galactic evolution

Searching for the End of the Universe’s “Dark Age”

According to the most widely accepted cosmological theories, the first stars in the Universe formed a few hundred million years…

5 years ago

An Upcoming Impact With the Magellanic Clouds is Already Causing Star Formation in the Milky Way

A new study presented at the 235th meeting of the AAS this week shows how star formation is already happening…

5 years ago

Watch a Simulation of a Galaxy, From the Big Bang Until the Present Day

The large-scale and highly-detailed TNG50 simulation has allowed scientists to shed new light on the evolution of the cosmos and…

5 years ago

The Most Massive Galaxies Spin More Than Twice as Fast as the Milky Way

Based on new observations of super spiral galaxies, a team of scientists has found that they have massive dark matter…

5 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout: October 7, 2019 – Marina Kounkel talks Stars and How They Form

Hosts:Fraser Cain ( / @fcain)Sondy Springmann (@sondy)Beth Johnson (@planetarypan)Michael Rodruck (@michaelrodruck) This week we welcome Dr. Marina Kounkel, a postdoctoral…

5 years ago

We’re in the Milky Way’s Second Life. Star Formation was Shut Down for Billions of Years

According to a new study, the Milky Way Galaxy experienced two periods of star formation, with a two-billion dormancy period…

6 years ago

Facial Recognition Deep Learning Software is Surprisingly Good at Identifying Galaxies Too

An international team of astronomers recently used deep learning to identify patterns in images of galaxies taken by the Hubble…

7 years ago

Hubble Finds a Galaxy with Almost no Dark Matter

Using data from the Hubble Space Telescope and other ground-based observatories, a team of astronomers have found a galaxy that…

7 years ago

The Universe’s Galaxy Population Just Grew Tenfold

New research from a team of UK scientists shows how the early Universe had 10 times more galaxies than previously…

8 years ago

Best Picture Yet Of Milky Way’s Formation 13.5 Billion Years Ago

A new study of the Milky Way galaxy reveals the ages of different parts of the galaxy, and tells the…

8 years ago