Atmosphere Layers

Atmosphere layers. Image credit: NASA
Atmosphere layers. Image credit: NASA

Seen from space, the Earth’s atmosphere is incredibly thin, like a slight haze around the planet. But the atmosphere has several different layers that scientists have identified; from the thick atmosphere that we breathe to the tenuous exosphere that extends out thousands of kilometers from the Earth. Let’s take a look at the different atmosphere layers.

Scientists have identified 5 distinct layers of the atmosphere, starting with the thickest near the surface, and then thinning out until it eventually merges with space.

The troposphere is the first layer above the surface of the Earth, and it contains 75% of the Earth’s atmosphere, and 99% of its water. Breathe in, that’s the troposphere. The average depth of the troposphere is about 17 km high. It gets deeper in the tropical regions, up to 20 km, and then shallower near the Earth’s poles – down to 7 km thick. Temperature and pressure are at the their highest at sea level, and then decrease with altitude. The troposphere is also where we experience weather.

The next atmosphere layer is the stratosphere, extending above the troposphere to an altitude of 51 km. Unlike the troposphere, temperature actually increases with height. Commercial airlines will typically fly in the stratosphere because it’s very stable; above weather, and allows them to optimize burning jet fuel. You might be surprised to know that bacterial life survives in the stratosphere.

Above that is the mesosphere, which starts at about 50-85 km above the Earth’s surface and extends up to an altitude of 80-90 km. Temperatures decrease the higher you go in the mesosphere, reaching a low of -100 °C, depending on the latitude and season.

Next comes the thermosphere. This region starts around 90 km above the Earth and goes up to about 320 and 380 km. The International Space Station orbits within the thermosphere. This is the region of the atmosphere where ultraviolet radiation causes ionization, and we can see auroras. Temperatures in the thermosphere can actually reach 2,500 °C; however, it wouldn’t feel warm because the atmosphere is so thin.

The 5th and final layer of the Earth’s atmosphere is the exosphere. This starts above the thermosphere and extends out for hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. Air molecules in this region can travel for hundreds of kilometers without bouncing into another particle.

We have written many articles about the Earth’s atmosphere for Universe Today. Here’s an article about the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere, and here’s information about the Earth’s early atmosphere.

Here’s a great article from NASA that explains the different layers of the atmosphere, and here’s more information from NOAA.

We have done a whole episode of Astronomy Cast just about Earth. Listen to it here, Episode 51 – Earth.

Super Earths

An artist’s impression of Gliese 581d, an exoplanet about 20.3 light-years away from Earth, in the constellation Libra. Credit: NASA

The holy grail in the search for extrasolar planets will be the discovery of Earthlike planets orbiting other stars. With better telescopes and techniques, astronomers will eventually be able to even detect the atmospheres of extrasolar planets and determine if there’s life there. Although Earth-sized planets are impossible to detect with current observatories, astronomers are now finding super earths.

A super Earth is a terrestrial planet orbiting a distant star. But instead of having the mass of our own planet, it might have 2, 5, or even 10 times the mass of the Earth. Although that makes them large, very massive planets, they’re not as large or massive as gas giants.

And just because they’re called super Earths doesn’t mean they’re habitable, or even Earthlike in climate at all. Super Earths could be orbiting close to their parent star, or well outside the solar system’s habitable zone.

Scientists haven’t completely settled on a definition for super Earths. Some believe a planet should be considered a super Earth if it’s a terrestrial planet between 1 and 10 Earth masses, while others think it should be between 5 and 10 Earth masses.

The first super Earth ever discovered was found in 1991 orbiting a pulsar. Obviously that wouldn’t really be a very habitable place to live. The first super earth found orbiting a main sequence star was found in 2005, orbiting the star Gliese 876. It’s estimated to have 7.5 times the mass of the Earth, and orbits its parent star every 2 days. With such a short orbital period, you can expect that it’s orbiting very close to its parent star. Temperatures on the surface of the planet reach 650 kelvin.

