Station’s New Sunroom Arrives in Florida

The European-built Cupola module has arrived at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, and is now being prepared for an upcoming shuttle launch. When it’s finally installed on the International Space Station, it will give astronauts a panoramic view of the station and the Earth below. They won’t just be gazing dreamily at our planet, though, the Cupola will let crewmembers monitor spacewalks, docking operations and exterior equipment surveys. If all goes well, the Cupola will launch on STS-133, which is now due to lift off in 2009.

Astronauts Prepare for Third Spacewalk

Halfway through their 6-month mission, the crew of Expedition 9 are preparing for their third spacewalk outside the International Space Station. On August 3, Gennady Padalka and Mike Fincke will exit the station and install retroreflectors and communications equipment. This will be used by the European Space Agency’s Automated Transfer Vehicle which will make its first flight next year to deliver supplies to the station.

Progress 14P Docks With Station

A Russian cargo spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station on Thursday, bringing much needed supplies to the astronauts. On board the Progress 14P spacecraft are 2.5 metric tonnes (2.76 tons) of water, food, air, propellant, as well as scientific equipment. The ship also carries a Russian Orlan-M spacesuit, which will replace a malfunctioning US-built one. It will be needed when the astronauts make a spacewalk in June to fix a power control and circuit breaker box for one of the station’s four gyroscopes.

Second Spacewalk Goes Well

During a 5-hour spacewalk, astronauts Franklin Chang-D?az and Philippe Perrin completed installation of the Mobile Remote Servicer Base System on the International Space Station’s Mobile Transporter. This gives the Canadarm2 the ability to move around the station, assisting with construction and maintenance. The astronauts will perform their third and final spacewalk on Thursday to replace …