocket motor system and motor test hardware.

Scaled Composites, LLC, is an aerospace research company located on the Mojave Airport:

Original Source: Scaled Composites

SIRTF is Now the Spitzer Space Telescope

Image credit: NASA

NASA announced today that the Spitzer Space Telescope will be their new name for the Space Infrared Telescope Facility, which was launched a few months ago. The space observatory was named after the late Dr. Lyman Spitzer Jr., who was an influential scientist and one of the first to propose building space-based telescopes. As part of the announcement, NASA also released a series of new images taken by the observatory, including a glowing stellar nursery, a dusty galaxy, and a disc of planet-forming debris.

A new window to the universe has opened with today’s release of the first dazzling images from NASA’s newly named Spitzer Space Telescope, formerly known as the Space Infrared Telescope Facility.

The first observations, of a glowing stellar nursery; a swirling, dusty galaxy; a disc of planet-forming debris; and organic material in the distant universe, demonstrate the power of the telescope’s infrared detectors to capture cosmic features never before seen.

The Spitzer Space Telescope was also officially named today after the late Dr. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. He was one of the 20th century’s most influential scientists, and in the mid-1940s, he first proposed placing telescopes in space.

“NASA’s newest Great Observatory is open for business, and it is beginning to take its place at the forefront of science,” said NASA’s Associate Administrator for Space Science, Dr. Ed Weiler. “Like Hubble, Compton and Chandra, the new Spitzer Space Telescope will soon be making major discoveries, and, as these first images show, should excite the public with views of the cosmos like we’ve never had before.”

“The Spitzer Space Telescope is working extremely well. The scientists who are starting to use it deeply appreciate the ingenuity and dedication of the thousands of people devoted to development and operations of the mission,” said Dr. Michael Werner, project scientist for the Spitzer Space Telescope at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Launched Aug. 25 from Cape Canaveral, Fla., the Spitzer Space Telescope is the fourth of NASA’s Great Observatories, a program designed to paint a more comprehensive picture of the cosmos using different wavelengths of light.

While the other Great Observatories have probed the universe with visible light (Hubble Space Telescope), gamma rays (Compton Gamma Ray Observatory) and X-rays (Chandra X-ray Observatory), the Spitzer Space Telescope observes the cosmos in the infrared. Spitzer’s unprecedented sensitivity allows it to sense infrared radiation, or heat, from the most distant, cold and dust-obscured celestial objects. Today’s initial images revealed the versatility of the telescope and its three science instruments. The images:

— Resembling a creature on the run with flames streaming behind it, the Spitzer image of a dark globule in the emission nebula IC 1396 is in spectacular contrast to the view seen in visible light. Spitzer’s infrared detectors unveiled the brilliant hidden interior of this opaque cloud of gas and dust for the first time, exposing never-before-seen young stars.

— The dusty, star-studded arms of a nearby spiral galaxy, Messier 81, are illuminated in a Spitzer image. Red regions in the spiral arms represent infrared emissions from dustier parts of the galaxy where new stars are forming. The image shows the power of Spitzer to explore regions invisible in optical light, and to study star formation on a galactic scale.

— Spitzer revealed, in its entirety, a massive disc of dusty debris encircling the nearby star Fomalhaut. Such debris discs are the leftover material from the building of a planetary system. While other telescopes have imaged the outer Fomalhaut disc, none was able to provide a full picture of the inner region. Spitzer’s ability to detect dust at various temperatures allows it to fill in this missing gap, providing astronomers with insight into the evolution of planetary systems.

— Data from Spitzer of the young star HH 46-IR, and from a distant galaxy 3.25 billion light-years away, show the presence of water and small organic molecules not only in the here and now, but, for the first time, far back in time when life on Earth first emerged.

JPL manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Major partners are Lockheed Martin Corporation, Sunnyvale, Calif.; Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Boulder, Colo.; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.; Boeing North America (now DRS Technologies, Inc.) Anaheim, Calif.; the University of Arizona, Tucson; and Raytheon Vision Systems, Goleta, Calif. The instrument principal investigators are Dr. Giovanni Fazio, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass.; Dr. James Houck, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.; and Dr. George Rieke, University of Arizona, Tucson.