The first super earth found within its star’ habitable zone was Gliese 581 c. It’s estimated to have 5 Earth masses, and orbits its parent star at a distance of 0.073 astronomical units (1 AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun). That’s pretty close to the star, and Gliese 581 c would probably have a runaway greenhouse effect, similar to Venus. But right beside that is Gliese 581 d, with a mass of 7.7 Earths and an orbit of 0.22 AU. This planet could very well have liquid water on its surface.

The smallest super Earth discovered so far is MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb, which has only 3.3 times the mass of the Earth, and was orbiting a brown dwarf star. But this record will probably be beaten by the time you read this, as planet hunters get better. It’s only a matter of time before a true Earthlike planet is discovered.

We have written many articles about super Earths. Here’s an article speculating on the kinds of atmospheres that super Earths might have, and another article about how similar super Earths really are to our own planet.

Here’s an artist’s impression of a super Earth features on NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day website, and here’s an article from NASA about super Earths.

We also recorded an episode of Astronomy Cast dealing with the different kinds of extrasolar planets you can find. Listen to it here. Episode 125: A Zoo of Extrasolar Planets.

Source: Wikipedia

Destruction of Earth

Planet Killer
Artist's conception of an asteroid hitting Earth.

Want to destroy the Earth? It’s harder than it sounds. That’s because the Earth is held together by the mutual gravity of 5.97 x 1024 tonnes of rock and metal. In order to blast the Earth apart, you would need to introduce more energy than the gravitational energy holding the whole planet together.

Think about it, if you wanted to bring about the destruction of Earth, you can’t just fly in your orbiting death star and fire a turbo laser at the planet. You might melt a little spot, but it’s not going to cause the planet to detonate like it did in Star Wars. Add up the mutual gravitational attraction of every atom in the Earth, and that’s how much energy you would need coming out of your laser. A laser powerful enough could vaporize the rock and metal and let it escape out into space. Keep that laser firing for billions of years and it should do the trick.

Another possibility would be to strike the Earth with an asteroid large enough to smash the planet. We’ve been hit by millions of asteroids in the past, and one was even thought to have formed the Moon. It would take an object the size of Mars slamming into Earth at more than 11 km/s to actually shatter the planet.

Instead of burning it, or smashing it, you could change the Earth’s orbit into a downward spiral into the Sun. After a few million years the planet would be burned up and destroyed by the Sun. Problem solved. In order to actually shift the Earth’s orbit, you would need to move a heavy asteroid so that it gently nudges the Earth into a spiraling orbit.

Of course, you could just bring an equivalent amount of antimatter, and let the Earth and anti-Earth collide together. The entire Earth would be annihilated in a heartbeat, leaving a flash of energy. Earth destroyed, problem solved.

But in the end, the Earth will likely be destroyed when it’s swallowed up by the Sun in about 7 billion years. When the Sun runs out of fuel, it will expand in size, becoming a red giant star. Astronomers agree it will swallow up Mercury and Venus, but they aren’t sure if it will get so large that it reaches the Earth. But whatever happens, the surface of the Earth will be scorched.

If that doesn’t completely destroy the Earth, you’ll need to wait trillions of years for the planet to get sucked into some black hole. And if that never happens, it might take 10100 years for the atoms that make up the Earth to decay into pure energy.

Then, the destruction of Earth will be complete.

This is a just a taste of the monumental amount of work it would take to bring about the destruction of Earth. Perhaps the best article every written on the subject is over here at Things of Interest.

You should also read Phil Plait’s book, Death from the Skies, which looks at all the different ways the Universe is trying to kill us.

Want more resources on the Earth? Here’s a link to NASA’s Human Spaceflight page, and here’s NASA’s Visible Earth.

We have also recorded a two-part episode of Astronomy Cast about the End of Everything (including the Earth). Here’s part 1, and here’s part 2.


What Causes Tides?

The Earth is a water-dominated planet. (Image credit: Ian O'Neill)

Tides refer to the rise and fall of our oceans’ surfaces. It is caused by the attractive forces of the Moon and Sun’s gravitational fields as well as the centrifugal force due to the Earth’s spin. As the positions of these celestial bodies change, so do the surfaces’ heights. For example, when the Sun and Moon are aligned with the Earth, water levels in ocean surfaces fronting them are pulled and subsequently rise.

