
The Year of the Comets: Three Reasons Why 2013 Could be the Best Ever

2013 could turn out to be a comet bonanza. No fewer than three of these long-tailed beauties are expected to…

12 years ago

Fragments of Meteorite Worth Their Weight in Gold

[/caption] Actually it's more like 3.5 times their weight in gold, according to today's market value... and meteorite experts from…

13 years ago

So Long, SWAN…

Remember that newly-discovered comet we mentioned a couple of days ago?  Well, it's gone. Poof. Into the Sun and never…

13 years ago

A New Comet’s SWAN Dive Into the Sun

[/caption] A new comet has been discovered by the SOHO team, and it -- like Lovejoy before it, almost three…

13 years ago

How Did Comet Lovejoy Survive Its Trip Around The Sun?

[/caption] It was just about three months ago that the astronomy world watched in awe as the recently-discovered comet Lovejoy…

13 years ago

Mexican Lake Bears Witness To Ancient Impact

[/caption] Exotic sediments found beneath the floor of Lake Cuitzeo in central Mexico support theories of a major cosmic impact…

13 years ago

New Comet Discovered by Amateur Astronomer

[/caption] "Friday, February 10th 2012 just felt like the perfect night for a comet to be discovered by an amateur…

13 years ago

Asteroid 2005 YU55 Gets Closer to Earth; “No Chance of an Impact”

[/caption] Yes, it's coming. Yes, it's big. Yes, it will be even closer than the Moon. And yes... we're completely…

13 years ago

Faulkes Team Images Trojan Jupiter Comet

Jupiter Comet Based on an observation posted on the Near Earth Object confirmation page from an image taken by A.…

13 years ago

Comet Elenin Disintegrated?

[/caption] Comet Elenin, the supposed "doomsday comet" that has inspired so much confusion and controversy since its discovery in December…

13 years ago