The images are available at and . Additional information about the Spitzer Space Telescope is available at .

Original Source: NASA/JPL News Release

New Research Confirms Einstein

Image credit: NASA

Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity got another confirmation this week thanks to research by an astronomer from NASA. Some theorists believed that particles popping into and out of existence in space would slow light down, as if it was moving through air or water. Scientists measured the total energy of gamma rays emitted by a distant gamma ray bursts and found that they were interacting with particles on their way to the Earth in such a way that precisely matched predictions by Einstein.

Scientists say that Albert Einstein’s principle of the constancy of the speed of light holds up under extremely tight scrutiny, a finding that rules out certain theories predicting extra dimensions and a “frothy” fabric of space.

The finding also demonstrates that basic ground- and space-based observations of the highest-energy gamma-rays, a form of electromagnetic energy like light, can provide insight into the very nature of time, matter, energy and space at scales extremely far below the subatomic level — something that few scientists thought possible.

Dr. Floyd Stecker of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., discusses the implications of these findings in a recent issue of Astroparticle Physics. His work is based partly on an earlier collaboration with Nobel laureate Sheldon Glashow of Boston University.

“What Einstein worked out with pencil and paper nearly a century ago continues to hold up to scientific scrutiny,” said Stecker. “High-energy observations of cosmic gamma rays don’t rule out the possibility of extra dimensions and the concept of quantum gravity, but they do place some strict constraints on how scientists can go about finding such phenomena.”

Einstein stated that space and time were actually two aspects of a single entity called spacetime, a four-dimensional concept. This is the foundation to his theories of special and general relativity. For example, general relativity posits that the force of gravity is the result of mass distorting spacetime, like a bowling ball on a mattress.

General relativity is the theory of gravity on a large scale, while quantum mechanics, developed independently in the early 20th century, is the theory of the atom and subatomic particles on a very small scale. Theories based on quantum mechanics do not describe gravity, but rather the other three fundamental forces: electromagnetism (light), strong forces (binding atomic nuclei), and weak forces (seen in radioactivity).

Scientists have long hoped to meld these theories into one “theory of everything” to describe all aspects of nature. These unifying theories — such as quantum gravity or string theory — may involve the invocation of extra dimensions of space and also violations of Einstein’s special theory of relativity, such as the speed of light being the maximum attainable velocity for all objects.

Stecker’s work involves concepts called the uncertainty principle and Lorentz invariance. The uncertainty principle, derived from quantum mechanics, implies that at the subatomic level virtual particles, also called quantum fluctuations, pop in and out of existence. Many scientists say that spacetime itself is made up of quantum fluctuations which, when viewed up close, resemble a froth or “quantum foam.” Some scientists think a quantum foam of spacetime can slow the passage of light — much as light travels at a maximum speed in a vacuum but at slower speeds through air or water.

The foam would slow higher-energy electromagnetic particles, or photons — such as X rays and gamma rays — more than lower energy photons of visible light or radio waves. Such a fundamental variation in the speed of light, different for photons of different energies, would violate Lorentz invariance, the basic principle of the special theory of relativity. Such a violation could be a clue that would help point us on the road to unification theories.

Scientists have hoped to find such Lorentz invariance violations by studying gamma rays coming from far outside the Galaxy. A gamma-ray burst, for example, is at such a great distance that the differences in the speeds of photons in the burst, depending on their energy, might be measurable — as the quantum foam of space may act to slow light which has been traveling to us for billions of years.

Stecker looked much closer to home to find that Lorentz invariance is not being violated. He analyzed gamma rays from two relatively nearby galaxies about half a billion light years away with supermassive black holes at their centers, named Markarian (Mkn) 421 and Mkn 501. These black holes generate intense beams of gamma-ray photons that are aimed directly at the Earth. Such galaxies are called blazars. (Refer to Image 4 for a picture of Mkn 421. Images 1 – 3 are artist’s concepts of supermassive black holes powering quasars which, when pointed directly at Earth, are called blazars. Image 5 is a Hubble Space Telescope photo of a blazar.)