The Moon, although much smaller than the Sun, is much closer. Now, gravitational forces decrease rapidly as the distance between two masses widen. Thus, the Moon’s gravity has a larger effect on tides than the Sun. In fact, the Sun’s effect is only about half that of the Moon’s.

Since the total mass of the oceans does not change when this happens, part of it that was added to the high water regions must have come from somewhere. These mass-depleted regions then experience low water levels. Hence, if water on a beach near you is advancing, you can be sure that in other parts of the world, it is receding.

Most illustrations containing the Sun, Moon, Earth and tides depict tides to be most pronounced in regions near or at the equator. On the contrary, it is actually in these regions where the difference in high tide and low tide are not as great as those in other places in the world.

This is because the bulging of the oceans’ surface follows the Moon’s orbital plane. Now, this plane is not in line with the Earth’s equatorial plane. Instead, it actually makes a 23-degree angle relative to it. This essentially allows the water levels at the equator to seesaw within a relatively smaller range (compared to the ranges in other places) as the orbiting moon pulls the oceans’ water.

Not all tides are caused by the relative positions of these celestial bodies. Some bodies of water, like those that are relatively shallow compared to oceans, experience changing water levels because of variations in the surrounding atmospheric pressure. There are also other extreme situations wherein tides are manifested but have nothing to do with astronomical positioning.

A tidal wave or tsunami, for example, makes use of the word ‘tide’ and actually exhibits rise and fall of water levels (in fact, it is very noticeable). However, this phenomena is caused entirely by a displacement of a huge amount of water due to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, underwater explosions, and others. All these causes take place on the Earth’s surface and have nothing to do with the Moon or Sun.

A thorough study of tides was conducted by Isaac Newton and included in his published work entitled Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

We have some related articles here that may interest you:

There’s more about it at NASA. Here are a couple of sources there:

Here are two episodes at Astronomy Cast that you might want to check out as well:

Princeton University

After Loss of Lunar Orbiter, India Looks to Mars Mission

India Moon Mission
Artist concept of Chandrayaan-1 orbiting the moon. Credit: ISRO

After giving up on re-establishing contact with the Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Chairman G. Madhavan Nair announced the space agency hopes to launch its first mission to Mars sometime between 2013 and 2015. Nair said the termination of Chandrayaan-1, although sad, is not a setback and India will move ahead with its plans for the Chandrayaan-2 mission to land an unmanned rover on the moon’s surface to prospect for chemicals, and in four to six years launch a robotic mission to Mars.

“We have given a call for proposal to different scientific communities,” Nair told reporters. “Depending on the type of experiments they propose, we will be able to plan the mission. The mission is at conceptual stage and will be taken up after Chandrayaan-2.”

On the decision to quickly pull the plug on Chandrayaan-1, Nair said, “There was no possibility of retrieving it. (But) it was a great success. We could collect a large volume of data, including more than 70,000 images of the moon. In that sense, 95 percent of the objective was completed.”

Contact with Chandrayaan-1 may have been lost because its antenna rotated out of direct contact with Earth, ISRO officials said. Earlier this year, the spacecraft lost both its primary and back-up star sensors, which use the positions of stars to orient the spacecraft.

The loss of Chandrayaan-1 comes less than a week after the spacecraft’s orbit was adjusted to team up with NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter for a Bi-static radar experiment. During the maneuver, Chandrayaan-1 fired its radar beam into Erlanger Crater on the moon’s north pole. Both spacecraft listened for echoes that might indicate the presence of water ice – a precious resource for future lunar explorers. The results of that experiment have not yet been released.

Chandrayaan-1 craft was designed to orbit the moon for two years, but lasted 315 days. It will take about 1,000 days until it crashes to the lunar surface and is being tracked by the U.S. and Russia, ISRO said.

The Chandrayaan I had 11 payloads, including a terrain-mapping camera designed to create a three-dimensional atlas of the moon. It is also carrying mapping instruments for the European Space Agency, radiation-measuring equipment for the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and two devices for NASA, including the radar instrument to assess mineral composition and look for ice deposits. India launched its first rocket in 1963 and first satellite in 1975. The country’s satellite program is one of the largest communication systems in the world.

