
Comet Hartley 2 Scouted by WISE, Hubble for Upcoming Encounter

[/caption] In a little less than a month, NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft (its current mission is called EPOXI) will fly…

14 years ago

Does Tidal Evolution Cause Stars to Eat Planets?

[/caption] With the success of the Kepler mission, the viability of looking for planets via transits has reached maturity. However,…

14 years ago

Extrasolar Volcanoes May Soon be Detectable

[/caption] We’ve all seen pictures of erupting terrestrial volcanoes from space, and even eruptions on Jupiter’s moon Io in the…

14 years ago

The Origin of Exoplanets

[/caption] We truly live in an amazing time for exoplanet research. It was only 18 years ago the first planet…

14 years ago

Did Kepler Scientist Leak Data? Um, Not Really

[/caption] Mainstream media (MSM) is funny. Well, maybe funny isn't the right word, especially when they hose things up and…

14 years ago

Dropping a Bomb About Exoplanets

[/caption] Not all exoplanets are created equal, and new discoveries about the orbits of newly found extra solar planets could…

14 years ago

Planet of Lava a Former Gas Giant

Matryoshka dolls are a popular novelty for tourists going to Russia to bring home for their children. These dolls, which…

15 years ago

New Observations of TrES-2b May Reveal New Exoplanet

[/caption] For those know their solar system history, the discovery of Neptune is an especially exciting story. Before it was…

15 years ago

Astronomers Find Super-Earth With An Atmosphere

This artist's conception shows the newly discovered super-Earth GJ 1214b, which orbits a red dwarf star 40 light-years from our…

15 years ago

Forming Planets Around Binary Stars

[/caption] Fanciful science fiction and space art frequently depict the lovely visage of a twin sunset where a pair of…

15 years ago