
Astrophotos: Aurora Reflections from Iceland

Our friend Cory Schmitz planned the perfect time to go on a Iceland Aurora photo tour. With the recent activity…

11 years ago

Recent Sun Activity Spawns Stunning Aurorae

Over the past several days the Sun has unleashed more than half a dozen major flares including four X-class events.…

11 years ago

Planet Aurora Astro-Bubble

How fun is this?! "Here's a panoramic image from the aurora on October 14," wrote Swedish astrophotographer Göran Strand. "I've…

11 years ago

Timelapse: Aurora Over Lake Michigan

According to photographer Shawn Malone form Michigan, the aurora this fall have already been “insane!” “We had a very strong…

11 years ago

Technicolor Auroras? A Reality Check

I shoot a lot of pictures of the northern lights. Just like the next photographer, I thrill to the striking…

11 years ago

Awesome Photo: Aurora, Airglow, City Lights and Shining Stars

Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano shares a lot of fantastic photos taken from his privileged position 260 miles up aboard the…

11 years ago

Overnight Aurora Sets Sky On Fire, More Possible Tonight

I'm writing this at 1:30 a.m. running on what's powering the sky over northern Minnesota right now - auroral energy.…

11 years ago

Lovely Astrophotos: Aurora Among the Clouds

Frank Olsen reports that the weather in arctic part of Norway has been fantastic lately. Even so, the aurora are…

11 years ago

Your Guide To When, Where and How To See The Aurora Borealis

As an amateur astronomer, two of the most frequently questions I'm asked are "When is the best time to see…

11 years ago

Timelapse: Noctilucent Clouds and Aurora Together in the Sky

Just in case you haven't seen this bit of awesome yet: Noctilucent clouds and aurora showed up together in skies…

11 years ago