Elon Musk

SpaceX Gives More Details on how their Starlink Internet Service Will Work. Less Satellites, Lower Orbit, Shorter Transmission times, Shorter Lifespans

Professor Mark Handley of University College London has created a simulation that demonstrates how SpaceX's space-based internet (Starlink) will work.

6 years ago

SpaceX is going to build a mini-BFR to launch on a Falcon 9

According to Musk's latest update, SpaceX will be conducting a test flight of their BFR system next year using a…

6 years ago

Musk Gives an Update on When a Mars Colony Could be Built

In a recent tweet, SpaceX founder Elon Musk indicated that his company may be able to build a Martian colony…

6 years ago

Elon Musk Reveals who the First Lunar Tourist Will Be

From SpaceX's headquarters in California, Elon Musk announced who will be the first lunar tourist to hitch a ride aboard…

6 years ago

Musk Says that SpaceX will use a Giant Party Balloon to Bring an Upper Stage Back. Wait, what?

Elon Musks hints in a tweet that SpaceX wants to use "giant party balloons" to retrieve upper stage rockets.

7 years ago

Elon Musk Just Shared an Image of the Main Body Tool for Building the BFR. That Thing is F’ing Big!

Elon Musk just released an Instagram post showing a key component of the upcoming BFR - the main body tool…

7 years ago

Wow, Elon Musk Just Deleted the Facebook Pages for SpaceX and Tesla

In response to the news of the Facebook data breach, SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk has chosen to delete…

7 years ago

The First SpaceX BFR Should Make Orbital Launches by 2020

According to a recent interview Musk made at the 2018 SXSW conference, the BFR will be ready to conduct test…

7 years ago

Hard Not to Get a Little Teary Watching this Video from SpaceX About the Falcon Heavy Launch

In honor of the successful launch of the Falcon Heavy, SpaceX has released an inspiring video of the event that…

7 years ago

Here’s How SpaceX is Planning to Recover Rocket Fairings: a Boat With a Net Called Mr. Steven

In their latest attempt to reduce the costs of individual launches, SpaceX is looking to make their rockets payload fairings…

7 years ago