Some of the gamma rays from Mkn 421 and Mkn 501 collide with infrared photons in the Universe. These collisions result in the destruction of the gamma rays and infrared photons as their energy is converted into mass in the form of electrons and positively charged antimatter-electrons (called positrons), according to Einstein’s famous formula E=mc^2. Stecker and Glashow have pointed out that evidence of the annihilation of the highest-energy gamma rays from Mkn 421 and Mkn 501, obtained from direct observations of these objects, demonstrates clearly that Lorentz invariance is alive and well and not being violated. If Lorentz invariance were violated, the gamma rays would pass right through the extragalactic infrared fog without being annihilated.

This is because annihilation requires a certain amount of energy in order to create the electrons and positrons. This energy budget is satisfied for the highest-energy gamma rays from Mkn 501 and Mkn 421 in interacting with infrared photons if both are moving at the well-known speed of light according to the special theory of relativity. However, if the gamma rays in particular were moving at a slower velocity because of Lorentz invariance violation, the total energy available would be inadequate and the annihilation reaction would be a “no go.”

“The implications of these results,” Stecker said “is that if Lorentz invariance is violated, it is at such a small level — less than one part in a thousand trillion — that it is beyond the ability of our present technology to find. These results may also be telling us that the correct form of string theory or quantum gravity must obey the principle of Lorentz invariance.”

For more information, refer to “Constraints on Lorentz Invariance Violating Quantum Gravity and Large Extra Dimensions Models using High Energy Gamma Ray Observations” online at:

Original Source: NASA News Release

Stardust is Set for Comet Encounter

Image credit: NASA

NASA’s Stardust spacecraft has nearly arrived at its first destination, Comet Wild 2. On January 2, 2004, the spacecraft will buzz through the comet’s tail and collect interstellar particles and dust. The particles will be captured on a tennis racket-shaped grid that will ensure they aren’t damaged. Stardust will return the sample to Earth in 2006 so that scientists can analyze it on the ground. It’s believed that comets are as old as the solar system, so analyzing these particles will reveal valuable information about our origins.

On January 2nd 2004 the NASA space mission, STARDUST, will fly through comet Wild 2, capturing interstellar particles and dust and returning them to Earth in 2006. Space scientists from the Open University and University of Kent have developed one of the instruments which will help tell us more about comets and the evolution of our own solar system and, critical for STARDUST, its survival in the close fly-by of the comet.

Launched in February 1999, STARDUST is the first mission designed to bring samples back from a known comet. The study of comets provides a window into the past as they are the best preserved raw materials in the Solar System. The cometary and interstellar dust samples collected will help provide answers to fundamental questions about the origins of the solar system.

Scientists from the Open University and University of Kent have developed one set of sensors for the Dust Flux Monitor Instrument (DFMI) built by the University of Chicago, and the software to analyse the data. The DFMI, part funded by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) will record the distribution and sizes of particles on its journey through the centre, or coma, of the comet.

Professor Tony McDonnell and Dr Simon Green from the Open Universitys Planetary and Space Science Research Institute (PSSRI), will be at the mission command centre, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, when the encounter with Wild 2 begins.

Dr Green explains By combining the information about each of the tiny grains of dust captured by STARDUST we will discover more about the formation of stars, planets and our solar system.

Professor Tony McDonnell said The information derived from the signals will tell us on the night if the dust shield has been critically punctured.

Cometary particles will be captured on a tennis racket like grid which contains a substance called aerogel the lightest solid in the Universe! This is a porous material that allows the particles to become embedded with minimum damage. This means that on their return to Earth they will be as near as possible to their original state.

Once the samples are captured a clam-like shell closes around them. The capsule then returns to Earth in January 2006 where it will land at the US Air Force Utah Test and Training Range. Once collected, the samples will be taken to the planetary material curatorial facility at NASAs Johnson Space Centre, Houston, where they will be carefully stored and examined.

The Open University team hope to be involved in analysing the samples that return to Earth in January 2006.

