High Energy Gamma Rays

Merging Black Holes Could Give Astronomers a Way to Detect Hawking Radiation

Nothing lasts forever, including black holes. Over immensely long periods of time, they evaporate, as will other large objects in…

7 months ago

A Pulsar Suddenly Threw Out Radiation 200 Times More Energetic

Pulsars are so dependable you could set your watch to them, sometimes turning hundreds of times a second with incredible…

1 year ago

Gamma Rays Detected Coming From the Crab Nebula

Most people with any interest in astronomy know about the Crab Nebula. It's a supernova remnant in the constellation Taurus,…

5 years ago

To The Extreme… NASA’s Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope Gathers In High Energy

[/caption] It scans the entire visible sky every three hours. Its job is to gather light - but not just…

13 years ago