Sources: New Scientist, Xinhuanet

Solar System Orbits

Take a look at the Solar System from above, and you can see that the planets make nice circular orbits around the Sun. But dwarf planet’s Pluto’s orbit is very different. It’s highly elliptical, traveling around the Sun in a squashed circle. And Pluto’s orbit is highly inclined, traveling at an angle of 17-degrees. This strange orbit gives Pluto some unusual characteristics, sometimes bringing it within the orbit of Neptune. Credit: NASA

One of the International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) requirements for a celestial body to be classified as a planet (or a dwarf planet) is that it orbits the Sun. All of the planets have different orbits, which affect many of the planets’ other characteristics.

Since Pluto became a dwarf planet, Mercury is the planet with the most eccentric orbit. The eccentricity of an orbit is the measurement of how different the orbit is from a circular shape. If an orbit is a perfect circle, its eccentricity is zero. As the orbit becomes more elliptical, the eccentricity increases. Mercury’s orbit ranges from 46 million kilometers from the Sun to 70 million kilometers from the Sun.

Venus, which is right next to Mercury, has the least eccentric orbit of any of the planet in the Solar System. Its orbit ranges between 107 million km and 109 million km from the Sun and has an eccentricity of .007 giving it a nearly perfect circle for its orbit.

Earth also has a relatively circular orbit with an eccentricity of .017. Earth has a perihelion of 147 million kilometers; the perihelion is the closest point to the Sun in an object’s orbit. Our planet has an aphelion of 152 million kilometers. An aphelion is the furthest point from the Sun in an object’s orbit.

Mars has one of the most eccentric orbits in our Solar System at .093. Its perihelion is 207 million kilometers, and it has an aphelion of 249 million kilometers.

Jupiter has a perihelion of 741 million kilometers and an aphelion of 778 million kilometers. Its eccentricity is .048. Jupiter takes 11.86 years to orbit the Sun. Although this seems a long time compared to the time our own planet takes to orbit, it is only a fraction of the time of some of the other planets’ orbits.

Saturn is 1.35 billion kilometers at its perihelion and 1.51 billion kilometers from the Sun at its furthest point. It has an eccentricity of .056. Since it was first discovered in 1610, Saturn has only orbited the Sun 13 times because it takes 29.7 years to orbit once.

Uranus is 2.75 billion miles from the Sun at its closest point and 3 billion miles from the Sun at its aphelion. It has an eccentricity of .047 and takes 84.3 years to orbit the Sun. Uranus has such an extreme axial tilt (97.8°) that rotates on its side. This causes radical changes in seasons.

Neptune is the furthest planet from the Sun with a perihelion of 4.45 billion kilometers and an aphelion of 4.55 billion kilometers. It has an eccentricity of .009, which is almost as low as Venus’ eccentricity. It takes Neptune 164.8 years to orbit the Sun.

Universe Today has articles on orbits of the planets and asteroid orbits.

For more information, check out articles on an overview of the Solar System and new planet orbits backwards.

Astronomy Cast has episodes on all the planets including Mercury.

NASA: Transits of Mercury
NASA: Solar System Math
NASA: Mars, You’re So Complicated
NASA Solar System Exploration

Radius of the Planets

Size of the planets compared.


One way to measure the size of the planets is by radius. Radius is the measurement from the center of an object to the edge of it.

Mercury is the smallest planet with a radius of only 2,440 km at its equator. Mercury is not that much larger than the Moon, and it is actually smaller than some of our Solar System’s larger satellites, such as Titan. Despite Mercury’s small size, it is actually dense with higher gravity than you would expect for its size.

Venus has a radius of 6,052 kilometers, which is only a few hundred kilometers smaller than Earth’s radius. Most planets have a radius that is different at the equator than it is at the poles because the planets spin so fast that they flatten out at the poles. Venus has the same diameter at the poles and at the equator though because it spins so slowly.

Earth is the largest of the four inner planets with a radius of 6,378 kilometers at the equator. This is over two times larger than the radius of Mercury. The radius between the poles is 21.3 km less than the radius at the equator because the planet has flattened slightly since it only takes 24 hours to rotate.

