
Uranus is Getting Colder and Now We Know Why

Uranus is an oddball among the Solar System's planets. While most planets' axis of rotation is perpendicular to their orbital…

1 month ago

Millions of Phones Could Map the Earth’s Ionosphere

We are all familiar with the atmosphere of the Earth and part of this, the ionosphere, is a layer of…

1 month ago

A NASA Rocket Has Finally Found Earth’s Global Electric Field

Scientists have discovered that Earth has a third field. We all know about the Earth's magnetic field. And we all…

4 months ago

Astronomers Have a New Way to Bypass Earth's Atmosphere

Radio telescopes have an advantage over optical telescopes, in that radio telescope can be used even in cloudy conditions here…

7 months ago

Millions of Satellites Could Have a Profound Effect on the Earth’s Ionosphere

Hardly a day goes by where a story hits the headlines about our abuse of the Earth’s precious environment be…

1 year ago

What we’ve Learned About Venus From the Parker Solar Probe

The Parker Solar Probe has been getting in a lot of extracurricular activity lately.  Originally designed to observe the Sun,…

4 years ago

The Solar Eclipse Caused a Bow Wave in Earth’s Atmosphere

Scientists have long predicted that an eclipse can create a bow wave in the ionosphere. The August 2017 eclipse, called…

7 years ago

Rare Images of Red Sprites Captured at ESO

At the ESO's observatories located high in the Atacama Desert of Chile, amazing images of distant objects in the Universe are…

10 years ago

Solved: The Mystery of Earth’s Theta Aurora

The mystery of the northern lights – aurora - spans time beyond history and to cultures of both the southern…

10 years ago

NASA’s Independence Day Fireworks from Wallops Investigates Earth’s Global Daytime Dynamo Current

July 4 Morning Fireworks from NASA! A NASA Black Brant V Sounding Rocket launches in support of the Daytime Dynamo…

11 years ago