Monster Sunspot Erupts with an X-Class Flare

Solar astronomers have been keeping an eye on giant sunspot AR1944, and as it turned towards Earth today, the sunspot…

11 years ago

Watch the Sun Split Apart

Here's your amazing oh-my-gosh-space-is-so-cool video of the day -- a "canyon of fire" forming on the Sun after the liftoff…

11 years ago

Your Guide To When, Where and How To See The Aurora Borealis

As an amateur astronomer, two of the most frequently questions I'm asked are "When is the best time to see…

11 years ago

Yet Another X-Class Flare From AR 1748

Last night, as Commander Hadfield and the Expedition 35 crew were returning to Earth in their Soyuz spacecraft, the Sun…

11 years ago

The White House Releases a Report on Space Weather

We live on a planet dominated by weather. But not just the kind that comes in the form of wind,…

11 years ago

The Sun Blasts Out Two CME’s Towards Mercury

Over the past 24 hours, the Sun has erupted with two coronal mass ejections (CMEs), sending billions of tons of…

11 years ago

This is What Can Happen When a CME Hits Earth

This video taken by Göran Strand from Östersund, Sweden shows what happened on March 17, 2013 when a Coronal Mass…

11 years ago

Solar Storm Blasting to Mars Shuts Down Curiosity – 1st Rocky Sample Results on tap

Due to a fast approaching solar storm, NASA has temporarily shut down surface operations of the Curiosity Mars Science Lab…

12 years ago

STEREO Spots a CME Soaring Into Space

Press "play." Say "wow." The enormous eruption of a solar prominence and resulting coronal mass ejection (CME) back on August…

12 years ago

Aurora Over Antarctica: a “Teardrop From Heaven”

"We managed to snap a few photos before Heaven realised its mistake and closed its doors." – Dr. Alexander Kumar…

12 years ago