
Hubble Sees Changes in Jupiter’s Red Spot, a Weird Wisp and Rare Waves

Jupiter global map created from still images from the Hubble Space Telescope It's been widely reported,  including at Universe Today, that…

9 years ago

Surveying the “Fossils of Planet Formation”: The Lucy Mission

In February of 2014, NASA's Discovery Program put out the call for mission proposals, one or two of which will…

9 years ago

Guide to October’s Conjunction Mania, See Venus in Daylight

Tomorrow morning might be a good time to call for extra celestial traffic control. A slip of a crescent Moon will join…

9 years ago

Is Jupiter Our Friend Or Enemy?

Like me, you’re probably a little ego-geocentric about the importance of Earth. It’s where you were born, it’s where you…

9 years ago

Jupiter’s Moon Europa

Jupiter's four largest moons - aka. the Galilean Moons, consisting of Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto - are nothing if…

9 years ago

Mars Meets the King of the Beasts

I was up before dawn today hoping to find the returning comet 205P/Giacobini and a faint new supernova in the…

9 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Sept 18, 2015: Planet Hunter Prof. Sara Seager

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guests: Dr. Sara Seager, whose research focuses on computer models of exoplanet atmospheres, interiors, and…

9 years ago

How Many Moons Does Jupiter Have?

Jupiter was appropriately named by the Romans, who chose to name it after the king of the gods. In addition…

9 years ago

The Planet Neptune

Neptune is the eight planet from our Sun and one of the four gas giants, as well as being the…

9 years ago

Could We Terraform the Sun?

In the list of crazy hypothetical ideas, terraforming the Sun has to be one of the top 10. So just…

9 years ago