comet tail

NASA’s TESS Watched an Outburst from Comet 46P/Wirtanen

TESS, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, has imaged an outburst from the comet 46P/Wirtanen. It caught the outburst in what…

5 years ago

Interstellar Comet Borisov is About to Make its Closest Approach to Earth

A team of astronomers from Yale have taken the clearest picture of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov to date, showcasing its…

5 years ago

This Asteroid Broke In Half, and Then Both Halves Grew Tails Like Comets

Analysis by a team of international researchers has found an asteroid pair has formed tails after they split, making them…

8 years ago

Interesting Facts About Comets

[/caption]There are many interesting facts about comets. Some are about the different parts of the comet, others are about the…

15 years ago