betelgeuse 2020

15 Years of Data Reveal the Events Leading Up to Betelgeuse’s “Great Dimming”

Anyone who regularly watches the skies may well be familiar with the constellation Orion the hunter. It is one of…

9 months ago

Wow, Betelgeuse Might Be 25% Closer than Previously Believed

In the last year, Betelgeuse has experienced two episodes of dimming. Normally, it's one of the ten brightest stars in…

4 years ago

Betelgeuse Probably Dimmed Because of Enormous Starspots

A few months ago we all watched as Betelgeuse dimmed. Between October 2019 and 22nd of February 2020 the star's…

4 years ago

Waiting for Betelgeuse: What’s Up with the Tempestuous Star?

Have you noticed that Orion the Hunter—one of the most iconic and familiar of the wintertime constellations—is looking a little……

5 years ago