UK scientists, including a team from the Open University, are also involved with the European Space Agencys Rosetta Mission which will follow and land on Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This mission is due to be launched on 26th February 2004.

Original Source: PPARC News Release

Mars Express Needs to Aim Carefully

Image credit: ESA

Mars Express has got just one chance to get this right. In two days the Beagle 2 lander will separate from the spacecraft; next stop, Mars. Beagle 2 has to be traveling at exactly the right trajectory so that it hits the Martian atmosphere at the right angle so that it doesn’t burn up or skip off into deep space. This trajectory would crash Mars Express into the Red Planet, so after it lets go of Beagle 2, it has to change its own trajectory to go into a safe orbit.

Any football or rugby fan knows that when a player kicks the ball, there is no longer anything they can do to influence its path. The player must trust to their own skill for the ball to reach its intended destination.

What has all this to do with Mars Express? Three days from now, on 19 December 2003, Mars Express must, like an expert rugby player, ?pass? Beagle 2 on to the next player, Mars. The problem is that Beagle 2 has no thrusters on board, so cannot influence its own trajectory.

Right place at the right time
To equip the lander with rockets would have made it far too heavy to transport on Mars Express. Instead, engineers at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany, will precisely orientate the Mars Express spacecraft to point Beagle 2 at Mars. Everything relies on dropping Beagle 2 in the right place at the right time.

Collision course…
In order to do this, Mars Express has been following a trajectory that will lead to Beagle 2?s touchdown point. That puts the whole mission in danger, because it means that Mars Express is effectively on a collision course with the planet.

If nothing is done to alter its trajectory, instead of falling into orbit, Mars Express will slam into Mars on 25 December. Yet nothing can be done to avert this impending catastrophe until Beagle 2 has been released, since to move the spacecraft beforehand would ruin the landing.

At ejection, the spacecraft simply lets go of the lander. Beagle 2 will be spun to keep it stable and pushed away with the gentlest of forces; nothing dramatic like a ‘blast off’ at launch. Then, and only then, can engineers send the necessary commands for Mars Express to fire its engine and alter its course to avoid destruction on the surface of Mars.

Original Source: ESA News Release

No Moon Announcement Today

United States President George Bush disappointed space optimists today when he failed to announce any grand plans to return to the Moon or send humans to Mars. Some believed that Bush would announce a revitalized goal as part of the 100th anniversary celebrations for the first flight of the Wright Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Some believe that the 2004 budget deficit of $500 billion makes any additional spending difficult for the President to justify. Some are hopeful that Bush will still make an announcement at the State of the Union address in January 2004.

Landers May Be at Risk From a Dust Storm

Engineers are worried that a new dust storm on Mars might put the three landers at risk when they arrive at the Red Planet in December and January. Right now, several small storms are combining to obscure part of the planet, but they could build to become a global storm – and event that’s happened several times in the past. The obscuring dust could limit the amount of electricity the landers can generate with their solar panels; flying dust could damage delicate equipment; and it could also heat up and expand the atmosphere, throwing the calculations off when the landers try to enter the atmosphere.

Potassium Could Be Heating the Earth’s Core

Image credit: NASA

Geologists at the University of Berkeley believe that radioactive potassium might be a substantial source of heat in the Earth’s core. The problem has been that scientists haven’t found as much potassium in the Earth’s crust as they would have expected from the Earth’s early bombardment period by asteroids. However, the geologists discovered that potassium can form a heavy alloy with iron under high temperatures and pressures, so it might have just sunk to the middle of the Earth, and could form a minute component of the core – but a fifth of its heat.

Radioactive potassium, common enough on Earth to make potassium-rich bananas one of the “hottest” foods around, appears also to be a substantial source of heat in the core of Earth, according to recent experiments by University of California, Berkeley, geophysicists.

Radioactive potassium, uranium and thorium are thought to be the three main sources of heat in the Earth’s interior, aside from that generated by the formation of the planet. Together, the heat keeps the mantle actively churning and the core generating a protective magnetic field.

But geophysicists have found much less potassium in the Earth’s crust and mantle than would be expected based on the composition of rocky meteors that supposedly formed the Earth. If, as some have proposed, the missing potassium resides in the Earth’s iron core, how did an element as light as potassium get there, especially since iron and potassium don’t mix?

