Commercial Space

The Private Axiom-2 Mission is Almost Ready to Fly to the International Space Station

SpaceX’s second private astronaut mission to the International Space Station (ISS), Axiom-2 aka Ax-2, which is sponsored Axiom Space, received…

1 year ago

NASA Wants New Ideas for Launching Lunar Payloads and Unlocking Climate Science!

The NASA Entrepreneur Challenge is seeking new ideas for delivering lunar payloads and advancing climate science.

1 year ago

What Would Asteroid Mining do to the World's Economy?

A new study by a team of Chinese researchers examines the impact asteroid mining with have on global equity.

2 years ago

A Year After a Failed Launch, Firefly Reaches Orbit and Deploys Satellites

Edited on 10/6/22 to add new information from Seradata. Commercial space company Firefly Aerospace successfully launched its Alpha rocket for…

2 years ago

Space Tourists Have Booked Their Next Private Mission to the International Space Station

In April of this year, the first all-private astronaut mission to the International Space Station was successfully conducted when Axiom…

2 years ago

Starship Could be Ready for an Orbital Flight in May

According to Elon Musk's latest updates, the Starship could be ready to fly with the new Raptor engines by May

2 years ago

Rocket Lab Shows off its new Reusable Neutron Rocket, due for Launch in 2024

Rocket Lab just showed the updated design of their Neutron rocket, which features a never-before-seen Hungry Hippo fairing!

3 years ago

Alan Shepard’s Daughter Will be Flying on the Next New Shepard Flight

For the 19th mission of the New Shepard rocket, Blue Origin has offered a seat to Alan Shepard's eldest daughter…

3 years ago

NASA Plans to Retire the Space Station in 2030 and Replace it with Commercially Owned “Destinations” in Low Earth Orbit

While it may seem like the International Space Station is just now fully hitting its stride as far as scientific…

3 years ago

SpinLaunch Hurls a Test Vehicle Kilometers Into the air. Eventually, it’ll Throw Them Almost all the way to Orbit

The commercial space company SpinLaunch just conducted its first successful launch test from their facility at Spaceport America.

3 years ago