Breakthrough Initiatives

New Instrument is Searching for Planets Around Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to us, at 4.37 light-years (about 25 trillion miles) away. In 2016, astronomers…

6 years ago

Breakthrough Starshot is Now Looking for the Companies to Build its Laser-Powered Solar Sails to Other Stars

Breakthrough Starshot, a project that hopes to send a small spacecraft to Proxima Centauri in our lifetimes, is now looking…

7 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Dec 13, 2017: Emilio Enriquez and SETI’s Breakthrough Listen Initiative

Hosts: Fraser Cain ( / @fcain) Dr. Paul M. Sutter ( / @PaulMattSutter) Dr. Kimberly Cartier ( / @AstroKimCartier )…

7 years ago

Breakthrough Listen is Going to Scan ‘Oumuamua, You Know, Just to be Sure it’s Just an Asteroid and Not a Spaceship.

Using the Greenbank Radio Telescope, Breakthrough Listen plans to "listen" to 'Oumuamua to see if there are any signs of…

7 years ago

Breakthrough Lofts the Smallest Satellites Ever, not Interstellar Yet, but a Step Forward

Breakthrough Initiatives achieved a major milestone with the recent deployment of their Sprite satellites, the smallest satellites in history.

7 years ago

Breakthrough Listen Publishes First Analysis Of 692 Stars In ET Search

Breakthrough Listen, the most ambitious SETI program in history, just released an analysis of their first year of data, which…

8 years ago

A “Breakthrough” to Search for Planets in Closest Star System to Earth

The European Southern Observatory and Breakthrough Initiatives have come together for purpose of finding habitable planets beyond Earth.

8 years ago

What’s the Most Stable Shape for an Interstellar Lightsail?

A recent study by an international team of scientists looked at Project Starshot and assessed the likelihood of its success,…

8 years ago

Shields Up, Mr. Sulu! Cruising At 20% Speed Of Light Has Some Inherent Risks

A recent study by funded by Starshot attempts to address one of the biggest challenges in interstellar travel - the…

8 years ago

Finding Aliens May Be Even Easier Than Previously Thought

Thanks to breakthroughs like Breakthrough Starshot, it may be easier to find extra-terrestrial intelligence, by looking for signs of laser…

9 years ago