Kanani Lee, who recently earned her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, and UC Berkeley professor of earth and planetary science Raymond Jeanloz have discovered a possible answer. They’ve shown that at the high pressures and temperatures in the Earth’s interior, potassium can form an alloy with iron never before observed. During the planet’s formation, this potassium-iron alloy could have sunk to the core, depleting potassium in the overlying mantle and crust and providing a radioactive potassium heat source in addition to that supplied by uranium and thorium in the core.

Lee created the new alloy by squeezing iron and potassium between the tips of two diamonds to temperatures and pressures characteristic of 600-700 kilometers below the surface – 2,500 degrees Celsius and nearly 4 million pounds per square inch, or a quarter of a million times atmospheric pressure.

“Our new findings indicate that the core may contain as much as 1,200 parts per million potassium -just over one tenth of one percent,” Lee said. “This amount may seem small, and is comparable to the concentration of radioactive potassium naturally present in bananas. Combined over the entire mass of the Earth’s core, however, it can be enough to provide one-fifth of the heat given off by the Earth.”

Lee and Jeanloz will report their findings on Dec. 10, at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, and in an article accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.

“With one experiment, Lee and Jeanloz demonstrated that potassium may be an important heat source for the geodynamo, provided a way out of some troublesome aspects of the core’s thermal evolution, and further demonstrated that modern computational mineral physics not only complements experimental work, but that it can provide guidance to fruitful experimental explorations,” said Mark Bukowinski, professor of earth and planetary science at UC Berkeley, who predicted the unusual alloy in the mid-1970s.

Geophysicist Bruce Buffett of the University of Chicago cautions that more experiments need to be done to show that iron can actually pull potassium away from the silicate rocks that dominate in the Earth’s mantle.

“They proved it would be possible to dissolve potassium into liquid iron,” Buffet said. “Modelers need heat, so this is one source, because the radiogenic isotope of potassium can produce heat and that can help power convection in the core and drive the magnetic field. They proved it could go in. What’s important is how much is pulled out of the silicate. There’s still work to be done ”

If a significant amount of potassium does reside in the Earth’s core, this would clear up a lingering question – why the ratio of potassium to uranium in stony meteorites (chondrites), which presumably coalesced to form the Earth, is eight times greater than the observed ratio in the Earth’s crust. Though some geologists have asserted that the missing potassium resides in the core, there was no mechanism by which it could have reached the core. Other elements like oxygen and carbon form compounds or alloys with iron and presumably were dragged down by iron as it sank to the core. But at normal temperature and pressure, potassium does not associate with iron.

Others have argued that the missing potassium boiled away during the early, molten stage of Earth’s evolution.

The demonstration by Lee and Jeanloz that potassium can dissolve in iron to form an alloy provides an explanation for the missing potassium.

“Early in Earth’s history, the interior temperature and pressure would not have been high enough to make this alloy,” Lee said. “But as more and more meteorites piled on, the pressure and temperature would have increased to the point where this alloy could form.”

The existence of this high-pressure alloy was predicted by Bukowinski in the mid-1970s. Using quantum mechanical arguments, he suggested that high pressure would squeeze potassium’s lone outer electron into a lower shell, making the atom resemble iron and thus more likely to alloy with iron.

More recent quantum mechanical calculations using improved techniques, conducted with Gerd Steinle-Neumann at the Universit?t Bayreuth’s Bayerisches Geoinstit?t, confirmed the new experimental measurements.

“This really replicates and verifies the earlier calculations 26 years ago and provides a physical explanation for our experimental results,” Jeanloz said.

The Earth is thought to have formed from the collision of many rocky asteroids, perhaps hundreds of kilometers in diameter, in the early solar system. As the proto-Earth gradually bulked up, continuing asteroid collisions and gravitational collapse kept the planet molten. Heavier elements ? in particular iron – would have sunk to the core in 10 to 100 million years’ time, carrying with it other elements that bind to iron.

