A Star Was Kicked Out of a Globular Cluster by an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole

The M15 Globular Cluster (aka. Great Hercules Cluster). Astronomers suspect the existence of one or more intermediate-mass black holes at its heart. Credit: NASA/ESA/HST
The M15 Globular Cluster (aka. Great Hercules Cluster). Astronomers suspect the existence of one or more intermediate-mass black holes at its heart. Credit: NASA/ESA/HST

Astronomers have solid evidence for the existence of stellar-mass black holes and supermassive black holes. However, evidence for Intermediate Black Holes (IMBHs) is more elusive. Their existence remains hypothetical.

However, study by study, evidence is accumulating for IMBHs. The latest comes from the globular cluster M15, where a fast-moving star suggests the presence of something massive. Could it be an elusive IMBH?

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