Did Neutrinos Stop The Early Universe From Annihilating Itself?

We can create matter from energy in the lab. Particle accelerators do this all the time. When we do, half of what is created is matter and the other half antimatter. There is a symmetry in physics that requires matter and antimatter to appear in equal amounts. But when we look around the universe, what …

The Most Massive Neutron Star has been Found. It’s ALMOST the Most Massive Neutron Star That’s Even Possible

Neutron stars are the end-state of massive stars that have spent their fuel and exploded as supernovae. There’s an upper limit to their mass, because a massive enough star won’t become a neutron star; it’ll become a black hole. But finding that upper mass limit, or tipping point, between a star that becomes a black …

Time and Space: The Strange Reality of Reality

“Are the dilation calculations correct” the jump coordinator asks you as he approaches your desk. You look over some papers in front of you that contain various equations scribbled down with certain values circled. The equations are more for your own sense of security, as the computer console in front of you displays the same …