colonizing Mars

How Bad is the Radiation on Mars?

Due to the lack of a magnetosphere and its very thin atmosphere, the surface of Mars is exposed to a…

8 years ago

Good News, Martian Colonists Can Eat All the Radishes They Want

Based on recent experiments led by a Dutch research team and MarsOne, we now know which crops can be grown…

9 years ago

Musk Says Hyperloop Could Work On Mars… Maybe Even Better!

During the awards ceremony for the Hyperloop Pod Competition, Elon Musk commented on the possibility of Hyperloop on Mars

9 years ago

How Can We Live on Mars?

It is possible that humanity might one day live on Mars, but it would be quite the challenge. So what…

10 years ago

Student Team Wants to Terraform Mars Using Cyanobacteria

While scientists believe that at one time, billions of years ago, Mars had an atmosphere similar to Earth's and was…

10 years ago