
Cosmologists Provide Closest Measure of Elusive Neutrino

[/caption] Cosmologists – and not particle physicists -- could be the ones who finally measure the mass of the elusive…

15 years ago

Hubble Confirms Cosmic Acceleration with Weak Lensing

[/caption] Need more evidence that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating? Just look to the Hubble Space Telescope. An…

15 years ago

What is Space?

First, some simple answers: space is everything in the universe beyond the top of the Earth's atmosphere - the Moon,…

15 years ago

Cosmological Constant

[/caption] The cosmological constant, symbol Λ (Greek capital lambda), was 'invented' by Einstein, not long after he published his theory…

15 years ago

Big Bang Timeline

The Big Bang timeline is basically just a list of relative times at which the major events in the history…

15 years ago

Searching for Life in the Multiverse

[/caption] Other intelligent and technologically capable alien civilizations may exist in our Universe, but the problems with finding and communicating…

15 years ago


[/caption] A megaparsec is a million parsecs (mega- is a prefix meaning million; think of megabyte, or megapixel), and as…

15 years ago


Quintessence is one idea – hypothesis – of what dark energy is (remember that dark energy is the shorthand expression…

15 years ago


[/caption] Particles made up of three quarks are called baryons; the two best known baryons are the proton (made up…

15 years ago

Early Galaxy Pinpoints Reionization Era

[/caption] Astronomers looking to pinpoint when the reionozation of the Universe took place have found some of the earliest galaxies…

15 years ago