Space News for March 22, 1999

Mars Bacteria Seems Earthlike

Two separate Martian meteorites have been found to contain organisms which are very similar to Earth bacteria. NASA researchers who uncovered the resemblance are cautious, but hopeful that they’ve found further evidence of life on Mars.

ABC News
Fox News

Houston Chronicle

John Glenn Toasted by Friends and Colleagues

Old friends and astronauts spent a night honoring the spaceflight pioneer with toasts, skits, and speeches. Glenn took it all in with good humor, and some wisecracks of his own. It’s been 37 years since Glenn became the first man to orbit the Earth.



Evidence Supports Theory of Moon Carved from the Earth

NASA’s Lunar Prospector has gathered evidence to determine that the moon has a small iron core. This evidence supports the theory that the moon was formed when a Mars-sized planet collided with the Earth and scraped surface soil into orbit – which later formed into the Moon.


Houston Chronicle

Cosmic Rays Observatory to be Built in Argentina

Four telescopes and 1,600 particle detectors will be arrayed in central Argentina, over the next five years. The $100M project will work by detecting the slight flashes made as cosmic rays strike the upper atmosphere.

Fox News

