Dark Energy

Japanese 3D Galaxy Map Confirms Einstein Was One Smart Dude

Using the largest 3-D map of the Universe to date, an team of researchers has shown that Einstein's theory of…

9 years ago

New Lenses To Help In The Hunt For Dark Energy

With the arrival of two special lenses, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is on its way to exploring the…

9 years ago

Are Supermassive Black Holes Hiding Matter?

A new study produced by researchers from the University of Innsbruck proposes that black holes might be the reason for…

9 years ago

Big Bang Theory: Evolution of Our Universe

The Big Bang Theory explains how the Universe has evolved over last 13.8 billion years, starting from a singularity to…

9 years ago

Earth May Be “Hairy” with Dark Matter

I'm losing mine, but the Solar System may be way hairier than we ever thought, with thick crops of filamentary dark matter…

9 years ago

What Are The Biggest Mysteries in Astronomy?

Black Holes? Dark Energy? Dark Matter? Alien Life? What are the biggest mysteries that still exist out there for us…

10 years ago

Will the Universe Run Out Of Energy?

It seems like the good times will go on forever, so feel free to keep on wasting energy. But entropy…

10 years ago

How Do We Know Dark Energy Exists?

We have no idea what it dark energy is, so how are we pretty sure it exists? I've talked about…

10 years ago

How Do We Know Dark Matter Exists?

Dark matter can't be seen or detected by any of our instruments, so how do we know it really exists?…

10 years ago

How Can Space Travel Faster Than The Speed Of Light?

Cosmologists are intellectual time travelers. Looking back over billions of years, these scientists are able to trace the evolution of…

10 years ago