Dr. Tracy Becker Honored with 2023 Carl Sagan Medal for Science Communication

This year’s prestigious Carl Sagan Medal, also known as the “Sagan Medal” and named after the late astronomer, Dr. Carl…

1 year ago

The Dark Energy Survey Begins to Reveal Previously Unknown Trans-Neptunian Objects

Sometimes when you stare at something long enough, you begin to see things. This is not the case with optical…

10 years ago

‘Mega-Earth’ And Doomed Planets Top Today’s Exoplanet Finds

Can you imagine a world that is 17 times as massive as Earth, but still rocky? Or two planets that…

11 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – January 10, 2014: Wake Up, Rosetta! & Top Stories from AAS

Host: Fraser Cain Guests: David Dickinson, Amy Shira Teitel, Scott Lewis, Brian Koberlein, special guest Ruth McAvinia from the ESA…

11 years ago

Astronomers Witness a Web of Dark Matter

[/caption] We can't see it, we can't feel it, we can't even interact with it... but dark matter may very…

13 years ago

Want Astronomy Apps? There’s a Catalog for That

[/caption] With the plethora of mobile apps now available for astronomy applications, it's hard to keep track of them all.…

13 years ago

Hubble Finds “Oddball” Stars in Milky Way Hub

Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope to peer deep into the central bulge of our galaxy have found a population…

14 years ago

Multi-Planet Systems Common in Kepler Findings

  [/caption] Of the 1235 planetary candidates that NASA's Kepler space telescope has found so far, 408 reside in multiple-planet…

14 years ago

WISE “First Light” Image Released

Caption: WISE First Light image. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA "In many respects, the most important moment for a telescope is its…

15 years ago

Milky Way Has a “Squashed Beachball”-Shaped Dark Matter Halo

This illustration shows the visible Milky Way galaxy surrounded by a "squashed beachball"-shaped dark matter halo. Source: UCLA Our galaxy…

15 years ago