
An Exoplanet’s Auroral Engine

Located 880 light-years away, a massive gas giant called CoRoT-2b orbits its star at a mere 2 million miles –…

13 years ago

Planetary Habitability Index Proposes A Less “Earth-Centric” View In Search Of Life

[/caption] It's a given. It won't be long until human technology will expand our repertoire of cataloged exoplanets to astronomical…

13 years ago

Shedding Some Light on a Dark Discovery

[/caption] Earlier this month astronomers released news of the darkest exoplanet ever seen: discovered in 2006, the gas giant TrES-2b…

13 years ago

Astronomers Discover a Dark Alien World

[/caption] An exoplanet has been discovered by astronomers that reflects less than one percent of the light it receives from…

13 years ago

Multi-Planet Systems Common in Kepler Findings

  [/caption] Of the 1235 planetary candidates that NASA's Kepler space telescope has found so far, 408 reside in multiple-planet…

13 years ago

Kepler Team Announces New Rocky Planet

  [/caption] Today at the American Astronomical Society conference in Boston, the Kepler team announced the confirmation of a new…

13 years ago

Red Suns and Black Trees: Shedding a New Light on Alien Plants

  [/caption] The grass may definitely not be greener on some alien worlds, suggests a new study from the UK.…

13 years ago