
Hubble Has Looked at the 2017 Kilonova Explosion Almost a Dozen Times, Watching it Slowly Fade Away

In 2017, LIGO (Laser-Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) and Virgo detected gravitational waves coming from the merger of two neutron stars.…

5 years ago

Last Year’s Gravitational Wave Detections Failed to Provide a Hint of Any Extra Spatial Dimensions

In a new study, astrophysicists used the gravitational waves from last year's kilonova event to determine if the Universe has…

6 years ago

Superfast Jet of Material Blasted Out From Last Year’s Neutron Star Merger

According to a new study by an international team of astronomers, last year's kilonova event (where two neutron stars merged)…

6 years ago

Okay, Last Year’s Kilonova Did Probably Create a Black Hole

The kilonova event that took place last year, where two neutron stars merged, is now believed to have formed a…

7 years ago

Here’s Something Strange, the Afterglow From Last Year’s Kilonova is Continuing to Brighten

Contrary to what was expected, a team of astronomers has discovered that kilonova event has been brightening ever since it…

7 years ago

Astronomers Set the Limit for Just How Massive Neutron Stars Can Be

Based on recent gravitational wave research, a team of scientists from the University of Frankfurt have placed an upper limit…

7 years ago

Kilonova Neutron Star Collision Probably Left Behind a Black Hole

According to a new study, the recent merger of two neutron stars (which was detected thanks to the gravitational waves…

7 years ago