
A Moon Might Have Been Found Orbiting an Exoplanet

A new study by David Kipping and the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler campaign has revealed another exomoon candidate!

3 years ago

Astronomers see a Moon-Forming Disk Around a Super-Jupiter

Recently, astronomers have been finding protoplanetary discs around certain stars.  Their discovery has helped kick off a new work in…

3 years ago

A New Way to Search for Exomoons

We'd love to find another planet like Earth. Not exactly like Earth; that's kind of ridiculous and probably a little…

3 years ago

Incredible! Astronomers see a Moon-Forming Disk Around a Newly Forming Planet

Planetary formation is a complicated, multilayered process.  Even with the influx of data on exoplanets, there are still only two…

3 years ago

The Moons of Rogue Planets Could Have Liquid Surface Water and Thick Atmospheres. They Could be Habitable

A rocky world might not need a star to be habitable. It might just need to orbit a large gas…

3 years ago

Gas and Dust Stop Planets From Eating Their Moons

A team of Japanese researchers have created a new model for moon formation that explains how planets like Saturn end…

4 years ago

Planet Sizes Matter for Habitability Too.

In order to be considered habitable, a planet needs to have liquid water. Cells, the smallest unit of life, need…

5 years ago

Here’s a First. Astronomers See a Moon Forming Around a Baby Exoplanet

Astronomers have discovered, for the first time, moons forming in the disk of debris around a large exoplanet. Astronomers have…

5 years ago

First Exomoon Found! A Neptune-Sized Moon Orbiting a Jupiter-Sized Planet

A pair of astronomers combing through data from the Kepler spacecraft have discovered the first exomoon. The moon is in…

6 years ago

Moons of Confusion: Why Finding Extraterrestrial Life may be Harder than we Thought

Astronomers and planetary scientists thought they knew how to find evidence of life on planets beyond our Solar System. But,…

10 years ago