400 photos. 11 minutes. That's what it took to create this time-lapse of the Earth and stars as the International…
The all-female astronaut walk is back on. Back on March 26th, 2019, NASA was forced to cancel the first all-female…
The International Space Station's usual complement of six astronauts grew by 50% recently, making things a little crowded up there.…
What sounds like a slap-stick comedy shtick is actually solid science. With so much of humanity's space-faring future involving habitats,…
In the digital age, connectivity and bandwidth are important, even if you're in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). And when you're…
The Raikoke Volcano, dormant for a very long time, has awoken from its slumber. The volcanic island is in the…
Using data from the first 22 months of the NICER instruments mission, NASA has constructed a beautiful image of what…
Researchers from Germany are testing a new hybrid life support system aboard the ISS, which uses algae to clean the…
Last week, India shot down one of its own satellites with a missile. According to NASA, the resulting debris field…
NASA has announced that the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule is ready for its first demo flight. After discussions with SpaceX,…