Infrared Astronomy

Mysterious Alien Dust Hints at Violent Planet Formation

An artist's rendition of colliding planets, the most likely explanation for the warm dust observed around HD 131488. Image credit:…

15 years ago

WISE “First Light” Image Released

Caption: WISE First Light image. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA "In many respects, the most important moment for a telescope is its…

15 years ago

New Studies on the Vela Star Forming Region

[/caption] This week at the AAS meeting scientists revealed two new studies on a star forming region in Vela. The…

15 years ago

First Science Results in from Herschel Telescope

Herschel looks deep inside the heart of a dark cloud located 1000 light years away in the constellation Aquila, the…

15 years ago

WISE Launches to Begin All-Sky Survey (Video)

NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, successfully lifted off this morning on its way to map the entire sky…

15 years ago

NASA to Launch WISE on Friday

NASA is getting WISE to the Universe this Friday. That is, they're launching the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, a new…

15 years ago

Get the Big Picture of the Milky Way at the Adler Planetarium

[/caption] Astronomy is all about getting the big picture of our place in the cosmos, but some pictures are bigger…

15 years ago

Infrared Spectroscopy

[/caption] Infrared spectroscopy is spectroscopy in the infrared (IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is a vital part of…

15 years ago

Herschel Telescope Makes First Test Observations

[/caption] The Herschel Telescope has given us a sneak preview of the infrared observational goodness we can expect from this…

16 years ago