Dark Energy

NASA Continues to Try and Rescue Failing Hubble

The search for Hubble's error continues, and could involve some complex and risky operations really soon!

3 years ago

Astronomers saw the Same Supernova Three Times Thanks to Gravitational Lensing. And in Twenty Years They Think They’ll see it one More Time

It is hard for humans to wrap their heads around the fact that there are galaxies so far away that…

4 years ago

Dark Energy Survey is out. 29 Papers Covering 226 Million Galaxies Across 7 Billion Light-Years of Space

Cosmology is now stranger to large scale surveys.  The discipline prides itself on data collection, and when the data it…

4 years ago

11-Sigma Detection of Dark Energy Comes From Measuring Over a Million Extremely Distant Galaxies

A new study confirms the existence of dark energy with stunning accuracy.

4 years ago

A New Technique to Find Cold Gas Streams That Might Make up the Missing (Normal) Matter in the Universe

Where is all the missing matter? That question has plagued astronomers for decades, because the Universe looks emptier than it…

4 years ago

Astronomers can use Pulsars to Measure Tiny Changes of Acceleration Within the Milky Way, Scanning Internally for Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Dark matter within our galaxy is difficult to map, but a team of astronomers has used pulsars to measure its…

4 years ago

One of These Pictures Is the Brain, the Other is the Universe. Can You Tell Which is Which?

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in…

4 years ago

A New Telescope is Ready to Start Searching for Answers to Explain Dark Energy

Back in 2015, construction began on a new telescope called the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). Later this year, it…

5 years ago

A New Test Confirms Dark Energy and the Expansion of the Universe

Our measurements of dark energy give contradictory results. A new study confirms dark energy, but suggests it is more strange…

5 years ago

Hundreds of New Gravitational Lenses Discovered to Help Study the Distant Universe

General relativity tells us that everything, even light, is affected by the mass of an object. When a beam of…

5 years ago