
Will We Mine Asteroids?

It's been said that a single asteroid might be worth trillions of dollars in precious rare metals. Will we ever…

10 years ago

Rosetta’s Instruments Direct Scientists to Look Elsewhere for the Source of Earth’s Water

Where did all of our water come from? What might seem like a simple question has challenged and intrigued planetary…

10 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Dec. 5, 2014: Orion’s Successful Launch!

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Morgan Rehnberg ( / @cosmic_chatter) Ramin Skibba (@raminskibba) (more…)

10 years ago

What Percent of Earth is Water?

The Earth is often compared to a majestic blue marble, especially by those privileged few who have gazed upon it…

10 years ago

What is the Difference Between Asteroids and Comets?

Asteroids and comets have a few things in common. They are both celestial bodies orbiting our Sun, and they both…

10 years ago

The Origins of Life Could Indeed Be “Interstellar”

Some of science's most pressing questions involve the origins of life on Earth. How did the first lifeforms emerge from…

10 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 351: Asteroid Adventures

Astronomy Cast's 2014/15 season begins! With Rosetta's arrival at Comet 67/P, we're about to see a comet up close and…

10 years ago

This Model Of Earth’s Giant Impacts Makes Us Wonder How Life Arose

In case you need a reminder that the solar system was a harsh place to grow up, the early Earth…

10 years ago

Why Isn’t the Asteroid Belt a Planet?

It seems like there's a strange gap in between Mars and Jupiter filled with rocky rubble. Why didn't the asteroid…

11 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – May 30, 2014: Gamma Ray Burst? Maybe Not?

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Morgan Rehnberg ( / @cosmic_chatter), Brian Koberlien (@briankoberlein) (more…)

11 years ago