It's Going to Take More Than Early Dark Energy to Resolve the Hubble Tension

Astronomers have measured the Universe’s expansion rate and found that various methods don’t agree, and their error bars don’t overlap. This is called the “Hubble Tension” or the “Crisis in Cosmology.” Either the measurements are wrong, or new physics is waiting to be discovered. Cosmologists have proposed a period of rapid expansion early on in the Universe called “Early Dark Energy.” Still, a recent paper suggests one rapid expansion event wouldn’t explain other observations about the Universe. It’s probably a combination of factors.

It Might Take Space Telescopes to Finally Resolve the Crisis in Cosmology

Gravitational wave (GW) observatories have been a great addition to cosmologists’ arsenal in the lack decade. With their first effective detection at the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Observatory completed in 2015, they opened up a whole new world of data collection for scientists. However, so far, they haven’t solved one of the fundamental problems at the …

Colliding Neutron Stars can Generate Long Gamma-ray Bursts

Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic recurring events in the Universe. Only the Big Bang was more energetic, and it was a singularity. Astronomers see GRBs in distant Universes, and a lot of research has gone into understanding them and what causes them. A new paper is upending some of what scientists thought they …