Gradually, however, the Earth would have cooled off and become a dead rocky globe with a cold iron ball at the core if not for the continued release of heat by the decay of radioactive elements like potassium-40, uranium-238 and thorium-232, which have half-lives of 1.25 billion, 4 billion and 14 billion years, respectively. About one in every thousand potassium atoms is radioactive.

The heat generated in the core turns the iron into a convecting dynamo that maintains a magnetic field strong enough to shield the planet from the solar wind. This heat leaks out into the mantle, causing convection in the rock that moves crustal plates and fuels volcanoes.

Balancing the heat generated in the core with the known concentrations of radiogenic isotopes has been difficult, however, and the missing potassium has been a big part of the problem. One researcher proposed earlier this year that sulfur could help potassium associate with iron and provide a means by which potassium could reach the core.

The experiment by Lee and Jeanloz shows that sulfur is not necessary. Lee combined pure iron and pure potassium in a diamond anvil cell and squeezed the small sample to 26 gigapascals of pressure while heating the sample with a laser above 2,500 Kelvin (4,000 degrees Fahrenheit), which is above the melting points of both potassium and iron. She conducted this experiment six times in the high-intensity X-ray beams of two different accelerators – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Advanced Light Source and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory – to obtain X-ray diffraction images of the samples’ internal structure. The images confirmed that potassium and iron had mixed evenly to form an alloy, much as iron and carbon mix to form steel alloy.

In the theoretical magma ocean of a proto-Earth, the pressure at a depth of 400-1,000 kilometers (270-670 miles) would be between 15 and 35 gigapascals and the temperature would be 2,200-3,000 Kelvin, Jeanloz said.

“At these temperatures and pressures, the underlying physics changes and the electron density shifts, making potassium look more like iron,” Jeanloz said. “At high pressure, the periodic table looks totally different.”

“The work by Lee and Jeanloz provides the first proof that potassium is indeed miscible in iron at high pressures and, perhaps as significantly, it further vindicates the computational physics that underlies the original prediction,” Bukowinski said. “If it can be further demonstrated that potassium would enter iron in significant amounts in the presence of silicate minerals, conditions representative of likely core formation processes, then potassium could provide the extra heat needed to explain why the Earth’s inner core hasn’t frozen to as large a size as the thermal history of the core suggests it should.”

Jeanloz is excited by the fact that theoretical calculations are now not only explaining experimental findings at high pressure, but also predicting structures.

“We need theorists to identify interesting problems, not only check our results after the experiment,” he said. “That’s happening now. In the past half a dozen years, theorists have been making predictions that experimentalists are willing to spend a few years to demonstrate.”

The work was funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy.

Original Source: University of Berkeley News Release

Mars Gets an X-Ray

Image credit: ESA

The European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton X-Ray Observatory took this recent image of Mars in the x-ray spectrum. Every planet in the solar system, including the Earth, emits x-rays, but scientists aren’t completely sure why. One reason is thought to be “florescence emission”, when x-rays from the Sun hit atoms in our atmosphere and then get re-emitted with a characteristic signature. The bulk of the x-rays in the picture are coming from oxygen in the Martian atmosphere.

Another ESA mission is turning its gaze towards Mars. This recent image was taken by the X-ray observatory XMM-Newton.

All bodies in our Solar System, including planets such as Earth and Mars, emit X-ray radiation. As far as we know, there are several possible sources of this radiation.

One of the main sources is thought to be ?fluorescence emission?. X-rays from the Sun hit atoms of elements such as oxygen in the atmosphere of the planet, and this radiation is re-emitted as so-called ?characteristic? radiation which identifies those specific elements.

This image from XMM-Newton, recorded as part of a study by Dr K. Dennerl (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching, Germany) shows X-ray fluorescence emission from the atmosphere of Mars, mainly from oxygen. All of these emissions tell us something about the interaction of radiation with the planet’s atmosphere and its environment.

The study of Mars in X-ray wavelengths brings together the work of two very important ESA missions XMM-Newton and Mars Express. Both are crucial to our understanding of our nearest planetary neighbour, demonstrating the coherence of the ESA Science programme.

Original Source: ESA News Release