Extra-Terrestrial Life

Another Way to Search for Biosignatures of Alien Life. The Material Blasted out of Asteroid Impacts

According to a new study by an international team of researchers, a good way to look for signs on life…

6 years ago

Life on Europa Would be Protected by Just a Few Centimeters of Ice

Thanks to a new study led by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, future missions to Europa will be more likely to…

6 years ago

Complex Organics Molecules are Bubbling up From Inside Enceladus

According to the last study based on Cassini data, complex organic molecules exist within Enceladus and are being released through…

6 years ago

Could Cyanobacteria Help to Terraform Mars?

A team of international scientists recently conducted a study that indicates that cyanobacteria can conduct photosynthesis in low-light conditions, which…

7 years ago

Could There Be Life in the Cloudtops of Venus?

A new study by a team of international researchers shows how microbial life could exist in Venus' cloud tops, an…

7 years ago

Updates on ‘Oumuamua. Maybe it’s a Comet, Actually. Oh, and no Word From Aliens.

On October 19th, 2017, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System-1 (Pan-STARRS-1) in Hawaii announced the first-ever detection of…

7 years ago

Life on Mars can Survive for Millions of Years Even Right Near the Surface

A new study conducted by a team of Russian scientists has found that microorganisms on Mars can survive the tough…

7 years ago

Ancient Hydrothermal Vents Found on Mars, Could Have Been a Cradle for Life

A new report by an international team of scientists has found evidence of hydrothermal activity in an ancient Mars sea,…

7 years ago

Ultraviolet Light Could Point the Way To Life Throughout the Universe

A new study from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics indicates that UV radiation may be the key to finding…

7 years ago

Building Rovers That Can Detect Life and Sequence DNA on Other Worlds

A team from MIT (with support from NASA) is building an instrument that will be able to test for signs…

8 years ago