Breakthrough Starshot

Optical Rocket Boosts Electrons to Nearly the Speed of Light

In a new experiment, a team of researchers used laser pulses to accelerate photons to near the speed of light,…

6 years ago

What Would a Camera on a Breakthrough Starshot Spacecraft See if it’s Going at High Velocity?

In a recent study, a pair of astrophysicists suggest that Breakthrough Starshot could also test Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity…

6 years ago

Breakthrough Starshot is Now Looking for the Companies to Build its Laser-Powered Solar Sails to Other Stars

Breakthrough Starshot, a project that hopes to send a small spacecraft to Proxima Centauri in our lifetimes, is now looking…

7 years ago

Pros and Cons of Various Methods of Interstellar Travel

A new study by a UK scientists takes a look at the different means of interstellar travel, and considers the…

7 years ago

The Genesis Project: Using Robotic Gene Factories to Seed the Galaxy with Life

Dr. Claudius Gros explains the purpose, intent, and technology behind Project Genesis, which seeks to seed "transiently habitable" exoplanets with…

7 years ago

Could Magnetic Sails Slow an Interstellar Spacecraft Enough?

A new study by Professor Claudius Gros - who proposed The Genesis Project - indicates how magnetic sails could be…

7 years ago

Proxima Centauri has a Cold Dust Belt that Could Indicate Even More Planets

According to a new study by an international team of scientists, Proxima Centauri could have dust belts that indicate the…

7 years ago

Breakthrough Lofts the Smallest Satellites Ever, not Interstellar Yet, but a Step Forward

Breakthrough Initiatives achieved a major milestone with the recent deployment of their Sprite satellites, the smallest satellites in history.

7 years ago

Breakthrough Listen Publishes First Analysis Of 692 Stars In ET Search

Breakthrough Listen, the most ambitious SETI program in history, just released an analysis of their first year of data, which…

8 years ago

What Are Fast Radio Bursts?

Here's a big mystery in astronomy: fast radio bursts. Brief shrieks of radio waves coming from space. What are they?…

8 years ago