Mars is a surprisingly small planet with a radius of 3,396 kilometers at the equator and 3,376 kilometers at the poles. This means that Mars’ radius is only about half of Earth’s radius.

Jupiter is the largest of all the planets. It has a radius of 71,492 kilometers at the equator and a radius of 66,854 kilometers at the poles. This is a difference of 4,638 kilometers, which is almost twice Mercury’s radius. Jupiter has a radius at the equator 11.2 times Earth’s equatorial radius.

Saturn has an equatorial radius of 60,268 kilometers and a radius of 54,364 kilometers at the poles making it the second largest planet in our Solar System. The difference between its two radiuses is a little more than twice the radius of Mercury.

Uranus has an equatorial radius of 25,559 kilometers and a radius of 24,973 kilometers at the poles. Although this is much smaller than Jupiter’s radius, it is around four times the size of Earth’s radius.

Neptune’s equatorial radius of 24,764 kilometers makes it the smallest of the four outer planets. The planet has a radius of 24,341 kilometers at the poles. Neptune’s radius is almost four times the size of Earth’s radius, but it is only about a third of Jupiter’s radius.

Universe Today has articles on the radius of Neptune and the size of the planets.

If you are looking for more information, check out NASA’s Solar System exploration page, and here’s a link to NASA’s Solar System Simulator.

Astronomy Cast has an episode on Venus and more on all the planets.

Volume of the Planets

Planets and other objects in our Solar System. Credit: NASA.


There are a number of measurements that astronomers use, including mass, surface area, diameter, and radius, to determine the the size of the planets. Volume is one measurement of the size of a planet. It is a measurement of how much three-dimensional space an object occupies. The volumes of the planets, along with other measurements, help astronomers discover the physical composition of the planets in addition to other information about them.

Mercury is the littlest planet in our Solar System with the smallest volume of any planet. It has a volume of 6.083 x 1010 cubic kilometers, which is only 5.4% of Earth’s volume.

Venus is only slightly smaller than Earth with a volume of 9.38 x 1011 km3. That is 86% of the Earth’s volume. This may not seem like Venus is that close in size to our planet,  but Venus is closer in size to Earth than any other planet is.

Earth is the largest of the four inner planets, although it is nothing compared to the gas giants. Earth has a volume of 1.08 x 1012 cubic kilometers.

Mars is actually a rather small planet with a volume of 1.6 x 1011 cubic kilometers. While that is larger than Mercury’s volume and pretty big in general, it is only 15% of Earth’s volume. You could put over six planets the size of Mars inside the Earth.

The largest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter’s size is astounding. Jupiter has a volume of 1.43 x 1015 cubic kilometers. To show what this number means, you could fit 1321 Earths inside of Jupiter. It is hard to imagine how large that actually is.

Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar System. It has a volume of 8.27 x 1014 cubic km. Although it is only a fraction of the size of Jupiter, you could fit 764 Earths inside of the gas giant.

Uranus is a large planet with a volume of 6.833 x 1013 cubic kilometers. You could fit a little more than 63 Earths inside of Uranus, but like the other gas giants, it is not very dense. Comprised mostly of gas, the planet is only about 14.5 times more massive than Earth is.

Neptune is the smallest gas giant in our Solar System, but it is still much larger than any of the inner planets. Neptune has a volume of 6.3 x 1013 cubic kilometers, which is equal to about 57 Earths. Even though Neptune’s volume is much greater than the Earth’s is, the gravity on Neptune is only about 14% greater than it is on Earth. This is due to the gas giant’s small mass.

Universe Today has articles on size of the planets and mass of the planets.

Check out an overview of the Solar System and all about the planets.

Astronomy Cast has an episode on Jupiter and episodes on all the planets.

Mythology of the Planets

Planets and other objects in our Solar System. Credit: NASA.


Thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations turned to the heavens, marveling at their wonders. These ancient people worshipped various gods and often linked their gods with planets in the sky, which they considered to be “wandering stars.”

Mercury gets its name from the winged messenger of the gods. He was also the god of thievery, commerce, and travel. Most likely, the planet got its name from the rate at which it spins.

Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, so it is a fitting name for this brightly shining planet. The only objects in our Solar System brighter than Venus are the Sun and the Moon. Ancient civilizations thought that Venus was two different objects – the Morning Star and the Evening Star. Other civilizations have also associated the planet with love. The Babylonians called the planet Ishtar after their goddess of womanhood and love.

Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman god or goddess, but it is associated with the goddess Terra Mater (Gaea to the Greeks). In mythology, she was the first goddess on Earth and the mother of Uranus. The name Earth comes from Old English and Germanic. It is derived from “eor(th)e” and “ertha,” which mean “ground.” Other civilizations all over the world also developed terms for our planet.

Mars is named after the Roman god of war. The planet got its name from the fact that it is the color of blood.  Other civilizations also named the planets for its red color.

Jupiter was the Roman king of the gods. Considering that Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System, it makes sense that the planet was named after the most important god.

Saturn was named after the Roman god of agriculture and harvest. While the planet may have gotten its name from its golden color, like a field of wheat, it also had to do with its position in the sky. According to mythology, the god Saturn stole the position of king of the gods from his father Uranus. The throne was then stolen by Jupiter.

Uranus was not discovered until the 1800’s, but the astronomers in that time period continued the tradition of naming planets after Roman gods. In mythology, Uranus was the father of Saturn and was at one time the king of the gods.

While Neptune almost ended up being named after one of the astronomers credited with discovering it – Verrier – that was greatly disputed, so it was named after the god of the sea. The name was probably inspired by its blue color.

Pluto is no longer a planet, but it used to be. The dark, cold, former planet was named after the god of the underworld. The first two letters of Pluto are also the initials of the man who predicted  its existence, Percival Lowell.

Universe Today has articles on names of the planets and all the planets.

For more information on the planets check out all about the planets and mythology of the planets.

Astronomy Cast has episodes on all the planets including Saturn.

Surface of the Planets

Planets and other objects in our Solar System. Credit: NASA.


People have been intrigued for centuries by whether life could exist on other planets. While we now know that it is very unlikely that life as we know it could exist on other planets in our Solar System, many people do not know the surface conditions of these various planets.

Mercury resembles nothing so much as a larger version of the Moon. This planet is so close to the Sun that it is actually difficult to observe. The Hubble Space Telescope cannot look at it because it would permanently damage the lens.

Venus’ atmosphere of thick, toxic clouds hides the planet’s surface from view. Scientists and amateurs alike used to think that the planet was covered with thick forests and flora like tropical rainforests on Earth.  When they were finally able to send probes to the planet, they discovered that Venus’ surface was actually more like a vision of hell with a burning landscape that is dotted with volcanoes.

Mars has very diverse terrain. One of the planet’s most famous features is its canals, which early astronomers believed were “man”-made and contained water. These huge canyons were most likely formed by the planet’s crust splitting. Mars is also famous for its red color, which is iron oxide (rust) dust that covers the surface of the entire planet. The surface of Mars is covered with craters, volcanoes, and plains. The largest volcanoes of any planet are on Mars.

Jupiter is a gas giant, so it has no solid surface just a core of liquid metals. Astronomers have created a definition for the surface – the point at which the atmosphere’s pressure is one bar. This region is the lower part of the atmosphere where there are clouds of ammonia ice.

Saturn is also a gas giant so it has no solid surface only varying densities of gas. Like Jupiter, almost all of Saturn is composed of hydrogen with some helium and other elements in trace amounts.

Uranus and Neptune are also gas giants, but they belong to the subcategory of ice giants because of the “ices” in their atmospheres. Uranus’ surface gets its blue color from the methane in the atmosphere. Methane absorbs light that is red or similar to red on the color spectrum leaving only the light near the blue end of the spectrum visible.

Neptune is also blue due to the methane in its atmosphere. Its “surface” has the fastest winds of any planet in the Solar System at up to 2,100 kilometers per hour.

Universe Today has a number of articles including surface of Mars and surface of Mercury.

Check out NASA’s Solar System exploration page, and here’s a link to NASA’s Solar System Simulator.

Astronomy Cast has an episode on each planet including Earth.