
Are Claims of Alien Visitation Causing a Problem to Society?

I’ve been an avid stargazer for a fair few decades now and not once have I seen anything that makes…

4 months ago

Giant Meteor Impacts Might Have Triggered Early Earth’s Plate Tectonics

A new study by an Australian-US team has found that a large impact that happened ca. 3.2 billion years ago…

5 years ago

By Continuously Watching the Moon, we Could Detect Interstellar Meteorites

In a new study, a pair Harvard scientists calculated how often interstellar objects could collide with our Moon, and how…

5 years ago

What Are Fast Radio Bursts?

Here's a big mystery in astronomy: fast radio bursts. Brief shrieks of radio waves coming from space. What are they?…

8 years ago

Do I Believe in UFOs?

Everyone always wants to know if I believe in aliens. They really want to know if I believe in UFOs,…

8 years ago

Will We Find Alien Life Within 20 Years? You Can Bet On It.

During a hearing last week before the U.S. House Science and Technology Committee SETI scientists Seth Shostak and Dan Werthimer…

11 years ago

Aliens Don’t Want To Eat Us, Says Former SETI Director

[/caption] Alien life probably isn't interested in having us for dinner, enslaving us or laying eggs in our bellies, according…

13 years ago

“Snowing Microbes” On Saturn’s Moon?

[/caption] Enceladus, Saturn's 318-mile-wide moon that's become famous for its ice-spraying southern jets, is on astronomers' short list of places…

13 years ago