The average distance between the Sun and the Earth - 149,597,870.7 km (or 92,955,807 mi) - is known as an…
If the results in a new study are accepted, the dinosaur family tree will be getting overhauled.
Mount Etna is Europe's most active volcano, and it's been spouting off since late February 2017. It spewed lava and…
Scientists have found evidence that life existed on Earth much earlier than previously thought and they say this discovery has…
A new study from the Tokyo Institute of Technology has shown how crystallization in the Earth's core may be what…
Data collected over decades proves that Earth has another continent: Zealandia.
Compared to other Solar planets, Earth is kind of average. And given its shape, determining its surface area is a…
This Friday evening watch the Moon tippy-toe right up to Earth's inner shadow for a sweet penumbral eclipse.
In 1859, the Sun gave off the most powerful solar flare on record. A blast of radiation and particles so…
Martian gravity is roughly 38% that of Earth's, a fact that will have serious implications for crewed missions and even…