apollo program

How Do We Settle on the Moon?

Welcome back to our series on Settling the Solar System! Today, we take a look at the closest celestial neighbor…

5 years ago

Is NASA Sacrificing Sending Astronauts to Mars in Order to Get to the Moon Sooner?

By prioritizing speed over sustainability, the current US administration may be sacrificing NASA's long-term goals of establishing a presence on…

5 years ago

The Mars Project! Von Braun’s Ideas for a Mars Mission. Collaboration with Vintage Space

In a special two part episode, Fraser collaborates with space historian Amy Shira Teitel at Vintage Space to investigate what…

8 years ago

Can you buy Land on the Moon?

Despite the vagaries of international law, no matter what a slick business person tells you, there is no land for…

8 years ago

What Were the First Lunar Landings?

Before the historic Apollo-11 mission sent the first astronauts to the Moon, several robotic missions were mounted to the lunar…

8 years ago

Falcon Heavy Vs. Saturn V

A comparison between the rocket that delivered the Apollo astronauts to the Moon, and the one that promises to deliver…

8 years ago

How Do We Terraform The Moon?

Given its proximity to Earth and our history of exploring it, colonizing and terraforming the Moon could be much easier…

9 years ago

Moonbase by 2022 For $10 Billion, Says NASA

According to a series of articles produced by NASA and industry specialists, a lunar base could be built in a…

9 years ago

Who was Gerard Kuiper?

In the outer reaches of the Solar System, beyond the orbit of Neptune, lies a region permeated by celestial objects…

9 years ago

What Does NASA Stand For?

Chances are that if you have lived on this planet for the past half-century, you've heard of NASA. As the…

10 years ago